2021 Term 4, Week 8
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Christmas Blessings
We have come to the final week of the school year, with classes for Years 7-9 finishing on Thursday. Last Friday, we farewelled our Year 10 and 11 students with an Advent Liturgy. I expressed my appreciation to the students who displayed their commitment to learning by being in attendance.
On Wednesday, we will have a Middle Years Celebration, where we will acknowledge the commitment shown by our Year 9 students throughout this year. In 2021, we have introduced the Middle Years Certificate of Education, which is intended to put a spotlight on the importance of learning across our students’ time in the Middle School. We will also recognise attendance for students across Years 7 to 9, awarding students who have attended school 95% or better. This too is important for a student to be successful with their learning.
When speaking with our Year 10 and 11 students I asked them to reflect on the year that was, the successes and achievements, as well as the disappointments. I also asked them to set goals for the new year; there is always the opportunity to establish themselves with a preferred future with the start to the 2022 school year. This message of hope and ambition will also be expressed to our Years 7, 8 and 9 students on Wednesday.
To our families and staff who end their association with the College this year, due to moving schools or areas; I extend to you my thanks for your years with us and wish you well into the future.
Over the weekend, Catholic Church celebrations marked the start of the season of Advent, an important time on the Catholic calendar as we wait in anticipation for the birth of Christ. It is a time to acknowledge the importance of family. So, I offer the following prayer for your family:
We worship You during this Christmas season.
We choose to put You at the centre of our family life as we celebrate Your birth.
Keep us from distractions and help us to invite You into all our family activities.
Teach us to pray and help us to glorify and worship You in our family during this busy time of year.
Open our eyes to realize this each day as we interact with others.
Help us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as You forgave us.
Show us creative ways to love and care for those outside our home.
Fill us to overflowing with Your love for the lost.
Teach us to do acts of kindness to those who are in need at this time of year.
May our family be a refreshment and light to others.
Help us to share Your Truth and be Your light.
Covid-19 Update
With borders opening around Christmas, there is an increased likelihood of significant disruption at the commencement of the 2022 school year as COVID-19 positive cases are expected to accelerate.
We are planning for the possibility of spot school closures, with the potential of multiple and concurrent disruptions across BCE schools during Term 1.
It is advised that students take all of their materials and belongings home with them. Should we need to resume Alternate Education Provisions for learning to take place online, we would advise families accordingly.
Parents, we ask that you ensure that the details we have for communicating with you are accurate and up-to-date. This is so we can communicate any arrangements, should they be needed. If parents have not downloaded the BCE Connect App, this too is recommended as we would also communicate via the broadcast facility. An SMS would also be sent alerting parents of any communication.
It is also important to be attentive to any changes to Queensland Government directions, particularly any future health directives for schools.
2022 – Our 30th Anniversary!
2022 marks the 30th Anniversary for Chisholm Catholic College.
We are reaching out to our alumni to tell us what they have been up to since leaving the College, and to include them in communication about the celebrations that are being planned.
We want to tell their story, so that our students can understand that they are part of greater legacy.
To pass on alumni details, email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
2022 Collaborative Planning Days
We would like to advise you of two (2) Collaborative Planning Days that the staff of Chisholm Catholic College are engaging in during Term time in 2022.
These days are:
- Wednesday, 23rd February
- Wednesday, 10th August
The Queensland Catholic Education Commission with the Queensland Catholic Dioceses and local Brisbane Catholic Education secondary schools have a strong commitment to improved student learning and specifically collaborative curriculum planning by teachers. In the secondary context, staff are required to actively participate in these 2 days of collaboration in addition to the mandatory 6 days of training, administration and professional learning that occurs during student holiday breaks. These dates have been selected after consultation with local and College calendars and with the intention of achieving the greatest impact of collaborative curriculum delivery.
Student learning is always at the forefront of the College’s considerations in identifying strategic priorities and improving student outcomes. On these days, staff will collaboratively plan with curriculum and student wellbeing specialists from Brisbane Catholic Education to assist the teachers in their work.
For staff to fully engage in this collaborative planning, your student is not required to attend the College on these designated days. However, general supervision for individual study will be provided for students of those families who are unable to provide alternate care. We will seek this information closer to the date/s.
Chisholm Catholic College is excited by the opportunity to further enhance the learning opportunities of all our students through this strategy. If you have any queries regarding these arrangements, please contact the College Principal, Mr Damian Bottaccio – scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Awards Night
Our 25th Annual College Awards Night was held on 17th November. It was wonderful to see Melaleuca transformed into a glittering array so that the students could receive their well earned awards. Performances from our Vocal Ensemble One AChord, The Chisholm Dance Team, the College Rock Band and an extract of the play Picnic at Hanging Rock performed by Adrean Edens and Summer Smith provided excellent entertainment for the evening. The incoming Year 12 Leaders for 2022 were also presented. The list of Award winners is included and all students who received an award are deserving of congratulations on their excellent work.
2022 – Term Dates and Term 1 Key Dates
Term 1: Tuesday, 25th January – Friday, 1st April
(see below for specific year level starting dates)
Term 2: Tuesday, 19th April – Friday, 24th June
Term 3: Monday, 11th July – Friday, 16th September
Term 4: Tuesday, 4th October – Friday, 18th November (Year 12)
Friday, 25th November (Years 10 and 11)
Friday, 2nd December (Years 7-9)
Term 1 – Key Dates
- Tuesday, 25th January: Years 7, 11 and 12 students commence (and new students to Years 8-12)
- Wednesday, 26th January: Australia Day
- Thursday, 27th January: Years 8-10 students commence
- Tuesday, 1st February: Year 11 Parent Information Evening (6pm)
- Tuesday, 8th February: Year 7 Parent Welcome BBQ
- Thursday, 10th February: Opening School Mass
- Friday, 11th February: Interhouse Swimming Carnival
- Monday, 14th – Friday, 18th February: Year 7 Camp
- Wednesday, 23rd February: Staff Collaboration Planning Day (limited supervision)
- Thursday, 24th February: SECA Cricket (Boys)
- Wednesday, 2nd March: Ash Wednesday
- Friday, 4th March: SECA Cricket (Girls)
- Tuesday, 8th March: International Women’s Day
- Wednesday, 9th March: SECA Swimming Carnival
- Monday, 14th – Friday, 18th March: Harmony Week
- Friday, 18th March: National Day of Action Against Bullying
- Monday, 28th – Wednesday, 30th March: Year 12 Retreat (Luther Heights)
- Friday, 1st April – Final Day of Term 1; Interhouse Cross Country Carnival
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Mr. Michael Boyle
Advent and Christmas
This Sunday begins the Season of Advent, the time of preparing for the coming Christmas Season. It is a time when Advent Wreaths appear in Churches – it is also a time when it is very easy to just focus on Christmas, rather than the process of preparing.
This Christmas, enjoy the time with family and friends but also remember the joy of celebration in that hope entered the world in the form of a baby named Jesus:
The angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a saviour has been born for you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.”
Glory to God in the highest! The celebration of the glorious birth of Christ the Lord has begun…Merry Christmas!
Try to put yourself in the shoes (or maybe sandals) of these shepherds. Little excitement would have regularly come their way. They were poor, simple shepherds who spent their days and nights tending the sheep of the fields. That night, a group of them had gathered together for camaraderie. It’s easy to imagine the scene of normal talking, laughing and being together. Little did they realize what was about to happen.
As they were gathered, an angel of God appeared to them announcing “good news of great joy!” They must have been stunned. But that’s only the beginning. The angel announced that the Saviour of the World had been born and then, much to their surprise, they witnessed the whole host of heavenly angels singing praises: “Gloria in excelsis Deo!” “Glory to God in the highest!”
These humble shepherds were the first to be called by God to go and greet the newborn King. What’s amazing is that God did not first call the “important” of the age to come worship. He called these poor shepherds.
One thing this tells us is that, in the eyes of God, all are equal. God does not pick favourites from among those who are seen as important in the eyes of the world. He sees the great value and dignity of each and every person and desires all of us, rich or poor, powerful or weak, to come to Him in adoration and love.
Christmas is a time filled with many exciting things. Often there are gifts and gatherings, food and good times. More than anything else, Christmas must be seen as a time for us to step back and take in the deep and rich meaning of this sacred event. We must see, first, that God entered our human condition and, in doing so, is able to identify with all that we experience in life. God understands human life! He lived it.
Second, we must understand that the birth of the Saviour of the world and His appearance to shepherds reveals that each and every one of us is invited to come and meet Him. God humbled Himself in the most profound way so that we could come to know Him and His perfect love for us. “Do not be afraid,” as the angel said, to come and behold the Christ who came as your Saviour. Do not be afraid to come to meet Him, love Him, adore Him and get to know Him. God is given to us, today, as an infant. Small, weak, fragile and innocent. Do not be afraid to gaze upon His humble presence and to give glory to God for His blessed coming.
Blessings to you and your family this Christmas.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Thank you for your support of the Christmas Appeal. I hope to be able to announce next week, the winning House who contributed the most money.
New Caroline Chisholm Mosaic
This mosaic, featuring Caroline Chisholm welcoming a woman to the shelter shed, was created by students and staff at the Year 7 Retreat Day. I have been steadily finishing the mosaic so that it can be installed in the school grounds. Please take the time to look at the photo of the mosaic.
The mosaic acknowledges that Caroline Chisholm was focused upon Social Justice and a determination to make things happen. The artwork features Caroline Chisholm welcoming a woman to a shelter shed on her journey to the Gold Fields.
The historical background to the mosaic is as follows:
Gold was discovered in Victoria in 1851, causing prospectors from other Australian colonies as well as immigrants, to flock to the Gold Fields. After a tour of Bendigo and Forest Creek in 1854, Caroline Chisholm was appalled at the conditions, leading her to devise a plan to solve the lack of accommodation along the route to the gold diggings. Her concern was that people travelling to the Gold Fields, could not obtain a safe place to stay with good food. Caroline approached the Chief Secretary's Department with a proposal to construct ten shelter sheds along the route from Melbourne to Castlemaine, roughly a day’s journey apart. In 1855, the Government agreed to construct the shelter sheds, which would also be known as Shakedowns or Protection Posts.
This year marks my sixth year at Chisholm and will also be my last. In 2022, I take up the position of Assistant Principal – Teaching and Learning (Senior Years) at Clairvaux MacKillop College. I have fond memories of my time at the College and I want to thank the students, staff and families for their support.
May God send His love to you this Christmas.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
To avoid incurring subsequent terms fees, we ask families to provide sufficient notice of withdrawal of enrolment from the College.
Please advise the College Registrar, Ms Louise Czislowski, by the end of the Term 4 – Friday, 3rd December 2021 – by email – chisholmenrolments@bne.catholic.edu.au
If insufficient notice is received, families will incur the subsequent Term 1 School Fees for 2022 as described in the College’s Fees and Levy Policy.
Thank you for your support.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
It is hard to believe that last Friday marked the end of another school year. In recent weeks we have bid farewell to our Year 12s, had many pieces of assessment due and sat and celebrated at Awards night. It is important to take time to celebrate and relax over the school vacation period, before we know it we will be back into the busyness that will be 2022.
Last week, all students in Year 7-10 were emailed their subject selections for 2022. The communication at the beginning of the process was to make choices carefully as we create the timetable based on your selections and changes may be difficult. It is disappointing that a number of students have requested changes to be with friends, we stress that selections should be made on what you are interested in and what you are good at. Students will be able to see me at the beginning of the year if they wish to make any further changes.
I wish all the Chisholm community a safe, enjoyable and festive Christmas season and look forward to the challenges of 2022.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Mrs. Tracey Williamson
Cyber Support for Parents
As I mentioned in our last newsletter, I recommend the resources developed by the eSafety Commissioner. You will be pleased to see the schedule of online webinars and parental supports offered in the links below. Please have a look at these and utilise them in your conversations with your son/daughter. Cyber awareness is everyone’s responsibility and our young people need continual reminders about the online expectations and conduct.
Taking Leave to Study in 2022
Some of you may know that I will not be at Chisholm in 2022. I am taking leave to complete my Masters in Educational Studies – Guidance Counselling and Careers at the University of Queensland. Guidance and Careers Counselling has been an interest of mine for some time and I am pursuing this study for 2022. It will be very interesting as I will have my daughter with me as a Uni buddy!! 😊. Whilst I hope to continue to do supply teaching at the College throughout the year, I will miss the connection with the community and the Chisholm Family. Under the leadership of my replacement for 2022 Krijin Van Gils, and the extraordinary Pastoral Team of Pastoral Leaders, GC and the BSC Supervisor, the wellbeing needs will no doubt continue to be a priority of the College. I would like to extend thanks to Damian Bottaccio and Brisbane Catholic Education who are supporting my study leave – it means a lot. Additionally, I would like to thank the College Leadership, my amazing Pastoral Team and Staff who have been incredible support to me in my seven years at the College. I sincerely thank the parents who I have worked in close partnership to bring about the best outcomes for their child/ren – I am reminded daily that it really does take a village!
Middle Years Learning Leader
Mrs. Cassandra Cook
Middle Years' End of Year Celebration
On Wednesday, 1st December at 9am our College will celebrate the end of the year with our Years 7 to 9. During our celebration, eligible students in Year 9 will also receive their Middle Years Certificate of Education (MYCE), Service Awards and Attendance Awards. We will also acknowledge students in Years 7 and 8 with attendance over 95% including students with 100%.
As I farewell our wonderful Chisholm Catholic College family, I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you, and what will be a difficult task, goodbye. I have thoroughly enjoyed leading the Middle School Curriculum, staff, students and parents over the past 5 years. I am incredibly proud of what both our learning community and our students have achieved. I wish every student and the College community all the best in their future endeavours.
STEM elective students have been busy this term creating and inventing. Year 7 students have coded microchips for car headlights, indicators, alarm systems and other safety features. They are enjoying getting creative with MircoBits and inventing their own devices like interactive robotic pets and electronic keyboards made from cardboard and aluminum foil!
Year 9 STEM students have completed their final projects. Jack and Abraham have built a 'Containers for Change' bin that is currently being trialed by staff members. William has designed and 3D printed a model mountain bike track. Ella successfully created jewelry out of recycled plastics, while Molly and Jennifer recycled paper to create greeting cards. Amelia’s project focused on mental health and researching ways to improve student wellbeing in Chisholm. All students have completed some amazing projects and should be proud of their achievements in STEM!
Caroline Padgham / e-STEAM Teacher
Sport News
Mr. Andrew Ryan
SECA 2021 Premierships
The Sports Department would like to acknowledge the magnificent work of our students and their acquisition of 18 premierships during the SECA Winter Competition across two seasons this year. Please see the photo of our pennant Honour Wall below. Not only did our brilliant competitors win all of these coveted titles, but many teams went on to compete in the SEQ Metro Finals as well, with four teams making Grand Finals matches, and two of those teams bringing home the trophy. Considering that this was our first year back in the competition after more than five years, it is a promising sign of the great things to come in Chisholm Sport.
Thank you for a wonderful year…
As 2021 comes to a close, the Sports Department would like to thank our student body for the superb sporting spirit that they have displayed throughout the year. Between our Inter-House Carnivals, the various aspects of the SECA Inter-School Competition, the Pacific District and South Coast Regional representative trials, and various other competitions in which we are involved, there is simply too much to capture here – as such, I encourage you to please check-out the Sports Department section of the College Yearbook, including the Sports Honour Board, featuring nearly 50 students who earned representative honours this year.
I would also like to congratulate our Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year, presented at the Annual College Awards Evening last week:
- Sportsman of the Year: Caleb O’Brien (Year 7)
- Sportswoman of the Year: Georgia Heron (Year 12)
Finally, a huge congratulations to our recipient of the BCE Spirit of Sport Award for 2021:
Georgia Heron
The BCE Spirit of Sport Award is presented to one student from each BCE school to recognise their contribution to sport within their College and the wider community. This student consistently gives their best, supports those around them and remains actively involved in a variety of sporting contexts representing themselves, their school and their community with pride. This year, the BCE Spirit of Sport is awarded to: Georgia Heron.
In her six years at Chisholm Catholic College, Georgia has demonstrated excellence, not only in her academic and sporting prowess, but also in her attitude towards these endeavors. Georgia has competed and succeeded in a range of sporting arenas, including swimming, cross country running, and athletics, taking out the title of Age Champion in all three College Carnivals in every one of her six years here at Chisholm; the only Age Champion title that Georgia didn’t win was due to a leg injury and the resulting “moon boot” that she was wearing. This is a testament to her ethic, her ability and her sporting spirit.
Each year, Georgia has gone on to represent the College in all three of these sports, including at the Pacific District Representative Trials and the SECA Inter-school Carnivals. Each year, Georgia has competed at an exceptional level and been selected in the District representative team, going on to compete in the South Coast Regional trials as well. Even in her final year, carrying an injury that prevented her ability to compete at the SECA Cross Country Carnival, Georgia still asked to come along to be a part of the team – this was an easy decision. Georgia accompanied the squad in the role of Team Captain, acting as a mentor for the younger students: getting them warmed-up for their events, getting them to the start line, passing on valuable advice on how to approach this type of endurance event, and encouraging all runners to give it their all as they breached the finishing chute.
Chisholm will certainly miss the presence of a champion like Georgia, and the spirit that she has brought to Chisholm sport.
What’s Coming-up in Sport – Term One 2022
With most dates already locked-in for next year, please check out the awesome range of offerings on the Sporting calendar for Term One 2022:
Supercar Success – Oscar Targett (Year 10)
Oscar recently returned from a unique opportunity he had in October. Oscar was selected amongst applications from around the world to participate in the Richard Mille Young Talent Academy. This in itself is an amazing achievement. Held in Italy, Oscar undertook training and skills sessions with seasoned drivers and racing support staff, before competing in several time trials; the winner would compete in the Spanish F4 Championship.
Oscar finished an incredible third overall, as is the case with racing, the gap was so close – the blink of an eye.
To read the full story – Change of scene for the 2021 RMYTA, won by the Poland's Kucharczyk | Birel ART
He has since been selected in the Kelly Grove Racing Development Program for 2022. Oscar is one of two selected into the program alongside the Supercar up and comer, Matthew Payne.
Oscar has demonstrated great prowess in karting competing in the Australian Micro Max Championship and later the KZ2 competition, racing alongside adults.
Oscar has aspirations to one day join the Repco Supercars Championship. More on the story can be viewed here - Grove Junior Team lock in three-driver squad for 2022 - Supercars
We wish Oscar every success in the coming months.
Mr Brendan Taylor
What an excellent year the SEDA family has had this year. This last term has flown by. In Week 4 of this term, we had our big week of SEDA trials. Chisholm hosted a SEDA trials event where over 60 Year 6 students trialled for an invitation to the SEDA program. It was amazing to see the enthusiasm and energy the students brought to the afternoon. Thank you to the parents, staff, and coaches for giving up their time to give the students the opportunity to show us their skills and talents.
Football News:
Last week we had five Futsal teams head down to Calvary College to compete in the Calvary Cup. On the day I was fortunate enough to witness excellence in sportsmanship, integrity and comradery. The students played hard and came away with some well-deserved silverware. We had our Div 1 U15 girls, Div 1 U15 Boys and our Div 2 U13 boys take home the runners up trophy and our Div 2 U15 boys take home the Gold. All students who participated on the day should be commended for their efforts and attitudes on the day. A massive thanks to Mr Scott Russell, our football coach for preparing the teams and instilling the values of integrity and sportsmanship so evident on the day.
A Special Mention:
Jet Ashe, a valued member of the SEDA football team we appointed the South Coast Captaincy and competed in the Invitational State Championships last weekend. This is quite the achievement. After going down in the semi-finals Jet was able to rally his team and lead them to victory placing them third in the state. Congratulations Jet, well done!
Netball and Rugby League – QISSN and Confraternity Respectively
In Week 6, we held the trials for the 2022 QISSN and Confraternity squads. The students participated with great enthusiasm and vigour on these afternoons and should all be commended for their efforts. Congratulations to these young men and women. Finally, Monday was the last training session for the year and thanks to Andrew Poynter and Conor Glennon, the confraternity enjoyed a competitive afternoon of Fijian touch football and a sausage sizzle to end out the year on a high. It was exciting to witness and feel the vibe of the afternoon. Looking forward to watching these teams grow and compete in 2022! C’mon Chisholm.
VET News
Ms. Mala Nair
Hard to believe that this is the last post for 2021. In the madness of it all, another successful year has gone with so much to celebrate in the VET Department! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, parents and trainers for their participation and support. This year more than 400 nationally recognized qualifications were successfully completed by 250 students in Years 10 – 12.
Congratulations to the following students who completed a
Certificate Qualification on campus in 2021
Diploma of Business: Jamie Beach, Caroline Boon, Jorja Cowan-Wegner, Jed Currie, Kai Donohue, Keiarna Ewers, Gloria Fekete, Ella Gowlett, Courtney Grant, Georgia Heron, Olivia Rhode, Matisse Ritchie, Kai Warren, Louella Willaton
Certificate III in Business: Brielle Allen, Teigan Cole-Barrett, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Hayley, Blake Moore, Jackson Morris, Reuben Summers
Certificate III in Screen and Media: Billy Chapman, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Hayden Fraser, Callum Garth, Isaac Kincaid, Leighnne Kirby Libarnes, Jackson Morris
Certificate II in Sport and Rec and Certificate III in Fitness: Damien , Jasper Blanch, Shannon Bryant, Jack Carnes, Jackson, Zane Clegg, Teigan Cole-Barrett, Georgia Grunert, William Harris, Georgia Heron, Jamie Holzheimer, Javarne Hunt, Isaac Kincaid, Talia-Jay Low, Lachlan Mackenroth, Ethan Martin, Joseph Mazza, Dalton McGrath, Hannah McLaughlin, Lachlan Mitchell, Jack Muscat, Zara Ormsby-Qualtrough, Nicholas Osmond, Oliver Ravanelli, Aaron Scribbins, Breanna Sudiro, Reuben Summers, Liam Sweeney, Viano Taschke, Brayden Thoms, Dylan Trauntner, Angus Wardlaw, Louella Willaton, Joseph Willis Certificate III in Health Services Assistance/Certificate II in Community Services and Health Support Services: Rylee Bird, Caroline Boon, Chloe Breen, Sarah Bridgeman, Skye Dunmore, Ava Guthrie, Charli Ivey, Hannah, Ashlyn Masterson, Josephine Sebasio, Julian Sinokula, Kasey Smith, Tori Sullivan, April Tuominen, Isabella Van Dijk, Zali Webster, Georgia Kate Wilson, Georgia Kaye Wilson
Certificate II in Community Services and Health Support Services: Zara Ormsby-Qualtrough, Maddison Park
Certificate II and III in Hospitality: Teigan Cole-Barrett, Jessica Dougherty, Charlotte Dunn, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Isaac Kincaid, Chelsie Moore, Ana-Marie, Kasey Smith, Tyler Stow, Skye, Olivia, Kloe Gladman, Hannah, Jessica Myers, Emily Targett, Melora
Certificate III in Hospitality: Courtney Grant, William Stratford, April Tuominen
Certificate II in Hospitality: Ava Guthrie, Ashlyn Masterson, Kyle Munroe, Nicholas Osmond, Tori Sullivan, Jaxon Ford, Hayley, Dalton McGrath, Thomas Merchant
Certificate II Furniture Making Pathways: Zane Clegg, Jade Holt, Lachlan Mitchell, Kyle Munroe, Lachlan O’Halloran, Brayden Thoms, Angus Toby, Ryan Uhlmann, Michael Ammar, CJ Bridge, Jaxon Ford, Jamie Holzheimer, Maddison Hymas, Harrison Martin, Lachlan Merrett
Congratulations to the following students who completed a Certificate Qualification off-campus:
Certificate II in Plumbing:
Year 12 - Zane Clegg, Samuel, William Stratford, Dalton McGrath, Joseph Mazza
Year 11 - Aiden Kostarelos, Bayley Narramore
Certificate I in Construction:
Year 12 - Michael Ammar, Maddison Hymas, Lachlan Merrett
Year 11 - Olivia Jedras, Cooper McNamara, Jacob Simms, Connor Wallace, Kyle Taylor
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways:
Year 12 - Regan Bridge, Wyatt Nipperess, Brayden Thoms
Year 11 - Cooper Ayson, Harry Godfrey, Kyan Wilson
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start):
Year 11 - Tyler Bunn, Nathan Duncan, Liam Eldridge, Noah Gilby, Luke Jones, Matthew Lavercombe, Cooper Murphy, Jayden, Soraya Stevens
Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology:
Year 12 - CJ Bridge and Thomas Merchant
Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure: Year 12 - Patrick Fletcher
Certificate II Tourism/ Certificate III Events:
Year 12 - Courtney Grant and April Tuominen
Certificate II Logistics: Year 11 - Ethan Jedras
Certificate II Health Support Services/ Certificate III Health Service Assistance:
Year 12 - Tayla Mitchell
Certificate IV Crime and Justice Studies:
Year 12 - Amber Johnson and Year 11 Caitlin Fraser
Certificate II Retail Cosmetics: Year 10 - Zoe Harris
Certificate II Music Industry (Music Practice): Year 11 - Cooper James
Certificate III Community Dance, Theatre and Events: Year 11 - Summer Smith
Certificate II Baking: Year 10 - Ryan van Poelgeest
Certificate III in Make-Up: Year 11 - Callie Ward
Certificate III in Business: Year 11 - Lexie Mitchell
Congratulations to the following students who participated in the Year 10 TAFE Trade Taster program:
John-Paul Ammar, Hayden Bates, Nate, Liam Carroll, Josiah Cookson, Lucas Cowling, William, Jack Ebrington, Max Elliott, Harrison, Jacob Haworth, Charlie Hutchison, Riley, Dane Johansen, Samuel Kidman, Jack Leafe, Jonathan Linney, Zane Ryan, Zane Shea
Congratulations to the following students who commenced a School Based Traineeship in Semester 2
Hayden Bates - Certificate III Telecommunications Technology at All Data & Communications
Oscar Dickson - Certificate III Hospitality at The Foxy Coffee
Rylee Bidwell - Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care at Loganholme Early Learning Centre
Renee Plant - Certificate III Hospitality at Hungry Jack's
We wish the following students all the best as they change over to full time apprentices post Year 12
Damien - Certificate III Carpentry
Jackson Crowe - Certificate III Electrotechnology at East Coast Services Group
April Eastment - Certificate III Hairdressing at S&S Hair and Beauty
Harrison Martin - Certificate III Flooring Technology at Apprenticeships QLD
Ana-Marie - Certificate III Hairdressing
Aaron Scribbins - Certificate III Engineering – Mechanical Trade at Ozmac Cylinder Engineering
Opportunity for Year 12 School Leaver
QPower are looking to hire a first year apprentice Boiler Maker in January 2022. If you are interested in applying please contact Natalie Walsh via email nataliew@qpower.com.au or phone 07 3209 4738. If you would like to know more about the company please go to www.qpower.com.au
Finally, to the graduating Year 12 students, all the best for their future endeavors and I encourage them to go courageously, confidently and enthusiastically into their new world, embracing opportunities as they arise. Good luck.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a restful holiday season. May 2022 bring many blessings and much happiness for all.
Community News
Rosies say Thank You to the Chisholm Community
We are so grateful for the support of each and every school but especially school communities like yours, Chisholm Catholic College.
Every time you wear Red for Rosies, hold a noodle drive a bake sale or write thoughtful notes to our patrons, your community makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.
To learn more about the patrons you’ve had an impact on this year please read our current newsletter here: https://bit.ly/3mUi2Wc
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands
There are limited seats available on the Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands for 2022.
If you would like to book a seat for your student please email your students name, bus run, days the bus is required and whether mornings or afternoons to: Chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au
Students will need their existing Chisholm Bus Card when boarding the bus to tap on/off in 2022. Your assistance with informing the students to keep this card in a safe place over the holidays would be appreciated. Suggest they put it in their school bag along with their combination lock for their locker. These cards are ongoing and do not expire. There is a replacement fee of $3 to cover the cost of the Fob attached to the card.
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Alteration to School Bus Route 4467
Bus School Route change as of Monday, 24th January 2022 (Term 1). Changes to school route 4467 – see attached changes. Any queries please direct correspondence to our office via email info@clarkslogancity.com.au where our customer service staff will assist you