2022- Term 3, Week 2
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
30th Anniversary
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
Vocational Education News
Pathways News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Welcome Back!
We are now well and truly into learning for Term 3. With the release of Semester 1 Reports, the feedback on learning can allow for goals to be established that encourages improvement wherever needed. I encourage all students to see what is possible and to commit to strategies that will be of benefit.
Catholic Education Week
Next week, we celebrate Catholic Education Week. Across Australia, Catholic Education has provided learning that is founded strongly on traditions, beliefs and values that are welcoming and inclusive. This year’s theme is ‘Communities of Faith, Hope and Love’. It is comforting to see two of our own FAMILY values represented.
Celebrating our Scholars' Assembly on Wednesday provides an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be part of a community that does want all young people to feel that they belong and to see the possibilities when we work harmoniously.
Covid Update – Face Masks
An update is provided later in the newsletter in relation to current health concerns.
It is strongly recommended that we wear face masks when in the community, particularly when we are in a classroom setting where social distancing isn’t always possible.
Of concern, it is a Queensland Government mandate that people must wear face masks if returning from Covid isolation or are a close contact. The concern is that we sometimes are aware of students in this situation who are not wearing a face mask. We need the support of parents with ensuring that these expectations are adhered to.
I respect people’s individual perspective on the effectiveness of face masks. However, I must also highlight that we need to be supportive of all in our community – doing the right things is to protect the health of others.
Welcome to Staff – Staff Shortages
It has been widely communicated within the media that there are teacher shortages across the country. This has impacted on our College, but I can confidently state that it is not unique to us.
Teachers leave or change schools for a variety of reasons – new opportunities, closer to home or promotions. This does add to the challenge. We actively seek to have a capable and suitably qualified teacher in front of every class. Where this is not possible, we have strategies in place to limit the impact on learners, as they are our greatest concern and focus.
I do ask for continued patience and understanding. And, I discourage any dialogue that would suggest that we have ‘issues’ in staff retention – as stated previously, what we are experiencing is happening across many schools.
I would like to welcome the following staff to the College. I am confident from the recruiting process we have implemented that they will serve our College and students well.
- Mrs Tracy Bentley
- Mrs Karen Cifuentes
- Mr Matthew Cronk
- Mrs Yasmin Misic
- Ms Yasmin Relja
- Mr Jake Rowles
- Ms Abigail Vergunst
- Mr Aaron Yang
God bless,
Damian Bottaccio
Covid Update
The Queensland Government announced late last week an update to COVID-19 isolation protocols. The change relates to people who have had COVID-19 and are considered ‘cleared cases’.
The community is currently experiencing high levels of COVID-19 and the flu. Please read the following message carefully, so you are fully informed of changes.
COVID-19 Rule Change for Cleared Cases in Queensland
Up to now, people who have had COVID-19 and have been cleared after testing negative, did not need to isolate or get tested if they had COVID-19 symptoms in the 12-week period after contracting COVID-19.
This has now changed. New health advice (from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, AHPPC) is that reinfections may occur as early as 28 days after contracting COVID-19. Based on this new advice, Queensland Health has announced that the ‘cleared case’ period will be reduced from 12 weeks (3 months) to 28 days (4 weeks). This means that any students or staff, previously infected with COVID-19 will need to get tested and isolate if they have symptoms or return a positive test from four weeks after their initial infection.
Chisholm Catholic College continues to have a range of COVID-safe measures in place, including:
- Supporting good hygiene practices, including regular hand washing and use of hand sanitiser. Students are reminded regularly about such practices.
- Continuing enhanced cleaning, including in the sick bay.
- Requiring all staff and students to stay home when sick, to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms, and follow Queensland Health advice for positive cases and close contacts.
- All students who develop symptoms while at school have priority access to RATs.
Families are reminded that should you test positive, there remains a requirement for a 7-day isolation period. Upon return to school, masks are mandatory for a further seven days (outside of the home). Masks are also mandatory for anyone who is a Close Contact.
Please advise the College via scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au if your child needs to isolate due to testing positive to COVID-19.
Further information is available via the Queensland Health website.
While the Queensland Government and Queensland Health have not mandated mask wearing in schools, all members of our community are welcome and encouraged to wear masks on site where it is safe to do so. This is particularly important if you are in a space where it is difficult to retain social distance. For students who catch public transport, masks are still required; excluding dedicated school bus services.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Semester 1 Reports
Semester 1 Reports have been uploaded to the Parent Portal. Academic reports are accessible under the My Students tile of the BCE Connect app or Parent Portal. Please remember that Report Cards do not remain on the Parent Portal and BCE Connect App for the duration of your child’s attendance at Chisholm Catholic College. Academic reports only display for the current and previous academic year. Please save a copy of the report to your own device to ensure that you are able keep a record of your child’s report card. The video below steps through how to access and download your academic reports from BCE Connect. https://youtu.be/bHgHQTNv9O4. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please follow our troubleshooting guide.
Change of Timetabled Day
To facilitate our Scholars' Assembly there is a timetable change next week and we are swapping Wednesday and Thursday. Next Wednesday 27th July will be a Thursday A Timetable and Thursday 28th July will be a Wednesday A Timetable. Hopefully, Thursday 28th July will be a SECA Day, weather permitting. The Uniform Days will remain the same with the College Uniform to be worn on Wednesday and Sports Uniform on Thursday.
Scholars' Assembly
Due to the current COVID situation and based on the advice we have received; we have regretfully made the decision to hold the Scholars' Assembly via live stream next week Wednesday. Parents and students will receive an email indicating that their student(s) will be receiving an award and this will include the details of the when the live stream will be available. The assembly will also be recorded and made available on the Parent Portal. Studio Kirby will also be present to take photographs that will be made available to parents.
The Scholars' Assembly is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the students during Semester 1.
Important Dates
Week 3: 25-29 July | Catholic Education Week |
Monday | |
Tuesday | Ignite Careers Expo for Years 10 and 11 |
Wednesday | Scholars' Assembly |
Thursday | SECA Season 2 – Round 2 |
Week 4: 1-5 August | |
Tuesday | Pacific District Athletics Trials |
Wednesday | SRC Meeting |
Thursday | SECA Season 2 – Round 3 |
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
It is hard to believe how quickly term three has arrived. There is much going on in the Church within Australia and beyond. The four-year journey of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia reached the second and final assembly this July. A Plenary Council is the highest formal gathering of all local churches in a country. At the assembly, the 277 Council Members considered the motions that have emerged from that national journey, with the goal of renewing the life and mission of the Church in Australia. For more information and to read the final voting outcomes visit the Plenary Council site at the link Plenary Council (catholic.org.au)
Year 11 Leadership Day
As part of our Leadership Program, students spent Thursday of last week in a session facilitated by Character Builders. It was pleasing to see the energy and enthusiasm with which our students approached the day. The focus was building upon their strengths including kindness, respect, creativity and working together as a team. Year 11 student, Ysabella Doherty shares her thoughts on the day below:
Last Thursday, as a cohort, the Year 11s had a productive day of mindfulness and reflection through the company, Character Builders. During this, we were taught valuable skills of communication and teamwork. With unique activities from: sparking new conversations with new people, to teamwork-structured boot camps, we had various opportunities of self-character building in an atmosphere where students could truly work to understand each other. This day was something for us as a year level to come together and work as a strong team on how we can become leaders of the College and of ourselves.
NAIDOC Celebrations
“Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!” was the theme for this year’s NAIDOC week and this was celebrated last week at the College. The contribution of First Nations people was highlighted on assembly and all students were invited to participate in Aboriginal Arts at break times. In addition to this, the College has launched the Deadly Choices Healthy Lifestyle Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students which will run across the next 6 weeks.
July Prayer Intention
In the month of July we join Pope Francis in praying for the elderly and the gifts they can offer younger generations as “teachers of tenderness.”
We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility. AMEN
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
It was great to see everyone who attended the Year 10 Career Expo presentations led by the Pathways Team. A reminder that we will also have a QTAC session on Monday night for Year 12s. I strongly suggest applying to future study as it is much easier to reject an offer in January than it is to try and find a place in the new year. If you miss the presentation and are interested, there is a link to the video on the Parent Portal.
At the end of this term, we will be holding a ‘Mock’ exam block for Year 12 students, the 12s will be soon turning their attention to preparing for the External Exams. A strategy for retaining and recalling information for assessment is accessing Prior Knowledge. Students can recall what they already know about a topic or process using: cues, questions, graphic organisers, images or summaries. Sentence prompts are useful cues to learning. For example:
- What have I done in the past that could link to this…
- This compares to…
- I predict…
- One thing I have heard or seen about this topic is…
This strategy helps to build connections between new and existing information.
Information for subject selection processes for Year 7-9 will start to happen next week for students. Year 7-9 subject selection processes will need to finalised by the 26th of August.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
Welcome to the start of a new term. As we had to farewell a number of staff members, we welcome the new members to our FAMILY for the second half of the year.
At the end of Term 2, the College finalised the PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) Focus Behaviour of the Week, Respect. This term at Chisholm Catholic College, our PB4L Focus Behaviour of the Week is Empathy. Broadly, empathy is concerned with the understanding for and shared feelings of others. It is an important social skill as it allows us to understand, respect and work better with others, and be kind and compassionate in ourselves. Over the term, students will be lead through 10-minute lessons on different aspects of empathy including using empathy in the classroom, empathetic communication and responding to emotions. These behaviours are all reflected in our behaviour matrix and teach students how to positively embody our three school rules; Courteous, Conscientious and Connected.
In Term 2, the College staff members handed out more than 3500 merit slips which is an amazing achievement. This means that more than 3500 positive behaviours have been acknowledged, resulting in personal and House recognition. It’s great to see the positive interaction between staff and students when they receive their merit slips. Namatjira House won the House Merit Slip competition and celebrated this with a barbeque cooked by members of the senior leadership team. Well done to everybody, new merit slips have just arrived and the competition for the most successful House has already started.
Access to the Toilets
Due to ongoing vandalism and inappropriate behaviour in the student toilets, it has been decided that changes to the access to the toilets were necessary for all students. As of Monday Week 2, each toilet block has been allocated to two year levels. We hope that this creates a sense of pride amongst the students and that they will look after their own facilities. The ongoing maintenance issues forces the College to continue to allocate time and effort in the toilet blocks, where other parts of the College need attention also. Please discuss this issue with your sons or daughters and reinforce the message that we need to be stewards of our resources that are afforded to us. Of course, students are encouraged to report acts of vandalism inappropriate behaviour in these areas and they can do this in person or anonymously via the Chisholm WatchBox.
Parent Engagement Evening
After the successful Parent Engagement Evenings in Term 2, in Term 3, the College will organise another evening on Tuesday week 7, 23rd August. Presently, the College is working with a number of presenters on the topic of the evening, but rest assured that this evening is worth attending. Please keep this evening available between 5.30 and 6.30pm. More information will follow via Facebook and our next College Newsletter shortly.
SPECIAL REPORT: Vaping & E-Cigarettes
Vaping is becoming a trendy pastime that is growing in popularity across Australia, especially amongst teenagers. It is the act of inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Many teenagers are succumbing to peer pressure around this risk-taking activity due to the ease of accessing and hiding vapes. They are often cheaper than conventional cigarettes, making it more cost-effective and attractive to young people.
Although under 18s are not legally allowed to purchase any type of e-cigarette or vaping product in Australia, teenagers are finding ways to access them online. Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products, and attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of them. Many of the flavoured liquids associated with vaping, contain not only high levels of nicotine, but other potentially harmful additives. Many of these “e-liquids” contain chemicals that are likely to be toxic, that when inhaled or vaped repeatedly, can cause severe damage to the lungs.
Vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking. However, doctors strongly advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health. Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of nicotine addiction and include e-cigarettes in the discussion alongside alcohol and drugs.
This Special Report highlights the facts around vaping and e-cigarettes and what are the potential risks. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-vaping-au
Attendance Matters
Student Attendance will continue to be an important matter that encourages and reinforces the relationship that exists between home and school.
We identify those students whose attendance is exemplary and congratulate them on being at school. We are respectful of the presence of Covid and the flu in the community, and ask that parents communicate these absences. We are also very thankful to the support of parents and guardians who understand why we have been communicating the need to be at school.
Every three weeks, via the Approaches to Learning update that is emailed to parents/carers, and students, each student’s attendance percentage is recognised.
90% attendance equates to:
- 5 days absence per term
- 10 days absence per semester
- 20 days absence per year
Acceptable reasons for student absences are:
- Illness;
- Family trauma or bereavement;
- Events of cultural significance;
- Participation in school organised activities, eg. work experience;
- Participation in representative sporting or cultural activities, eg. Metropolitan East Sporting Trials.
Unacceptable reasons for student absences are:
- Unexplained;
- Appointments;
- Late;
- Personal / Family reasons;
- Holidays;
If there are reasons that require students to absent for an extended period, please read the attached – Process for Applying for Leave
If there are concerns around your child, please contact the Pastoral Care Teacher or relevant Pastoral Leader to discuss. Together we would hope to support the student in achieving their best with attendance and studies.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Jade Matijevic
Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that the holidays have been the perfect opportunity to reconnect with family and friends, and to rest and recharge for the term ahead.
This week Semester Reports have been made available, and it would be a great time to review your child’s results with them. It would also be a great time to celebrate the success they have had over the first half of this year and identify areas they may need to focus their attention, or seek further support.
Over the next two weeks students in Years 7, 8, and 9 will be coming home with a STRETCH activity that will provide some structure for these conversations, along with some insight about how they are travelling in terms of receiving their MYCE (Middle Years Certificate of Education). This activity will then be expanded upon during their STRETCH lessons.
If a particular area of concern is identified during these discussions, I would encourage you to reach out to their class teacher to gain greater insight into what they should focus on, and to discuss strategies to drive growth and better outcomes this term.
If you have any questions regarding MYCE, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
30th Anniversary
30th Anniversary Badges
30th Anniversary Badges are available for purchase from Main Reception and Student Reception for $2 each.
Chisholm Alumni- Thomas Murray
My name is Thomas Murray, I was a Mackillop House Captain and I graduated with the class of 2011. Since graduating I have completed my Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and I am currently in my 7th year of teaching, specialising in Inclusive Education and working with students with disabilities.
Kind regards,
Thomas Murray
30th Anniversary Dinner
As part of our ongoing 30th Anniversary celebrations, Chisholm Catholic College will be hosting a Dinner event for past staff and alumni. Tickets are available now via TryBooking (https://www.trybooking.com/CBCXQ).
Chis Culture News
Welcome back to Term 3! There are plenty of opportunities on offer for students across the Creative and Performing Arts this term. Read on to find out more!
Lunchbox Theatre
Lunch Box Theatre will continue this term, students will be meeting every Tuesday Lunch 2 and begin working on a scripted performance for Creative Arts night in early Term 4. Students from Years 7-12 who are interested in any aspect of production including acting, directing, sound, lighting or backstage should come along! If you have any questions please email Ms Griffey tgriffey@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Art Club
Art Club will start again this term in Week 3. Art Club is open to all students in Grade 7-12 and will take place on Thursday afternoons from 3:00pm-4:30pm. Come along to explore your creativity and different mediums. Each week you will work through a creative task and develop new skills. Please email Ms Black to sign up (elise.black@bne.catholic.edu.au)
Instrumental Music
We offer lesson in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano this term. It’s never too late to enrol!
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes. Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or Parent Portal. Please contact Ms Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) with any queries.
Workshop Series
This year, the Creative and Performing Arts department will be offering a selection of workshops designed to extend students performance abilities and artistic skills. Last term, students were given the unique opportunity to work with industry professionals from Sydney Dance Company and Grin and Tonic Theatre Company. The next workshop available to students from Year 7 -12 is an Improvisation workshop, for further details and to register students should contact Ms Griffey tgriffey@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Year 7 Music
Last term, our Year 7 Music students had an awesome time learning about the elements of music and composing soundtracks to create their own unique heroes and villains comic strip. Students worked creatively and diligently throughout the term to produce their own works and should be proud of their efforts.
Year 12 Drama Incursion
On Monday morning, students in Year 12 Drama worked with Jason Klarwein, Australian director, actor and producer in preparation for their IA3 assessment which requires them to transform a classic text into a contemporary performance. Jason discussed with students how he approaches transformation by starting at the text and considering the exterior forces that sit around the text including the audience, the theatrical style and symbols that exist within the text, he did this through using examples from his most recent work Othello (coming to Brisbane in September 2022). Students are now challenged to created their own reimagining of Ancient Greek text Medea by Euripides for their final Internal Assessment piece.
Special thanks goes to Grin and Tonic Theatre Company for arranging the workshop with Jason.
External opportunities:
Please see below a list of opportunities available to students:
Beenleigh Theatre Group – Audition opportunity
Production Details
Performances 30 September - 2 October, 2022
The BTG production is open to all performers aged 18 and under. Performers will work with a creative team of industry professionals, supported by BTG management, to bring Newsies Jr. to the stage.
All cast members will be involved in an intensive, two-week rehearsal process over the September school holidays. These rehearsals will be 9am - 5pm.
The intensive rehearsal process will culminate in 4 public performances of the show. To alleviate the pressure of the limited rehearsal time, cast members will be given access to scripts, music and dance routines ahead of time, so that you can show up to the intensive already knowing a lot of important stuff!
There will be a show cost of $250 for all performers. Some scholarships may be available to families facing financial hardships.
About the Show
Disney’s Newsies Jr. is a 60-minute version of the 2012 Broadway musical, based on the 1992 film. Inspired by the rousing true story of newsboys in turn-of-the-century New York City, Newsies Jr. features a Tony Award-winning score by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman and a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein.
When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys’ expense, the charismatic Jack Kelly rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions. Together, the newsies learn that they are stronger united and create a movement to fight for what’s right.
Including the now-classic songs “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” and “Santa Fe,” Newsies Jr. is a timeless story full of spirit and heart.
Key Dates
Auditions 6 and 7 August
Rehearsal Fundamentals 13 and 14 August
Intensive Rehearsal Week 1 19 – 23 September
Intensive Rehearsal Week 2 26 – 30 September
Performances 30 September – 2 October
BOOK YOUR AUDITION - https://beenleightheatregroup.com/get-involved/audition/
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Interhouse Athletics
Congratulations to all students who participated in the 2022 Interhouse Atletics event on the final day of Term 2. It was a great way to finish the term in the flurry of House colour and camaraderie. Well done to all students for getting involved in the participation and age champion events.
Our day was rounded out with House relays and finished with a new event, ‘The Fastest 8’. This race had the fastest eight 100m competitors race off as the concluding event of the carnival for the honour and bragging rights of being the fastest male/female in the College over 100m. Both were very tight and close races for all 16 competitors and it was great to note that all Year levels, even Year 7, were represented across the races. Congratulations to Kyra Farao and Jack Leafe for taking out the inaugural ‘Fastest 8’ Title.
Students will nominate themselves for Districts and should have met with Mr Ellis this week to confirm District events. All schools can only nominate two athletes per event, so Interhouse results will be referred to.
The College will also be inviting students to attend the SECA Athletics Carnival, which will be held at the Queensland State Athletic Centre (QSAC) on Wednesday, 17th August.
Well done to our Age Champions and Overall House winners for 2022 featured below.
Athletics Carnival Results 2022
Age Champions
Age | Girls | Boys |
12 Years | Audrey Teunis | Danyl Scott |
13 Years | Gabrielle Foster | Caleb O’Brien |
14 Years | Sienna Walshe | Connor Kavanagh |
15 Years | Ella O’Brien | Keanu Tokataake |
16 Years | Ava Mathews | Jack Leafe |
Opens | Jorja Rhode | Tyler Bunn |
House Points
| Athletics House Placings | |
Place | House | Points |
6th | Mitchell | 969 |
5th | Flynn | 1137 |
4th | Oodgeroo | 1342 |
3rd | Namatjira | 1523 |
2nd | Parer | 1705 |
1st | Mackillop | 2234 |
SECA Sport
Unfortunately, we have had our first SECA day postponed with some venues being unable to be played upon due to wet conditions. A SECA catch up round is put in place for each term and this will be enabled, the new catch up round will be Thursday, 11th August.
Students are reminded that if they have nominated to play a Sport in Season 2 that they need to have the correct playing equipment eg. Boots, mouthguards, long socks, shinpads etc. The College does not supply this personal safety equipment. Some sports may use College playing strips that will be handed out to those teams. All other sports/activities will be played in full HPE uniform.
We look forward to our new start of the SECA sport and activities in Week 3, Thursday, 28th July.
Rebel Sport Community Kickback
Members of the College community are encouraged to mention Chisholm Catholic College when shopping at Rebel Sport Loganholme. Rebel Community Givebacks is a program designed to allow sports clubs and schools to earn instore credits at Rebel to purchase essential sporting equipment and teamwear. Registered schools such as Chisholm Catholic College are rewarded with 5% back on sales linked to a member or student who is a Rebel Active member. The College HPE and Sport Departments use these funds to purchase extra equipment for our students and teams to assist them with competing.
Logan City Council Sports Awards Nominations
To nominate exceptional students in Sport for the Logan City Council Sports Awards. Please visit their page: City of Logan Sports Awards – Logan City Council
Congratulations to..
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Mr Brendan Taylor
Greetings SEDA students, Parents and Guardians. Over the holidays Chisholm took away teams to 3 major sporting event, Confraternity Rugby League, QISSN Netball and the Gold Coast Invitational Basketball competition.
QISSN Update:
The Chisholm Netball team had a fabulous week of netball, adventures, dancing and fun. The team had mixed results, however by the end of the week they were playing the high quality of netball we knew they could produce. We all enjoyed the experience, on and off court, and we would like to congratulate Georgie Robbie and Scarlett De Bruyn on their amazing and strong 2 years in the QISSN team. Whilst we plan and look forward to next year it won’t be the same without them.
Congratulations to Chisholm’s Most Valuable Player (as voted by our opposing schools) KASEY BROWN! We are extremely proud of Kasey and the skill, determination and energy she has shown throughout the week. Congratulations also to our Most Valuable Player and Players Player as voted by our Chisholm QISSN team and staff: M.V.P ELILA CARTER and Players Player GEORGIA ROBBIE!
Both girls showed great intensity on the court and did the team proud. Well done on a fantastic week.
Thank you to all the parents, families, staff and students who supported the players both in Mackay and online. A big thank you must also go to the students who represented themselves and the College with great pride, giving it their all the entire week and showing great skill and sportspersonship. We look forward to another cracking carnival in Brisbane 2023!
Thank you, Mrs Danielle Edwards and Charlotte Goldsworthy.
Confraternity Update:
Well, with a rough start to the tournament, the players rallied and ripped in during our last few games and won tough matches. The week away, the experience gained, the friendships and memories the students have taken away was something they’ll remember forever. Both on and off the field there were plenty of laughs and carry on, heartache and joy when winning. Confro is something all rugby league players at Chisholm should be looking forward to, for when the time comes.
Congratulations to CHRIS BELL for winning the Best and Fairest award and to BAILEY LEES for being awarded the Spirit of the Carnival award. Both boys showed great courage, pride and skill throughout the week and should be extremely proud of their efforts! Players Player as voted by his team: RYAN SPARKS! Congratulations Ryan on a great week and strong performances on the field giving it your all.
Thank you! Mr Andrew Poynter, Mr Dean Stevens, Mr Conor Glennon and Mr Damian Bottaccio.
Gold Coast Invitational Update:
During the last week of the holidays Chisholm took the Under 15s and Open Boys basketball teams to the Gold Coast Invitational. Our Under 15s played some tough games in Division 1 and our Open Boys team went through their Division undefeated and came out the Champs. Congratulations! A big thank you Mr Conlon who has taken on the role of head coach for basketball at Chisholm and took both teams away.
Football Update:
The U14 SEDA Boys Football squad have maintained their form in the ISSA Cup securing a 2 all draw against a very tough Livingstone College. They displayed great heart coming back from 2 – 0 down at half time thanks to quality teamwork and Isaac Cookson’s finishes.
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
Welcome back! Second semester has started off well with many students visiting the Library at the first opportunity to borrow, study, read and visit.
My name is Yasmin Relja, and I am the new Teacher-Librarian at Chisholm Catholic College. I have over twenty years of teaching experience and am looking forward to working with your children, both in the classroom and the Library. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via the College.
Ms R
Vocational Education News
Ms. Mala Nair
School-based Apprenticeship/Traineeship (SAT) Explained
School-based apprentices and trainees, usually in Years 10, 11 and 12, are trained in the workplace and with a training organisation, in their chosen apprenticeship or traineeship, while continuing to study towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) at school. To commence a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT), a student must have the support of the employer, the school, supervising registered training organisation and their parent/guardian.
Advantages of School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- More flexibility and variety
- Head start in a career
- Nationally recognised qualifications
- As opportunity to learn and earn
- Contribution to the community
- Employer satisfaction
Click here to find out more about SATs
7 Reasons why deciding to become a Tradie could be the best choice you’ll ever make!
Thinking about taking up a trade but still not sure. Qualify Me has put together an article outlining some benefits of being a 'Tradie'. It will give you some insights to consider when making your decision. The article talks about:
- What is a tradesperson
- What makes being a 'tradie' so popular
- Job security
- No Uni education required
- Work flexibility
- Say no to the office cubicle
- Wages
Energex Apprenticeship Opportunities
Energex has an electricity distribution network and offer Apprenticeship opportunities to committed apprentices including training and development programs. Applications are now open for apprenticeships to commence in February 2023. See their Latest intake webpage for information on their trade types and locations. You can set up a Job Alert and be notified when they next advertise. On their website you will find information on:
- When apprenticeships will open
- Positions and locations - 2023 intake locations
- Why apply for an apprenticeship?
- Who can apply for an apprenticeship?
- What are the requirements for applying?
- FAQ's website
Interested in Aviation?
Aviation Australia delivers Nationally accredited aviation training through partnerships with over 150 industry organisations including airlines, aerospace companies, governments defence force and regulatory authorities. It offers the School to Work pathway 2022, a VETiS two-year qualification in Aircraft Line Maintenance, Remote Pilot and Cabin Crew. Visit their website for more information.
Opportunities that Apprenticeships Offer
Australian Apprenticeships offer many possibilities. There are more than 500 occupations across Australia that offer apprenticeships. Australian Apprenticeships are available at a variety of Certificate levels. They're available in many traditional trades and some emerging occupations in most sectors. You also earn an income while completing a nationally recognised qualification and you gain skills supporting your careers progression. Click here and find out more about:
- Apprenticeships offer a world of possibilities
- Start an Apprenticeship at school
- Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
- Real skills for real careers
- Skill shortage information
- Career stories
Life Skills are Important!
Life skills are talked about a lot but not often explained. ‘Life skills’ is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that enable you to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life. The following are some ways that could help you recognise and develop your own set of life skills (source unknown):
- Building a Good Attitude: Stay positive, hungry, humble and do whatever it takes.
- Taking Initiative: If you’re willing to go first, others will see you as a leader.
- Capturing Vision: See the big picture and pursue something bigger than you.
- Communicating Effectively: Understand that if listeners don’t get it, you haven’t communicated well.
- Teamwork: To go faster, travel alone. To go further, learn to travel together.
- Creativity: Learn the art of combining two existing ideas to generate a new one.
- Grit: Resilience and work ethic can replace what you lack in talent or personality.
- Emotional Intelligence: To connect with others, understand yourself and them.
- Resourcefulness: Searching and finding new answers keeps you relevant.
- Critical Thinking: Seeing all sides of an issue enables you to act intelligently.
- Problem-solving: The best way to influence is to serve people and solve problems.
- Getting Over Yourself: The clearest sign of maturity is focusing on others.
Australian Federal Police – Forensics Work Experience
The AFP (Australian Federal Police) have an AFP Forensics Work Experience Program that is conducted in Canberra. They also will be running a one-day virtual seminar “A sneak peek into AFP Forensics” which is open to students of all States. This virtual seminar runs from 9:00 – 15:00 (Canberra time) and will be held on 2nd August and 29th November 2022.
Registration is via this link :
Further information will be sent to the registered email address 7-14 days in advance of the scheduled date. If you have any further queries, please contact forensics-WEX@afp.gov.au
Gap year options for 2022/2023
With the international borders now open you may be interested in investigating Gap year options. If you are interested in taking a Gap year do your homework as the different Gap year organisations offer different experience options. Following are just some of the organisations offering a Gap year experience in 2023:
Lattitude Global Volunteering:
Lattitude Global Volunteering applications for 2022/2023, 3 - 12 month supported international overseas gap year placements, are now open. Learn about their gap year programs on the Lattitude website.
Southern Cross-Cultural Exchange:
Southern Cross-Cultural Exchange provides high school student exchange programs for Australian students. Click here to find out more about exchange destinations, program options, support and safety and how to apply for a 2023 program. You can also register to attend their upcoming information webinar sessions here.
World Education Program Student Exchange:
If you want to be a WEP exchange student, check here and see the table for upcoming application deadlines. Fully completed applications should be submitted before midnight on the nominated date.
TAFE at School 2023
Applications open for 2023 on Monday 18th July. Information on how to apply has been emailed to students. Here are the links to the course guide and the cost guide:
2023 TAFE at School Course Guide
2023 TAFE at School Price List
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT)
Year 12 students - What happens next when you leave school?
Register with DESBT by scanning the QR Code below to join Connected to Jobs & Training School Leavers Service. Enter your personal email. They will email local job opportunities, funded training opportunities and the 2023 School Leavers Resource with quick web access to local job boards, Government School Leaver Career Guides, and training. For more information please visit Student Data Collection (vision6.com.au)
Year 12 Student opportunities:
1st year hairdressing apprenticeship is available for a year 12 student to commence as a school-based trainee and then begin full-time once school is finished for the year at Elvarl Hair Artistry Daisy Hill. Interested parties need to send a resume to meg.hauritz@hotmail.com.
Industrial Plastics are looking for someone to work in the plastics fabricator industry and an apprentice at Pinkenba. You can apply by emailing jobs@indstrialplastics.com.au with your resume/CV. Some of their cool projects can be viewed here. See below for more details.
Year 12 students if you are interested in a career with Brisbane City Council, they are offering students to participate in work experience before their September/October recruitment period. For more information click here. You will need to email them with your trade of interest, availability, and resume by selecting the link on their website.
Energex apprenticeship program applications are now open. They will be recruiting from 8-25th July for their 2023 program. Please view the process on their website. Energy Queensland - Jobs List - Apprenticeships (nga.net.au)
Training Direct Australia (TDA) have been contacted by various Employers looking for school leavers in 2022 who maybe interested in pursuing a Chef Apprenticeship. There is no need to wait until 2023 to apply. See flyer below for more details.
EXPO Exhibitors Interest
Some exhibitors from our recent expo is very keen to take on school based apprenticeships now, converting into full time post grade 12. They are looking for engineers, painters, tilers, construction, and many more. If this is something you wish to pursue, they will start with work experience.
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities Year 10 and Year 11 students only:
Training Evolution School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
- Certificate III in Business – Boost Juice Logan Hyperdome, Juice Bar & Premium Ice Cream Springwood
Aurora Training School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
- Certificate III in Hospitality – Zarraffa’s Cornubia
- Certificate III in Business – Subway Various Locations
Learning Partnerships School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
- Certificate III in Hospitality or Certificate III in Business – Degani Loganholme and Beenleigh, Chatterbox Mt Gravatt, Good Things Will Happen Springwood, Malay House Underwood, Eat Sushi Coomera, 8 Street Garden City, Rice Town Garden City, Shinbashi Yakiniku Underwood, SunLit Garden City and Coomera, IGA Rochedale and Runcorn, Top Chop Garden City, Tryon Market Upper Mt Gravatt
- Certificate III in Business - Optus Sunnybank Hills.
Further information on any of the above can be obtained from our Vocational Education office in J1.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Thank you to all parents, carers and students who attended Chisholm’s Careers Expo on Tuesday, and especially to Year 10 families who joined us in the Chisholm Centre to discuss requirements of the senior phase of secondary education, including the QCE, ATAR and subject selections. We look forward to working with you on your child’s SET Plan in Week 6 (commencing Monday, 15th August 2022).
Year 10 Subject Selections for Tertiary Study
As Year 10 students plan senior subject selections, it is essential to identify tertiary prerequisites, assumed knowledge and recommended study for possible courses of interest at the end of Year 12. Not all universities and institutions have the same requirements, so it is important you check all universities and institutions you are interested in. Click here to find the Guide for 2022 Year 10 students 2025 book with a list of the universities and institutions and their prerequisites, assumed knowledge and recommended studies for 2025 tertiary entry.
Year 12 - QTAC Information Evening
2022 QTAC applications open on Tuesday, 2nd August. On Monday, 25th August students and parents/carers are invited to the QTAC Information Evening in the Chisholm centre from 5.30pm – 6.30pm for an outline of the process, and information regarding preferencing, EAS and receiving and accepting offers. QTAC guides arrived last week and have been distributed to all students.
Ignite Careers Expo
On Tuesday, 26th July we will take all Year 10 and 11 students to the Ignite Youth Careers Expo. There will be over 40 exhibitors for students to engage with, providing information on study pathways, trade and job opportunities. Several interactive workshops will ensure students have a hands-on experience in a range of industries. For a full list of exhibitors visit https://www.logan.qld.gov.au/ignite-youth-careers-expo/ignite-youth-careers-expo-1 .
University Open Days
University Open Days provide an ideal opportunity for parents/carers and students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to explore pathway options beyond secondary education – Year 10 this can also help with senior subject selections. Open Days give you a chance to discover what life is like at each university, and gain answers to questions you may have, and gain authentic feel for the environment you will study in. Below is a list of upcoming open days:
Institution | Date and Venue |
Australian Catholic University | Saturday 6 August, 10am-2pm, Brisbane campus |
Griffith University | Sunday, 14 August, 9am, Gold Coast and Nathan campuses |
TAFE Queensland | Sat 6 August, 11am-4pm, Southbank campus |
Torrens University | Saturday 6 August, Fortitude Valley Campus |
QUT | Sunday, 31 July, 9am-3pm, Gardens Point (city campus). Selected facilities will be open at Kelvin Grove campus |
UQ | Sun 7 August, 9am-3pm, St Lucia campus Sun 21 August, 9am-3pm, Gatton campus |
University of Sunshine Coast | Sunday 24 July, Moreton Bay campus Sunday 7 August, Sunshine Coast campus |
USQ | Sunday 14 August, 10am-2pm, Ipswich and Springfield campuses Sunday 21 August, 10am-2pm, Toowoomba campus |
The following is a guide for attending open days and will be of great assistance for your preparation:
What to do on the day
In and amongst the freebies, food and entertainment, there are a few key things you should do on the day.
- Tour the campus and facilities
- Collect brochures, course guides and other useful information for further reading
- Talk to students and staff and ask plenty of questions
- Attend information sessions for specific courses or faculties of interest
Key questions to ask staff and students about courses
- What are the entry requirements? Are there any prerequisite subjects or additional requirements (such as a portfolio or interview)?
- How much time can you expect to spend in classes each week? How many hours will need to be dedicated to study outside of class?
- What are the most common forms of assessment (for example: exams, group projects or essays)?
- Where are graduates of the course working now? What are some typical career paths?
- Are there opportunities for practical learning, work experience or internships?
- Are there any pathway options to help you gain entry to the course?
- Does the course offer a pathway to further study?
- Are double degrees available?
- Does the university have any industry connections in the field?
- How much choice is there in subject selection? Are there opportunities to study elective subjects?
Key questions to ask staff and students about the university
- What facilities are available on campus?
- What support services are offered to students?
- Are there accommodation options on campus or nearby?
- Does the university offer any scholarships?
- Does the university have any exchange agreements with institutions overseas?
- Does the university assist graduates find work?
Key questions to ask staff and students about student life
- What clubs and societies are on offer?
- Are there opportunities to socialise on campus?
- Is there a student union? What services and activities does the union coordinate?
Other things to consider
- Getting there: Is the campus easy to get to? Can you catch public transport? If you plan to drive, what are the parking options around the campus?
- Accommodation: For those planning on moving out of home to study, consider having a look around the local area for potential neighbourhoods to live in or take a tour of on-campus accommodation.
- Facilities: What facilities are available on and around campus? Look at food options, gyms, banks, medical centres, libraries and any other facilities you consider important It’s also worth investigating the practical facilities available for your course, such as laboratories and studios.
Visit Get the most out of your university open day from the Universities Good Guide for more information.
NIDA 2023 Applications Open
Applications are open for the National Institute of Dramatic Art’s (NIDA) Vocational Diplomas and undergraduate degrees for entry in 2023. NIDA’s undergraduate courses include Acting, Costume, Design for Performance, Properties and Objects, Scenic Construction and Technologies and Technical Theatre and Stage Management. They also offer vocational diploma courses in Musical Theatre, Live Production and Technical Services, Specialist Make-up Services and Stage and Screen Performance. Click here to apply and find out more information.
NIDA Weekend Workshops for Students
The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) will be offering weekend workshops in Brisbane during Term 3. Check out the workshops to see dates and locations in Brisbane.
Community News