2021 Term 3, Week 10
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
2024 Enrolments
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
COVID-19 Update
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands
Middle Years Learning Leader
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Pathways News
Community News
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Reflecting on Term 3
We have come to the end of three quarters of the academic year and I am confident that the students and staff of the College are looking forward to a well-earned break.
Term 3 has posed challenges as we continue to navigate the uncertainty that exists around COVID-19. Nonetheless, by having our resilience tested, valuable learning was gained – seeking to have an optimistic view. Beyond that, the term has been a very busy and exciting one, filled with the challenges of learning and study, and many activities and achievements. We have experienced a highly successful Musical, numerous sporting opportunities and successes, events that promoted community and participation, such as RUOK Day, and experiences in and outside of the classroom that encouraged engagement. There is always something happening at our College.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our College staff who have worked incredibly hard to ensure we placed the student experience, growth and support at the centre of our decisions and approaches. We will continue to focus on the importance of routines of learning, even if we are wearing face masks. I also would like to acknowledge all of our students and their ability to be strong, brave and resilient in the face of adversity. The assessment period of the past few weeks has provided them all with the much-needed opportunity to check on their understanding and progress along their learning journey. Our Year 12 students have experienced a ‘mock’ external exam period and this valuable feedback will hopefully ensure that their final weeks before the actual external examinations are focused and supportive.
The break provides an opportunity to take stock of our personal and collective progress. We are blessed to have many students who excel in a wide range of activities, and we do seek to celebrate their achievements, for example, the Scholars’ Assembly included over 200 students. The recognition of Academic Endeavour is particularly special, as we applaud those whose stories are not always told. Not every student will be an academic world-beater, but every student can set goals that will challenge them to improve, seeking to do their individual best. To all who have taken up this challenge and stuck with it, I offer you my congratulations. Taking stock is not only about recalling our successes; it also involves facing up to those times where we may have missed the mark. As students reflect on Term 3, some will acknowledge that the effort may not have been as good as it could have been. This is not always determined by the result, but by the self-knowledge that the potential was there to do better. Let us all commence the final term with the determination to be grateful, to improve and to see beyond those things that get in the way.
COVID-19 Update
The restrictions announced most recently extend to the end of next week – Friday, 24th September. Essentially, the wearing of Face Masks remains.
Should there be any changes, this would be emailed to all parents in a timely manner, certainly in preparation for the start of Term 4. I am particularly mindful that the cases linked to St Thomas More were too close to home. We will remain vigilant and attentive to the latest information.
Later in the Newsletter is a more detailed update, including some of our local areas that have been identified as part of the Contact Tracing. Please take the time to read and address any relevant actions listed.
I pray that everyone has a safe holiday.
God bless,
Damian Bottaccio
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Progress Reports
The final Chisholm Plus+ update for Term 3 will be sent out on Friday, 17th September and the Term 3 Progress Report will be uploaded to the Parent Portal early next term. The results for the assessment pieces that have been completed this term will be included in the Term 3 Progress Report.
Year 7 Immunisations
The Year 7s will receive their second round of immunisations on the first day back of next term, Tuesday, 5th October. This will be done in LB1 and LB2. It is recommended that students have breakfast in the morning before receiving their immunisations.
Mobile Phone Use
A reminder for Term 4 that Mobile Phones are to be kept in lockers between 8.35 and 2.55pm. They are not to be taken to class and used during the day. If students need to be contacted during the day, then messages can be sent through the school office.
Sun Safety
As we move into spring and the warmer weather next term, it is important to remember our sun safety. Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and skin cancer, unlike many other cancers, is largely preventable — by appropriate protection from UV radiation.
Hats are required to be always worn when students are outside the classroom. Students are reminded to apply sunscreen before they attend school as well as using the sunscreen that is available for all PE related classes.
2024 Enrolments
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Mr. Michael Boyle
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal and House Challenge
At last week’s College Assembly, I presented the Challenge Cup to Mitchell House. Altogether, over $700 was raised for our local conference, which will be put to good use in assisting people in neighbouring suburbs. Thank you for your generosity.
Catholic Mission – Socktober
Catholic Mission, as the Australian agency of the Pontifical Mission Society, contributes funding and provides project support to critical Church-run initiatives in Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America as well as remote dioceses within Australia. Catholic Mission creates opportunities for people to be formed in mission, and respond through prayer, fundraising and action, inspiring us to reach out and give life.
Each year, our College supports the work of Catholic Mission.
Socktober for Mission Month is a celebration of and engagement with mission within our College community. Socktober uses a soccer theme to inspire our College community to an awareness of Social Justice in the Developing World.
When we return after the holidays, we will be unveiling our initiatives towards assisting Catholic Mission.
Year 8 and 9 Retreat Days
Next term, Year 9 will experience their Retreat Day, facilitated by Real Talk on Friday, 8th October.
Year 8 will experience their Retreat Day and Cathedrals Excursion on the following days:
- Wednesday, 20th October
- Year 8 Retreat – for classes 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
- Year 8 Cathedral Excursion – for classes 8.2, 8.6, 8.7
- Friday, 22nd October
- Year 8 Cathedral Excursion – for classes 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
- Year 8 Retreat – for classes 8.2, 8.6, 8.7
Once again, students and parents are reminded that these days are a normal school day and student attendance is required. Thank you for your support with this. More information will be emailed to students and parents next term.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
COVID-19 Update
It is in everyone’s interest to monitor the Queensland Government’s website for updates on contact tracing, as well as specific information related to maintaining health and wellbeing. Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)
Local Exposure Sites
The number of exposure sites is growing each day and can be updated at any time. It is important to regularly check exposure sites here.
The locations closest to Chisholm Catholic College are Sunnybank and Mt Gravatt.
Close contacts
If you have been to a close location in Queensland at the relevant times you must do the following:
- immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation and quarantine
- get tested at your earliest opportunity
- complete the online contact tracing form by clicking or tapping on the name for the relevant location in the table below. A pop up window will appear with specific advice for that location and a link to the form
If you are unable to complete the contact tracing form please call 134 COVID (134 268) - continue to quarantine even after receiving a negative result. After you complete the contact tracing form you will be contacted by Queensland Health
- continue to monitor for symptoms while you are quarantined. If you become symptomatic get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result
- as you are a close contact, you and anyone who resides at your home or accommodation are required to quarantine for 14 days from the time you were at the venue.
Casual contacts
If you have been to a casual location at the relevant times you must do the following:
- immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation and quarantine
- get tested at your earliest opportunity
- continue to quarantine until you receive a negative result
- enter your details into the contact tracing form by clicking or tapping on the name for the relevant location in the table below. You will not be contacted by Queensland Health unless additional information about the exposure changes the risk level
- continue to monitor for symptoms, if you become symptomatic get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result.
Low risk contacts
If you have been to a low risk location at the relevant times you must do the following:
- get tested at your earliest convenience but you do not need to quarantine until you receive a negative test result
- continue to monitor for symptoms, if you become symptomatic get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
Once again, 10 weeks have gone very quickly, and we are staring down the September break. Dare I suggest we will hear Christmas Carols soon in the shopping centres. There has been a lot happen in Term 3; SET-Planning, QTAC applications, Unit 2 Assessment, Mock assessments and Subject Selections.
Year 11 students, the holiday period is a great time to consider if you are making any changes for Unit 3. Once we begin there will be no changes to General subjects until the end of 2022. We will hold an information evening in Week 2 of Term 4.
The Year 12s will likely be preparing for External Exams. The Mock Exams give a good indication for what is to follow from Week 4 onwards. Term 4 will be devoted to preparing for these exams. I have mentioned a number of times the importance of keeping on going to the end as small changes in results could impact where a student sits across the Queensland cohort.
Year 12 – The Final Weeks
Next term, the focus in General classes will be firmly on revising the concepts, knowledge and skills from Units 3 and 4. As a College, we have committed to a model where students attend for the first 3 weeks, up to and including Friday, 22nd October. The timetable would operate as usual. In the week beginning the 25th October, teachers would be available for ‘tutorials’ according to the usual timetable. This all serves to give our students the best possible opportunity to do their best.
For students in Applied and Certificate classes, the learning will end on Friday, 22nd October. For many of these classes, assessment would be due in that week.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Mrs. Tracey Williamson
Many parents would know and be aware of the alarming impact of vaping on our young people. A recent night out attending a birthday celebration in the city, highlighted to me how prevalent vaping is. Whilst we continue to share the message with our students of the concerning (known and unknown) health impacts on vaping and the illegality of it, I recommend these resources below to our parents. The Ted Talk by Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin is a real eye opener to the origins of vaping and the trend of uptake in young people, whilst the Qld Health document unpacks the constituents of vape juice and the potential harmful health effects.
What's really in vape juice? | Queensland Health (2 min read)
Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin: What you should know about vaping and e-cigarettes | TED Talk (14 min view)
Year 9 Camp
As you are reading this newsletter, there will be many Year 9s returning from camp a little weary and tired, but hopefully filled with happy and long-lasting memories of their Year 9 Camp experience. The activities that our Year 9s engaged in were archery, mountain biking, abseiling, bush navigation, team challenge and rock climbing. Thank you to our wonderful team of teachers to attended camp with the students. Special thanks to Mr James O’Sullivan and Mrs Angella Evans for organizing the event.
In my last newsletter instalment, I commented on the requirement for our students to follow our Student Behaviour Matrix – being courteous, connected and conscientious. Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of students who are needing frequent reminders on speaking appropriately to each other (both online and in person) and at times the language in the classroom is inappropriate also. As families have expectations within their households to speak politely and appropriately, we too have the same. Students will be suspended from school if their language is inappropriate and offensive. We encourage our students to stop, think and take a breath before saying something inappropriate in the heat of the moment. Our Guidance Counsellors and Pastoral Leaders offer excellent assistance to our students to be able to regulate their language and be more aware of their surroundings.
Term 4 sees our Summer Uniform return. For girls, this means no change. For boys, this means wearing short socks and no tie. The shirt can be worn out also. What hasn’t changed is the expectation for our students to:
- be neat and tidy with clean and pressed uniforms
- have appropriate hairstyles (mullets are not appropriate)
- be free from facial hair, make up and eyelash extensions
- only have one set of piercings and no additional jewelry.
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands
Payment of fees for Term 4 are due by Friday, 1st October 2021. Payment can be made via the Parent Portal by selecting Online School Payments, scrolling down to College Bus Payments and selecting the appropriate amount.
Term 4 will be costed according to the number of weeks students attend school:
- Year 12 – 7 weeks x $6/day = $210.00;
- Years 10 and 11 – 8 weeks x $6/day = $240.00;
- Years 7, 8 and 9 – 9 weeks x $6/day = $270.00.
Please remind your student to use their Chisholm Bus Card to tap on/off the bus. Using the card reduces the loading times in the mornings and afternoons.
There are limited places available on Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood or Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands. If you require a seat for your student/s please send an email to ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au listing your student’s name, days required and whether morning or afternoon. The cost is $3 per trip and payable for the Term in advance. Students using the bus in Term 3 automatically retain their place for Term 4.
Please send any queries to ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au
Middle Years Learning Leader
Mrs. Cassandra Cook
Subject Selection Update
Parents and students have received an email yesterday which outlines the student’s specialisation preferences for 2022. It also includes the reserve subjects, if students are unable to choose their first preferences. Please note, all classes are subject to class sizes and staffing. Students will receive notification of their final subject selections at the end of Term 4, 2021.
Middle Years Certificate of Education (MYCE)
At the beginning of next term, students in Years 8 and 9 will receive a MYCE progress email. In the email, it will outline the student’s Semester One overall results and their accumulated points. It will also acknowledge if the students have passed Religion, Mathematics and English in Semester One. As Year 9 is the introductory year of the MYCE, the certificate will be awarded to students based on their Year 9 results only. For our current Year 8 students, it will be a culmination of their Year 8 and 9 academic results.
Ms. Caroline Padgham
This term, 5 creative and committed students formed a team to compete in the Opti-Minds Regional Challenge. The students gave up their lunch times and afterschool hours to plan, build and perform in 2 challenges. The long-term science and engineering challenge was to design a machine that is a celebration of belonging. The students made Rube-Goldberg machines out of recycled cardboard that eventuated in knocking cups over which dyed a rainbow flag. Each part was symbolic of working together, blending ideas and demonstrating belonging. This year, Opti-Minds moved to an online platform, so their submissions were videotaped and uploaded online.
The team won 1st Place in their division and more importantly won a “Spirit of Opti-minds” award for their perseverance and enthusiasm! Congratulations to Ella, Jennifer, Jack, Jake and Molly for their amazing effort. They have qualified for the upcoming finals.
Chis Culture News
Creative Arts Night Update
This year we are experimenting with a different format for Creative Arts Night given the uncertainty of COVID. Throughout Term 4, various performances will be recorded and released via Chisholm+ for the entire school community to watch and engage in. More details about this experience will be communicated next term.
Visual Art Exhibition
Our Visual Art Exhibition will continue as normal this year between Tuesday, 12th until Friday, 15th of October in the Caroline Chisholm Centre. The exhibition will feature work from students from Year 7 – 12 and will be open to students and the student community at selected lunches and afternoons. For further information see the attached poster.
Live Performances
Over the last two weeks our Drama students have had the awesome experience of attending live performances.
Ishmael presented by Dead Puppet Society
On Wednesday night, Year 9, 10 and 11 Drama students attended the performance of Ishamel presented by Dead Puppet Society at the Cremorne Theatre, QPAC. The performance was a reimagined version of ‘Moby Dick’ set in a resource depleted earth in the year 3022 when Ishmael, a young climate refugee, voyages to the outer solar system. Students were captivated by the use of mediatized drama to show space travel and visual theatre to retell the classic tale. In addition, they enjoyed the behind-the-scenes glimpse that the performance offered as it peeled back the curtains and used life sized puppet models to create place.
Here is what students thought:
“The production of Ishmael was captivating. The passion that was felt from the performance was inspiring and the stage set was smartly designed. The storyline itself was intriguing, it always kept me wanting to know what will happen next. The performers were enthusiastic and clearly understood their role, embodying the character and atmosphere. Overall, a fabulous production and full credits to everyone who assisted in the creation of the performance”. Ava Mathews (Year 10)
“Ishmael was an amazing play and they used a very creative way to set scenes, the actors that are not on set would be off to the side using 3D models and videoing it live onto the projection on stage, the 3D models could be big scenes that could rotate or just be a simple rocket on a stick, the story was a very cool futuristic/post-apocalyptic event that was both action packed, and emotional, on top of all that, it was somehow done by only 5 people on that night (3 actors, 2 front of house and lighting), 10/10”. Jack Marcon (Year 9)
Prankster presented by Shake Stir Theatre Co.
On Monday afternoon, the 13th of September, students in Years 7 and 8 Drama were treated to a performance of ‘Prankster’ by Shake and Stir Theatre Company at the College. Based on the true stories provided by Australian teenagers, the performance followed Nix, a teen with a desire to be famous on Instagram, so much so that he was willing to do anything for it. He didn’t anticipate the disastrous effects that were to follow. After the performance, students then had a Q & A with actors Eli, Nick and Maddi and were able to ask them questions about the characters, plot, touring and becoming an actor.
Here’s what students thought of the performance:
“I thought it was going to be one of those cringey shows that we watched in primary school, but it was actually really good and very relatable” – Cienna Plant (Year 8)
“The acting was very realistic. The way that their movements changed between the characters that they played was really impressive” – Samantha Densmore (Year 8)
“The play taught us about cyber safety through a funny and entertaining way” – Charlize Wilson (Year 8)
“I thought it was pretty funny and created awareness about being safe online” – Axel Raisch (Year 7)
“It was entertaining and funny, the message behind it was very visible to me” – Annika Smith (Year 7)
“This performance should be watched by everyone because it can teach you about cyber bulling, friendship and the law” – Savannah Wilton (Year 7)
“The performance explored friendship, conscience and betrayal and showed us the consequences of not following the law” – Caitlin Osborne & Sophie (Year 7)
Instrumental Program
It’s never too late to learn a new instrument!
At Chisholm, we have Instrumental Tutors who are excellent in playing and teaching their expert instruments. We offer lessons in piano, violin, viola, flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drums, guitar and bass guitar.
We also offer an opportunity to learn strings (violin and viola) with a group through our String Ensemble Program.
As the term ends, we encourage you to have a conversation with your child to give learning an instrument a go or take it up again in Term 4. It is a great opportunity to learn from an expert and develop the discipline of rehearsal and commitment through something enjoyable.
Please fill in the expression of interest form by clicking on the link below.
Please complete this form and submit by Term 4, Week 1 (8th October 2021).
String Ensemble
We invite any student who plays the violin and the viola to join the String Ensemble held once a week in Term 4 during Lunch 2. This is a free opportunity to learn with a group!
Please email mpicart@bne.catholic.edu.au for your interests.
"When words fail, music speaks" - William Shakespeare
Sport News
Mr. Andrew Ryan
The COVID-effect has taken its toll on Term 3 sport, with two major carnivals and a gala day all cancelled following the mid-term lockdown. Luckily, however, students were able to enjoy the SECA Rugby 7’s Gala Day on Tuesday of Week 10, with the Junior Girls playing at Bill Norris Oval in Beenleigh, and the Boys teams travelling all the way to Southpine Sporting Complex on the Northside.
Chisholm fielded teams in U14 Girls, and U14, U16 and U18 in the Boys competition. All teams were able to enjoy some success throughout the day, with our U16 Boys displaying the most prowess, finishing third in their competition. Most importantly, students were able to experience a sport which most hadn’t played before, and they had plenty of fun on an awesome day out.
Ms. Stacey Thompson
Football News
Last week, the Year 7 and 8 Boys teams both played Cavendish Road SHS in the SEQ Metropolitan semi-finals after progressing through the quarter finals last week. Both games went to a penalty shootout after the score being a draw at full time, with Chisholm being successful in both. They will now progress to the Metro Grand Final against Kelvin Grove SHS and Aspley SHS respectively. Wishing both teams the best of luck!
Basketball News
The Open Boys, Open Girls and Year 10 Boys competed at the SEQ Metropolitan Finals last week at Cornubia Insports. All three teams won their semi-final and progressed into the grand final round. Unfortunately, the teams didn’t get the win, however a runner up in these age groups is still a massive achievement. Congratulations to all teams and Coach Zac Dunfee for your efforts and hard work.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Year 12
Post-secondary pathway meetings are almost complete for all students – if you are one of the few who have not made an appointment, please do so ASAP. A reminder if you have not paid for your QTAC application, it is advised you do so by the end of October.
To all students eligible for EAS submissions, I will support you with this aspect of applications after the mid-semester break. If I have sent documentation to you, please work on your draft submission over the holidays.
Early close dates apply for students applying for competitive Health degrees and Creative Industries. This includes degrees in design (fashion, visual arts, dance, music), dentistry and medicine. Dates and requirements for specific institutions are available at QTAC.
Year 11
Congratulations on completing your Exam Block and finishing Unit 2! Tracking meetings will commence after the break to review your SET Plan and track your QCE credits. Further information will be sent out in Week 1 next term with details about how to make an appointment time.
Griffith University Update
Before you sign off to enjoy the school holidays, all senior students should consider the exciting opportunities available at Griffith University over the break.
Experience Days for Year 11 and 12 Students
Griffith invites you to get a feel for life as a Griffith University student at their Experience Days. Explore a Griffith University campus, tour lecture theatres and labs and get hands-on with interactive sessions dedicated to different fields of study. Register online at Griffith Experience Days.
Campus Tours
Griffith are running campus tours at the Gold Coast, South Bank and Nathan campuses throughout the school holidays. Students and parents are welcome to check out some of the facilities on a guided tour led by a current student. Book online at Griffith Campus Tours.
Online Chats – 3-5pm throughout September
Griffith University study advisors will be online every weekday during September to chat with students between 3pm - 5pm. Get your questions answered about applying, early entry and guaranteed offer schemes, scholarships, and opportunities available through a Griffith University degree. Access the Chat at Griffith's Online Chats.
Career Exploration
myfuture is a great online resource to assist you in quality career research, especially as many of you are making key decisions about senior schooling or life after school. On the myfuture website you can find information about:
- My career profile - complete activities to identify interests, values and skills and view suggested occupations to explore career pathways.
- Occupations - explore over 350 occupations describing tasks, skill levels and current labour market information.
- Industries - access important information (including employment prospects) for each industry.
- Career articles - discover practical information to support your career exploration.
- Courses - discover a course for you by viewing current higher education and vocational education and training (VET) courses.
- Institutions - learn more about educational institutions and what opportunities and further study options are available.
- Career bullseyes - find out what career pathways are related to school learning areas.
- Career stories - learn tips and tricks by reading real-life career stories about personal experiences.
- Organisations - Discover career resources, opportunities, and possible career pathways.
Signing up to the site is required, but the service is free, and the only personal information required is your email address and postcode.
Community News
Building Mentally Healthy Kids
Catholic School Parents Queensland invite Catholic School Parents and Carers, Principals and School staff to attend a free online evening webinar
with Andrew Fuller.
Thursday 7 October 7-8pm on Zoom.
Andrew is a Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist, Author, Speaker
and Creator of 'Learning Strengths'.
This webinar is to support our children's learning and wellbeing.
Topics suitable for all ages Prep to Yr 12 and will include;
Resilience, Friendship and relationship skills,
Neurochemistry and parenting, Parenting tricky kids,
Creating happy kids, Building self-esteem
and dealing with set backs.
Please click on the link below to view our event website and register online.
A zoom link for the webinar will then be emailed to you.
Click here for details and to register