2022 Term 1, Week 4
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
2022 – Our 30th Anniversary!
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Student Protection Contacts
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Holidays During Term Time
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
VET News
Community News
Principal's News
Welcome Back!
We are now in Week 4 and the second week since returning to ‘face to face’ learning. It was an anxious start to the year for everyone, but there was also a sense of joy and hope with the return. The presence of Covid-19 within the community is genuine, and we are very conscious of the impact on our families and staff. We have appreciated the manner with which families have supported all in the community by observing the requirements as outlined by the Queensland Government and Queensland Health.
Learning is well and truly the focus now and it is a pleasure to walk in to classrooms and see students engaging.
We do have to continue supporting each other. This is with the knowledge that requirements and mandates may change; we will inform you of any changes that would impact our College community. A challenge for us at the moment is the Face Mask mandate. Unfortunately, we are seeing far too many students attending school without a face mask. The College Leadership Team visited most classes late last week to explain what is required of students, referring to the details that are provided later in this Newsletter.
Parents/carers, we need your help. Whilst there will be differing perspectives and opinions on face masks, we respect that, we are asking that all students follow the requirements in support of each other. I have previously explained that we do not want our teachers having to be spend time that is for learning and teaching, challenging students who are either neglectful or simply refusing to do what is expected of everyone. We do need both parents/carers and teachers challenging our young people.
Please find later in the Newsletter details on our response to Covid-19.
Year 7 Welcome and Year 12 Student Leader Commissioning
Last Thursday, we formally welcomed our Year 7 students into the FAMILY. We had grand plans to make their welcome and introduction into the College as special as possible, but the imposed restrictions meant that we had to be far more subdued. Nonetheless, we loved how they entered the College and were presented with the Senior Buddy before the community. As our newest editions, they were reminded that each one of them possesses God-given skills, talents and abilities that we want them to display for all to see. In doing so, they become an important part of our College, and would flourish with their learning. We really do look forward to what they have to offer over the coming six years.
We also acknowledged our Student Leaders, commencing with the Year 12 cohort. I have expressed on several occasions to the students that I believe this group could do amazing things for our community. To do this, they must be prepared to acknowledge the great power they have to influence positively the younger students who do look to them for guidance. This was on display when many of the students took their Year 7 ‘Buddy’ into their care to make sure that they felt welcomed, and that they had someone that they could call on at any time.
Finally, we acknowledged our Student Leaders for 2022, from Year 12 and Year 9. This is student leadership team we hold great hope will lead the Chisholm Catholic College community with. Already, they have been active in engaging student voice, seeking to bring joy and improve engagement for all students.
Welcome to New Staff
Though there has been an unusual start to the 2022 school, we were able to welcome our new staff several weeks ago. Though, some have just joined us in the last week. Each one of them brings experience, skills and capabilities that will serve our community well. In later Newsletters, we will highlight our staff and their background.
- Eleni Greenaway – Assistant Principal – Religious Education
- Krijn van Gils – Acting Assistant Principal – Student and Staff Welfare
- Elise Black
- Jonathan Colton – IT Technician
- Cameron Conlon
- Danielle Edwards
- Mathew Ellis – Program Leader: Sport
- Michael Jones – Guidance Counsellor
- Danielle Jorgensen – Academic Leader: Mathematics
- Aisha Lawton
- Bryce Lalor – Pastoral Leader: Oodgeroo
- David Madden
- Vanessa Maguire
- Rodney Matheson
- Erin McDonald
- Jessica Mosterd – PA to College Leadership
- Emilio Raffaele (Replacing Courtney Branson)
- Jessie-Lee Rebello
- Dominic Sauvage
- Hongwei Sun
- Pinky Ann Thomas – Learning Enrichment Officer
- Hayden Venz
- Salli-Anne Walding
- Jessica Walsh – Support Teacher: Inclusive Education
- Glenn Whitford
Covid-19 Update
Our response aligns with the Queensland Government’s Back to School 2022 Plan.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms or unwell:
- Keep your child/children at home
- Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended
- Follow the advice of Queensland Health.
We have been notified of a few positive cases of COVID-19 in our school community. In line with the current requirements, the household close contacts of this case have been identified and are undertaking quarantine as necessary.
If your child tests positive please inform the College by emailing scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au so we can support the student and take any necessary action at a school level. We would also like to know if your family is required to isolate due to the student being a Close Contact.
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
- wear a mask when it is required or when they cannot physically distance
- maintain good hand hygiene at all times
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately
- practise social distancing from others where possible
The College will continue to:
- sustain additional cleaning effort to our sick rooms and student areas, and other high-touch point surfaces.
- review ventilation in our classrooms, ensuring good airflow in learning spaces using natural and mechanical ventilation.
- provide free Rapid Antigen Tests to students with symptoms while at school, to be administered at home once you collect your student.
- limiting visitors (including parents), with exceptions for parents and carers of students experiencing vulnerability.
- suspending camps, excursions, assemblies, and large gatherings
- limiting external contractors (unless work is critical), and face-to-face parent-teacher interviews
- applying COVID risk management to sport or cultural activities or in accordance with COVID-safe plans where applicable.
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice.
Deputy Principal's News
Parent Emails - SPAM/Junk folders
A number of parents or caregivers have reported issues with school emails going to SPAM/Junk folders. In the first instance, please check your SPAM/Junk folder and, if the email is there, mark it as not SPAM/Junk. If it is not there, please contact the school to ensure we have your correct email address recorded in our School and Student Administration System.
Sun Safety
Students are required to wear their hats to and from school, between classes and at both breaks. This is designed for their sun safety. Students are also encouraged to wear sunscreen, particularly if they like to play on the oval at breaktimes. Sunscreen should also be applied during PE lessons and outdoor sporting activities.
Lining Up for Buses
Just a reminder that students who are waiting for buses or to be picked up at the front of the school need to wait behind the fence. Students are only to move to the kerb once the bus/car has arrived at the front of the school.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not to be used during school hours. They are required to be placed in student lockers between 8.30am and 2.55pm. If you need to contact your child during the day, please contact the office and any messages will be passed on.
Students should not be on their phones when using the pedestrian crossings or when in the car park as this is a very dangerous practice as the students do not pay attention to what is around them when they are on the phone.
Car Park Safety
Please see the included 'Dropping Off and Picking Up' Flyer which many of you received last week. It provides information about the best and safest way to use the car park and drop off zones.
2022 – Our 30th Anniversary!
2022 marks the 30th Anniversary for Chisholm Catholic College.
We are reaching to our alumni to tell us what they have been up to since leaving the College, and to include them in communication about the celebrations that are being planned.
We want to tell their story, so that our students can understand that they are part of greater legacy.
To pass on alumni details, email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Opening Liturgy and Student Commissioning Ceremony
As a new member of the Chisholm Community, I have been struck by the genuine warmth and welcome by students and inspired by the professionalism and commitment of our staff. In this year, as we celebrate our 30th Year anniversary, it is clear that the charism of Caroline Chisholm and the FAMILY values are alive and well at the College.
Our School Theme for the year is “Communities of Faith, Hope and Love” and this was certainly evident as we came together as a Whole School Community - albeit a little differently for our Opening Liturgy and Student Commissioning Ceremony on Thursday. This was a wonderful opportunity to reflect, pray and celebrate together. It was especially significant for our Year 7 students who were welcomed into the College and our Student Leaders and Year 12 cohort who were commissioned as leaders. We also look forward to welcoming our new students across Years 8-12 during a special presentation in their respective House Assembly.
During the Liturgy, several pledges were taken by students, staff and families. All students committed themselves to our motto to ‘Live Christ’s Challenge’ as supportive members of our community. Our Year 12 students as Senior Leaders made a special pledge to be people of Faith, Ambition, Commitment, Integrity, Love and Mercy as exemplified by the life of Caroline Chisholm and Jesus. Our staff pledged to continue to be role models and active examples of the goodness of God, through the learning and caring of our students. Families also committed to supporting the values of the College and students in their learning and their relationships with others.
Student Voice Representative Council and Student Committees
On Thursday, students will be given the opportunity to nominate for the Student Voice Representative Council during their Year Level Assembly. Elected students will be able to represent their House and Year Level as members of the Student Voice Representative Council (SRC) and have the chance to join a committee of their choice. Our committees include: Approaches to Learning, Cultural, Stewardship, Mission, Student Support and Sports Committees. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to bring their voice on various school community topics and to develop their leadership skills. If students are interested in nominating, please collect a form during Year Level Assembly and return completed form to Student Services by Tuesday, 22nd February.
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent and our annual Caritas Project Compassion Appeal. Eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates back to the 15th Century. The Mission Committee will be selling pancakes for $2 to raise funds for Project Compassion. I would encourage students to come prepared to purchase a pancake on Tuesday, 1st March at first break, both cash and eftpos facilities will be available on the day. Please help us to support the work of Caritas to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Keep an eye out for further opportunities to donate to Caritas during this Lenten period.
Farewell Father Rodrigo and Welcome to Father Richard Tomelty
Earlier this term we farewelled Father Rodrigo who will be moving to a new Parish in Humpty Doo, Northern Territory. We thank Father Rodrigo for his service to our College, he will be missed by staff and students alike.
We would also like to warmly welcome Father Richard Tomelty the new Parish Priest of St Matthew’s, Cornubia and thank him for celebrating our Opening Liturgy. We look forward to celebrating many more prayerful occasions together.
Beenleigh Parish Youth News
United Youth: Our next meeting will be on Friday, February 18th. We’re starting a little earlier now - our new time is from 5:30pm till 8:30pm in the Truelson room at the church. Anyone from the age of 10 to 20something is welcome.
Youth Masses: 9am Sunday, 20th February with practice at 8am and Praise and Worship at 8:40am; 6pm Sunday, 6th March, with practice at 4pm and Praise and Worship at 5:40pm. If there are any young people who would like to join our youth band, or take part in any other way at the Youth Masses, please let me know. Other ministries include reading, taking up the collection and marshalling/welcoming.
Band practice: 7:15pm on Tuesday nights at the parish office.
New comers to our ministry are always most welcome, so if you’re between 10 and 30, and would like to check out what we do at youth group, or would like to know what events we have coming up, please get in contact with Cathy 0400 494 943, youth.beenleigh@bne.catholic.net.au
2022 Collaborative Planning Days
Last year, we advised parents/carers that there would be two (2) Collaborative Planning Days that the staff of Chisholm Catholic College will engage in during Term time in 2022.
These days are:
- Wednesday, 23rd February (CANCELLED)
- Wednesday, 10th August
The Queensland Catholic Education Commission with the Queensland Catholic Dioceses and local Brisbane Catholic Education secondary schools have a strong commitment to improved student learning and specifically collaborative curriculum planning by teachers. In the secondary context, staff are required to actively participate in these 2 days of collaboration in addition to the mandatory 6 days of training, administration and professional learning that occurs during student holiday breaks. These dates have been selected after consultation with local and College calendars and with the intention of achieving greatest impact of collaborative curriculum delivery.
Student learning is always at the forefront of the College’s considerations in identifying strategic priorities and improving student outcomes. On these days, staff will collaboratively plan with curriculum and student wellbeing specialists from Brisbane Catholic Education to assist the teachers in their work.
For staff to fully engage in this collaborative planning, your student is not required to attend the College on these designated days. However, general supervision for individual study will provided for students of those families who are unable to provide alternate care. We will seek this information closer to the date/s.
Chisholm Catholic College is excited by the opportunity to further enhance the learning opportunities of all our students through this strategy. If you have any queries regarding these arrangements, please contact the College Principal, Mr Damian Bottaccio – scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au .
With the delayed start to 2022, we moved the Collaborative Planning Day that was scheduled for Wednesday, 23rd February to Week 1 when students were not at school. Wednesday, 23rd February will now be a normal school day.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
It is great to see students back in classes and having face to face time. It certainly makes you appreciate our College community.
There has been some movement in student electives, I emphasise that choices need to be taken carefully as options may be limited. The time for any subject changes has now passed, students will need to stay in subjects until the end of the Unit for Year 11 and Semester for Years 7-10.
Our Year 12s last year had some fantastic results, being very pleasing for those students who applied themselves throughout their senior schooling.
Congratulations to our College Dux – Hunter Wheeldon.
Students who achieved above 95 ATAR - Hunter Wheeldon; Daniel Watson and Isabella Hurrey.
Students who achieved above 90 ATAR – Lauren Chewter; Kasey Chapman; Gloria Fekete; Sailaja Kotagiri; Charlie Macfarlane and Zayah Morgan.
This equates to 14% above 90 ATAR for those who elected to pursue on ATAR pathway. Of all our students who applied for further study, 98% of students were offered a place at QTAC. Congratulations and best of luck to our 2021 Seniors.
Science Homework Assistance
Science Homework Assistance is available to all students at the following times:
- Monday 3-4pm in the Library - Biology and Science
- Wednesday 3-4pm in B4 - Chemistry and Science
- Thursday 3-4pm in the Library - Physics and Science
Student Protection Contacts
Do you or someone you know have a safety concern?
Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of students is based in our belief that each person is made in the image of God, and our ethos is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all. All students have the right to expect that the school will always act to protect them from any kind of harm.
How can all members of school communities work together to ensure that students are protected?
- In all matters to do with the protection and wellbeing of students the whole school community must work together cooperatively for the most effective outcome.
- It is recognised that parents/guardians are the primary educators and carers of their children and they are encouraged to work in partnership with the school in these important tasks.
- The importance of supporting parents/guardians in their efforts to protect their children from harm is acknowledged.
- All members of the school community work together to empower students through modelling appropriate safety strategies.
- All staff participate in student protection professional learning in order to assist them to understand their legal, policy and pastoral responsibilities and to respond appropriately to student protection concerns.
- All schools have selected staff members nominated to act in the role of Student Protection Contacts (SPCs). Students know they can go to an SPC with any concern about something happening at school or away from school.
- Parents/Guardians may also approach an SPC for help.
Do you know who our Student Protection Officers are?
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Enrolment interviews for Year 7, 2023 are just about completed. We are unable to accept any more enrolments, so a ‘Wait List’ has been applied.
Already, we have had very strong interest in enrolments for Year 7, 2024. Interviews will commence shortly and will continue through to the end of Term 3.
If you have a son/daughter in Year 5 – enrol them now. We do not wish to see any siblings miss out on a place.
If you have a family friend or work colleague who is looking at enrolling their child for Year 7, 2024 at Chisholm Catholic College, please ask them to make contact now.
Holidays During Term Time
Taking family holidays during Term time has become more enticing – less expensive and less people. So, we certainly understand the reasons behind such decisions. However, taking a child out of school in term time will affect their schooling as much as any other absence and we ask parents to help us by not taking children away in school time. Remember that any savings you think you may make by taking a holiday in school time are offset by the cost to your child’s education.
We are particularly mindful of Assessment; there are conditions around integrity that would not allow us to schedule exams early or post the event, nor would extensions to assignments be generally offered. For Years 11 and 12, these expectations are consistent with schools around Queensland, as advised by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).
There is a process of approval that requires parents to email Mr Bottaccio (College Principal) – scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Approvals should be requested well in advance of the planned activity. A form will then need to be completed so that we properly respond to the request. This form will be emailed back to the parent. A further form will then be generated to identify the potential impact on learning and assessment.
Leave in term time will generally not be approved unless circumstances surrounding the request can be evidenced, by parents, to be exceptional. This does not prevent the holiday or trip.
Any period of leave taken, unless it is an Acceptable Reason, such as a representative sporting / cultural opportunity, bereavement within the family and for medical reasons, would be classed as an unauthorised absence.
We want to work with families and students in all aspects. Early communication negates any potential concerns that could arise - we certainly would want this to happen. Please refer to our Attendance Policy and Procedures, located on the College website – CLICK HERE
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Bus 2 Redlands
Please note that all students have been issued with their Chisholm Bus Card. We ask that the card be kept in their school bags where it is handy to access, and that Students use it to tap on and off for each trip.
Using the Bus Card assists with loading the bus in the afternoons and helps the driver with schedule times. Students who do not have their cards are having to check onto the bus manually thereby slowing down the departure time.
If your student has lost their card from last year and requires a replacement, please email chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au for a replacement, which costs $3.
Parents of Students new to the bus service, please check your emails for a Welcome message from RollCall. It contains information on how to download the Roll Call app which will enable you to monitor the location of the bus as well as when your student taps on/off the bus.
There are a limited number of seats available on the Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands. If you require a seat for your student/s please send an email to ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au and list your students name, days required and if morning or afternoon. The cost is $3 per trip and payable for the Term in advance. Preferences will go to students using the service every day
Chis Culture News
Welcome back to 2022. Over the coming weeks, a number of extracurricular activities will be starting up providing opportunities for students to engage in the Creative Arts.
Dance Teams
Chisholm Dance Team Auditions are being held on Thursday, 17th February from 3:00pm-4:30pm. These will take place in Father Gary Russell Block. Students will need to sign up by contacting Ms Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au).
Lunchbox Theatre
Lunch Box Theatre will start next Tuesday. A casual lunch time drama group for students in Years 7-12. Come along to play theatre games, meet new friends as well as develop performance, acting and directing skills.
Instrumental Music
We offer lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano this term. It’s never too late to enrol!
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes. Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or on the Parent Portal. Please contact Ms Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) with any queries.
Chisholm Art Club
After school Art Club will be starting this term. Each Thursday 3-4:30pm, Art Club will be a fun afternoon of creative activities. No experience required and open to all years. All you need is a creative thinking cap! We will be doing different activities each week that develop skills and a chance to let loose. This is a great time to share ideas of projects and simply have fun expressing yourself without the pressure of assignments.
Seniors are also able to use this time to work on their class projects.
I’m looking forward to our first session this week.
Miss Murray (suzanne.murray@bne.catholic.edu.au).
Students, keep an eye out on notices and emails for more opportunities to come!
External opportunities:
Please see below a list of opportunities available to students:
- Sunshine Coast Art Prize: Applications are now open and close 9 May 2022 5pm AEST.
- La Boite – School Holiday Program
- Queensland Theatre– Student Pathways Program: Applications open now. Program dates 28 March – 1 April 2022
- Queensland Theatre – Theatre Residency Week: Monday 19 – Saturday 24 September. Register online, limited places available
- Queensland Theatre – Young Playwrights Award: Submissions close on Monday 11 July 2022
- QB Teen - Queensland Ballet: 12-month memberships are available
- Enter Fanfare – Artology: Composition competition. Entries close Monday 6 June 2022
- Queensland Theatre | Young Writers’ Ensemble Applications close Friday 18th of February
- Queensland Theatre | Student Pathways Program Applications now open for students in Years 10-12
- Queensland Theatre | Theatre Residency Week Register now via the website
Sport News
Welcome to the start of the 2022 school year and a special welcome to all new students and parents to Chisholm Catholic College. I look forward to catching up with both new and existing students/parents throughout the year at the extensive range of activities and sports offered at the College.
I am new to the Chisholm family in 2022, having previously worked at West Moreton Anglican College Sports Department as the Head of Sport for the last ten years. It is exciting to see where our College Sport program can grow and improve student outcomes in the sporting arena.
Communication of Sporting Information
The communication process is vital in ensuring that students and parents are kept up to date with the variety of sporting information, particularly at the start of a new year. Apart from this section in the newsletter, sporting information is also passed on or can be accessed in a number of other ways.
- Parent Portal
- Under the Sports link from the Parent Portal page, information is available for SECA and Representative School Sport. These pages are currently being updated as we are up to Version 10 of the revised Pacific District Sport Calendar. This was due in part to school beginning two weeks after the original set dates and the movement to new Regional/District sport dates to accommodate sport trials where possible.
- Daily Notices which are read to students each morning
- Sports noticeboard at the Melaleuca Centre
- Via email to mathew.ellis@bne.catholic.edu.au (Head of Sport). Wherever possible, emails to parents will be utilised where appropriate for the updating of specific information and dates.
Representative School Sport
Chisholm Catholic College is a member of Pacific District School Sport and the greater South Coast Region. Students are responsible for nominating themselves for representative sporting trials and from these nominations, selected students are given the opportunity to compete at Zone/District or Regional level to earn a place in a sporting team to compete at further carnivals and trials.
Zone, District and Regional nominations for various sports are currently being called for. Students and parents will be emailed an online form this week which will allow nomination for all Representative School Sport for all sports for the remainder of 2022. These online nominations will be open for a 14-day period from the sending of said email, and will allow the College Sports Department to streamline the process of nomination and the more efficient dissemination of trials information to nominated students/families. Daily notices and student email may be used to communicate further information, including dates. Students are not able to nominate directly to District or South Coast and students are responsible for letting Mr Ellis know about their selection in any representative teams.
SECA Sport
It is unfortunate to communicate to the College Community that the SECA Association has made the decision to cancel the SECA Swimming Carnival and Term 1 Gala day events. Due to the current COVID environment the Association is wishing to start fresh in Term 2 for our upcoming SECA Winter season and SECA Cross Country Carnival.
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
The Interhouse Swimming Carnival has recently been moved to the new date of Wednesday, 16th March. Further specific details about venue, time and student participation will be communicated shortly to students and families.
Congratulations to...
During the Christmas holidays, Riley Gundy (Year 10) tried out for the National Ten Pin Bowling Team, representing South Queensland.
Riley subsequently made the team, placing first with an average of 219. An amazing outcome!
In July, Riley will be travelling to Tasmania to bowl against other state and national bowlers in this event. It has been a goal of Riley’s to achieve over the last two years.
Throughout this year Riley will be travelling interstate as he competes in National events in both Victoria and NSW.
We congratulate Riley and look forward to hearing more about his efforts.
Leo Gallagher for his recent representation for the Queensland Waterpolo team at the Under 16 Summer Slam competition.
After having the 2020 competition cancelled and the 2021 competition repeatedly delayed, Leo was able to display his vast array of skills for the Queensland Gold team. Leo scored 10 goals for Queensland and demonstrated stoic defensive efforts at Centre Back. Following his performances, Leo was selected in the Australian Cadets Squad for 2022. This squad went straight from the competition into a five-day training camp in Brisbane. This squad will be reduced from 28 down to a final team of 13 player to compete at the upcoming World Under 16 Champion ships in Greece in June.
We wish Leo the very luck of luck as he prepares for this elite level of competition.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Library News
The Library Team would like to welcome students back to the school year. It has been a busy start with the distribution of textbooks. It is important that all members of our community, including parents are aware of our textbook procedures and policies. Please find below important details outlining our text-hire scheme, which has already been communicated to students and teachers.
- The textbooks should always remain in the care of the student. Textbooks should not be left in classrooms as they can go missing. All textbooks are the student’s responsibility from the time of issue until returned.
- Throughout the year, any textbooks that are no longer required should be returned to the Library.
- Return all items in good condition. A charge will be made for any damaged or lost textbooks.
- Students are asked to regularly check their school email for overdue notifications and return any overdue items as soon as possible.
- All textbooks/ text-hire resources should be returned before the end of the school year unless an exception is granted.
- Failure to return text-hire resources (including lost or damaged texts) will result in the cost of the text being charged to the student’s account.
The Library greatly appreciate the assistance of students and their families in advance to ensure the College resources are cared for and can continue to be used by all students in future years.
VET News
The new school year begins with a great sense of excitement and anticipation for senior students as they pursue their journey in the world of vocational education and training. We wish the following students all the best as they pursue additional career pursuits whilst still completing their senior schooling:
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start): Aiden Mayes, Jack Leafe, Jacob Haworth, Jonathan Linney, Nicholas Nogacki, Samuel Kidman, Tyler Cope, William, Cooper McNamara, Kyle Taylor, Olivia Jedras
Certificate II in Plumbing: Noah Gilby, Ethan Kenney, Harrison, Jackson Brown, Joshua Westerman, Josiah Cookson, Lachlan Lam, Liam Carroll, Nate, Ty Iddon
Certificate I in Construction: Jacob Speer, Jonte
Certificate II in Animal Studies; Lilliana Chapman, Cooper Plant
Certificate II in Health Support Services: Annabel, Isabella Varga, Layla-Rose Ludwig-Muir
Certificate II in Community Services: Samson Fisis, Sierriah Lee-Andrews
Certificate II in Telecommunication Technology: Codey Muras, David, James, Jack Marcon
Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways: Jett Baker
Certificate III in Nail Technology: Liliana Simon-Istvan
Certificate III in Community Dance, Theatre and Events: Carmen Martinez Harris
Certificate II in Tourism: Summer Smith
Certificate II in Tourism/Certificate III in Events: Skye Connors
Certificate II in Rural Operations: Claire Meecham
Certificate III in Design Fundamentals (Graphics): Essey Nelson
Certificate III in Screen and Media (Film and TV): Sophie Mead
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation: Kaiden Blight
Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology: Charlie Hutchison
Certificate III in Information Technology: Samuel Mycock
Certificate II Applied Fashion Design and Technology: Ava D’Castro
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways: Abraham Aldred
Certificate II Aircraft Line Maintenance: Brady Gowlett
8-week Taster Program – Health: Cecilia Geri, Lillian Heath, Erin Mayes, Jessica, Ellee Turner, Zoe Walker, Dana Tuominen
School Based Trainees/Apprentices:
Certificate III in Business: Beau Santa Cruz, Ella Hamlett, Emily Ryan
Certificate III in Hospitality: Lachlan Knight, Mikala, Olivia, Oscar Dickson, Samson Fisis, Renee Plant
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care: Rylee Bidwell
Certificate III in Individual Support: Keely Gillman
Certificate III in Carpentry: Kyan Wilson
Certificate III in Construction: Danny Kavanagh
Certificate III in Plumbing: Bayley Narramore
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrical: Tyler Bunn
Certificate III in Telecommunications Technology: Hayden Bates
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Work Experience program
The Defence Work Experience Program provides opportunities for you to explore the different jobs that are on offer through the ADF. Visit their website and click on 'Placements' to see what placements are available near you. When you click on a particular work experience placement you will be able to read about the specific program and application information. You need to check their website regularly for updates and programs on offer.
Current Opportunities - Year 10 and Year 11 Students Only
- Zarraffas Coffee Cornubia, Eagleby, and Bethania
- Subway Loganholme, Springwood, Slacks Creek, and Meadowbrook
- My Momentum (Disability Individual Support)
- Soul Origin Loganholme
- Cowch Dessert Cocktail Bar Mount Gravatt and Southbank
- Life Essence Health and Wellbeing Centre, Beenleigh
- Origin Kebab, Logan
- Premium Ice Cream and Juice Bar Logan and Springwood
- 5 Dogs Restaurant Logan and Mount Gravatt
- Boost Juice Upper Mount Gravatt and Logan
A good attitude will always pay dividends
As the new year starts it is a good time to put in place some positive measures so that you start well. Below are four things to think about that may assist you to start with a winning attitude:
- Empathy will take you a long way - understand where other people (especially your teachers) are coming from and meet them half-way. It has been a challenging two years and start of the new year for everyone.
- In today's world, your attitude is as important as your aptitude - although grades are important, your attitude will make a great deal of difference to your success and happiness.
- You must trade being fragile for being agile - being adaptable and pliable will see you managing whatever comes your way at school, at home, in the world. Resilience is the key.
- You are strong enough to flourish, not flounder - don't believe the messages, particularly from social media channels, which tells you that life is awful, because it isn't. It just needs you to have a ‘can do’ attitude, a bit of positive thinking and to back yourself to do the hard yards.
- Effectively managing all the things in your life - school, study, family, work, sport and social life will take a lot of stress off your shoulders and you will achieve much better personal and educational outcomes.
Good luck for a great 2022!! Stay positive, stay safe.
God Bless
Mala Nair
"The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln)
Community News
With students returning to school, it is a timely reminder that all students 12 years and over must wear a mask on public transport unless they have an exemption as per the Queensland Health directive (link below).
This is an important step in ensuring the health and safety of all persons who use public transport and particularly school services. This will go a long way to protecting those within our community.
Clarks Bus Service
Please find attached school routes which will be impacted by changes from Monday 24th January 2022 Term 1
Translink have approved our School RSP (Route Service Plan) changes to school routes 4467
The following changes have been made to these routes:
- 4467 PM Different alignment around Eagleby, Runs express from Windaroo to George St Beenleigh. Realignment at Chisholm College to stay on-road.
Attached are the routes with new times & left and rights.
Information Flyers will be going out on affected routes starting Monday 15th November to advise students of these changes – these are attached.
Translink Journey Planner will be updated from Monday 10th January with these new routes.
Your assistance is requested to advise your school body of these impending changes through your notices and communications.
Your assistance in this is greatly appreciated.
Any queries please direct correspondence to our office via email info@clarkslogancity.com.au where our customer service staff will assist you