2022 Term 2 - Week 8
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Child Protection Week – Art Design Competition for BCE students
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Pathways News
VET News
Community News
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Final Weeks of Term 2
It is genuinely hard to believe that we have only two weeks to go until the end of Term 2.
During this time there will be much happening at the College. An obvious focus will be on finalising assessment and undertaking exams. It is important then to maintain attendance during this time. We are conscious that with the presence of Covid-19 and the ‘flu’, communication with staff at the College is essential; informing your child’s teacher/s when an absence occurs allows for a prepared response and support to be provided where possible.
Please refer to the Attendance and Assessment documents contained on the Parent Portal as they clarify what is expected of students.
I wish all students every success with their studies and the completion of assessment.
Week of Wellness
Next week the Student Leaders, Student Representative Council and staff will be providing an array of activities and opportunities as part of the Week of Wellness. This is one example of how we actively seek to support our students with their Health and Wellbeing. This accompanies the STRETCH curriculum that is provided throughout the year, connecting students with topics of relevance and importance, such as Careers/Pathways, Study Fitness, Mental Health, Relationships and Resilience.
National Reconciliation Week
Last week was National Reconciliation Week. It is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
This year’s theme Be Brave. Make Change is a challenge to us all to bravely step forward and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can make a change for all Australians. In alignment with Brisbane Catholic Education’s theme this year of ‘courageous hearts,’ National Reconciliation Week was the perfect opportunity for us to acknowledge the need to be brave, celebrate the important spiritual and cultural contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in our schools and local communities.
As part of last week’s assembly our students read aloud the Uluru Statement from the Heart. This presented an opportunity to communicate with our students the significance of this landmark event.
We are currently developing our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and will continue to work with our students and community representatives to bring greater recognition of our First Nations people, and our shared responsibilities.
BCE Listens Survey
What our staff, parents and students think about our school matters. You will have received this week an email link to participate in the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Listens Survey. This survey asks you about your views of the school and will help us to understand what we are doing well and where we can improve. All 146 schools in Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) will be participating in the survey. This survey was last conducted in 2020.
What you need to know:
- To ensure privacy and confidentiality are maintained, an independent survey provider — Australian Survey Research — will conduct the surveys on behalf of our school and Brisbane Catholic Education.
- Parents who complete the survey will not be identified when the results are provided to us. We will only receive information based on the collective answers of all parents who participated in the survey.
- You can complete the survey anytime from when you receive the email link from 6 – 23 June
- Please note: Each survey link is unique and cannot be forwarded to other people to complete.
- The survey is estimated to take around 10 minutes.
- Staff and students (Years 7-12) will also do their own survey at school. Student’s survey results will be linked to their learning data to improve our understanding of their educational needs.
As partners in your child’s education, what you think of our school matters. Thank you for supporting our school community and participating in the 2022 BCE Listens Survey.
If you have any questions, please contact the College.
Covid-19 Update – Cases in the Community and Close Contact Requirements
The safety and wellbeing of our students continues to be a key priority for staff at the College. In line with the current requirements, we are sharing this news with parents and carers to ensure you are informed of all relevant information so that you can monitor the health of your child/children.
For Close Contacts, there are no quarantine requirements as long as they:
- do not have COVID-19 symptoms
- test negative every second day for a week from the day of becoming a close contact (day 0, 2, 4 and 6)
- wear a mask outside of home for 7 days
- do not visit any vulnerable settings (hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, corrective services facilities and detention centres) for 7 days
With regards to the RATs. We are not required to provide these to students or staff. And, there is no need for the results to be shared with staff at the College.
The RATs that we have will continue to be provided to students, should they attend school and present as symptomatic. A parent would be contacted to collect the student and the supplied RAT – we would not in any circumstance test a student.
Queensland Health Directions regarding isolation indicates that anyone who has completed their period of isolation MUST wear a face mask for seven (7) days. This applies to both individuals who have been Diagnosed with Covid and Close Contacts. This will likely cause some frustration; however, we do ask for the support in maintaining this requirement. This is explained on the Queensland Health website.
It is recommended that all students, parents and staff entering the College wear a face mask; this is a recommendation not a mandate.
We are conscious that we need to support each other by maintaining calm. The reality is that COVID-19 is active in the area and we, along with other schools, are prepared to respond should there be any notable increases. Authorities have not required us to take any further action at this time at a school level.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms or become unwell:
- Keep your child/children at home
- Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended
- Follow the advice of Queensland Health.
If your child tests positive please inform the College by emailing scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au so we can support the student and take any necessary action at a school level.
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
- maintain good hand hygiene at all times
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately
- practise social distancing from others where possible
The College will continue to:
- sustain the additional cleaning effort to our sick rooms and student areas, and other high-touch point surfaces.
- review ventilation in our classrooms, ensuring good airflow in learning spaces using natural and mechanical ventilation.
- provide free Rapid Antigen Tests to students with symptoms while at school, to be administered at home once you collect your student.
- apply COVID risk management to excursions, camps, sporting and cultural activities or in accordance with COVID-safe plans where applicable.
As it is likely that the school will continue to be impacted by cases of COVID-19 in the future, we will be updating the school community about further developments on a regular basis by including information about the presence of cases within the school community via our fortnightly College Newsletter or through other communications where required, such as email or BCE Connect App. Please ensure that you keep up to date with this important information.
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alex Hodgson
Please see the key dates for the rest of the term below. We look forward to seeing the students dressed up on Tuesday to support our fundraising for the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal. We wish the Year 12s well for their Retreat in Week 10, it will be a wonderful experience. Finally, we will conclude the term with the Interhouse Athletics Carnival, a great way for all the students to show off their House pride by wearing their House colours and putting in their best effort. MacKillop House has been dominant the last few years, so hopefully the other Houses can rise to the challenge this year.
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
National Reconciliation Week
Last week we celebrated National Reconciliation Week and we were inspired by the theme to Be Brave, Make Change. During our whole school assembly, we were reminded that reconciliation is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. One way to achieve this is by telling the truth about racism. Students were encouraged to be upstanders and call people out on hurtful, racist behaviours. Another way is to care for country and nurture our land, just as Aboriginal people have for over 60,000 years. The Uluru Statement from the Heart that has been endorsed by Archbishop Mark Coleridge was also read out to symbolise our school’s commitment to reconciliation. We are called to uphold the dignity of First Nations peoples, to honour their stories and make brave changes in response to their truth-telling. I encourage you to read the statement in full View The Statement - Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Students enjoyed celebrating First Nations Culture at lunch by utilising traditional rock painting techniques.
St Vincent De Paul Casual Dress Day
On Tuesday, 14th June, we will be asking for a gold coin donation to begin our St Vincent De Paul annual fundraiser. Students are to come dressed in appropriate casual clothes or their sports uniform for a gold coin donation to their pastoral teacher. Students can dress in a particular colour to raise awareness for a particular charity. Please see poster below.
Year 12 Retreat
The excitement is building towards the Year 12 Retreat that is to be held in our final week. There are still a number of students who may have responded as attending yet have not submitted medical forms. Medical forms are required to be completed by for students.
Child Protection Week – Art Design Competition for BCE students
As part of Child Protection Week (CPW) in 2022, Brisbane Catholic Education students can participate in the Student Protection Art Design Competition, with winning artworks used to design promotional materials such as SPC t-shirts and lanyards that can be worn by SPCs, and used in schools to increase the awareness of student protection.
Students are asked to create an artwork that shares positive messages about student safety and captures the theme “Child Protection is Everyone’s Responsibility”.
The type of artwork they can submit:
- Drawing
- Painting
- Graphic Art
Go to the www.student-voice.bne.catholic.edu.au for more information and how to enter.
The competition closes on 15th July
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
It has been a hectic week of updates and changes within the Year 10 and 11 cohorts. Next week the Year 7-10 students will be given the opportunity to come and make changes to their Semester 2 subject offerings. It is a timely reminder that care needs to be undertaken when selecting subjects for learning. This Term, in STRETCH, the Year 10s have been doing self-awareness activities and future pathway planning. These activities should reinforce students choosing subjects that they enjoy, and they are good at. The next consideration should be given to ensuring they are able to meet pre-requisites for future pathways. It is very worthwhile for families to sit down and explore University websites for entry and industry pages and discuss them together.
The next part of the puzzle needs to be students committing to their studies, whichever pathway they are choosing. A report card or certificate that has good results and comments on it is far more likely to benefit a student than a report card that does not. Being in the right course of study can certainly enable success for students as can doing the appropriate amount of study throughout the week. Creating mind maps, timelines and re-writing study notes are simple and quick ways to reinforce learning to avoid cramming before exams as is ensuring students hand in drafts on time for feedback.
I have spoken to a number of Year 11s over the past couple of weeks about their course of study and ensuring they have success. Now is the time to make changes as we are beginning Unit 2. Please, have a conversation with your children to see if they are thinking of making changes.
Next term QTAC will be open for further study applications. We will run an information session early next term to provide relevant information.
Brendan Luxton
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
Parent Engagement Evening Reminder
This is a reminder of next week’s third Parent Engagement Evening, looking at Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing. On Tuesday evening, we will start at 5pm with a small afternoon tea before the presentation starts at 5.30pm.
Our Guidance Counsellors, Melissa Reardon and Jacinta Murray will talk about mental health in teenagers – depression & anxiety and provide attendees strategies to consider with your teenager. After Melissa and Jacinta’s presentation, there will be plenty of time to ask questions on this important topic.
If you are interested in attending, please complete the following registration form: https://bit.ly/3PHYHUx.
Bullying Awareness Workshop
On Thursday morning, the College organised the first Bullying Awareness workshop which was attended by a number of Year 7 students. This workshop addressed the issue of bullying and specifically the complexities and legalities surrounding cyberbullying. We started with the definition of bullying as this is often misunderstood and the term bullying is often used without understanding the real meaning of the term. Bullying is defined as intentional, repeated harmful acts, words, or other behavior, such as name calling, threatening, and/or shunning, committed by one or more children against another.
Students learnt about the roles persons involved (bully, bystanders, and victims) play through scenarios and other examples. We then looked at the reasons why students get involved in bullying such as, being in control of the situation, feeling important and to prevent becoming a victim themselves and the impact bullying has on the victims. Finally, the students were given strategies to use when they become aware of a bulling situation.
Students gained a further understanding of the issue and understand that cyber bullying, impacts not only on the victim but also the other persons involved. They now have a clear understanding that bullying is associated with numerous and lasting negative impacts on individuals’ physical and mental wellbeing into adulthood. The students agreed that this was a very worthwhile workshop, and that (cyber) bullying is amongst the most important issues faced by the young adults in our care.
For more information on bullying and strategies how to address it, please visit: Bullying No Way
Attendance is everyone’s responsibility.
The target of 90% is admirable and it is unlikely that many people would dispute such a focus. However, when this figure is applied to attendance at school, the cumulative data does not look quite so admirable.
If a student achieves an attendance rate of 90 percent, the absenteeism looks like this:
- Each fortnight, the student is absent one day
- Each school year, the student is absent for one month
- For each six years of secondary schooling, the student is absent for more than one semester.
This set of figures does not look quite so admirable!
There are genuine reasons for students being absent from school and these are accepted and respected. Please be mindful that as parents when supporting your children being absent from school, the reasons are genuine. Also, we remind parents of the need to advise the school please when absenteeism occurs. This will prevent the notation of “unexplained” appearing beside students’ names.
There is strong evidence that indicates that a high attendance level at school aligns with success in learning.
Attendance Matters
We all want our students to have the best education possible – one of the key requirements for a great education is for students to come to school each and every day.
Attendance matters in developing good habits – habits that are necessary to succeed after school, whether in the workplace or in further study.
Attendance matters as missing school can have an impact on students academically and socially. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.
Each missed day is associated with falling behind in subject topics and assessment tasks, and leads to fewer subject choices and may impact on achievement in Years 11 and 12 and post-school pathways.
Listed below are acceptable and examples of unacceptable reasons for a student being absent. Please note that we adhere to these in determining students’ overall attendance.
Acceptable reasons for student absences are:
- Illness;
- Family trauma or bereavement;
- Events of cultural significance;
- Participation in school organised activities, eg. work experience;
- Participation in representative sporting or cultural activities, eg. Metropolitan East Sporting Trials.
Examples of unacceptable reasons for absence are:
- Truancy;
- Shopping expeditions with or without parent or carer;
- Helping at home or at parent/caregiver’s place of work;
- Part-time or casual work (including travel to or from work);
- Appointments which could be made out of school hours (eg. haircuts, driving lessons, medical, etc.);
- Completing assessment at home;
- Family holidays;
- Birthdays.
A key point contained in our Attendance Policy is the process around a student leaving school early. Early Departures are noted as an ‘Absence’ according to the reasons provided earlier. Further, there is a ‘Duty of Care’ requirement asked of the College with regards to a student who is leaving early. We do ask for parental support with these requirements.
Early Departures
- A student is considered to be leaving early any time before 2:54pm.
- All students leaving early will provide a notification from a Legal Guardian.
- If Student Reception staff are unsure of the validity of the notification, a call will be made to the student’s main contact to confirm.
- Students in all classes, Year 7 – Year 10, also require the Legal Guardian or Legal Guardian approved delegate to attend Main Reception in order to sign the student out. This is to fulfil duty of care obligations.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Jade Matijevic
As we move into the nineth week of Term 2, the reality dawns that nearly half of the school year has passed. As the term comes to an end, many students become tired and begin to feel the pressures of assessment. Now is a great time to check in with your child about their upcoming assignments and exams; to find out what they are working on and how they are planning to make use of their time to get everything done. If you find that your child has any uncertainty about their assessment task or the due date, encourage them to seek clarity by getting in touch with their teacher. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students a calm, productive, and successful end to Term 2.
Chis Culture News
Sydney Dance Company Workshop
On Wednesday, 8th June, dance students from Years 7 – 11 were offered the opportunity to partake in a Creative Contemporary Workshop with Sydney Dance Company. All students were challenged and brought out of their comfort zone as they were taught a short repertoire section from SDC’s current touring work Impermanence. “They gave us a whole new side of contemporary that we’ve never considered before” commented Isla O’Brien (Year 7). SDC Facilitators Lexi and Natalie then took students through the choreographic process that SDC choreographer and company artists used to develop Impermanence which was inspired by a rollercoaster ride. Overall, students really enjoyed the opportunity and rose to every creative challenge thrown at them.
Congratulations to our Chisholm Day performers!
Massive congratulations and thank you to all our performers on Chisholm Day. Throughout the event, revellers were treated to acoustic sets from Carmen Martinez-Harris, Mia Shadbolt and Ava Linney. Rock Band students Amy Day, Ryan Millward, Oscar Dickson, Gerardo Jaimes, Adrean Eedens, Georgia McKenzie, Mia Shadbolt and Carmen Martinez-Harris wowed crowds both during the day and well into the evening, closing what was a hugely successful day. A huge shout out to our youngest performers - Year 7 students - Tayla Gordon, Bonnie Clark, Malaika Kerrins and Jessica Young who braved the stage and performed a scene from ‘The Girl Who Cried Wolf’ for our College community in the afternoon.
Save the Date!
ChisCulture is excited to invite you to our 2022 Chisholm Under the Stars event. Save the date: Tuesday 26th July 2022 from 5pm – 7:30pm. Come along for a chilled night filled with live music, theatre and dance performances, a Visual Art display and food trucks.
Creative Arts students who are interested in performing will receive more information via student notices and emails. Keep an ear out or contact Miss Jones directly.
Instrumental Music Enrolments for Term 3 – NOW OPEN!
Chisholm Catholic College offers lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano. It is never too late to enrol! Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or Parent Portal.
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes.
The College is hoping to offer vocal lessons to students! In order to do so, we need some expressions of interest. If your child is wanting to undertake voice lessons, please get in contact to put forward your child’s interest.
All instrumental tuition enquiries can be made through Miss Anthea Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au).
Chisholm Catholic College is now seeking students who would like to enter QLD Shakefest!
2022 marks the TENTH year SHAKE FEST has provided a unique opportunity for students across QLD to focus their artistic abilities in an all-inclusive creative celebration of the works of William Shakespeare. SHAKE FEST is the original cross schools Festival dynamically connecting students, schools, and industry through Shakespeare.
Students can enter in any of the following categories: MONOLOGUE // DUOLOGUES // SCENES // DANCE // MUSIC // DESIGN // PHOTOGRAPHY // FILM. For more information and to register your interest please email Ms Griffey tgriffey@bne.catholic.edu.au
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
SECA Cross Country
Congratulations to all students for their efforts at SECA Cross Country. On a fast paced Teralba Park (Mitchelton) course, the team finished on overall 7th place out of fourteen schools competing. There were some amazing performances on the track with several students earning a place on the podium. Medal Winners were:
- Locklan Ball - 2nd in 15 Yrs Boys
- Matthew Owen - 2nd in 14 yrs Boys, and
- Nathan Brischetto - 3rd in 13 Yrs Boys.
A special mention must also go to Chisholm Catholic College Senior, Annika Vermeulen who led the team extremely well throughout the day.
Congratulations to all members of the team on a wonderful day of running.
Chisholm Team Results
Standout Individual Performances (Top 10)
SECA Sport
Well done to all teams for their efforts across this season, most staff have mentioned that in only a short space of time from the students' first game to their final fixture yesterday, there was rapid improvement, an increase of learnt skills and confidence shown out on the courts/fields. Unfortunately, this season was largely rain affected and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding during the unseasonal rain events we have seen in South East Queensland. A massive thankyou to all the Chisholm Catholic College staff who so readily prepare and take our students for our SECA activities. Without their help and assistance, these days would simply not occur.
Students have nominated their Term 3 SECA options, with Mr Ellis giving multiple days/opportunities for students to see or contact him to confirm selections or make changes. Team nominations are now in and there are no further changes for external activities from this point. There is some flexibility for movement in activities run at Chisholm on the day, that do not involve competition against other schools.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Our Chisholm Catholic College Interhouse Athletics Carnival will be run on the final day of Term 2, Friday, 24th June. An information booklet about this event will be sent out shortly to all students and College families, outlining the days procedures, expectations, pre-events held before the actual carnival, the nomination process for District/further representative school sport levels, and SECA Athletics team selection.
Congratulations to...
Ty Iddon for his selection into the Queensland Under 16 Boys Baseball team. Ty is now a member of the State team that will contest the upcoming Under 16 Australian Youth Championships in the July Holidays. We wish Ty the best of luck as he represents Queensland over the holiday break!
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
The QISSN team are headed to Mackay for a great week of netball in the school holidays. This team are passionate, humble and talented. We have been training hard since selection last year and have shown great growth in our court craft, team process and increasing our consistency. We have been very successful in our last outing at SECA being undefeated and challenged by some very fancy teams at the Vicki Wilson Cup trials. Under captain Naje Ormsby-Qualtrough and vice-captain Caitlin Edwards, we look forward to making memories, improving on last years results and playing great netball in Mackay. We wish the team the best of luck and know that the girls will do the College proud.
Danielle Edwards (coach) Charlotte Goldsworthy (manager)
Meet the team:
I am Naje Ormsby-Qualtrough the captain of Chisholm's QISSN 2022 team. I play Goal Defence (GD) and Goalkeeper (GK). So far, I’ve enjoyed bonding and watching the team improve as a group and individually. I am looking forward to traveling with the QISSN girls and sharing the experience of the QISSN competition with them.
My name is Caitlin Edwards and the positions I play are GS and GA. What I most enjoyed about the lead up is training with my friends and learning new skills and what I am looking forward to about QISSN is going away with my team.
I am Georgia and the positions I play are GS and GA for the QISSN team. It has been a really fun few terms for our team leading up to the competition and we are all super excited to go away and represent Chisholm. I am mostly excited to go away and spend heaps of time having fun all together on and off the court.
My name is Sienna Wilson and I play WD and GK for the QISSN team. What I have most enjoyed leading up to QISSN is having fun training and getting to know my team. I am excited to play with my team at the competition and to spend a week with friends.
I am Elila Carter, and I play GD, GK, GA and GS. I have enjoyed the friendships which have been created within the team. The thing that I am looking forward to the most is the experience of playing away in Mackay and having a fun time with my team.
I am Hayley Olsen and I play WD, GD, GK for the QISSN team. Leading up to QISSN the most enjoyable part has been training with the team and having a good time. The part I’m looking forward to for QISSN is going away and staying with the team.
I am Charlotte and I play C and WA for the QISSN team. I have enjoyed our Friday morning breakfast and training with the girls. I am most excited to work together with the girls while playing games and bonding during our off time court.
I am Abbey and I play GD and GK for the QISSN team. I have enjoyed training with the girls as well as our Friday morning breakfasts. I am looking forward to bonding with the girls and growing as a player.
My name is Kasey and I play C and WA for the QISSIN team. I have most enjoyed getting to know the girls better and gel with them on court and what I want to get out of the trip is to place nothing but 1st.
My name is Scarlett deBruyn and I play WA, WD and C. I have enjoyed getting to know each other as a team and most looking forward to going away and representing the school.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Pathways: a future focus
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted both the world of work and education and training. According to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (CRICOS No. 00213J), young people will not make one career decision that will sustain them throughout their career, but many decisions that will see them undertake multiple career transitions. Looking forward to 2025, the top skills employers expect candidates to have are:
What this means for our students entering the world of work is they will need to invest more than ever before in education and training, with frequent upskilling and reskilling forming part of their career management strategy. With this in mind, it is important students consider the current increasing and decreasing employment demands across industries globally (Future of Jobs Survey, 2020, World Economic Forum):
For further information about the world of work in Australia, the Government's Labour Market Information Portal has lots of useful information. On the site you can find information relating to:
- Exploring the data - employment rates, industries and more
- Gain insights - reports, publications, projections and more
- Downloads - data that will assist in your research
- Employment projections - where will jobs be in the future
- Vacancy Report - online job advertising levels and trends
- Employers' recruitment insights -National Skills Commission business surveys results
- Workforce shortages - work shortages at state and/or national level
Planning for Tertiary Study
As noted above, predictions are that learning is now lifelong. As a secondary school student planning ahead, it is important you understand the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), as this is the national policy in Australia for regulating qualifications in education and training. It incorporates qualifications from each education and training sector into a single, comprehensive framework – see below:
The AQF already applies to many Chisholm students, as learners elect to study courses ranging from a Certificate 1 (Level 1) through to a Diploma (Level 5 qualification) whilst at school. As you plan your tertiary options post Chisholm, it is important to know and understand how courses of interest qualify for the AQF, and the varying levels of study.
Other useful terminology for tertiary study.
If you have any questions about tertiary study in Year 13 or are unsure about which course to choose, make an appointment to see me – there are a range of career assessment tools we can utilise to identify courses of interest and assist you with decision making. Email sshalhoub@bne.catholic.edu.au or explore https://www.chisholmcatholiccollegecareers.com/ for comprehensive information on all things careers.
VET News
Ms. Mala Nair
Attitude V Experience - which is more valuable?
Looking for a job while at school or after school can be hard work especially when you are needing to record your 'experience' in your resume. It can even turn you off applying. Having a good attitude and a willingness to learn can make you more attractive to employers than someone who has plenty of experience but comes across as bored, jaded, or disinterested. Seek has put together a short article about how a good attitude can matter more than experience. They talk about:
- Most employers choose passion over experience
- Your positive attitude can transform a workplace
- Employers are looking for people who add to the culture
- How to build a positive attitude
- How to demonstrate a great attitude to employers
Being job ready and successful in gaining a job takes time, research and personal reflection. Start the process now so when you are in the right place for a great job you are ready to shine at the interview!
VET Pathways aren't limited to the Trades only!
Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications include certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas offered across a large number of industries and study areas. They offer many advantages from pathway options to skill development. If you fit into one of the categories below, find out more about VET courses that could be an excellent next step:
- You’re looking for practical, hands-on training
- You’re looking to qualify for a specific job or trade
- You’re looking to ‘try out’ a study area before you commit to extensive study
- You’re looking for a pathway to university study
- You’re looking to add to your current skill set
The article from the Good Universities Guide explains:
- What does VET offer?
- What does VET involve?
- Types of VET courses
- VET entry requirements
- Where are VET courses offered?
- VET study options
Aged care: A career with diverse roles and opportunity for growth
The need to care for Australia’s ageing population presents a vast variety of stable, diverse and growing career opportunities in the aged care industry. According to research from CEDA, it’s estimated that Australia will need an additional 105,000 residential care beds and 110,000 extra workers in the next 10 years. Working with older Australians offers incredible diversity in roles that can keep your career dynamic and interesting. There is also the potential for upskilling, training and career progression, enabling you to keep growing with your role. Access to these career options are only set to grow over the next decade and beyond as Australia’s population ages. Click here to read this Seek article in full including more information on:
- Choose from varied and diverse roles
- Continue to develop and grow your career
- Futureproof your career thanks to long-term demand
- Discover a diverse, dynamic and in-demand career in aged care
A passion for motorsports leads to a rewarding trade
You may often ask yourself, “but how can my hobby/interest lead to a job”? Myfuture has an article about Mitchell Croke who turned his passion for motorsports into a rewarding trade qualification as a sign writer. Click here to read his story including a video showing Mitchell at work. Trades do take you places!
Defence 2023 Gap Year opportunities
A gap year with the Airforce, Army or Navy is a great way to trial a career in the ADF and you get paid to do it! Jobs have different closing dates so visit the website for information about available GAP year jobs, closing dates and:
- Defence Force roles
- Frequently asked questions
- Eligibility and joining
- Lifestyle, pay and leave
- Life after ADF Gap Year
How do I apply for the Defence Force?
The ADF recruitment process is designed to ensure you have the qualities needed, while helping you identify the ideal role in the Navy, Army or Air Force. Visit the Defence Recruitment website to find out if you are eligible to join and to access the six steps in the recruitment process. Each step has a video that explains what happens during the step. The six steps are:
- Apply online with your personal details, academic achievements and job preferences (if you have them)
- Attend virtual YOU (Your Opportunities Unlimited) Session
- Attend Assessment Session - medical assessment, psychological interview, ADF interview
- Attend Officer Selection (if you are wanting this pathway)
- Take a Fitness Test
- Attend Enlistment and Appointment day
On the site you will also find information videos that will answer many of your questions along with information on:
- Quick eligibility check - use this tool to see if you can join
- Health and fitness - learn how fit you must be
- ADF entry methods - choose the way you want to join
- Help centre - have your questions and queries answered
Occupations vs Industries
'Occupation’ is a word that refers to the type of work a person does, for example, a doctor, teacher or cabinet maker. 'Industry’ refers to the main goods and services that are produced by a person’s employer. Most occupations can be found in a number of industries. For example, while many cooks work in the Accommodation and Food Services industry, cooks are also employed in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry in hospitals, childcare centres, Defence Force and aged care facilities. By understanding how flexible an occupation can be, you can broaden your options and increases your chances of finding the right career pathway. For information on different occupations, visit myfuture and for information on apprenticeships and traineeships, visit AAPathways.
TAFE Qualifications that will get you places
TAFE offer a full range of nationally recognised qualifications from entry-level certificates through to bachelor’s degrees. They also offer comprehensive trade training from beginner to advanced levels. Click here to see the range of qualifications on offer through TAFE Queensland and scroll down to see the full range.
Congratulations Callie Ward
On Sunday, 29th May, Callie, at the invitation of her TAFE Certificate III in Beauty teacher, competed in the Open (adult) category for the Beauty Services WorldSkills Australia regional event in Toowoomba. During the day competitors had to complete 5 assigned beauty services and they were scored across a number of categories (which align to the training that they are undertaking). Callie was the winner of the gold medal!
The next step in WorldSkills is the National competition, which will be held in Melbourne in August 2023. As a regional gold medalist, Callie will go on to represent Queensland at the Nationals (although the Queensland team is not officially announced until October of this year). The winner of the National competition then becomes a member of the Skillaroos and competes in Lyon, France in 2024 against other competitors from all over the world.
Responsible Leaders of the Future Conference
On Wednesday, the 25th of May, the Year 11 Diploma of Business travelled to Griffith University Nathan Campus to attend the Responsible Leaders of the Future Conference.
Griffith University’s Responsible Leaders Challenge empowers budding marketers and entrepreneurs in Year 11 to unleash their creativity and business acumen. Working in teams of up to four and challenge participants to devise compelling solutions for contemporary business problems was the theme of the day. The focus was on the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals that we hope to achieve by 2030. Our task was to collaborate and create an innovative company to tackle inequalities or irresponsible production. We had to create a brand, design a poster, and then deliver a pitch to all participants. However, the catch was that it could only be 1 minute long, with no scripts allowed.
It was an interactive day and a great experience.
Written by Paulene Cezar
Applications open for 2023 on Monday 18th July. Please find links to the course guide and the cost guide below.
Apply at tafeapply.com using the relevant application codes (TQB2301, TQST2301, TQSW2301).
Please note that these codes won’t work until 18th July. To apply for TAFE you will need to create a USI number by going to Get a USI | Unique Student Identifier before you can apply for TAFE.
2023 TAFE at School Course Guide
2023 TAFE at School Price List
41st Annual Tertiary Studies Expo TSXPO incorporating the QLD work & Skills Expo will be held on the weekend of 16th and 17th July at the Brisbane Showgrounds. It will run from 10am – 4pm both days. For more information on this free event please visit Brisbane Event - Careers Event
If you have an interest with horses and wish to undertake a certificate II in Rural Operations, Horse Husbandry Assistant (equine husbandry) or Horse Health Foundation (tertiary entry pathway for VET Nursing) these courses are an entry level qualification for Year 10 and 11 students for horse husbandry, first aid, nutrition, catching, floating, grooming, horse behaviour, environmental impact, safety etcetera. Students who complete these courses can receive 4 QCE credits. The duration of the course is 40 weeks.
If you are interested, please let us know so we can send you more information.
If you have an interest in Film and Television QSFT have workshops available during the year. They are situated in Annerley and close to public transport. For more information and to see what is on offer please visit their website Queensland School of Film and Television (qsft.qld.edu.au)
SAE are holding an exclusive Film masterclass on Thursday 7th July from 5pm – 7pm at their Brisbane Campus. For more information, please visit their website SAE Brisbane Film Masterclass - SAE Australia
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities Year 10 and Year 11 students only
2023 Certificate III in Business intake is now being advertised for students currently in year 10 or 11 only, you will be required to work one school day per week and one weekend day. You are also required to complete a minimum of 380 hours to complete the course. Students will be required to complete online and in person training on top of the standard schooling. Current roles on offer will include:
- Food & Beverage, Retail or Admissions at Sea World, Movie World, Wet‘n’Wild and/or Paradise Country
- Topgolf rotating roles including Food Runner, Caddy, Bayhost and Golf Services
- Sea World Resort which includes Food & Beverage and Room Attendant roles.
Please see flyer below and scan the QR code to register your name. Please ensure you have permission from your parent guardian.
Certificate III in Hospitality - Beenleigh Tavern and Fitzy’s Loganholme
Certificate III in Business – Soul Origin Loganholme, Cowch Mt Gravatt, Origin Kebabs Logan, Boost Juice Logan, and Upper Mt Gravatt
Community News
Changes to Clarks Logan City Bus Service School Routes 4411-4456 commencing Monday 11th July Term 3 2022
Please find below the school routes which will be impacted by changes from Monday 11th July 2022 Term 3.
Translink have approved the School RSP (Route Service Plan) changes to school routes:
- 4411-4456
The following changes have been made to these routes:
- 4411 renumbered to 4115 - no other changes to route
- 4456 + minor route alignment change in Springwood
Attached are Information Flyers for affected routes.
Clarks will also be handing these flyers out on their buses starting Monday 13th June to advise students of these changes.
Translink Journey Planner will be updated from Monday 27th June with these new routes.
Any queries please direct correspondence to the Clarks office via email info@clarkslogancity.com.au .