2022 Term 1 - Week 10
Principal's News
Covid-19 Update – Cases in the Community
Chisholm Day – Friday, 27th May
Deputy Principal's News
Winter Formal Uniform – Term 2
2022 – Our 30th Anniversary
Chisholm Alumni – Jennifer Porteous
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Supporting Flood Victims
2022 Next Step Survey
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Student Drivers – Parents and Carers of Year 11 and 12 Students
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chis Culture News
Sport News
VET News
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
The end of a very long, eventful and continually changing term is almost here. Today sees the end to a Covid-filled staggered start to the year, with staff and students continually shifting their behaviours to: wear masks, sign in, stay away from school site and undertake RAT’s! However, we still enabled students to learn and be together, all with your support and patience. Thank you.
The Easter Liturgy and Interhouse Cross Country Carnival were held today and are fitting ways to end the term! It was great to see so many students participate – a joyful end and a genuine re-engagement of our FAMILY.
ANZAC Day Service and Commemorative March
We are inviting students, parents and staff to participate with Chisholm Catholic College at the Springwood and District RSL Commemorative March for ANZAC Day on Monday, 25th April. A Parent Slip has been sent to all families. Your attendance is much appreciated.
An ANZAC Day Service will be held at the College on Thursday, 21st April. Parents, you are welcome to attend. If we have any ex-service or currently serving parents, we would welcome your involvement. Please contact us via scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
ANZAC Day is the solemn day of remembrance of those Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who have fought and died for their country, and is marked annually on the anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign of the First World War.
ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day is the anniversary of the landing of troops from Australia and New Zealand on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey, in World War I on April 25, 1915. Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service, past and present.
College Pastoral Board
The Pastoral Board is an important parent (past and present) and community group that supports me and our staff with valuable feedback on our strategic direction and planning. It is not a ‘Governance’ Board that many organisations may have, responsible for financial and operational decisions. The current members do assist with insight on such aspects as Learning and Teaching, College Finances, Master Planning and the Marketing of the College.
Scott Douglas (Chairperson) and I are seeking Expressions of Interest from current parents who would like to be considered for inclusion on the College Pastoral Board. In responding, please include some background on your current or previous work that would be of benefit to the operations of the Board.
Please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au if interested.
Upcoming Principal Performance and Development Summative Review
As part of Brisbane Catholic Education’s Performance and Development policy, Principals are required to undergo periodically (4 – 5 yearly intervals), a summative 360-degree review.
The purpose of the review is to:
- ensure accountability to the School / Parish community and the Archbishop through Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE); and
- make commendations and recommendations to the Principal including future performance development planning, goals and enhanced professional learning.
I will be undertaking such a review in Term 2.
My review is being conducted on behalf of BCE’s Executive Director, by a panel consisting of BCE’s School Operations and Programs Lead (Chair), an External Panel Member with extensive Catholic school leadership experience, and an experienced current Peer Principal.
As part of the process, the panel will consult with a range of individuals and focus groups, including our Parish Priest, Fr. Richard Tomelty, school leadership and staff members, and representatives from the various school community groups, ie. College Board and PCA.
Consultation and representation across the school community is vital, and should you be invited to participate, I thank you in advance for your support during this important process.
Parent Engagement Opportunities
Based on feedback from a survey that was included in the last Newsletter, we will be commencing a variety of Parent Engagement presentations in Term 2. There will be further opportunities in Term 3. More specific details will be emailed at the start of next term and dates may change.
- Week 4 – Tuesday, 10th May: Year Level Information Evening.
- We have not been able to meet with parents this year and would want to provide ‘year-level’ specific advice and support through these presentations.
- Week 6 – Tuesday, 24th May: Supporting Your Student: Study/Revision and Homework.
- Navigating High School can be a challenge for many students. We want to support parents by providing ‘age appropriate’ advice so that you can assist with your child’s learning.
- Week 9 – Tuesday, 14th June: Youth Mental Health.
- This is very relevant topic for many families. Our intent is to provide insight and understanding, as well as advice on how to support your child.
Term 2 Return to School – Tuesday, 19th April
I am looking forward to beginning Term 2 in a much smoother fashion than Term 1, and remind students and parents to be ready to start on Tuesday, 19th April, with all materials for learning and the correct personal appearance and uniform requirements met. Information about our expectations are on the Parent Portal.
Happy Holidays and Easter!
As we continue our Lenten journey towards Easter Sunday, I wish you all a happy and holy Easter, and hope there is some time for rest and renewal for you and your family.
Covid-19 Update – Cases in the Community
The safety and wellbeing of our students continues to be a key priority for staff at the College. With the holidays now upon us, we will continue to monitor carefully the presence of Covid within our community, particularly with the understanding that many schools across Queensland are seeing an increase in numbers. We have experienced a steady number of cases, most of which have directly impacted a family member resulting in isolation for the students. However, this morning we have been notified of a few positive cases of COVID-19 in our school community. In line with the current requirements, the household close contacts of this case have been identified and are undertaking quarantine as necessary.
A recent update to the Queensland Health Directions regarding isolation indicates that anyone who has completed their period of isolation MUST wear a face mask for seven (7) days. This applies to both individuals who have been Diagnosed with Covid and Close Contacts. This change will likely cause some frustration as it has not been widely communicated; however, we do ask for the support in maintaining this requirement. This is explained on the Queensland Health website.
It is recommended that all students, parents and staff entering the College wear a face mask; this is a recommendation not a mandate. This will continue into the start of Term 2.
We are conscious that we need to support each other by maintaining calm. The reality is that COVID-19 is active in the area and we, along with other schools, are prepared to respond should there be any notable increases. Authorities have not required us to take any further action at this time at a school level.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms or unwell:
- Keep your child/children at home
- Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended
- Follow the advice of Queensland Health.
If your child tests positive please inform the College by emailing scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au so we can support the student and take any necessary action at a school level. We would also like to know if your family is required to isolate due to the student being a Close Contact.
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
- maintain good hand hygiene at all times
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately
- practise social distancing from others where possible
The wearing of masks is no longer mandated. However, it is recommended that members of the community wear them.
The College will continue to:
- sustain the additional cleaning effort to our sick rooms and student areas, and other high-touch point surfaces.
- review ventilation in our classrooms, ensuring good airflow in learning spaces using natural and mechanical ventilation.
- provide free Rapid Antigen Tests to students with symptoms while at school, to be administered at home once you collect your student.
- suspend camps.
- apply COVID risk management to excursions, sporting and cultural activities or in accordance with COVID-safe plans where applicable.
We are sharing this news with parents and carers to ensure you are informed of all relevant information so that you can monitor the health of your child/children.
As it is likely that the school will continue to be impacted by cases of COVID-19 in the future, we will be updating the school community about further developments on a regular basis by including information about the presence of cases within the school community via our fortnightly College Newsletter or through other communications where required, such as email or BCE Connect App. Please ensure that you keep up to date with this important information.
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support.
Chisholm Day – Friday, 27th May
As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we are planning for Chisholm Day to be the biggest celebration possible. Chisholm Day will extend into the evening, with families and community welcome to attend from 3:30pm.
To assist with the running of Chisholm Day, we are calling for parent volunteers to help the College and the Parents and Community Association with coordinating the event.
Parents who volunteer their time will be afforded with a $55 exemption to School Fees.
If you are able to give of your time, please complete the form below.
This year we will also be hosting Market Stalls from 3:30pm – 7:00pm. If you’d like to set up a stall, please contact scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Progress Reports and Student Led Conferences
Progress reports for Term 1 will be uploaded to the Parent Portal on Tuesday, 26th April. Bookings for the Student Led Conferences, on Tuesday, 3rd May, will open on Tuesday, 26th April and close on Monday, 2nd May. The Student Led Conferences will run from 12:30pm until 8:00pm on the 3rd of May. Teachers will request a conference with some students, but all parents are welcome to book a conference as the Student Led Conferences are a wonderful opportunity for you to discuss the progress of your child/children this year and the ways that they can continue to improve their skills and abilities in each subject. Conferences will be offered both online and in person.
School Photo Day
The College Photo Day will be Tuesday, 3rd May. Students will have their PC and individual photos taken during the morning. Students are to be in their Formal Winter uniform including long socks and ties for boys. Student Leaders and Year 10s will need their blazers as well. Normal regulations regarding piercings, hair and makeup will apply.
Sibling photos will be taken at Melaleuca from 8:00am. The Year 12s will also have a Year Level photo once the PC photos have been completed. Photo packages from Studio Kirby will be distributed to student’s early next term.
Students will be able to leave the College at 11:15am on this day. Students in Years 7 – 9 will need to be picked up if they are departing at 11:15. There will be no alteration to bus services. The College will provide supervision for students who are unable to be picked up from the College at 11:15am.
More information and a parent slip will be sent out at the beginning of next term.
Winter Formal Uniform – Term 2
Please see below guides for the Formal Uniform for Terms 2 and 3.
Parents, please note that the Sports Uniform Tracksuit is NOT to be worn with the Formal Uniform. There are alternate options for keeping warm.
Year 10 students are to wear the College Blazer to and from school, and then when needed during the day.
2022 – Our 30th Anniversary
2022 marks the 30th Anniversary for Chisholm Catholic College.
We are reaching out to our alumni to tell us what they have been up to since leaving the College, and to include them in communication about the celebrations that are being planned.
We want to tell their story, so that our students can understand that they are part of a greater legacy.
To pass on alumni details, email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
Chisholm Alumni – Jennifer Porteous
My name is Jennifer Porteous, I graduated from Chisholm in 2003.
I hold many fond memories of my time at the College which I would love to share and have done in many circles over the years.
In short summary about my life and career since high school.
- I completed a double undergraduate degree: Bachelor of mathematics and Bachelor of applied science (biotechnology) at QUT in 2007.
- I decided during this time that my passion in life was for medicine and the engagement with people in health care.
- I was successful in gaining admission to a medical degree at Australian National University in Canberra in 2008.
- I became a doctor in 2011.
- I have worked in many hospitals across Australia and in the pacific islands.
- I started my specialist training in 2015 and became a specialist in intensive care medicine in 2020 just in time for the global pandemic.
- I have had the honour and privilege of caring for patients and their families during their critical illnesses.
- I work currently as an ICU consultant in a Melbourne.
- I am a wife and a mum, two of my proudest achievements.
Thank you for the role you have played in my life.
Happy birthday.
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
Mitchell Day and House Mass
On Thursday, we celebrated Mitchell House and welcomed Father Richard Tomelty from St Matthew’s Parish who celebrated Eucharist with us. Named after Dame Roma Mitchell, the patron of Mitchell House continues to inspire us today. She was nourished by her Christian faith, through a careful study and application of the law and championed for human rights and justice for all. It was wonderful to see the Mitchell House spirit as students battled it out with their coin lines and we finished the morning with a celebratory Mitchell Cake.
Chisholm ANZAC Liturgy
If you are a veteran or a member of the armed forces and would like to be involved in the Anzac Day Liturgy at Chisholm Catholic College on the morning of Thursday, 21st April please notify the College via email at egreenaway@bne.catholic.edu.au
Springwood Tri-Services ANZAC Day March and Ceremony
On Monday, 25th April our Student Voice Representative Council (SRC) and Student Leaders will participate in the Springwood ANZAC Day March and Ceremony. However, all of our students are invited to attend, and families should have received a parent slip. If you would like to participate, please complete the parent slip that was sent out earlier in the week. The meeting place for this will be the corner of Athena Grove and Cinderella Drive, Springwood at 7am.
Easter Blessings
As we approach Easter preparing our hearts for the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus,
our students and staff took the opportunity to prepare and pray in their PC classes together this morning. Our liturgy ended with the breaking of bread and sharing of some Hot Cross Buns to symbolise the sacrifice of Christ’s body and blood for our salvation.
At our Cross Country event, our ‘Walk for Water’ raised awareness of the difficulty people in developing countries have in accessing clean water. If you would like to make a last-minute contribution to Project Compassion and support those in need please visit https://fundraise.projectcompassion.org.au/caroline-lc-chisholms-team The appeal continues up until Easter.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students and community for their wonderful contributions to Caritas Project Compassion and the Vinnies flood appeal. I wish you all a happy and holy Easter and share with you an Easter prayer.
God of Life,
You broke the bonds of death by raising Jesus from the dead,
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bring us all through the darkness of fear and doubt,
into the marvellous light of your freedom and truth.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Son,
and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through his suffering and death, Christ gives us lasting freedom.
May God bless us with the inner freedom,
to live ever more truly the Good News of the Gospel. Amen.
Through his resurrection, Christ bathes and refreshes us in the river of glory.
May God bless us with joy as we know our rebirth into the ways of the Gospel. Amen
Please see below for Holy Week Times in our local Community
Supporting Flood Victims
The floods were a challenging and difficult time for many. If you would like to support those who have been affected by the severe weather events. Please consider contributing in the following ways:
- Gift cards such as Eftpos, Coles/Myer, Woolworths or fuel vouchers etc.
- Contribute directly to the Vinnies Flood Appeal St Vincent de Paul Inc : Vinnies QLD Flood Appeal 2022
For the moment, we have been asked not to contribute goods as this often takes much time to sort through. Gift cards and monetary donations allows choice and gives some dignity back to those who have suffered.
Please feel free to drop in these items to the Main Reception and we will pass on to St Vincent de Paul.
2022 Next Step Survey
The Queensland Government is conducting its annual statewide survey of all students who completed Year 12 in 2021. The Next Step survey is a brief, confidential survey that gains a comprehensive picture of the employment, study and life choices made by Queensland school completers in the year after they finish Year 12.
Between March and June, all our students who completed Year 12 last year can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate.
Thank you for your support of the Next Step survey in 2022.
Further information on Next Step, including results from previous years, is available online at www.qld.gov.au/nextstep or on toll free telephone 1800 068 587.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
As we are fast approaching the end of Term 1, and we are ready to leave a disjointed term behind us, we are preparing for the implementation of new approaches and initiatives for the start of Term 2. Next term, after receiving community feedback since the previous edition of the College Newsletter, we are excited to welcome parents and carers back to the College for Parent Information Evenings on a variety of topics. These evenings are a great opportunity for the community to connect, for important information to be provided and most importantly to answer the questions which might be out there in the community.
Vaping & E-Cigarettes
Vaping is becoming a trendy pastime that is growing in popularity across Australia, especially amongst teenagers. It is the act of inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Many teenagers are succumbing to peer pressure around this risk-taking activity due to the ease of accessing and hiding vapes. They are often cheaper than conventional cigarettes, making it more cost-effective and attractive to young people.
Although under 18s are not legally allowed to purchase any type of e-cigarette or vaping product in Australia, teenagers are finding ways to access them online. Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products, and attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of them. Many of the flavoured liquids associated with vaping, contain not only high levels of nicotine, but other potentially harmful additives. Many of these “e-liquids” contain chemicals that are likely to be toxic, that when inhaled or vaped repeatedly, can cause severe damage to the lungs.
Vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking. However, doctors strongly advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health. Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of nicotine addiction and include e-cigarettes in the discussion alongside alcohol and drugs.
This Special Report highlights the facts around vaping and e-cigarettes and what are the potential risks. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Last week, Chisholm Catholic College initiated a collaborated approach to the vaping issues by organising a conference attended by Pastoral Leaders and Senior Leadership members of 6 of our local schools, with vaping as the main topic. This conference has laid the foundations for future collaboration on the topic to share approaches and experiences.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-vaping-au
The Conflict in Ukraine
Around the world, people are saddened and devastated by the events unfolding in Ukraine. Both adults and young people alike are feeling the stresses of war from afar as they experience fear, frustration, and helplessness. The 24-hour news cycle has shown us upsetting images raising many questions, especially for our young people, about what is happening.
Parents and caregivers need to be guided by their child’s curiosity. There is strong evidence to suggest that having a supportive discussion about a stressful event in a developmentally appropriate way, can decrease distress. It’s best to “name it, to tame it.” This will also combat any misinformation to which they have most likely already been exposed to through social media, pictures or video clips.
Children need to know that they are being taken seriously. So, it is recommended that you don’t avoid the difficult questions. Ensure you address their questions honestly and sensitively. With less life experience than adults, young people may need help navigating news about this crisis. Use this is as an opportunity to model and encourage compassionate views towards fellow humans, regardless of distance or circumstance.
This Special Report offers guidance on how best to discuss the conflict in Ukraine. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-conflict-ukraine-au
Thank you for your ongoing support to our community. I am particularly looking forward to meeting parents and carers during the upcoming Parent Information Evenings in Term 2. Please stay tuned for more information, after the holidays. I hope you have a safe and restful time with family and friends during the school holidays.
Student Drivers – Parents and Carers of Year 11 and 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school, and park in the area made available within the College grounds, you are required to fill out an Application for a Student Parking Permit and return it to Student Reception.
Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register and a ‘Permit’ provided to be displayed when parking within the College grounds.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Enrolment interviews for Year 7, 2023 are now completed. We are unable to accept any more enrolments, so a ‘Wait List’ has been applied.
Already, we have had very strong interest in enrolments for Year 7, 2024. Interviews will commence shortly and will continue through to the end of Term 3.
If you have a son/daughter in Year 5 – enrol them now. We are conscious that there will be many current families who have a sibling that would be entering Year 7 in 2024. Unless their specific details were included when enrolling their older siblings, we will not know and are unable to communicate directly with you. We do not wish to see any siblings miss out on a place. Please do not assume that a place would be made available, enrol now.
If you have a family friend or work colleague who is looking at enrolling their child for Year 7, 2024 at Chisholm Catholic College, please ask them to make contact now.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Jade Matijevic
In preparation for the upcoming Online NAPLAN Test, on the 24th of March, students of Year 7 and 9 participated in their first NAPLAN practice. While this test was administered to expose students to the online platform, the students gained experienced using only a section of the online environment and tools. To ensure students are properly prepared for NAPLAN, a second practice will be conducted on the 22nd of April, Friday of Week 1.
For students to participate in the practice, they must present to the test with:
- corded headphones – wireless devices, such as air pods, are not permitted in the exam room
- a charged laptop
- writing materials
Below is a copy of the timetable for the remaining NAPLAN practice and the NAPLAN testing schedule for you reference. Your support with ensuring that your child is prepared for each test is greatly appreciated.
Chis Culture News
The last few weeks have certainly been filled with lots of great experiences for our Creative and Performing Arts students!
Students, keep an eye out on notices and emails for more opportunities to come next term!
10 and 12 Drama Excursion
This term, students in Year 10 and 12 Drama attended the performance of ‘7 Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner’ at the La Boite Theatre. The performance was a deep dive into the murky waters of colourism and the commodification of Black women in modern society. Students spoke highly of the experience and especially enjoyed the multi-media production elements which projected GIFs, the use of simplistic staging and the use of voice and movement to create memorable characters.
Both classes are currently studying Political Theatre which invites them to consider how theatre can educate, challenge and empower its audience to change society around them.
12 Drama Incursion
This term, Year 12 Drama have been exploring political theatre and how theatre can be a driver for social change.
Last week Clint Bolster, Artistic Director of Homunculus Theatre Company challenged students to present social and political issues using conventions of Epic Theatre such as direct address (when an actor speaks directly to the audience members), Gestus (overexaggerated and symbolic movement) along with juxtaposition and satire.
The students enjoyed the workshop and found it insightful and inspirational as it helped them to better understand how theatre can shock and challenge the viewers understanding on poignant social issues. Over the next few months students will devise their own works of theatre to challenge, educate or empower the viewer on a selected local social issue.
Year 7 Dance Incursion
On Tuesday, Year 7 Dance participated in a Desi-style Bollywood workshop with Drea from Dance Masala. Dance Masala aims to Authentically pay homage to promote and share Indian culture, through dance. Students have just finished learning a Bollywood routine which they performed for assessment and our workshop presented an exciting opportunity to learn from an internationally recognised choreographer and performer.
As part of their Cultural Dance unit, students have been exploring the significance of dance in several different cultures. Students learnt a Sangeet routine, inspired by movements from Northern India and the Bhangra style.
Students had a blast learning new movements that pushed them out of their comfort zone, about where movements came from, and dance’s place in celebrations like weddings and Bollywood films. The workshop finished off with a Dance off before sharing their Bollywood routine with Drea. Here’s what some Year 7s had to say after their experience:
“I’m really happy that we got to learn a fabulous routine!” ~ Eden
“I loved learning a new style of dance and an amazing routine!” ~ Milly
“Learning new dance routines is like learning to speak again through dance” ~ Ava
Year 9 Dance Incursion
On Tuesday, Nerida Matthaei, Artistic Director of Phluxus Dance Collective worked with our Year 9 Dance students on their contemporary dance technique. Students experimented with use of directions, body placement, weight distribution, inversions, turn out, turn ins, spins and floor work. Nerida encouraged students to take risks and make mistakes when choreographing and performing movements as they may just be the best movement on the day.
We are looking forward to Nerida returning next term to build on students’ choreographic skills.
Lunchbox Theatre
Lunch Box Theatre has been running throughout the term, students from all year levels of the College have developed improvisation and collaboration skills through a variety of games and activities.
Looking forward to continuing to work with students next term!
Art Club
Art Club has been running each week on a Thursday afternoon. Each week students have worked through a different creative task to create some awesome pieces! This term focuses included: blackout poetry, sgraffito, music painting, soap carving, stop motion films and lino and Styrofoam prints.
Check out the work that students have created in the pictures below. We can’t wait to see what students create next term!
Instrumental Music
Next term, the College is hoping to offer vocal lessons to students! If your child is interested, please contact Miss Anthea Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) to express interest and ensure your child does not miss out.
We offer lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano. It’s never too late to enrol!
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes. Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or Parent Portal. Please contact Miss Anthea Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) with any queries.
Workshop Series
This year the Creative and Performing Arts department will be offering a selection of workshops designed to extend students’ performance abilities and artistic skills. Check out the below opportunities for next term.
External opportunities:
Please see below a list of opportunities available to students:
- Queensland School of Film and TV are running a holiday workshop: applications now open
Check out their schedule for up-and-coming workshops over the year.
- Sunshine Coast Art Prize: Applications are now open and close 9 May 2022 5pm AEST.
- La Boite – School Holiday Program – enrolments close the 7th of April
- Queensland Theatre – Theatre Residency Week: Monday 19 – Saturday 24 September. Register online, limited places available
- Queensland Theatre – Young Playwrights Award: Submissions close on Monday 11 July 2022
- QB Teen - Queensland Ballet: 12-month memberships are available
- Enter Fanfare – Artology: Composition competition. Entries close Monday 6 June 2022
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Interhouse Cross Country
The Chisholm Catholic College Interhouse Cross Country events took place today. Taking into consideration the wet conditions, the course was altered so the day could still go ahead.
Students who were absent from the College on this day and still wish to be considered for SECA and District Cross Country selection are to email or see Mr Ellis at the beginning of Term 2 to be included in further trials.
Look out for photos, Age Champion and House winners early next term!
SECA Sport
Further information regarding trials will come out at the start of Term 2. Students are reminded that if they have nominated to play a Sport in Season 1 that they have the correct playing equipment e.g., Boots, mouthguards, long socks, shinpads etc. The College does not supply this personal safety equipment. Some sports may use College playing strips that will be handed out to those teams. All other sports/activities will be played in full HPE uniform.
Congratulations to...
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through to Mathew.Ellis@bne.catholic.edu.au so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
VET News
Ms. Mala Nair
Well, here we are, finalizing Term 1 for 2022. In the VET department at the College, we have been busy with School Based Vocational Programs. Our students have settled in well with their alternate pathway options. There are about 50 students attending TAFE and 20 in school-based traineeships and apprenticeships. We have also had a record number of Year 10 students showing interest in the TAFE Trade and Health Taster programs this year.
All the VET courses delivered here on campus has been successfully implemented and students are enjoying their learning experiences:
- Diploma of Business
- Certificate IV in Justice Studies
- Certificate III in Business
- Certificate III Screen and Media
- Certificate II/III Health
- Certificate II/III Hospitality
- Certificate II/III Fitness
- Certificate II Furniture Making Pathways (Year 12 only)
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) allow high school students, generally in Years 10, 11 or 12, to work for an employer and train towards a recognised qualification while completing their secondary schooling and studying for their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and/or ATAR. SATs help young people go places, whether that's a full-time job, a trade career, university, TAFE or other training. Read about the advantages of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships including:
- More flexibility and variety
- Head start in a career
- Nationally recoginsed qualification
- An opportunity to learn and earn
- Contributing to the community
- Employer satisfaction
- How SAT's work
There are around 50 industries you can do an apprenticeship or traineeship in. The Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Research Industries pages will help you learn more about the industries you are interested in, including:
- the size of the industry
- whether apprenticeships and traineeships are common
- some tips on how to get a job in that area.
Start your research here as it is wise to make a well researched career decision as we all know what assuming does!
Quick facts about apprenticeships and traineeships
- Apprenticeships and traineeships combine work with structured training
- Apprenticeships and traineeships can be full-time, part-time, or school-based - where some training is undertaken while the apprentice or trainee is in high school.
- Apprenticeships and traineeships can be completed part time but not on a casual basis.
- Existing employees may undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship.
- Apprenticeships and traineeships require employers to enter into a training contracts and commencement contract with the apprentice or trainee, which is a legally binding agreement to work and train together for a length of time.
- Employers work with a training organisation and the apprentice or trainee to negotiate a training plan and training record.
- Training options must be negotiated and outlined in the training plan. Aspects of training that are open to negotiation (subject to training package requirements) include selection, content and sequencing of competency units, timing, location and mode of delivery and trainer or facilitator.
Visit the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website for more information.
Videos about apprenticeships and traineeships
SkillsOne TV has a collection of videos showcasing skills, trades and industries. If you click on ‘Skills Bites’ (scroll down the left-hand menu) you can get a taste of skills and trades in 15 seconds.
Aviation Australia Pre-Apprenticeship Courses
Aviation Australia's aero skills pre-vocational courses provide the essential training required to begin a career in aircraft maintenance engineering. Their instructors are highly experienced professionals from Commercial and Defense aviation and aerospace industries. Aviation Australia offers:
- Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics) MEA40618
- Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical) MEA40718
- Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Structures) MEA41318
The pre-vocational training components are aligned to CASR Part 66 requirements. This allows you to complete training towards a vocational outcome and achieve a CASA Certificate of Recognition for Part 66 examinations which can be used towards a future Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME) outcome. Click here for more information.
Work Experience Program
The Defence Work Experience Program provides young Australians interested in Defence as a future career, the opportunity to sample life in Defence and learn more about the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the Australian Public Service (APS). For queries about the Defence Work Experience Program please email Defence.WorkExperienceProgram@defence.gov.au Click here for more information on the Defence Work Experience Program including:
The 1–Minute Film Competition
The 1-Minute Film Competition is an initiative of Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) and ClickView. It provides Australian and New Zealand primary and secondary students with the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation and win prizes. The theme for 2022 is ‘Dreams’. Applications close midday on Friday 29 July 2022. Click here to find out more and for competition and entry information.
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities Year 10 and Year 11 students only
- Soul Origin Loganholme
- Cowch Dessert Cocktail Bar Mount Gravatt, and Southbank
- Boost Juice Upper Mount Gravatt and Logan
- How we Roll Café and Hangi Loganlea
- The Coffee Club Underwood
- Wembley’s Roadhouse Logan Central
- KFC Brisbane area
- 1st year apprentice cook Church Mouse Cheese Bowen Hills will suit year 12 student also
- Hairdressing Traineeship West End will suit year 12 student also
Apprenticeships Metro South Health Assistant in Nursing School Based Program
Applications are now open for the 2022 School-Based assistant in Nursing (AIN) Traineeship Program. This year the traineeship opportunities will be available with Logan, Beaudesert, and Redland Hospitals.
If you are interested in applying for this position please contact us for more details, applications will close on Thursday, 5th May 2022.
The National Association of Women in Construction
NAWIC are hosting an in-person event at Acacia Ridge TAFE on Thursday, 12th May 2022, and they are bringing back Speed Careering for 2022!
This event is a fabulous opportunity for any female high school student who's been thinking about a career in construction. Or even for those who don't know what they want to do yet. Female students get to meet the women who are training, working and running their own businesses in the construction, mining and automotive industries and network with women in various stages of their careers in a broad range of trades.
The event is free, and breakfast will be provided. Register here!
Contact the VET office at the College for more information on any of the above opportunities.