2021 Term 4, Week 2
Principal's News
Term 4 has Begun!
We come to the end of Week 2 and it is very much the reality that our students and teachers are engaged in learning. We were fortunate to not have a disjointed start to the Term, though there was visible concern last week that a ‘Lockdown’ may be called. This week has been much better with the easing of restrictions, permitting us to see faces in our classrooms.
Our Year 12s have a week to go before the commencement of External Exams. We wish them every success as they navigate these last few days of revision with their teachers and peers – preparing for what is a challenging time. We do believe that our approach to preparing students is ideal, seeking to maintain normality as much as possible.
Our Year 11s have commenced Unit 3, essentially commencing their final year of study. For all other year levels, new learning offers the chance to set new goals and to develop strategies and habits that ensures greater success. For our Year 9 students, they will be progressing towards the final stages for achieving their Middle Years Certificate of Education (MYCE). This initiative aims to support learners in seeking to do their best.
Term 4 is typically quieter in respect to cocurricular events; however, our ‘All the Way to Eleven’ Rock Band did feature at the Battle of the Rock Bands, hosted by Clairvaux MacKillop College last week. Their result is a testament to the talent we have in the group and the College – simply amazing!! Over the course of the weekend, we have three teams competing at the Champion Basketball School Queensland Junior (CBSQJ) State Championships. This is tough competition and will challenge our teams appropriately. Also, the Art Exhibition that was held this week was a showcasing of the amazing artistic talent in our College. You will see images later in the Newsletter that justify my views.
Annual Awards Night
The Annual Awards Evening will be held on the evening of Wednesday, 17th November.
At this stage, we are committed to celebrating this important event ‘live’, but will also be presenting virtually. We did this last year and found it to be very effective. The preparations that go into presenting an Awards Night are significant, so we wanted to bring this to everyone’s attention at this time.
We do expect that attendance will be limited and that social distancing requirements will need to be established. Clearly, should there be any changes, this would be communicated in a timely manner.
Catholic School Parents – Opportunities for Parents
The Catholic School Parents Queensland organisation supports Catholic schools and college’s, specifically the Parent’s and Citizen’s Association (PCA), or equivalent, with how they function as a voice for parents. One such method of support is through providing access to a variety of resources that assist with our important role as parents.
Under 'Community News' in our newsletter are all the details for one such opportunity. I highly recommend it to all parents.
Identifying & Building Your Child’s Strengths is the title of a webinar hosted by Catholic School Parents Qld. It is being led by renowned Child Psychologist, Andrew Fuller and will be held on Tuesday, 19th October from 7-8pm. Registration details below.
Click here for details and to register
For enquiries contact Catholic School Parents Queensland
info@cspq.catholic.edu.au or telephone us on 3905 9730
Deputy Principal's News
Student Led Conferences
The Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday, 19th October from 3.30 -6.00pm. Again, they will completely be available face to face and online. The information regarding making a booking was contained in the email that was sent last week. It is pleasing to see that many interview bookings have already been made.
Co-Curricular Photos
Next Thursday, 21st October we will be taking photos for some of our Co-Curricular activities. Students will receive information early next week about the schedule and uniform requirements for the day.
Bike Safety
Bike safety is very important for all students who ride to school. It is very important that students wear helmets for their safety and it is a legal requirement. Students also need to take care when crossing the road at the front gate as there is a lot of traffic coming in and out during the afternoon.
2021 Public Speaking
On Thursday, we were able to hold our annual Public Speaking Competition. It was pleasing to see so many students volunteer to perform for their house. The high quality of the speeches ensured that the competition was tough in all grades and the final result for the House Trophy was very close. Congratulations to Oodgeroo for taking out the Public Speaking Trophy for the third year in a row. Thanks must also go to the students who volunteered to help, our staff who volunteered to be the judges and to Mr. Meikle for his wonderful organization of the event.
Yr 7 | Yr 8 | Yr 9 | Yr 10 | Yr 11 | Yr 12 | |
1 | Rachael Senini | Noah Teunis | Ella Marshall | Ashaya McHenry | Gerry James | Kasey Chapman |
2 | Lewis Kemp | Mackenzie Knyvett | Jacqueline Lawler | Kyra Farao | Megan Leafe | Caitlin Balke |
3 | Corban Ostle | Dean Sherry | Erin Mayes | Ava Matthews | Summer Smith | Lauren Chewter |
House Results
1. Oodgeroo
2. MacKillop
3. Namatjira
4. Flynn
5. Parer
6. Mitchell
Public Speaking Winners
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Each year, Chisholm participates in Socktober which is run by Catholic Mission.
Socktober invites students to engage with developing world issues through the universal language of sport. Young people are challenged to ‘Sock it to Poverty’ using the world game of soccer.
This year, students at Chisholm are encouraged to not only learn about Thailand and the work of the Church there, but to do something extraordinary for Mission through the fundraising, advocacy and prayers provided through Socktober.
On Thursday, 21st October, we will be having a Crazy Sock Day in which students are encouraged to wear their Sports Uniform with crazy socks – for a Gold Coin donation. All money raised will be donated to Catholic Mission:
- $30 can help purchase food, school uniforms and books for kindergarten children in Thailand
- $75 can help towards purchasing sports equipment for children with disabilities in Thailand
- $393 can go towards the costs of medical support and physiotherapy for children with disabilities in Thailand
To learn more about the work of Catholic Mission in Cambodia, please go to:
2021 World Mission Month Appeal | Catholic Mission - YouTube
This is also a House Challenge in which our six Pastoral Houses compete to see which House will raise the most money. Please support us with this valuable activity.
Year 8 and 9 Retreat Days
Next week, our Year 8 students will experience their Retreat Day and Cathedrals Excursion on the following days:
Wednesday, 20th October
Year 8 Retreat – for classes 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
Year 8 Cathedral Excursion – for classes 8.2, 8.6, 8.7
Friday, 22nd October
Year 8 Cathedral Excursion – for classes 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
Year 8 Retreat – for classes 8.2, 8.6, 8.7
Once again, students and parents are reminded that these days are a normal school day and student attendance is required. Thank you for your support with this. More information about the Cathedral excursion (including the Permission Slip) will be emailed to parents and carers.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
The Year 12 teachers and students have had a heavy workload leading up to the end of the year! In Week 9 of Term 3, students in General subjects undertook a Mock Exam block. In General classes, students are now preparing for their External Exams. It is important that they use this time effectively as small changes can be significant when results are compared to the whole of the state, either up or down.
During class time, students should be creating Mind Maps, timelines, and practising questions to fill in gaps of their knowledge, gain familiarity with exam questions and responses from last year and to solidify knowledge.
The following information is relevant to all year levels
Some key takeaways to help you on your way to study success:
- Break your study up into manageable 20-minute chunks. Get some more info about setting small goals here.
- Talk about it or say it out loud. When you say something out loud, you'll find it much easier to remember it. Chatting with someone about what you're studying is even better.
- Remove the distractions. Put your phone on silent and out of reach and turn off the pop-up notifications on your computer. Research shows that it can take up to 20 minutes to refocus on what you're doing once you've been distracted.
- Take breaks. If you plan your study chunks with breaks in between, having the time away can help you to come back refreshed.
- Get some sleep! Getting a good night's rest helps your brain and body to rest and recharge. In fact, you'll do better at your exams and remember more of what you studied if you get a good night's sleep, rather than if you stayed up late studying.
Other things you can do include eating the right foods, perfecting your time management skills, and knowing when to take a break from studying and getting some physical activity or social time in.
The Year 11 students are now into their Unit 3 work, particularly in their General subjects. Therefore, if students are contemplating changes, they are only able to do it now. Next year will be too late. If students are not happy with results, then adapting some better study habits as attached will benefit. On Tuesday night, we were to have an information evening, key messages can be found by following this link.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
TikTok Trouble
In a time where Social Media is more powerful than ever and could be used for good, it is disheartening to see the damaging and destructive effects like the recent Tik Tok craze “Devious Licks Challenge”. You may have seen this report on Channel 9 last week highlighting the widespread impact from students stealing and vandalizing school property. The good news is that our College community has rejected this stupidity. We have bucked the TikTok trend and these acts of vandalism and shameless disregard for our resources have not been seen.
We have a firm stance and high expectations of our students regarding their behaviour and we are also very confident that the newest challenge ‘Smack a Teacher’ will not be followed also. It goes without saying that the College will have very strong consequences for any student who touches a staff member inappropriately. If you have not seen this report or are not aware of this TikTok challenge, I encourage you to do so and speak with your child about the potential impact of their actions.
Mental Health Check in October
Sunday, 10th October was Mental Health Day and October is Mental Health Month. National Mental Health Month is an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) to advocate and raise awareness of Australian mental health. It is an important time where the Australian community comes together to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all. Throughout this month, many events have been organised in each state of Australia aiming to attract and unite Australians of all ages and backgrounds to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all. We encourage our community to get involved. Please click on the links below for additional information.
National Mental Health Month 2021 (mhfa.org.au)
LAYMHA (lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia.org.au)
From the Campus Minister
Year 5/6 Formation Day: Living Saints
On Monday, several students had the opportunity to share their talents and be Peer Ministers at a Brisbane Catholic Education, #YouthMinistry initiative: Years 5/6 Formation Day.
We travelled to St Anthony’s and met up with students and staff from several Catholic Primary schools including our close neighbours from St Matthew’s, Loganholme and St Carmel’s.
Together they explored the theme of becoming Living Saints, every day of our lives, by living the gifts of the Beatitudes. The lives of young saints were made known by storytelling and Creative workshops helped open the understanding of the Beatitudes. One example of this being learning about the story of St Kateri Tekawitha – a young Native American woman who has a deep love for God & Jesus – which she experienced through the environment; St Kateri also experienced hardship as she was rejected by some for her faith. The focus was gratitude for all of God’s creation. The response saw students making a rock mandala focussing on what they were most grateful for in nature. Other workshops saw Trading cards and Lego being used for a higher purpose.
Our students were wonderful role models for the primary students – they were encouraging and supportive of all. One of our students commented that she too felt encouraged by the welcoming and joyful attitude of the younger students and it was a reminder to stay pure in heart and make new connections with others.
If you would like to refresh your memory of the Beatitudes – here is a link:
The Beatitudes | Loyola Press
May we all continue to live a life following the Catholic teachings of Jesus.
Jo-Anne Ibell
Campus minister
From the Pastoral Leaders
On Wednesday, Year 8 students listened to a presentation during their STRETCH lesson called ‘ThinkUKnow’. Information was presented by Police Liaison Officers from the Logan Cultural Unit which focused on cyber safety, sharing of images and information and online privacy. The students will continue to focus on the ‘Digital World’ and their ‘Digital Footprint’ this term including information that should and should not be shared online, how to maintain a positive online presence and profile, and the effects of technology on mental health.
For more information, students and families can access resources at Resources | ThinkUKnow and for assistance or support in related matters, information can be found at Get help | ThinkUKnow.
Charlotte Goldsworthy
Acting Namatjira Pastoral Leader
Chis Culture News
Creative Arts TV
From Wednesday, 10th of November students and their families will be able to access Creative Arts TV via Chisholm+ which will showcase a range of performances across Dance, Drama and Music as well as offer a virtual walk through the Art Exhibition. Over the next few weeks students will be preparing and filming curriculum and co-curricular performances. We look forward to sharing their work with you digitally as an alternative to our Creative Arts Evening this year.
Dance Excursion
On Friday, 8th of October, Dance students from Years 8-11 had the pleasure of attending Bespoke presented by Queensland Ballet at the QUT Gardens Point Theatre. The performance consisted of four contemporary dance works created by acclaimed choreographers including Paul Boyd, Natalie Weir, Jack Lister and Rani Luther. Students enjoyed the different performances created by each choreographer as there was vast differences in story, theme, costuming and movements. This was a unique opportunity for students to view a live professional dance work and offered inspiration for years to come.
Here is what our students thought:
“Was a really good experience. Enjoyed the differences between each act.” Ashlee Stegman, Year 10.
“It was very well done – I was left speechless.” Olivia Jack, Year 11.
“Really great experience to observe just how gorgeous contemporary ballet can be. The dancers were exceptional and together the performance was absolutely spectacular. They created an awesome and energy that gave me goosebumps. It was a great opportunity and an adventure I will cherish.” Leilani Dobbins Year 8.
Hip-Hop Workshop
Today, students in Grade 9 Dance undertook a Hip-Hop Dance workshop with Professional Artist Kim Smit. This is part of their Music Video investigation into popular dance. Kim put students through their paces with a hard-hitting routine that focused on intricate detail, dynamics, and musicality. Eden Kahukiwa commented that “it was a fun and engaging lesson”. For many students, it was a step out of their comfort zone and tested their choreography recall. Despite the challenges, students raved about the workshop and how much they enjoyed it. Matilda Quinn commented that “Kim was lovely and brought us out of our shells” while Georgia Gough raved that the workshop “was a fun and exciting way to learn a new style of dance.”
Students will now apply their new skills and knowledge to their own choreographic project.
Art Exhibition
A reminder that the Art Exhibition is now on in the Chisholm Centre. Students can view the artwork at both lunch breaks this week.
Parents, carers and families are able to view the artwork on Thursday or Friday afternoon from 3-4pm.
Sports News
SECA 2022 Nominations
With our return to the SECA Winter Competition this year, and a slew of premierships to celebrate, we now look ahead to preparing for next year’s competition, and the nomination process that allows students to select their preferences. All students from Year 7 through to Year 11 will receive directions on how to complete this process during Week 3 of this term and will be asked to complete their nominations now, so that teams and staffing can be organised this year, and training sessions can begin early next year.
Students should peruse the lists of sports and activities on offer (below) and give some good thought to their selections, as this impacts staffing numbers and the organisation of transport, which makes changes very difficult to facilitate:
Season One (Term Two)
SECA Sports & Activities:
Football (Soccer)
Rugby League
Theatre Sports
School Based Activities
Study Hall (Year 11 & 12 only)
Book Club (Year 7-10 only)
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Season Two (Term Three)
SECA Sports & Activities:
Touch Football
Futsal/ Indoor Soccer
AFL 9-a-side
School Based Activities
Study Hall (Year 11 & 12 only)
Book Club (Year 7-10 only)
More information regarding these activities will be sent to students when nominations are ready to open, however SEDA students should be reminded that they MUST participate in their chosen SEDA sport in the given season and can choose something else in the other season.
Get Keen for SECA 2022!
SEDA sports are back in full swing with training sessions occurring most mornings, lunchtimes and after school. Next week we welcome the 2022, Year 7 students to trial for a position in the SEDA program. We are also looking at trials for the Confraternity Rugby League and QISSN Netball team for 2022, so please be on the lookout for notices and emails shortly.
Football News
On the last day of Term 3, our Year 7 Boys and Year 8 Boys Football teams contested the South-East Queensland Metro Grand Finals in their respective age divisions. Despite a very hard-fought game, our Year 7 Boys unfortunately pulled up short of a win but should be congratulated for making it to the apex of the competition. Fortunately, however, our Year 8 Boys stayed the course, fighting hard to score early and maintain the lead, coming out victorious with a 2-0 win over Aspley SHS. This is an enormous success, to be crowned SEQ Champions, so a huge congratulations to our boys.
Basketball News
Beginning this Thursday, we have three teams competing in the Molten CBSQ Junior Secondary competition. The competition will run over four days, with the champion crowned on Sunday afternoon. I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Zac Dunfee and the coaching staff for preparing the teams for the competition and their efforts and commitment to the SEDA Basketball program. I’d also like to commend the students for their dedication to training and wish the students all the very best!
Community News
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2022
As the end of year approaches, we are booking seats for the Chisholm Bus Service to 1 Springwood and 2 Redlands for 2022.
Parents whose students currently use the buses are requested to send an email to Chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au to confirm which days the bus is required next year and whether it is mornings or afternoons. We require this information by Friday, 22nd October 2021. Confirmation of the booking will be sent out before the end of Term 4.
Please note that students MUST use their Chisholm Card to tap on and off the bus. If this cannot be located, please email Chisholmbus to arrange for a replacement card. Using the card speeds up the time it takes to load/unload the bus. Thank you for your assistance with this.
School Transport - Schools Outside the Brisbane City Council Boundary
Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit SchoolTransport.com.au first to check if you are eligible
Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) weekly family threshold for Semester 2 2021 is $40 ($30 for concession card holders).
Parents whose child attends a school outside the Brisbane City Council boundary are eligible for Students with Disability (SWD) or Bus Fare (BFAP) rebate
For more information go to their website:
School Transport
Webinar 2 Identifying & Building Your Child
Learning Strengths
Catholic School Parents Queensland once again invite Catholic School Parents and Carers, Principals and School staff to attend a free online evening webinar
with Andrew Fuller.
Tuesday 19 October 7-8pm on Zoom
Please note this webinar will be live and not able to be recorded.
Andrew is a Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist, Author, Speaker
and Creator of 'Learning Strengths'.
This second webinar is to support our children's learning and wellbeing.
Topics suitable for all ages Prep to Yr 12
This session is applicable to every family and empowers parents
to guide their children (and themselves) towards success.
This approach takes the latest research from brain science,
positive education and resilience to create strength-based education.
Topics to be covered will include:
Increasing engagement & motivation
Learning strengths
Neuroscience of young adult's learning
Please click on the link below to view our event website and register.
A zoom link for the webinar will then be sent directly to your registered email.
Limited registrations.
In consideration, please only register if you intend to join the webinar.
Andrew’s talks are always fun and really informative.
Questions can be submitted through the live chat during the webinar.
We look forward to you joining us from home or join us as a group at your school.
Click here for details and to register
For enquiries contact Catholic School Parents Queensland
info@cspq.catholic.edu.au or telephone us on 3905 9730
Beenleigh Wardrobe Rummage
Is your wardrobe overflowing with clothes that you just never wear? Are you ready to spice up your wardrobe with unique, thrifted pieces? If either of these are you, then the brand-new Beenleigh Wardrobe Rummage is for you. Inspired by my English IA2 persuasive speech on the severe impacts of fast fashion, I have developed a local second-hand clothing market with the help of a team and the Logan City Council. This event will help build a sense of community and help educate young people on the impacts of fast fashion, while raising funds (through stall fees and gold coin donations) for the local charity, 4 Voices. The event will be held on Sunday, 14th of November from 8am-12pm at Beenleigh Town Square. Come along on the day to pick up some treasures, support the community, and enjoy food and live music; or book a stall for only $10 (plus booking fee), make some cash, and give a second life to your unwanted clothes and accessories! Hope to see you there!
Shoppers and visitors please register your attendance on our Beenleigh Wardrobe Rummage Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1507901449577692
Stallholders please register at: https://tickets.myguestlist.com/v2614293fda55c9/beenleigh-wardrobe-rummage/