2022 Term 2 Week 4
Principal's News
Chisholm Day
Deputy Principal's News
2022 - Our 30th Anniversary
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
BCE Listens Survey
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Pathways News
Community News
Principal's News
Mother’s Day Liturgy
Last week we recognised the important women in our lives through a Mother’s Day Liturgy. We had a notable number of Mothers and Grandmothers attend, accompanied by their student, offering us all a chance to acknowledge these important people in our lives. It was a delight to be a part of and to meet so many Mothers.
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mothers!
Chisholm Day – Friday 27th May
Chisholm Day is fast approaching!
On this day we acknowledge our namesake and founder – Caroline Chisholm; her Birthday is on the following Monday. Caroline Chisholm modelled our FAMILY values and motto, “Live Christ’s Challenge”, through the incredible work that she did for women and families. We are very proud of her legacy and need to celebrate her presence within our lives.
We are proud of our Catholic heritage, so will celebrate the occasion on Chisholm Day with a Mass in the morning. Parents, you are most welcome to join with us. At 3:30pm parents, siblings and the wider community are invited to join the festivities.
It is also fitting that for our 30th Anniversary we make the day an even bigger occasion, extending the day into the evening and welcoming the wider community to attend. The planned fireworks display will conclude what we hope to be an awesome day.
We are speaking with students now about how they can best engage with the day – seeking to make it a fun and enjoyable day for all. Ride passes are now on offer – the $15 unlimited ride pass is great value. Purchasing passes before Chisholm Day contributes to the Chisholm Day ‘House Spirit’ Cup, which is based on participation and involvement.
An expectation that has been expressed to students is that their attendance on the day should be the same as any other. Arriving for the ‘fun stuff’ only does not align with our values. Therefore, any student who arrives after 9:15am – the start of our Liturgy – without suitable reason, such as an unavoidable Medical Appointment, will be asked to return home. Another expectation is around not taking advantage of the structure of the day to arrange Uber Eats or similar. We have arranged for a variety of food with affordable options included, for example, our Parents and Community Association (PCA) is running a Hot Dog stall. These delivery services pose a ‘Student Protection’ problem. In both cases, we ask for parent support with ensuring that these little things don’t get in the way of what should be a special occasion.
Our Year 7 and 9 students have been undertaking the NAPLAN Tests over the last few days, with only the Numeracy test to complete on Monday. Catch-ups have been scheduled for next week.
We are very conscious of how the NAPLAN Tests have been described within the media. For our College, the tests provide valuable insight into how each student is progressing with their learning, informing how we review and modify learning and teaching. It is a ‘point in time test’ that was primarily designed to provide parents with further information on their child’s progress compared to peers across the country.
The results will not be used as a marketing tool. Though, we will communicate with parents the outcomes – celebrating and acknowledging improvement, and identifying where we may need to invest more time and energy. Further, we organise the testing such that ‘keeping calm’ is a focus, let alone ‘doing one’s best’. This is intended to minimise concerns around test anxiety and stress.
What has been most pleasing is seeing the commitment shown by our students, seeking to do their individual best.
Covid-19 Update – Cases in the Community and Changes to Close Contact Requirements
The safety and wellbeing of our students continues to be a key priority for staff at the College. In line with the current requirements, we are sharing this news with parents and carers to ensure you are informed of all relevant information so that you can monitor the health of your child/children.
For Close Contacts, there are no quarantine requirements as long as they:
- Do not have COVID-19 symptoms
- Test negative every second day for a week from the day of becoming a close contact (day 0, 2, 4 and 6)
- Wear a mask outside of home for 7 days
- Do not visit any vulnerable settings (hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, corrective services facilities and detention centres) for 7 days
With regards to the RATs. We are not required to provide these to students or staff. And there is no need for the results to be shared with staff at the College.
The RATs that we have will continue to be provided to students, should they attend school and present themselves as symptomatic. A parent would be contacted to collect the student and the supplied RAT Test – we would not in any circumstance test a student.
Queensland Health Directions regarding isolation indicates that anyone who has completed their period of isolation MUST wear a face mask for seven (7) days. This applies to both individuals who have been Diagnosed with Covid and Close Contacts. This will likely cause some frustration; however, we do ask for the support in maintaining this requirement. This is explained on the Queensland Health website.
It is recommended that all students, parents and staff entering the College wear a face mask; this is a recommendation not a mandate.
We are conscious that we need to support each other by maintaining calm. The reality is that COVID-19 is active in the area and we, along with other schools, are prepared to respond should there be any notable increases. Authorities have not required us to take any further action at this time at a school level.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms or unwell:
- Keep your child/children at home
- Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended
- Follow the advice of Queensland Health.
If your child tests positive, please inform the College by emailing scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au so we can support the student and take any necessary action at a school level.
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
- maintain good hand hygiene at all times
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately
- practise social distancing from others where possible
The College will continue to:
- Sustain the additional cleaning effort to our sick rooms and student areas, and other high-touch point surfaces.
- Review ventilation in our classrooms, ensuring good airflow in learning spaces using natural and mechanical ventilation.
- Provide free Rapid Antigen Tests to students with symptoms while at school, to be administered at home once you collect your student.
- Apply COVID risk management to excursions, camps, sporting and cultural activities or in accordance with COVID-safe plans where applicable.
As it is likely that the school will continue to be impacted by cases of COVID-19 in the future, we will be updating the school community about further developments on a regular basis by including information about the presence of cases within the school community via our fortnightly College Newsletter or through other communications where required, such as email or BCE Connect App. Please ensure that you keep up to date with this important information.
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice.
Chisholm Day
Chisholm Day – Friday, 27th May
As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we are planning for Chisholm Day to be the biggest celebration possible. Chisholm Day will extend into the evening, with families and community welcome to attend from 3:30pm.
To assist with the running of Chisholm Day, we are calling for parent volunteers to help the College and the Parents and Community Association with coordinating the event.
Parents who volunteer their time will be afforded with a $55 exemption to School Fees.
If you are able to give of your time, please complete the form below.
Chisholm Day Sponsorship
We are seeking to partner with local businesses to sponsor Chisholm Day.
Sponsorship will allow us to make our 30th Anniversary Chisholm Day a celebration that we can all enjoy.
There is a variety of sponsorship options available (Gold - $3,000; Silver - $1,000; Bronze - $500), with the investment being promoted through our communication within the Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram and on the night.
If your business is interested in being a part of what will be ‘the best’ Chisholm Day ever, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Current Sponsor:
Deputy Principal's News
Student Led Conferences
I would like to thank all of the parents and students who participated in the Student Led Conferences on Tuesday last week. Many families attended the conferences over the course of the afternoon and evening and it was wonderful to see the way that parents and students were able engage in quality conversations with the staff. Once again, we were able to welcome parents and families into the College for the conferences as well as offer the choice of online meetings. The Student Led Conferences provide and excellent opportunity for consultation and collaboration between the staff, families and students and with close to 900 conferences held it was pleasing to see the number of families who were able to take up the opportunity to engage with the teaching staff, both online and in person.
Delay to Term 2 Fee Statements and Credit for Term 1
Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) is currently finalising the upgrade of their finance system, which has caused a short delay in the delivery of fee statements this term.
Existing payment arrangements which do not require a statement are not impacted and can continue (e.g. Direct Debit).
If you would like to make an interim payment or setup a new payment arrangement (e.g Direct Debit), please contact our school finance staff by emailing scorfinance@bne.catholic.edu.au.
As per previous communication regarding a review of School Levies due to the delayed start to the year, we will be applying a 10% credit per student on School Levies.
2022 - Our 30th Anniversary
30th Anniversary Badges
30th Anniversary Badges will be available for purchase for $2 from Student Reception and Main reception soon.
Alumni Story - Laura Macreadie
Since graduating in 2015 I have skyrocketed into the world of cosplay and pop culture gaining a massive number of followers online and competing in and securing victory at Supernova's cosplay competition in 2018. This year I became the cosplay Ambassador for a new con in Beenleigh called Akacon. I have judged professional competitions and travelled overseas representing Australia at the Kyoto anime festival in Japan. I am also a panellist/cosplay motivational speaker for many conventions around Australia, this year I will be focusing on building my twitch and online gaming personality under a virtual YouTuber. I will also be graduating next year with my bachelor in secondary education with a major in English and Biology.
Laura Macreadie
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Year 10 Retreat
Last week, our Year 10 students enjoyed an energising day at the College led by Michael Fitzpatrick as part of their Retreat Day. It was not all song and dance; this retreat experience allowed our students time to themselves away from the hustle and bustle of classes to contemplate and reflect upon what they hoped for themselves and their entire year level. Students were challenged to stand against the popular trivial beliefs of today - just as Jesus and Caroline Chisholm did, fighting for what is right and those on the margins of society. We thank the Year 10 students for their participation and the way in which they embraced these messages and look forward to travelling alongside them on this journey.
The next Retreat Day will be our Year 11 cohort on Monday, 16 May and Year 11 students are reminded to wear Sports Uniform on this day.
Mother’s Day Thanks
Thursday was a truly wonderful morning, where our Chisholm mothers and families came together with students and staff for the Mother’s Day Liturgy. We are truly grateful for all our mothers and mother figures in our lives, including those who are no longer with us. In the month of May, in which we honour Mary, we ask for Our Lady’s blessing upon all mothers in our Chisholm FAMILY and beyond.
Mary, on this day when we honour all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace. Dear Mother, thank you for your "Yes" to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened yourself to God's word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. On this Mother’s Day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you. Amen.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Workshop
Last Friday, a group of our students visited Ngutana-Lui for the day to celebrate and connect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures through dance at the 2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Workshop. Our students were accompanied by Aunty Christine, our First Nations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer and teacher Mr Ferguson.
"The atmosphere of the day was so amazing. Despite having never met anyone there, everyone was so comfortable with one another, being able to work together, talk and really connect through our culture. Being able to share and create together simply through our traditions is something all of us really enjoyed. It was a reminder to love, cherish, and never feel shame in our culture." Leilani Dobbins, Year 9.
BCE Listens Survey
What our staff, parents and students think about our school matters. From Monday 6 June –Thursday 23 June we will engage with our community of staff, parents and students through the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Listens Survey. Survey findings will be used to inform Chisholm Catholic College’s future work and improvement journey. The survey also provides valuable information for Brisbane Catholic Education and assists with future planning for all BCE schools.
What you need to know
To ensure privacy and confidentiality are maintained, an independent survey provider — Australian Survey Research — will conduct the surveys on behalf of our school and Brisbane Catholic Education.
Please be assured parents who complete the survey will not be identified when the results are provided to us. We will only receive information based on the collective answers of all parents who participated in the survey.
Students in Years 4 through to 12 also participate in the survey and will complete it at school.
It is important to note that school leaders and teachers will be able access individual student survey results. Student’s survey results will be linked to their learning data to improve our understanding of their educational needs.
Please be assured that all survey responses are treated confidentially, and all data will be stored securely in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). No identifying information will be published or released.
If you do not wish your child to do the survey, please complete this short form before Monday 23 May: (https://smsurveys.com.au/survey/BCEListensSurveyoptoutstudent.aspx?ver=1477066736).
If you have any questions, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au.
As partners in your child’s education, what you think of our school matters. Thank you for supporting our school community and participating in the 2022 BCE Listens Survey.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
As previously mentioned, the year is progressing quickly, especially for our Year 12s. In the coming weeks and months, many of the Universities will be having open days. I strongly encourage Year 12 students to attend the days with their parents, especially if there is uncertainty about 2023. This is a great opportunity for all students to find an area of interest. I have previously found myself having a conversation with a commercial pilot who is now doing drone courses. He relayed to me the skills he teaches and how they can be transferred across a range of jobs. His skills are continually evolving, and this has helped him changing careers. For me, this highlights the need to get as much out of all subjects for students as subjects focus on Cognitive Verbs which are the thinking skills and how learning across all subject areas can develop skills for now and later in life.
In the coming months there will be open days for many institutions next year and I encourage students across the senior year levels to investigate courses they might be interested in and to keep an open mind.
For the Year 12s: Confirmed marks will be released in May into student learning accounts. Students have been given all information they need to get into their accounts, but we still have a number of students who have not accessed their account. This is a way for students to check all results and check their QCE eligibility.
As mentioned last newsletter, the end of Unit 1 is approaching for Year 11 and now is a good time to start a conversation with your teachers or myself about changing subjects.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Parent Engagement Evening
On Tuesday evening, we were finally able to welcome the Year 7 parents and caregivers to the College to provide them with Year 7 specific information. This was the first Parent Engagement Evening of the year and very well attended. It was great to be able to speak face to face with our newest parents and to be able to answer the most burning questions about camp, the uniform and the amount of homework the students should aim to complete.
The next Parent Engagement Evening in Week 6, will focus on study skills and academics, followed by the final evening with a focus on Wellbeing in Week 9.
Thank you to all parents and caregivers who joined us on Tuesday evening.
This Month on SchoolTV - Screen Time
As a result of the global pandemic, there has been a noticeable shift in the amount of time people spend on screen-based devices. Families are transitioning back to pre-COVID routines but many are still struggling to re-establish the boundaries and rules around screen use. Some continue to deal with digital conflict and tech-tantrums on a daily basis. The latest research found that 77% of teenagers spend more than five hours on screens per day, but it is important to note that not all screen time is considered equal.
Parents play a crucial role in modelling a positive and healthy approach to using screens and assisting children to navigate the content they watch. It is better to model and mentor screen use, rather than monitor it. Children tend to do more of what they see us do, and less of what we tell them to do. However, it is still important to outline the risks and highlight the benefits of screen use to ensure you keep a balanced attitude. Encourage discussions around the issues that people experience in monitoring their screen time and be honest about your own difficulties.
Parents need to remain firm in their approach to managing screen time. Excessive screen time can be detrimental to a child’s overall wellbeing. Ensuring the correct privacy settings are in place is vital to prevent children from being inadvertently exposed to inappropriate content or online predators. Parents need to also be mindful of the potential impact screen time can have on a child’s social, emotional, educational, behavioural, and even physical domains.
In this edition of SchoolTV, care-givers will be provided with a range of guidelines and strategies to help manage screen time at home. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this month's edition https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/newsletter/managing-screen-time
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2023 and 2024
Enrolment interviews for Year 7, 2023 are now completed. We are unable to accept any more enrolments, so a ‘Wait List’ has been applied.
Already, we have had very strong interest in enrolments for Year 7, 2024. Interviews have commenced and will continue through to the end of Term 3.
If you have a son/daughter in Year 5 – enrol them now. We are conscious that there will be many current families who have a sibling that would be entering Year 7 in 2024. Unless their specific details were included when enrolling their older siblings, we will not know and are unable to communicate directly with you. We do not wish to see any siblings miss out on a place. Please do not assume that a place would be made available, enrol now.
If you have a family friend or work colleague who is looking at enrolling their child for Year 7, 2024 at Chisholm Catholic College, please ask them to make contact now.
Chis Culture News
Queensland Theatre Company Pathways Program
In the last week of Term 1, I spent a week at Queensland Theatre being a part of their Student Pathways Program. The program was open to students from Grades 10 to 12 across Queensland, and I was lucky enough to be one of the 15 selected.
We spent the week working in groups devising a theatrical work to present to Queensland Theatre’s artistic director, Lee Lewis as well as having all different kinds of members from the theatre industry talk to us about their own job and pathways. My favourite part of the experience was attending and watching a dress/tech rehearsal for The Twits, which is a new Shake and Stir Theatre Company performance currently on a QPAC. Overall, it was an amazing week and I got to know so many different people.
By Sophie Mead
Contemporary Choreography Incursion
Early this term, Year 9 Dance students continued their workshop series with Artistic Director of Phluxus2 Dance Collective, Dr Nerida Matthaei. Nerida shared her recent experience of performing at Mundi Mundi Bash at the Mundi Mundi Plains and the shared with students how she would choreograph a dance work inspired by this space. She discussed the importance of researching a space considering the facts, history and architecture of the space as well as personal connections. After warming up using repertoire learnt last term students began to create a dance inspired by the Mundi Mundi Plains.
Students found the incursion interesting as it gave them an insightful look into the choreography process and further extending on their contemporary dance techniques. They are now challenged with choreographing their own dance work that is inspired by a landscape of their choice. We look forward to seeing what they create.
Shakespeare Incursion
On Wednesday, the 27th of April, students across Year 7-12 participated in the first workshop series on offer from the Creative and Performing Arts. Helen Cassidy from Grin and Tonic Theatre Company led students through a Shakespeare Masterclass.
Students were introduced to the world of Shakespeare through the comedy ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. After a quick warm up of their bodies and voices, students looked for clues within their chosen scenes in the dialogue, punctuation and expression of the characters. They also learnt about the importance of the breath when delivering Shakespeare as well as interpreting the language being spoken.
Students are now encouraged to continue working on their duologue or monologue pieces for performance at Chisholm Under the Stars next Term or to submit their work into Shake Fest.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental Music will be up and running again this term. We offer lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano this term. It’s never too late to enrol! Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or Parent Portal.
The College is hoping to offer vocal lessons to students soon!
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes.
If your child is interested, please contact Miss Anthea Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) to express interest and ensure you child does not miss out.
Sport News
District Cross Country
On Wednesday, 4 May 2022, a group of Chisholm's best runners attended the 2022 Pacific Districts Cross-Country Carnival held at Rivermount College. The students knew they were in for a challenging course with steep hills and muddy pits. All students ran well and represented the College with pride, cheering on fellow Chisholm students and other competitors alike. There were some stand out performances with several students finishing in the top 14 and moving on to regionals. Special mention goes to Locklan Ball who placed 2nd in his division and Nathan Brischetto who placed 3rd. Well done to all students who showed up and gave it a go. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to run at the Regional Championships: Danyl Scott, Audrey Teunis, Nathan Brischetto, Aedan Carroll, Gabby Foster, Alexis Powell, Matthew Owen, Hannah Rooney, Locklan Ball, Ciara Farrell, Annika Vermeulen.
SECA Sport
It was great to see all our students out and about for the first Round of SECA last week. Well done to all teams for their efforts, and for those that have identified areas for improvement, take up that challenge to move forward and be the best version of yourselves out there representing our community.
There is general reminder about our SECA Vision and Guiding Principles of play and participation for all activities Chisholm Students take part in:
Students have been emailed and messages placed in daily notices about confirming their choices for Term 3 (Season 2) SECA Sport/ Activities with Mr Ellis. Last opportunities for students to meet with Mr Ellis to change or confirm selections will be next week, Week 5, Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday 18th of May, at Lunch Break 1 in Melaleuca 1 (the classroom beside Melaleuca Courts).
Thank you to all those students who have seen Mr Ellis this week, if you are unsure please check in with Mr Ellis to avoid disappointment as some SECA sports in the upcoming season will have capped team numbers due to the size of venues available.
Congratulations to...
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport mathew.ellis@bne.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 3209 0700
E-Sports-Thursday Afternoons
E- Sports has been very popular in 2022 with weekly live streamed inhouse competitions. Students participate in Nintendo Switch games Super Smash Bros and Just Dance. Our Lenovo gaming desktops are used for League of Legends, Overwatch and Rocket League matches. E- Sports is student lead, with group leaders organising teams, competitions and matches. Students even participate in commentating matches on the weekly live stream, which can be viewed on Chisholm’s Youtube Channel. E- Sports builds confidence, promotes teamwork and leadership, and is a great way to make new friends. Chisholm E- Sports is held every Thursday from 3-4pm with a rotating schedule of games being played. Our inhouse competitions are live streamed weekly at https://www.youtube.com/user/chisholmcornubia.
Thank you to the IT team and support teachers who volunteer their time to support our students.
E-Sports Coordinator
Caroline Padgham
Pathways News
Year 10 – SET planning is approaching soon! In this process students will plan their pathway including senior subjects if they intend to continue their schooling at Chisholm. It is timely to begin discussions with your student/s about their interests and goals. We always encourage students to choose subjects in which they are interested and achieve well.
Year 11 – We are halfway through UNIT 1 which is an important time to reassess our subjects and pathways. If there is a need to change subjects or pathways now is the best time to do so. Mrs Knox and Ms Scott will continue to have conversations regarding student progress.
Year 12 – By now, most of you should have a plan for the end of the year; if you are still unsure of your destination or unsure how to reach it, please speak to Mrs Knox, Ms Scott or Ms Nair about your options.
Current Opportunities
Year 10-12 USQ Experience Day Springfield
23 June 9:00-2:30
USQ Experience Day Springfield is a fantastic opportunity for your students to learn about the vast study options that USQ has to offer.
Students can select two 90-minute sessions for the day, with the first being completed in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
Our academic professionals have designed immersive sessions that will allow students to gain an in-depth perspective of their study areas of interest.
Students can explore Paramedicine, Nursing, Law, Education, and Sport and Exercise at our Ipswich campus or Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Media and Communication, and Surveying and Built environment at our Springfield campus.
Students will need to register individually at the link below:
Year 10 - 12 USQ Experience Day Springfield - University of Southern Queensland
Brisbane Careers & Employment Expo
Date: 21 May, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
This free event is designed towards students and those interested in switching careers.
At the expo you can:
- Talk with over 100 training organisations & employers
- Gain Free Career advice
- Experience the daily Career Seminars
- Learn how to write a winning resume
- Experience the WorldSkills Try a Skill Interactive Displays
- Find your ideal role at the Australian Defence Force Display
Please note – the school is not attending, but students are welcome to attend on the Saturday. The school will be attending the IGNITE careers Expo at Logan in July instead.
Brisbane Careers & Employment Expo (careersemploymentexpo.com.au)
Community News
BCE Connect
Logging an Absence