2022 Term 3 Week 6
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
30th Anniversary
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
Kokoda Challenge 2022
P.A.R.T.Y Program Excursion
Vocational Education and Training (VET) News
Pathways News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
2023 Student Leaders
We are currently receiving applications from our Year 11 students, applying to be a part of the Student Leadership Team for 2023. Over the coming weeks there will be speeches, voting and interviews held to determine the team that will lead our students. Speaking to the Year 11s last week, I highlighted that we are seeking leaders who are committed to our College and prepared to take on the responsibilities that comes with the role. In today’s world there is much scrutiny on leading and leaders. I explained to the students that leaders are always in view; their words, their actions are scrutinised by those they encounter. It’s not an easy thing to live with, hence it is important to avoid entering leadership for the wrong reasons.
The current group of Year 11s have tremendous potential. All of the students will take on an important leadership role next year; the Year 7-11 students of 2023 and staff will be looking to them to set the standard by which relationships and participation are formed. I wish all applying students the best with their efforts!
We will be commencing leadership preparations with our Year 8s later in the term, beginning with a Leadership Formation Day on Wednesday, 14th September.
Year 10 SET Plans
This week, all Year 10s intending on completing their Senior Studies at Chisholm Catholic College have attended SET Plan Interviews with their parents. It has been wonderful to hear about the many conversations that have taken place, reinforcing the partnership we hold with parents. The manner with which many students have reflected on their current efforts and future pathways is most encouraging.
I would like to acknowledge the great support offered by the many staff who volunteered their time to conduct these interviews. Their commitment to our students was very visible. My particular thanks to Mr Brendan Luxton, Mrs Shannon Scott and Mrs Mala Nair for their work in leading the SET Plan process. I also want to acknowledge Mrs Sharon Dickson for her organisation.
Parent Engagement Evening – Thursday, 25th August
Next Thursday, we have Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education presenting a Parent Session on Cybersafety. I highly recommend this for all parents, acknowledging that such things as social media can present challenges for young people. Please read Mr Van Gils’ article for more details.
SECA and Sport in General
Last week we completed Season 2 of SECA. The SECA Competition sees us compete against other Brisbane Catholic Education Colleges, emphasising participation. Getting around to the various venues, it was great to see so many students engaging enthusiastically. These days require the support of our entire staff and I am immensely appreciative of their willingness to bring this opportunity for our students. Particular thanks to Mr Ellis for his leadership.
We’ve also had a few other competitions in recent weeks, with our SECA Premiership teams now competing in the Metro Finals; games commenced yesterday and will progress as knockouts until a South East Queensland Champion is recognised. A shoutout to our Year 8/9 Football Team who progressed to the ISSA Cup Sem-Final last week; though they did not win, it is definitely an accomplishment to reach this stage.
On Wednesday, a Chisholm Catholic College team competed at the SECA Athletics Championships. Amidst strong competition, there were some standout efforts from a number of students. Read Sports News for more details. Well done to all students!
God bless,
Damian Bottaccio
Covid Update
The Queensland Government updated COVID-19 isolation protocols at the start of this term. The change relates to people who have had COVID-19 and are considered ‘cleared cases’.
The community is currently experiencing high levels of COVID-19 and the flu. Please read the following message carefully, so you are fully informed of changes and expectations.
COVID-19 Rule Change for Cleared Cases in Queensland
A reminder that Queensland Health have reduced the ‘cleared case’ period from 12 weeks (3 months) to 28 days (4 weeks). This means that any students or staff, previously infected with COVID-19 will need to get tested and isolate if they have symptoms or return a positive test from four weeks after their initial infection.
Chisholm Catholic College continues to have a range of COVID-safe measures in place, including:
- Supporting good hygiene practices, including regular hand washing and use of hand sanitiser. Students are reminded regularly about such practices.
- Continuing enhanced cleaning, including in the sick bay.
- Requiring all staff and students to stay home when sick, to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms, and follow Queensland Health advice for positive cases and close contacts.
- All students who develop symptoms while at school have priority access to RATs.
Families are reminded that should you test positive, there remains a requirement for a 7-day isolation period. Upon return to school, masks are mandatory for a further seven days (outside of the home). Masks are also mandatory for anyone who is a Close Contact.
While the Queensland Government and Queensland Health have not mandated mask wearing in schools, all members of our community are welcome and encouraged to wear masks on site where it is safe to do so. This is particularly important if you are in a space where it is difficult to retain social distance. For students who catch public transport, masks are still required; excluding dedicated school bus services.
Please advise the College via scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au if your child needs to isolate due to testing positive to COVID-19.
Further information is available via the Queensland Health website
30th Anniversary
Chisholm Alumni - St John Newman
I finished up at Chisholm in 2005 and was the College Captain that year. Looking back, I really loved my time at Chisholm. I made friends who I still see and/or keep in touch with on a regular basis to this day. I thank all the teachers who taught me along the way as they were/are instrumental in getting me to where I am today.
After finishing in 2005 I went on to obtain my Bachelor of Pharmacy at The University of Queensland in 2009 and did my internship at the then Royal Children's Hospital in Herston in 2010. During 2010 I was accepted into the Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Melbourne which I completed in 2014. I worked in the western suburbs of Melbourne at the Footscray and Sunshine Hospitals as an intern and resident between 2015 and 2017.
I went on to work as a unaccredited Radiation Oncology Registrar at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne in 2017 before being accepted on the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists Radiation Oncology Training Program in 2018 and have worked at Lismore Base, Gold Coast University and The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospitals since then as an advanced trainee in Radiation Oncology.
I am currently working for Genesiscare in Southport and at John Flynn Private Hospital and have recently passed my specialist fellowship exams. I will complete my final year of training this year and will qualify as a Consultant Radiation Oncologist in February 2023.
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
Year 8 Retreat
Last week’s Year 8 Retreat was facilitated by the Passionists Youth Retreat Team. Students were guided through a series of activities allowing them to connect with each other and to come closer together as a cohort. Students were given the space to explore who they are in their relationships with each other. The ‘String Ritual’ was a popular activity that enabled students to reflect on the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and in turn communicate to their peers a heartfelt message. These included, “I’m sorry”, “Thank you” and “I am here for you”.
Below is a joint reflection of how a couple of our Year 8s experienced the day:
The 2022-year 8 retreat was an engaging experience to help our cohort bond and grow together. On the day we focused on relationships, socialising and getting to know each other and learning about everyone’s different perspectives as a whole. It was enjoyable to see the Grade be open and honest with how they feel personally in different situations. However, not everything people said was positive. This then allowed us to see there is a lot of improving to do, for us all to learn together. Overall, we believe Year 8 retreat day was a great experience in taking further steps to get us all to improve the inclusion of all in the grade as a whole.
Year 7 Retreat Day
Next week is our Year 7 Retreat Day and students will be provided with experiences to reflect upon the College value of Faith, and their own relationship with God and understand how our story is connected to the story of Caroline Chisholm and the wider stories of Faith. The classes below will attend their Retreat Day in the Chisholm Centre for the full school day as detailed below in their PE Uniform. Students are to bring their own lunch and morning tea and will not require laptops on their scheduled day.
Monday, 22nd August: 7.1, 7.2
Tuesday, 23d August: 7.3, 7.4,
Wednesday, 24th August: 7.5, 7.6, 7.7
Ignite Conference 2022 ‘The Moment’.
Every year, Ignite Youth hosts one of Australia’s most powerful Catholic youth conferences. Ignite Conference draws together a network of high schoolers, young adults, ministry leaders, families, teachers, priests, and religious from around the country, sending them out with a passion for authentic faith in Jesus. Experience real-world formation, encouragement in faith, great people and powerful worship. This year the Brisbane Conference will be held at St Laurence’s College 22- 25 September.
Although this is a four day event and students are welcome to register themselves as individuals using the following link - National Catholic Conference Brisbane — Ignite Conference 22 - we would love to have a group from Chisholm Catholic College in attendance for the Opening Party and Opening Night Rally on Thursday, 22nd September.
Please email Mrs Greenaway if you are interested in attending at egreenaway@bne.catholic.edu.au
Father’s Day Liturgy
On the 8th September, all parents and grandparents are welcome to join us for our Father’s Day Liturgy in the Chisholm Centre with your child/ren starting at 8am. We would love to have a photo of your child with their dad/grandad/important male role model. These photos will be utilised within our school context on this day and remember you can always update permissions if needed. If you would like to share a photo, please email them to Mrs Greenaway at egreenaway@bne.catholic.edu.au
Feast of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop
Last week was the feast of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop. Mary Mackillop much like our patron Caroline Chisholm was a woman who had a dream to make a difference in Australia. Mary MacKillop at the age of 25 took her vows and the religious name, “Mary of the Cross”. In doing so, she founded the congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph. Her focus was on the poor and marginalised and she knew that education was key, setting up a system of ‘Josephite’ schools. Even today, many Australians can say that they too have felt the impact of the enormous work started by St Mary of the Cross Mackillop. She was declared a Saint by Pope Benedict XVI on the 17th October 2010.
Let us pray the prayer from the Roman Missal for the Feast of St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop:
O God,
source of all goodness,
who have shown us in Saint Mary
a woman of faith living by the power of the Cross,
teach us, we pray, by her example
to live the gospel in changing times
and to respect and defend
the human dignity of all in our land.
Through our Lord.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
Earlier this week I sent details for the Mock External Exams, I believe this is an important time for students to stay motivated and finish strong into the end of the year. It would be good to display your goals in a prominent place. There are only 5 school weeks left for the Year 12s! QTAC has opened applications for 2023 and it is exciting for the Year 12s to begin the next phase of their journey. Even if work is the journey, I believe it is important to apply as it is easy to knock back an application than try to find a place in 2023.
SET Planning has happened this week. I really enjoy the conversations at this time of year, especially ones where students have worked well and have lots of options available to them. On the flip side it is important to note that some students are disappointed, it really highlights the importance of working throughout schooling, even in subjects that are not your favourite. This applies to all pathways for students.
Information for Junior subject selection will be coming out next week.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
As we are coming to the pointy end of the term, I would like to remind the community about the upcoming Parent Engagement evening on Thursday the 25th, starting at 5.30pm and finishing at 6.30pm. This evening we are welcoming Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education to talk to us about staying safe online. Brett has an extensive experience int eh Police Force and particularly in the Child Exploitation area. Brett is an engaging speaker who uses an innovative approach to children staying safe online. He is a regular visitor to schools across the state and therefore we are very proud that we have been able to secure this booking.
Please find more information about internet safety and cyberbullying here: Bullying | Get Support Today | Kids Helpline
We invite you to complete this form (follow the link of scan the QR code) to acknowledge your intent to attend this wonderful Parent Engagement Evening on Thursday 25th of August.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 25th.
Transport to and from the College
In recent weeks, the College has been approached by parents/caregivers and TransLink with concerns about student behaviour of the buses to and from the College. The mentioned behaviours impact on all passengers on the buses, including students from other schools, members of the public and our own students. TransLink has a Code of Conduct for students traveling on their services to keep everybody safe whilst traveling to and from the College. If your son of daughter travels on any of the bus services, may we ask you to read the Code of Conduct and address the behaviours on the buses? The following link provides you with a copy of the Code of Conduct for your perusal: TransLink Code of Conduct for Students Traveling on Buses
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Jade Matijevic
Already it is the middle of Term 3 and preparation for assessment is well underway in many subject areas. During Thursday’s Year Level Assembly, students in Years 7, 8, and 9 were reminded about the requirements for receiving their MYCE (Middle Years Certificate of Education) for 2022.
During their next STRETCH lesson students will be working through a review activity that will provisionally assess their eligibility to receive their MYCE for this year, assist them with identifying key areas to focus on, and develop strategies to promote greater success during Semester 2. Students were also reminded that the MYCE is awarded based on their cumulative academic performance over the course of the year. They have been asked to discuss their current position in terms of their MYCE eligibility with you, their parents/guardians and have been invited to reach out to their teachers, the appropriate Academic Leader, or the Middle Years Learning Leader where they may have concerns about meeting the criteria. Should you or your child/ren have any questions regarding the criteria of the MYCE please contact Jade Matijevic, Middle Years Learning Leader.
Chis Culture News
Street Dance Excursion - Mad Dance House
This term, students in Grade 10 Dance are studying Street Dance (commonly referred to as Hip Hop) and investigating what role it plays within the current Dance landscape. On Friday 12th August students ventured to Mad Dance House in Brisbane City to participate in a workshop from an industry professional, Loic Robillot.
Loic taught students party dance moves, which emerged onto the Hip-Hop scenes in the 80’s & 90’s, and basic grooves which underpin Street Dance styles. Students were challenged to play with dynamics and musicality by responding to the music and having fun with their dancing. Grade 10’s will now take these skills and transfer them across to their assessment routine they are learning in class. Both students and staff found the workshop extremely rewarding and enjoyable and Loic was impressed with students moving and grooving.
Art Club
Art Club is back up and running again after school. Art Club is open to all students in Grade 7-12 and will take place on Thursday afternoons from 3:00pm-4:30pm. Come along to explore your creativity and different mediums. Each week you will work through a creative task and develop new skills. Please email Ms Black to sign up (elise.black@bne.catholic.edu.au)
Instrumental Music
We offer lesson in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Piano this term. It’s never too late to enrol!
The costs are $22.00 for 30 minutes or $35.00 for 45 minutes. Enrolment Forms for the Instrumental Program are available at Student Reception or Parent Portal. Please contact Ms Jones (anthea.jones@bne.catholic.edu.au) with any queries.
Upcoming Excursions
Year 7, 8 and 9 Drama Performance
Year 7, 8 or 9 students who have studied Drama this year, currently studying Drama or studying Drama next term are invited to attend the performance of EDGAR ALLAN POE'S HILARIOUSLY GRUESOME TALES OF MYSYTERY AND IMAGINATION presented by Grin and Tonic Theatre Company next Friday afternoon (26th of August) at 3pm in the Drama rooms! Students will be treated to a pizza afternoon tea prior to the performance.
It is strongly recommended that students attend as it has been organised to align with their study in Drama and is an excellent opportunity for them to watch a live theatre performance and talk to industry professionals.
Parent slips have been sent to parents of all students invited. For more information about the show click here: Edgar Allan Poe's Hilariously Gruesome Tales of Mysytery and Imagination | The Grin and Tonic Theatre Troupe
Senior Creative Arts Excursion
Year 12-11 Drama, Dance, Music and Visual Arts students and Year 10 Drama students are invited to attend the performance of Holding Achilles presented by Dead Puppets Society on Monday the 29th of August at the Playhouse Theatre QPAC. Parent slips have been sent to parents of all students invited.
If you have any questions about either performance opportunities for students please email Ms Teagan Griffey tgriffey@bne.atholic.edu.au
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
SECA Athletics
Congratulations to all students for their efforts at SECA Athletics. On a hot and windy day up at the Queensland State Athletics Centre, Chisholm finished in 10th place, out of 15 competing schools. There were some amazing performances with many students taking home place ribbons for their events.
A special mention must go to the following:
- College Sports Captain Grace Easterman who led the team extremely well throughout the day.
- The Athletics Team reserves and team members who stepped up to fill absent competitor events and ensure we had all events covered to achieve maximum points.
- All Year 7 Athletics Team members who so eagerly jumped at the opportunity to represent the College at their first SECA Athletics Carnival.
- Connor Kavanagh who received Male Age Champion for the 14 Years Boys.
Congratulations to all members of the team on a wonderful day of competition.
SECA Sport
Well done to all of our Chisholm SECA teams for their efforts across this season. It was an excellent three week season, running weekly that really set up our success in such a short space of time. Final ladders are still being sorted and will be confirmed shortly. A massive thankyou to all the Chisholm College staff who so readily prepare and take our students for our SECA activities in Term 3 and especially those staff who were nominated convenors at venues. A special mention to those Chisholm staff who stepped up to convene when other schools absent – Chisholm staff facilitated at those venues to get our students sport happening. Without their help and assistance, these days would simply not occur.
Congratulations to..
- Tiarnagh Sweeney (year 11) competed in a national Taekwondo selection event for the upcoming Oceania Championships and took the gold medal in the -44kg Junior female category. Congratulations on this achievement Tiarnagh and all the best for the Oceania Championship.
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Mr Brendan Taylor
Greetings SEDA students, Parents and Guardians. Lots happening in the way of SEDA sports this term. Our teams have been very competitive in the weekly SECA competition and it looks like our Chisholm teams will be the Champions for most of our sports in most of our year levels. Congratulations to our teams and coaches for all their hard work and dedication.
Football Update:
The U14 SEDA Boys Football squad made it through to the quarter finals of the ISSA Cup. They played, what I thought to have been a most dominant performance. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t find the back of the net, where their competitors, The Southport School did. The score finished at 2-1. Congratulations to the boys who displayed great talent, teamwork and sportsmanship on the afternoon and throughout the competition. And congratulations to the Southport boys and all the best in the Semi-Finals. Thanks to the parents who have come down to support our team, it was lovely to see some support and spectators at the game.
The Junior Girls SEDA team competed in the rearranged Pacific Pines 9’s competition on the Gold Coast last week. The girls won all three games in the pool against Lindisfarne, Pacific Pines and Kings College which led them to the grand final where they had a comfortable 3-0 victory. With a few players missing from illness it was the same group of girls that played every minute of every game in hot conditions throughout the day, well done girls. A special mention must go to Gabby Foster who was named MVP of the tournament.
A massive thank you to Mr. Scott Russell for preparing our teams for these events and instilling such wonderful sportsmanship within our playing group.
Basketball Update:
Last week Mr. Cameron Conlon took away three teams to the brand-new Peak Jam competition hosted by Yarrabilba. We took a boys Yr 7-8 team and a boys and girls Yr 9-10 team. All teams had their ups and downs during the day. A big congratulations to the Yr 9-10 Girls and Yr 7-8 Boys who took our 3rd and Our 9-10 boys who took out 5th. A massive thanks must go to Mr. Cameron Conlon for taking the teams away for the day. Just a quick reminder to all students within the program that trainings are still
Rugby League Update:
The year 7-8 Rugby League team have now got to play some consistent games. During their last game, they really shone, taking down a physical Beenleigh side, 28-0. Aside from winning most of their games, I have been super impressed with the committed culture of this playing group. We currently have 26 players that can be selected for our Monday afternoon game. We can only put 20 on the field yet more often than not we take 24 students away with us. So even though students are not being selected each week, we still have students coming and supporting the team. This is excellent, I couldn’t be prouder. Well Done boys.
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
New books available in the library now!
Kokoda Challenge 2022
The Kokoda Challenge is Australia’s premier cross country team event, a punishing bushwalk that takes place in the hills of D’Aguilar National Park in Brisbane each year. The purpose of the walk is to raise funds for Australian teens in experiential youth programs to engage and inspire them to reach their full potential, The Kokoda Challenge also contributes to the local community by educating Australians about the history of the Kokoda Campaign, and this year Chisholm entered six teams in this event, raising a total of $5312. Conditions were tough and steep climbs aplenty, and we wish to congratulate all staff and students who completed the trek last Saturday 13th August - all participants pushed their own physical and mental boundaries and displayed those qualities that the ANZAC spirit encapsulates - endurance, courage, good humour and mateship. Thank you for your commitment and supporting the Kokoda Youth Foundation, and for your contribution to making this a fantastic day!!
P.A.R.T.Y Program Excursion
Last Friday, the year 12 Health class travelled to the Logan Hospital for a very informative yet confronting day of learning about the consequences of risk-taking behaviours from a medical perspective. We heard from ambulance officers, nurses, physios, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists supporting the rehabilitation of young patients to restore some normality to their lives after trauma. Students got to experience first-hand, the difficulties of being in a wheelchair, losing a limb, or not being able to swallow properly following a head trauma. We performed CPR on a life-size manikin in a realistic scenario, and witnessed the devastating impact of ending up in ICU on life support. The day provided not only an insight into several different health careers, but also some very valuable lessons regarding ways to Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY). Our thanks must go to the staff at the Logan Hospital for coordinating such an engaging and worthwhile experience.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) News
Ms. Mala Nair
Want an apprenticeship in 2023? Begin your search now!
Year 12s, do not wait until you finish school in November to start looking for an apprenticeship. Start now as many employers begin to recruit for 2022 from this time of the year. The first thing you need to do is decide on the type of apprenticeship you want. The Queensland Training Information Service website has a list of apprenticeships currently available in Queensland. Click on the apprenticeships you are interested in for more information about the job. You can also talk to people already in the job and/or do work experience to help you with your decision. The following websites have useful steps to gaining an apprenticeship:
- Apprenticeships Info (click on ‘Start an apprenticeship or traineeship’)
- Finding an Australian Apprenticeships.
What is a VET?
The Good Universities Guide has information about Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways. A VET pathway comes with many advantages which may be an option for you after school. Click here to find out about:
- What does VET offer?
- What does VET involve?
- Types of VET study options and courses
- VET entry requirements
- Where are VET courses offered?
Interested in information about traineeships and apprenticeships?
Funded by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, the Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service AATIS, provides resources that will help you navigate your Australian apprenticeships options. The Australian Apprenticeships Pathways hub provides sample job and training descriptions, steps on how to find an apprenticeship, industry-based job pathways charts and practice literacy and numeracy quizzes. Check out their website.
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year
Wanting a gap year with purpose? Applications for the 2023 ADF Gap Year are still open for several roles. Visit the ADF Gap Year website to find information about:
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Work Experience
Thinking of applying for the ADF when you finish school? You need to explore this career and lifestyle option thoroughly. Visit the Defence Work Experience Program website , click Placements then work experience opportunities. Drop into our VET office for a chat before you apply.
Want a casual job over Christmas?
Did you know that many employers start recruiting their Christmas casuals as early as July? And that many large recruiters try to complete their Christmas recruitment by November? But don't despair! There is still time to find that holiday job. JobJumpstart has put together four tips to help you start your school holiday job search. Check them out and start hunting!
What should you know when you start a job?
The Fair Work Ombudsman website has many resources that can help. You can find information on the following which is essential knowledge for successfully managing your work:
- Pay, wages and leave
- Starting and terminating employment
- Employment conditions and workplace problems
Youth Allowance from the Australian Government
Youth Allowance is for young people who need financial support while studying, training or looking for a job. You may be eligible if you are a full-time student or apprentice aged 16 to 24 or aged 16 to 21 and are looking for a full-time job or combining part-time study with looking for work. To get Youth Allowance as a student or an Australian Apprentice you will need to be assessed as dependent of independent. Find out more about:
- Who can get it
- Dependent or independent
- Australian residence rules
- income and assets tests
- approved course
- How to claim/apply
Indigenous employment with ANZ
ANZ offers several employment opportunities to Indigenous students. These include part-time school-based traineeships, full-time traineeships and graduate programs for students who complete a university degree. Visit the ANZ website for details.
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities
(Year 10 and Year 11 students only)
Training Evolution School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
Certificate III in Business – Boost Juice Logan Hyperdome, Juice Bar & Premium Ice Cream Springwood
Aurora Training School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
Certificate III in Hospitality – Zarraffa’s Cornubia
Certificate III in Business – Subway Various Locations
Learning Partnerships School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
Certificate III in Hospitality or Certificate III in Business – Degani Loganholme and Beenleigh, Chatterbox Mt Gravatt, Good Things Will Happen Springwood, Malay House Underwood, Eat Sushi Coomera, 8 Street Garden City, Rice Town Garden City, Shinbashi Yakiniku Underwood, SunLit Garden City and Coomera, IGA Rochedale and Runcorn, Top Chop Garden City, Tryon Market Upper Mt Gravatt
Certificate III in Business Optus Sunnybank Hills
Year 12 Opportunities
Apprenticeships Queensland: www.apprenticeshipsqld.com.au/vacancies
MEGT: Apprentice and trainee job vacancies | MEGT (Australia) Ltd
Osmac Apprenticeships: Seeking keen Year 12 students that want to secure an apprenticeship in the following trades only:
Air/Con & Electrical, Engineering Trades, Plumber, Carpentry, Plastering, Painting, Cabinet Making, Shopfitting, Tiling, Light & Heavy Vehicle and Panel Beaters/Spray Painters.
You must have a car and licence (or plan to by Nov 2022), Have a white card, not be scared of heights, and a Certificate I in Construction (preferred but not essential). Students must meet the criteria for each trade. All enquiries must be directed to Kirsten Twyford M: 0413 431 420 or E: kirsten@ogt.com.au
East Coast Apprenticeships: (Cabinetmaking, Carpentry, Landscaping, Engineering, Office Admin)
They have many Host employers who are looking for junior apprentices with the right attitude. Their approach is to match the apprentice with the appropriate Host employer.
Trade Descriptions - East Coast Apprenticeships and Traineeships (ectraining.com.au)
New Ventures Worldwide Gap Year Programs
Gap year opportunities for volunteers with New Ventures Worldwide - information session coming up on Tuesday 30th August, Thursday 1st September and Saturday 3rd September, all at 7pm AEST via online teams meeting. They will restart programs in Vietnam, Argentina and hopefully Fiji in 2023, priced at just $1400 for up to 6 months. With increases in flights and insurance, they don’t want their fee to turn people away. You can sign up here Volunteer Overseas Information Session - New Ventures Worldwide.
Further information on any of the above can be obtained from the VET office.
God Bless.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Year 10
This week we have been conducting SET Plan meetings to support our Year 10 students transition to their senior phase of learning and make decisions regarding subject selections. If your child has not booked a SET Plan meeting, please contact the College at your earliest convenience to organise a suitable time.
NIDA courses in Brisbane during the September holidays
The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) will offer several short and school holiday courses through to December for students in Years 7 to 12. Some courses are:
- Acting on Screen Grades 11 - 12
- Drama for Grades 7 - 10
- Acting on Screen Grades 7 - 8
- Acting on Screen Grades 9 - 10
- Acting for Grades 11 – 12
Year 12
ACU Revision Webinars
ACU are hosting a series of free online revision webinars for some Queensland General Subjects. These are designed to help students respond to possible exam questions and understand content by deepening knowledge and understanding. Exam preparation tips and strategies will also be provided, as well as question and answer time. Below is a list subjects and dates – please use the hyperlink to register.
22 August 2022: Chemistry
23 August 2022: English
24 August 2022 General Maths
25 August 2022 Maths Methods
29 August 2022 Legal Studies
30 August 2022 Study of Religion
QTAC preferencing meetings are well underway and there are many key dates to note in your calendar to ensure you do not miss out on key opportunities. Additionally, if you are interested in early entry programs, it is important to research closing dates for early entry programs and scholarship applications – information is available on individual TAFE and university websites.
September Early closing dates for some courses
October Reminder to get EAS and supporting documents submitted
24/10/2022 External assessment period commences
November QTAC offer rounds commence
11/11/2022 Due date to apply & submit documents for 18 November offer round
08/12/2022 Due date to apply & submit documents for December 22 offer round
09/12/2022 Due date to apply & submit documents for 12 January offer round
16/12/2022 Qld ATAR and QCE released
19/12/2022 Due date to change preferences for 22 December offer round
22/12/2022 December offer round
04/01/2023 Due date for change of preferences prior to 12 January offer round
12/01/2023 January offer round
Check the QTAC website for more information or to note updates.
Fixed Closing Dates
Some university courses have fixed closing dates; these are usually courses that require separate application forms (in addition to a QTAC application), interviews, folios and/or auditions. In addition, some course requirements may be needed earlier than the closing date for applications. It is essential that you do not miss these closing dates. Please find fixed closing dates on pages 23 and 24 of the current QTAC Guide for Queensland Universities.
QUT First Nations Peoples admissions pathway
The Centralised Assessment and Selection Program (CASP) is a culturally responsive admissions pathway for First Nations Peoples to enter most undergraduate QUT courses. You can be considered for the program as part of your QTAC application. Check the website to find out more from the Oodgeroo Unit.
Community News
‘Are you the New Face of Chisholm Catholic College?’
Every few years, Chisholm Catholic College updates our photo library. These photos are used both within the school and externally in the public for marketing and promotional material. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to be involved in our 2022 photoshoot. If you are interested in taking part, please complete our Expression of Interest Form via the following link: Expression of Interest - College Photoshoot.
2022 Early School Leavers survey
The Queensland Government is seeking the support of the school community for the annual survey of Year 10, 11 and 12 students who left school in 2021, before completing Year 12. This short, confidential survey collects information about what young people are doing the year after leaving school. The results of the survey help provide valuable information to improve services available to school leavers in the future.
Between August and September, these school leavers can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate.
Thank you for your support of Next Step post-school destination surveys in 2022.
For more information, visit www.qld.gov.au/nextstep/ or telephone toll free on 1800 068 587.