2021 Term 4, Week 4
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
World Teachers Day
Today is World Teachers Day. It is an opportunity to recognise the work of our teachers, those who create learning experiences that aim to develop our young people’s minds.
I am immensely proud of our staff. They have embraced our FAMILY values and seek to live up to our lofty aspirations for holistic education. They teach because they believe it be a vitally important role and fulfill this with a genuine appreciation for pastoral care.
We encourage our staff to maintain the tenets of Catholic Education, understanding that our impact is more than just the lesson taught that day. It is fair that many are teaching for love, and not money.
The great majority of our staff make commitments outside of their teaching requirements to provide a rich array of opportunities for our students – they do this because they know how important this is for young people to feel that they can find ways to belong and to experience success.
Our teachers do not seek extra pay, gifts or rewards. Though, I would like to offer that a welcome email of encouragement or thanks speaks volumes – unfortunately, we see too much communication of the negative kind.
Have you thanked a teacher recently?
School Improvement Review
This week we had a panel of Principals attend the College to undertake a School Improvement Review (SIR). The intent of the SIR is to provide feedback on our goals for 2022 and beyond.
The panel spoke with students and staff, as well as parent representatives from the PCA and Pastoral Board. They also had the opportunity to speak directly with various community groups that we work with, such as our external RTOs.
The panellist expressed great admiration for the direction the College is taking. Though there are always ways in which we can improve, there are visible strategies, processes and ways of working developed or developing that serve to provide the level of excellence in learning and teaching we aspire to achieve.
In speaking with the students on Assembly yesterday, I referred to the ‘I’ in our FAMILY values – Integrity. It was described as ‘doing the right thing, even when you aren’t being watched’. I stated genuinely that I believe that our students are a wonderful group of young people, and with massive potential. Individually, I can see that each student possesses unique strengths and capabilities, and that their relationships align with what we as a College are seeking from everyone who enters our gates.
The challenge for all of us, is that we are under pressure to conform to certain ways of working within society. There is the very real concern with being judged by others, interfering with how we would prefer to present. This is where Integrity is such an important value to discuss with our young people; encouraging them to resist the urge to change our behaviours based on the behaviours of others. I spoke about important things, such as being able to greet and welcome anyone we encounter, and to be accepting of others. There was also what I referred to as the 1%’ers. A key message was to say that we should at all times seek to do our best in all things, particularly our learning, and to avoid diminishing opportunities for ourselves and others – this will form part of our goals in 2022, and we will be resolute in working towards achieving it. Students and Parents will have an integral part to play if we are to do so – be ready!
Uniform Change for 2022
After discussion with the PCA, and with the Student Representative Council in 2020, we will be formalising the ‘College Blazer’ as part of the uniform requirements for students entering the Senior School in 2022.
Currently, students in Years 10-12 only have the option of wearing the formal jumper. The addition of the College Blazer is to address this gap in providing suitable uniform during the colder months. I am also excited by the prospect that our students will see improvement with their pride for the College, as the students who currently wear the Blazer look amazing – mature and confident.
The College Blazer will be required for students entering Year 10 in 2022.
In consultation with The School Locker, our uniform supplier, we have sought to make the cost of this uniform item as inexpensive as possible. This was key feedback from the consultation. More details will be communicated in the coming weeks.
The rules around the wearing of the College Blazer will be communicated early next year.
Staff Announcements
Last week, it was announced that Mrs Cassandra Cook and Mr Michael Boyle have been appointed into the role of Assistant Principal at Clairvaux MacKillop College in 2022. These two valued staff members have achieved wonderful things during their time at Chisholm Catholic College and are very deserving of these promotions. Having worked alongside them for the last three years, I can attest to their commitment to our College and our students. Mr Mark Craig will be returning to the role of Assistant Principal Religious Education in 2022 after a three-year secondment with Brisbane Catholic Education. And, we will advertise shortly for the role of Middle Years Learning Leader, currently held by Mrs Cook.
This week it was announced that Mr Frank Turtle will be leaving us to take on a role as Pastoral Leader at Carmel College in 2022. This is an excellent opportunity for Mr Turtle to build on the skills he has developed with us, commencing his teaching journey with us some 10 years ago. Mr Turtle has been the Oodgeroo Pastoral Leader for nearly 5 years and has been influential in the lives of many students. We are confident that this appointment will continue to develop his skills as a leader; he has much to offer any school he works with. We will advertise shortly to replace the Oodgeroo Pastoral Leader role.
Ms Elizabeth Chapman will also be leaving us at the end of the year. Ms Chapman has accepted a position at St John Fisher College, commencing in 2022. Ms Chapman has been at the College for 6 years, and has been a significant contributor to our learning and teaching. During this time she has held the role of Acting Middle Years Learning Leader.
Chisholm Bus Service – 2022
As the end of year approaches, we are working towards allocating seats for the Chisholm Bus Service to Springwood and Redlands for 2022.
Parents of Chisholm Catholic College students who have NOT been using the bus in 2021 and would like to be considered for a seat in 2022 are asked to complete an Expression of Interest by Friday, 5th November 2021. Please do this by clicking on the link below.
2022 Chisholm Bus Service - Expression of Interest Form (office.com)
Parents of students in Year 7 2022, who would like to be considered for a seat for their student in 2022, are invited complete an Expression of Interest by clicking on the link below by Friday, 5th November 2021.
Year 7, 2022 - Chisholm Bus Service - Expression of Interest Form (office.com)
Responses for students who currently use our bus service were due back by today – Friday, 29th October 2021 to confirm their seat for 2022. Please check to ensure that you have emailed your response to Chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au as once all seats have been allocated we will have a waiting list for next year.
Confirmation of the booking will be sent out before the end of Term 4
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Student Led Conferences
It was extremely pleasing to see the engagement by families with our conferences last week. There was a real buzz of conversations within Melaleuca which included conferences with families that had been able to take advantage of the Online and phone options that were available. This was a successful afternoon that allowed important conversations to take place. Due to the success of the multiple options for conferences, we look forward to being able to continue to offer these options into the future.
Awards Night
Our Annual Awards Night will be held in Melaleuca on Wednesday, 17th November. Invitations to Award Winners will be sent from the end of next week. Students who receive invitations will be required to attend a rehearsal during the day on Wednesday, 17th November. All current and incoming student leaders will also required to attend the Awards Night.
Change of Timetabled Day | |
Day/Date | Timetable |
Wednesday 17th November | Thursday A |
Thursday 18th November | Wednesday A |
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Mr. Michael Boyle
All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day
1st November is marked annually in the Catholic liturgical calendar as a day to remember and venerate saints from around the world and throughout history– not only those known and canonised, but also all unknown as well.
In the 4th century, All Saints’ Day traditions served to honour the great number of individuals martyred for their faith during the persecutions in the late Roman Empire. It was during the 8th Century that Pope Gregory III declared that all saints be remembered on 1st November.
All Saints’ Day is an opportune time to consider the example saints offer us today and to reflect on how we can imitate their holiness. As Pope Benedict XVI remarked in 2011, All Saints’ Day calls us “to see the Church… as Christ wanted it, that is, as the communion of saints”.
We pray that one day, Caroline Chisholm will be recognised by the Church as a saint, who dedicated her life to the service of God.
All Souls’ Day is the day after All Saints Day on 2nd November, when Catholics remember, pray and offer Mass for the departed souls, that they may be purified and attain eternal peace.
World Teacher’s Day
Teachers make a lasting difference for generations to come. Most likely, you’re able to look back with fondness for a particular teacher who encouraged you to dream big or helped you hone a specific skill. Perhaps your favorite teacher gently supported you as you struggled to grasp a certain concept and then cheered wildly for you when it finally ‘clicked.’
In many ways, teachers are a bright light, a friendly face, and a gentle guide. Day in and day out, they teach and mold the hearts and minds of students. Here at Chisholm, we are blessed and thankful for our talented teachers.
I offer this prayer to teachers everywhere:
Dear God,
Grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our students, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who need encouragement and care, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
Campus Minister
It was a beautiful morning on Friday, October 29th as we gathered at St Edwards’s the Confessor Parish Church in Daisy Hill, with five of our students to witness them receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, additionally three of these students were able to receive First Eucharist as well. Our students have been on a journey of conversion and faith by developing a relationship with Christ, as the Spirit opens their minds and hearts. It has been my privilege to lead the students across many months of preparation using the Crossroads RCIA resource. It is very life giving to witness the faith and commitment of these fine students.
Thank you to Fr Joseph Vattaparambil for warmly welcoming us to St Edwards today and with meeting with our students along the way of their preparation. Thank you to Mr Boyle, our APRE and our Principal, Mr Bottaccio, and indeed many other staff for their prayers and support of our students and this process.
A final blessing for our students : May God’s light guide you; May His words bless you; May His bread heal you & May The Holy Spirit fill you on your First Holy Communion & Confirmation Day.
We look forward to offering the RCIY/Sacramental program again next year in Term 2 for any students who wish to begin or complete the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Faith.
God Bless you
Mrs Jo-Anne Ibell
Campus Minister
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
During the week my eldest daughter pointed out to me that she has netball trials coming up. I feel like we have only just finished a jam-packed season and we were looking forward to some time not being the children’s Uber driver. Part of the communication was highlighting carnivals for next year, 2022. At this stage it feels like a long way off with much to happen in between however, it is important to get the hard work and preparation in now. This can be the same for assessment. Across all levels of school, it is relevant for students to be prepared for what is coming up. We are nearly halfway through Term 4 and assessment will be on us before we know it and the Year 11s are doing work that will be at this time next year. Just as any sport team it is important to have the right preparation for what is coming up.
Some homework tips from: Homework Hints (siue.edu)
Homework Hints
One of the most common problems that parents face with their children is getting them to do their homework.
- Create a homework folder where the child can keep a log of homework assignments and various homework worksheets, etc. Display in a prominent place.
- Keep in contact with teachers to make sure that homework is being completed satisfactorily. Use e-mail.
- Schedule a time to spend on homework. However, homework should continue to be monitored daily. I recommend 10 minutes going over the days work from each subject therefore there is always homework to do.
- Make certain that assignments and daily homework organizers are neat, clear, and easy to understand.
- Have the child keep a chart or graph of the number of homework assignments completed.
- Establish homework assignment rules:
- Initiate task
- Stay on task
- Meet task expectations
- Turn in task.
- Reiterate the rules often
- Create a task analysis sheet for large homework assignments. This is an organization tool where the child can write down the subject, question numbers assigned (or assignment description), when it is due, book and page numbers, and any previous steps involved before actually doing the work (for example, looking up something in the library)
- Provide an appropriate atmosphere for doing homework. The area should be well-lit, quiet, and free from distraction. If the child is normally inattentive, be sure that the surroundings are a minimal distraction.
- And finally, it is helpful to link the child's homework assignment to other areas of interest, whether it is in the home or in the real world. For example, watching historical movies can help encourage a conversation about history and the importance of studying history in the classroom.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Mrs. Tracey Williamson
Year 7-9 Activity – Movie World
Thursday, 2nd December 2021
Parents of students in Years 7-9 will receive a parent slip next week with details of the Movie World excursion scheduled for Thursday, 2nd December. There is a cost of $50 for this excursion. The parent slip will provide links on where to give consent and make payment. Please keep an eye out for this.
Managing Overwhelm
Our connectivity to the digital world exposes our young people to a barrage of messages that can often leave them feeling overwhelmed. I recommend this SchoolTV resource to our parents on Managing Overwhelm. These articles, videos and interactive quizzes arm parents with wellbeing skills to support their child as they navigate the many stressful events occurring simultaneously,
SPECIAL REPORT: Managing Overwhelm | Chisholm Catholic College (schooltv.me)
World Teachers’ Day – Friday, 29th October
Today we celebrated the wonderful work and contributions of our amazing Teachers at Chisholm Catholic College. Teachers received a token gift from the College (sustainable cutlery and pen) along with a personalized message from our Student Representative Council. We are so privileged to have such committed Teachers who bring love and energy to their classrooms, and we thank them sincerely. Many teachers were humbled by messages of appreciation from students and members of the community also.
Middle Years Learning Leader
Mrs. Cassandra Cook
Middle Years Celebration
On Wednesday, December 1st, 2021, at 9:00am our Year 7 to 9 students will participate in our Middle School Celebration/Liturgy, the duration will be approximately two hours. At the celebration, we will be acknowledging the Year 9 students who are eligible to receive our school-based Middle Years Certificate of Education (MYCE). This year the MYCE will recognise student's academic results across Year 9 in 2021. Students will be awarded the certificate once all requirements have been fulfilled at the completion of Year 9, including passing Religion, English, and Mathematics. The purpose of MYCE, is to create a meaningful way for students to engage in the Middle School. Eligible Year 9 students will also receive their Service Award. Students in Years 8 and 9, can also track your results on Chisholm Plus + under the Grade Tracking menu option. At the Celebration, we will also acknowledge students across Years 7 to 9 who will be eligible to receive an Attendance Award.
As we move into Week 5 of Term 4, I encourage our Middle School students to stay organised, engaged and committed to their studies!
First Nations Support Officer News
Ms. Christine Campbell
Indigenous Graduation
Wednesday, 20th of October, our Indigenous students, along with their families and College staff gathered in the Chisholm Centre to celebrate for the final time, their schooling at the College. The occasion was filled with blessings and well wishes for the future.
Congratulations & good luck to Chaquelle, Memphis, Jasmine, Josephine, and April.
Chis Culture News
Visual Arts Exhibition
From the 12th to 15th October, students, parents and staff were able to enjoy an impressive selection of art on display in the Chisholm Centre. All artworks were created by Visual Arts students from Term 3. The works on display showcased the hard work and talent of students from across the school. A diverse range of media was demonstrated such as digital art in Senior years, painting in Year 7 and 10 and sculpture in Year 8 and 9. The exhibition was a fantastic experience for students to see their own work and their peers' presented in a formal setting. Once the visitors had viewed the displays, there was the opportunity to vote for an artwork to be awarded with the 'People's Choice Award'. Congratulations to Jorja Stein in Year 12, who won most popular vote for the Senior category and to Ruby Bartolic, Year 9, for the most votes in the Middle years category. Thank you to all those that visited and voted and of course to the art students for their fantastic contributions.
Visual Arts Exhibition
Music Workshop
This term, the Senior Music classes will experience and listen to workshops that will inspire and encourage them to develop their passion for music.
The first one was conducted on 18th October in an online delivery session by a professional musician, Jayden Sierra who shared some sound advice and tips on being involved in the Music Industry as well as share his expertise on the voice as an instrument.
The session provided an avenue for our students to reflect on what they can do with their talent now and for the future. Here are some feedbacks from our year 11 students:
"Jayden's Workshop really showed me a new perspective of how musicians pursue their profession in such an interesting way. It really showed me what to expect for working in the Industry and I would highly recommend this workshop for future students aspiring in music." - Amy Day
"Having Jayden Sierra present to us through Teams was an amazing experience. The class learnt about the music industry from a very well experienced and well-known performer. He said some very interesting things and told the class about most of the aspects in the life of a musician. In general, having him talk to us was very helpful and was a key learning moment for the senior music class." - Gerardo Jaimes
Marie Pamela Picart
Program Leader – Performing Arts
Jayden Sierra Workshop
Creative Arts TV
From Wednesday, 10th November students and their families will be able to access Creative Arts TV via Chisholm+ which will showcase a range of performances across Dance, Drama and Music as well as offer a virtual walk through the Art Exhibition. Over the next few weeks students will be preparing and filming curriculum and co-curricular performances. We look forward to sharing their work with you digitally as an alternative to our Creative Arts Evening this year.
Year 10 and 11 Drama Excursion reminder
A reminder that Year 10 and 11 Drama students are attending a performance of ‘Away’ at La Boite on Monday, 8th November, students will be leaving the College at 3:30pm.
External opportunities
Queensland Theatre Company: Queensland Theatre's Ensembles program enables motivated, passionate, and talented young artists (Years 8–12) to develop their skills with the state's flagship theatre company. Throughout the year Ensemble participants train with the country’s finest theatre professionals, attend Company productions and meet artists from the 2022 Brisbane Season, and engage in a variety of performance opportunities. . Applications are now open and close Sunday 14th November 2021. Apply now: Queensland Theatre | Young Artists' Ensembles program
Shakefest Masterclass
On Friday, 15th October Carmen Martinez Harris, Summer Smith, Sophie Mead and Annika Vermeulen were invited to participate in a special Shakefest Masterclass offered by Brisbane based theatre company Shake and Stir. After submitting their dance and monologue entries to a panel of judges, students were invited to attend the masterclass lead by a range of industry professionals. Each student enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot about the industry and how to approach creating characters and choreographing dances.
Teagan Griffey
Academic Leader Creative Art
Shakefest Masterclass
On Saturday, 16th October our champion Opti-Minds team participated in the State Finals at Tambourine Mountain College. The team performed amazingly and were highly commended, particularly in their spontaneous challenge. They enjoyed creating and preforming their final challenge and were fantastic representatives of the school through their support of other teams. Unfortunately, they did not place in the state, but the experience of being regional champions and finalists was still an incredible achievement. Opti-minds will be offered as a SECA activity next year and I highly encourage any students who enjoy working in a team to problem solve and preform to consider signing up.
Caroline Padgham
e-STEAM Teacher
Opti-Minds Team
Sport News
Mr. Andrew Ryan
Following the success of our return to the SECA Winter Sports Competition this year, and the acquisition of 18 premierships, we now look forward to the 2022 competition. As such, students have had the opportunity across Weeks 3 & 4 of this term to complete their nominations for next year’s SECA Winter Seasons – this has been advertised through daily notices and email.
Please find below a list of all available options for next year, both SECA sports and activities, as well as school-based activities. In addition, if you would like more information about what is involved, please see the attached document below; this will provide information on each sport and activity, including compulsory requirements for some sports.
The SECA Selection process is now live on Chis+ and will remain open until Friday 29th October (Week 4). This is a simple drag-and-drop process and will take you less than two minutes. In completing your nominations, please remember the following:
- Please only select ONE sport or activity per season
- Please select an appropriate division: Division A is the competitive division, for serious players / Division B is a participatory division, for fun and enjoyment
- SEDA Students: you MUST select your given SEDA sport in the relevant season, and play in Division A; you are able to select whatever you like in the alternate season
- There are several new options available in 2022, as well as your returning favourites, so make sure to check the whole list and read the below document
- Please give due consideration to your nominations; once you have made your selection, changes are very difficult to make and will not be considered without a very good reason.
Students are asked to please see the full list of options below, then go and complete their nomination ASAP:
Season One (Term Two)
SECA Sports & Activities
Football (Soccer)
Rugby League
Theatre Sports
School Based Activities
Study Hall (Year 11 & 12 only)
Book Club (Year 7-10 only)
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
The Artist Hub
Dance Team
Season Two (Term Three)
SECA Sports & Activities
Touch Football
Futsal/ Indoor Soccer
AFL 9-a-side
School Based Activities
Study Hall (Year 11 & 12 only)
Book Club (Year 7-10 only)
The Artist Hub
Get Keen!
VET News
Ms. Mala Nair
We are at that point now where the fruits of labour are coming to fruition for our Grade 12 students. The VET pathway students are certainly in the process of finalizing the school year with their accomplishments in vocational training. We are very proud of your achievements – congratulations and good luck.
VET in schools is an appealing pathway to employment
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research's (NCVER) media release outlines their research on the uptake of VET in schools. They report that students undertake VET at school for a range of reasons but mostly to gain a qualification and find full-time employment after school. The report VET for secondary school students (VfSSS): insights and outcomes, reveals the number of students studying VET as part of their senior secondary school certificate has ranged from about 230,000 to 260,000 over the past 10 years. In 2020, certificate II qualifications were the most popular (131,220 students) followed by certificate III (88,720). However, certificate III qualifications have significantly increased in popularity over the last few years. There are varied and differing perceptions among industry and employers on the benefits and challenges for students undertaking VfSSS studies, with a general acceptance that having school students in workplaces helps engage students in the industry and gain experience and knowledge. Read the full report here.
Queensland Government: Fee-free vocational training for Year 12 graduates
This Queensland Government program supports Queensland Year 12 graduates in transitioning to employment by providing fee-free training for Certificate III qualifications in high priority vocational areas. Find out more on the Queensland Government Training website.
BASAIR Aviation College
Are you thinking of aviation as a career? BASAIR offers a trial instructional flight if you are wanting to become a commercial pilot. They offer a 1 hour Trial Instructional Flight for $300.00. Flights can be booked any day of the week and a typical booking is 1.5hrs, allowing you time to brief and de-brief after the flight. You will take control of the aircraft during flight under the supervision of a CASA approved Flight Instructor. It is one way to see if you have a head for piloting. They also offer:
- Certificate III in Aviation - AVI30419 (Remote Pilot - Visual Line of Sight)
- Diploma of Aviation - AVI50219 (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane)
- Diploma of Aviation - AVI50519 (Instrument Rating) - CRICOS Approved
- Diploma of Aviation - AVI50419 (Flight Instructor)
- Diploma of Aviation - Combined Package Diploma of Aviation - AVI50219 (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) and Diploma of Aviation - AVI50519 (Instrument Rating)
Work Trials - Insights from employers
Employers use work trials to decide whether someone has the skills to do the job and whether they will fit in with the team. Click here for some insights from employers on what they look for during a work trial, including tips on preparing for one:
- What should I expect during a work trial?
- What do employers look for during work trials?
- How can I use this information?
- Tips for preparing for a work trial
- More resources to help you
Do you want to become an apprentice?
Australian Apprenticeships are available to anyone of working age and offer you opportunities to learn new skills and be paid in over 500 different jobs. Australian Apprenticeships:
- offer you the opportunity to study and earn an income while undertaking a qualification.
- can be done by anyone of working age.
- give you the chance to learn new skills while getting paid in more than 500 careers and jobs.
- can be done full-time, part-time or while you’re at school.
- You can use your qualification to work anywhere in Australia and around the world.
Click here to read more about taking on an apprenticeship including:
- Where can I find more information?
- What apprenticeship should I do?
- I want to be an Australian Apprentice. What’s next?
- What about my rights and wages?
- What if I’m still at school?
- Where can I find more information?
How to write a resume
Youth Central has put together a resume template to help high school students to put together their first resume. A one-page resume is more than acceptable when you're just starting out in the world of work. You may end up with two pages but if your resume ends up being three pages long, you're probably providing too much information. Click here to find out about:
- The purpose of a resume
- How long should my resume be?
- How should I order my resume?
- Do I need to change my resume for each application?
- What your resume should include
- What NOT to put on your resume
- Reviewing your resume
- Resume templates
Diploma of Business Graduation
Congratulations to the following Diploma of Business graduands of 2021: Jamie Beach, Caroline Boon, Jorja Cowan-Wegner, Jed Currie, Kai Donohue, Keiarna Ewers, Gloria Gowlett, Courtney Grant, Georgia Heron, Olivia Rhode, Matisse Ritchie, Kai Warren and Louella Willaton.
Business Graduation
Current Opportunities
Year 12 Students
AMA Group are recruiting nationally for apprentices across many locations. Applications close 24TH October 2021. For further information, contact Melissa on 0452556754 or email recruitment@amagroupsolutions.com.au
Apprenticeships Queensland have vacancies in all areas and trades Go to Apps QLD (jobreadygateway.com.au) You will need to register and send your name to donna@apprenticeshipsqld.com.au
MEGT have numerous vacancies for 1st year apprentices. For further details go to their website and search for your preferred career area. Apprentice and trainee job vacancies | MEGT (Australia) Ltd
Certificate III in early Childhood Education and Care. Green Leaves at Cannon Hill are now hiring. Post year 12 student who are interested in a traineeship–Please send your resume to staggart@imagineeducation.com.au
Diploma of Hospitality Management – Emporium Academy Commences February 2022. To find out more please click the link Emporium Academy Diploma of Hospitality - Training Evolution
MSS Security Scholarship Program – If you have an interest in becoming a security officer there is a Certificate available. Please email jebell@bne.catholic.edu.au and I will send you the information.
Current year 11/12 Students
Hairdressing apprenticeships for either a full-time or school-based apprenticeships. Vacancies at a popular hairdressing salon chain are available in multiple locations.
Current year 10/11 Students
Certificate III Individual Support 2021 November intake for school-based traineeships – AMC Training & Consulting have 10 positions available in the Bayside area in Aged Care Facilities. Applications close Monday 1st November.
Certificate III Hospitality at Whitehouse of Waterford Application closes 5th November
Certificate III Business school-based traineeships are available in various locations including Beenleigh, Mt Gravatt, Pimpama, Eagleby, and Woodridge.
Certificate III Business – Sea World Resort are looking for school-based trainees. Please see details below. Applications close 31st October. To register scan the QR Code.
Current year 10 Students only
Certificate III in early Childhood Education and Care various locations.
If you have an interest in any of the above information, please visit us in the Vocational Education Office in J01.
Community News
Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC)
An information evening on Monday, 8th of November 2021 at 7pm will provide an overview of the opportunities for young people within the Australian Air Force Cadets.
The AAFC is the premier aviation youth development organisation in Australia and is funded and administered by the Royal Australian Air Force.
We have a strong focus on aviation and technology, while providing cadets with valuable life and career skills. This includes instruction and development in leadership, teamwork, aviation technology, fieldcraft, survival skills, and a range of other subject areas.
Our annual curriculum consists of Parades every Monday night in the school term, as well as opportunities during school holidays for cadets to experience living on a RAAF Base at Amberley and ‘tasting’ Air Force life.
Cadets will have the opportunity to attend several Bivouacs throughout the coming year where they will sleep in tents, cook their own food and complete activities that help build life skills and leadership qualities. At these Bivouacs they do fieldcraft activities that include camouflage, making a bush shelter, collecting water, navigation, games and much more.
We also have our own aircraft where cadets can experience flights and even work towards their first solo. At 202 Squadron our technology focus includes a fleet of recreational drones that cadets can fly on Monday nights.
One of the most appealing benefits of students joining the AAFC is that the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority have recognised these studies and activities. They offer 1 credit for the successful completion of the Junior Non-Commissioned Officer Promotion Course, and 1 credit for the successful completion of the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Promotion Course. These courses are undertaken after training and lessons held throughout the year on a weekly basis within the Squadron.
Another significant benefit is the ability for cadets to undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award through the AAFC. These awards are highly regarded by employers, help student to engage with the community, develop teamwork skills and learn how to set goals and achieve them. As each student is different this award can be tailored to the individual’s area of interest.
A small yearly fee provides all uniforms, equipment and most activities are fully funded* by the Australian Defence Force. *(some additional elective activities incur a small cost)
Our mission is to develop young people into responsible, thoughtful, self-disciplined, and helpful young adults, who will be an asset to the community, whether they find a career in aviation or elsewhere.
Students who may be interested to take advantage of this opportunity to join the Australian Air Force Cadets, the cadet must be:
- at least 12 years of age and turning 13 or older in the year of acceptance
- not attained the age of 16 years
- be a person ordinarily resident in Australia.
Next Step is a state-wide post-school destination survey of all students who complete Year 12 in Queensland. Insights gained from Next Step assists schools to review and plan their services for students, and school system personnel to evaluate education policies as they affect the transition from school to further study and employment.
Further information about Next Step is available at www.qld.gov.au/nextstep/. To provide feedback, I invite you to contact the Next Step team by email at nextstep@qed.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3055 2845.
Thank you for your ongoing support of this important study.