2022 Term 3 Week 8
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Are you the New Face of Chisholm?
Deputy Principal's News
30th Anniversary
Reminder: R U OK Day Week 9
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
Vocational Education & Training News
Pathways News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
We are fast coming to the end of Term 3. This week, students in Year 12 will be sitting Mock External Exams for General Subjects. Having completed their assessment, the Mock Exams are conducted in a manner to emulate the experience they will have with the External Exams, commencing in Week 4 of Term 4. Just as an athlete prepares for their final competition, such is the intended purpose here. Subsequently, they will receive feedback on their efforts. This then connects with the review of learning that commenced several weeks ago.
In most other year levels, assessment is also likely happening this week or next.
For all Year Levels, the message I offer aligns with our FAMILY Values:
- Faith – Have Faith in your abilities and the effort you have made;
- Ambition – To have Ambition is to give one’s best, to share your God-given talents;
- Commitment – To do one’s best, commitment must be visible;
- Integrity – Do what is right, even when others aren’t watching – there is no place for avoidance, cheating or plagiarism;
- Love – Show that you have love of yourself by doing your best;
- Mercy – Forgive yourself of those things that prevent you from doing your best – give things a go and approach them with a Growth Mindset!
Master Plan
Over the last couple of years I have been thinking about the future of learning at Chisholm Catholic College.
I have engaged with members of the College Pastoral Board and our Architect to consider the design of new spaces for learning, student areas and recreational spaces. The goal is to develop a strategic direction that ensures that we remain relevant and contemporary in the way we offer students and families a welcoming environment, learning opportunities and ways of working to give our community the best of possibilities.
The end result is a Master Plan that I now wish to present to the community for feedback. The Master Plan is future focused, looking forward approximately 15 years. And, it includes applying for a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) that permits us to achieve our long-term plans.
The following images capture some of the elements being considered. I will be inviting parents, students and staff to provide feedback.
R U OK? Day
On Thursday, we recognise R U OK? Day. Young people and adults across the country are challenged to consider others in our schools and workplaces. And though we use this day as a ‘signpost’, the challenge extends to each and every day.
There are four (4) key steps:
- Ask
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check-in
I highly recommend the resources that are available on the website – https://www.ruok.org.au/
Happy Father’s Day
Belated Happy Father’s Day for yesterday to all of our fathers and role models who take on these duties. We look forward to seeing many of you attending the Father’s Day Liturgy this Thursday morning, and I appreciate the response from many families to provide a photo for the liturgy.
I pay special mention to St Joseph, father of Jesus as a role model to us all, and especially for all Fathers and role models.
St. Joseph, husband of Mary and earthly father of Jesus, is the model of fatherhood. His faith and obedience to God inspired his devotion for his family. As we prepare to celebrate Father's Day on Sunday, it might be helpful to study his example. In "Five Lessons from St. Joseph,"
- St Joseph was obedient
- St Joseph was selfless
- St Joseph led by example
- St Joseph was a worker
- St Joseph was a leader
God bless,
Damian Bottaccio
Covid Update
The Queensland Government updated COVID-19 isolation protocols at the start of this term. The change relates to people who have had COVID-19 and are considered ‘cleared cases’.
The community is currently experiencing high levels of COVID-19 and the flu. Please read the following message carefully, so you are fully informed of changes and expectations.
COVID-19 Rule Change for Cleared Cases in Queensland
A reminder that Queensland Health have reduced the ‘cleared case’ period from 12 weeks (3 months) to 28 days (4 weeks). This means that any students or staff, previously infected with COVID-19 will need to get tested and isolate if they have symptoms or return a positive test from four weeks after their initial infection.
Chisholm Catholic College continues to have a range of COVID-safe measures in place, including:
- Supporting good hygiene practices, including regular hand washing and use of hand sanitiser. Students are reminded regularly about such practices.
- Continuing enhanced cleaning, including in the sick bay.
- Requiring all staff and students to stay home when sick, to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms, and follow Queensland Health advice for positive cases and close contacts.
- All students who develop symptoms while at school have priority access to RATs.
Families are reminded that should you test positive, there remains a requirement for a 7-day isolation period. Upon return to school, masks are mandatory for a further seven days (outside of the home). Masks are also mandatory for anyone who is a Close Contact.
While the Queensland Government and Queensland Health have not mandated mask wearing in schools, all members of our community are welcome and encouraged to wear masks on site where it is safe to do so. This is particularly important if you are in a space where it is difficult to retain social distance. For students who catch public transport, masks are still required; excluding dedicated school bus services.
Please advise the College via scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au if your child needs to isolate due to testing positive to COVID-19.
Further information is available via the Queensland Health website.
Are you the New Face of Chisholm?
Every few years, Chisholm Catholic College updates our photo library. These photos are used both within the school and externally in the public for marketing and promotional material. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to be involved in our 2022 photoshoot. If you are interested in taking part, please complete our Expression of Interest Form via the following link: Expression of Interest - College Photoshoot.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Chisholm Plus+ and Progress Reports
The final Chisholm Plus+ update for Term 3 will be sent out on Friday the 16th September and the Term 3 Progress Report will be uploaded to the Parent Portal early next term. The results for the assessment pieces that have been completed this term will be included in the Term 3 Progress Report.
Swimming Carnival
We are excited to let you know that we will be holding our full school Swimming Carnival on Thursday 6th October at the Pimpama Sports Hub. Further details will be included in the Parent Slip that will come out in Week 10.
Sun Safety
As we move into spring and the warmer weather next term, it is important to remember our sun safety. Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and skin cancer, unlike many other cancers, is largely preventable — by appropriate protection from UV radiation.
Hats are required to be always worn when students are outside the classroom. Students are reminded to apply sunscreen before they attend school as well as using the sunscreen that is available for all PE related classes.
30th Anniversary
Chisholm Alumni- Sharlene Ponzo
When I graduated in 2002, my final yearbook question was: where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Although I never became a backup dancer for Britney Spears - I did start my own dance school. In 2023 Universal Dance Company will enter its 10th year of operation. I’m proud to say that I’m an entrepreneur at heart and always learning new ways to work smarter and enjoy life.
Before the studio, I completed a Bachelor of Secondary Education and taught for over 10 years. I hope that the students I taught and still continue to teach feel inspired, learn resilience and most importantly, never give up on their dreams. Funnily enough, this was the one message from my days at Chisholm that I’ll never forget. Mr Smith told our class (year 8 at the time) to get a blank piece of paper and write the words; never give up, never give up, never give up. He asked us to place it on the wall above our study desks at home. Whenever things felt like they were too hard, we were to look at this piece of paper with those poignant words and they would give us the courage to keep going.By having this level of guidance, I was able to build my tenacity and confidence at Chisholm, which is something I will carry with me throughout the rest of my years.
Thank you to all of the teachers who were so committed and really cared about our education and growth as people. You make all the difference.~ Sharlene Ponzo
Reminder: R U OK Day Week 9
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
Thank you: Vinnies Virtual Sleepout
I wanted to thank the many students and staff who participated in our St Vincent De Paul Sleep Out event. Soraya and Bruce from St Vincent De Paul facilitated a range of activities to help us understand homelessness and privilege. In the evening, students took up the challenge to sleep rough in solidarity with our homeless. Here is what some our students had to say:
“The Vinnies Virtual Sleepout was a great experience that gave some insight to what life is like for so many people around the world. Despite being out of my bed I was still at my house and had access to utilities, this put my life into perspective. The sleepout made me so grateful for everything I have and despite it being a bit cold, it was a really great night.” Ashleigh Beatty
“It was very educational in the way that it made me aware of all the things I had been blind to most of my life and explained to us that not everyone who is homeless is there by their own decisions, sometimes they are born into it. The way in which she made us aware of it by letting us make stereotypes first and then suggest that we were judging a book by its cover. I slept in a swag so it was personally quite comfortable, as I know not all homeless people sleep in a cardboard box, some sleep in their cars, some sleep on couches although I’d imagine most other people would be doing it a lot tougher. Thankyou it was a really great experience.” Hannah Brookfield
Year 7 Retreat Feedback
How joyful it was to spend three days with our lovely Year 7 students! Students had the chance to reflect upon the College value of Faith, and their own relationship with God. Connection was a prominent theme as students understood how our story is connected to the story of Caroline Chisholm as one who understood the message of Christ, to the wider stories of Faith and to each other.
“On Year Seven Retreat we made connections with others. We worked in groups with people we didn’t know, and we worked together to do activities and bond as a cohort.” Alyssa and Kasey
Father's Day Liturgy Reminder
A reminder that we will be holding a Father’s Day Liturgy on Thursday 8th September at 8am in the Chisholm Centre, all are welcome. If you have not shared a photo yet but would like to please email egreenaway@bne.catholic.edu.au
Year 8 Formation Day
On Wednesday, 14th, September all Year 8 students will have their Formation Day in the Chisholm Centre. This day will focus on their journey towards leadership and will be facilitated by Character Builders. Students will not require any books or laptops. They are to come to school in their PE Uniform, bring their morning tea/lunch, and will need to attend PC first.
Ignite- The Moment
We would love to take you to this event at St Laurence’s College on Thursday, 22nd September! Experience encouragement in faith, great people and powerful worship. If you are interested in attending the Opening Party and Opening Night Rally gather your friends and email Mrs Greenaway egreenaway@bne.catholic.edu.au
Social Justice Sunday
On Sunday the 28th August, the Church celebrated Social Justice Sunday. Every year since the 1940s the Church in Australia has published social justice statements on a wide range of topics. This year’s 2022-2023 statement is titled Respect: Confronting violence and abuse and can be downloaded using the link ACBC Social Justice Statement 22_23.pdf - Google Drive
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
Mock Exams- Year 12s in Week 9
I am sure there is some trepidation for the Year 12s who are about to undertake Mock Exams. This is an important period for the Year 12s who have been working hard to have the tools to do well in the external exams. The Mocks are a chance for students to discover, under expected conditions, how prepared they are and what they still need to work on. Results can be a wake-up moment, there is time to rectify before the External Exams. It is for this reason we have normal school classes the following week – week of the 13th - to receive feedback. This enables a study plan to be worked out over the next few weeks.
Some advice before exams:
- Check you have the required equipment for the exam with multiple pens, pencils, ruler and working calculator etc.
- Have appropriate amounts of sleep
- Don’t panic.
On the day of exams:
- Get up with plenty of time
- Plan to be at school with plenty of time
- Ensure you eat something.
After the exam:
- Have a break and do something physical.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
Parent Engagement Evening
As we are getting nearer to the end of the third term, we welcomed parents and caregivers to this term’s Parent Engagement Evening on Thursday in Week 7. This term’s focus was on students staying safe online and the presentation was conducted by Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education. Brett has been a police officer for 22 years and specialised in child exploitation. During his career he worked for the Australian Defence Force in Canberra, the FBI in the United States of America and for the Queensland Police Service.
Brett provided the attendees with an overview of how students use the internet and which platforms they use most and how predators use these same platforms to groom children. Brett’s presentation was direct and to the point and gave the parents and caregivers a clear understanding of the dangers of the internet and strategies on how to keep children safe online.
At the end of Brett’s presentation, there was plenty of time to ask questions which led to an interesting and sometimes eye-opening conversation.
I would like to thank the parents and caregivers who attended, and I am looking forward to next term’s Parent Engagement Evening.
Online bullying trends
With the constant changing trends and the wide variety of applications our students use, the College is aware of the challenges these apps bring with regards to cyberbullying. Although we teach students about their digital footprint and the impact of cyberbullying on the victim and our community, there is currently a new trend called Little Miss Chis we would like you to be aware of. This trend uses the Mr Man characters to target certain students of our community and is used on the TikTok platform. The following article provides us with more information about this trend and the current data with regards to cyberbullying. Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with this new trend and talk to your son/daughter about the impact of cyberbullying and the need to report it to the College or the police if there is evidence of this practice.
Wigs for Kids
Essey Nelson, one of the Chisholm Catholic College Year 11 students is again donating her hair to wigs for kids. Last year, Essey donated 35cm of her hair and raised more than $1000. This year she is aiming for another 25 cm and the same monetary value as she reached last year. This is a great initiative, and the College would love to support Essey in her quest to raise money for this wonderful cause. If you would like to support Essey this year, please follow the link below:
Message from Essey:
Hey, I’m Essey and I am going to donate my hair to ‘Wigs 4 Kids’… again!
My reasoning for making the choice to donate it again is that, when I was a kid my hair meant everything to me and gave me all of my confidence.
Last time I donated my hair it made me so happy that a child who has lost their hair due to cancer has now got a wig made of my hair.
Donating my hair to make a wig was one of the best choices that I ever made. It meant so much to me when I donated my hair the last time so decided that I should cut it again.
Just knowing that I brought some sense of relief and happiness to a child in their time of need made me so happy and proud of myself.
Hopefully you can please take the time to consider donating again which will help me get to my goal of $1,000.
It would be highly appreciated. Please follow this link to my profile on the wigs for kids website for more information and sponsorship opportunities: https://fundraise.kidswithcancer.org.au/fundraisers/esseynelson/wigs-4-kids
SPECIAL REPORT: Building Belonging Post Pandemic
Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.
When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live, this meant that suddenly many of our young people’s main sources of connection with peers and extended family members was removed overnight without warning. As human beings, we have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. It provides us with feelings of identity, security, support, acceptance and community.
Students who have a sense of belonging will experience these feelings which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount and can therefore mean some behaviours become far from rational, making it difficult for their brain to focus on things, such as learning. All these factors combined, leave young people open to being vulnerable. It can sometimes tempt them into making choices or becoming involved in situations they might not ordinarily consider.
As a result of the pandemic, there are still many young people struggling to connect and regain their sense of belonging. This Special Report provides guidance to families who find themselves in this situation. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-building-belonging-post-pandemic
Have a great week.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Jade Matijevic
Junior Subject Selections for 2023
The time has come to look ahead to subject selections for current junior school students. Year 10 subject selections for 2023 have now opened and Year 9 students and their caregivers have received email correspondence communicating how to complete this process and information about the specialisations on offer last Thursday. The opportunity for Year 9 students to select their subjects of 2023 will close on the 9th of September at 3pm.
On Monday current Year 7 and 8 students will be provided information regarding their subject selections for 2023. During this time, students will learn about the curriculum structure and the specialisation options for next year. More detailed information about this is currently available on the Parent Portal in the curriculum handbooks. Subject selections will open online for Year 7 and 8 students on Monday, the 5th of September at 3pm and close on Monday, the 12th of September at 3pm.
Literacy & Numeracy Week
Last week, Chisholm Catholic College celebrated Literacy & Numeracy Week by participating in several challenges that took place in the library. Literacy & Numeracy Week kicked off with ‘Math Monday’. Students participated in a Sudoku Challenge, where Kate Douglas took first prize and was named the Sudoku Master. On Tuesday students were invited to participate in the ‘Punctuate It Relay’. Students worked in teams of 2 or 3 to punctuate sentences efficiently and accurately. Named the ‘Punctuation Pros’ were Mariya Saji and Micah Kaese. Literacy & Numeracy Week wrapped up with a team relay that required students to complete several numeracy-based challenges. With speed and accuracy never seen before Dean Sherry and Jamie Fuller took first place. The competition across all 3 days was fierce, and I would like to pass on a huge congratulations to all students who participated.
Chis Culture News
Year 8 Music Incursion
This term, the Year 8 music students have been exploring the roles of performing media, texture, and rhythm in music. To support this exploration, students have been closely studying the drum kit and it's uses in popular music.
During Week 6, Lucas Tan, the College drum tutor, visited the class for two lessons to give the students hands-on experience playing the drums. Students were challenged to learn the pattern of a basic rock beat.
The students enjoyed the workshop with each student receiving individual feedback and practical experience playing on a full drum kit. Students learned two variations of a rock beat which can be used for a variety of popular songs and will help them improve their sense of rhythm and musical timing. Over the next few weeks students will continue to practise and develop their new skills and work towards playing in contemporary settings.
Creative Arts Night
Year 7, 8 and 9 Drama Incursion
On Friday afternoon, the 26th of August, students in Year 7-9 Drama were treated to the performance of EDGAR ALLAN POE'S HILARIOUSLY GRUESOME TALES OF MYSYTERY AND IMAGINATION presented by Grin and Tonic Theatre Company in the Drama rooms.
After a pizza afternoon tea students watched the performance which told the story of two travelling cousins who sought to do their family's tales justice, presenting them all around the country. The performance was highly entertaining and students were immersed in the characterization of both actors as well as the theatrical elements including dim lighting, atmospheric sounds and even fake blood!
At the end of the performance, artists Ellen and Alex spoke and answered students’ questions about how to learn lines, remain focused on stage, how to transform poetry into Australian Gothic work and their use of the stage space.
Year 10 Dance Incursion
The Year 10 Dance class began pushing the boundaries and exploring the Contemporary Dance genre with professional artist Riannon McLean. Riannon was a member of the Australasian Dance Collective (formally EDC; Expressions Dance Company) from 2007 to 2013 and has had an extensive professional career spanning over 13 years working with acclaimed choreographers and companies both here in Australia and overseas.
Riannon put students through their paces in a technique class which explored new and unique ways of moving. Students will continue to develop their contemporary dance technique this term before working with Riannon again early next term to begin choreographing their own contemporary dance works.
Year 9 Drama Incursion
On Tuesday the 31st of August, Year 9 Drama students had the pleasure of working with Zoe from Shake and Stir Theatre Company. A Brisbane based theatre company which specialises in transforming classical texts for the stage. Students developed their knowledge on Australian Gothic Theatre and worked in groups to transform a Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme for stage. They learnt about the importance sound plays in gothic performances to build mood and tension as well as the movements needed to bring to life gothic characters.
Senior Creative Arts Excursion
On Monday evening the 30th of August, students from Years 12, 11 and 10 Creative Arts subjects attended the world premier production of Holding Achilles at Playhouse Theatre, QPAC. Set against the epic violence of the Trojan War, Holding Achilles by David Morton is a refreshing take on one of the ancient world’s best-known heroes. Students marvelled at the creative use of stage craft which included many of the characters being suspended over the stage in harnesses as well as fantastic physical theatre, live music and innovative design. It truly was a unique and memorable performance, one that left students feeling moved and inspired.
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Chisholm took three teams to the annual SECA AFL competition hosted by Mt Maria College. It was a great day with many excellent individual performances contributing to the overall team results at the carnival.
Our Year 7/8 Girls team went from a largely inexperienced team to looking like seasoned players by the end of the carnival, all players contributing to great day and the girls finishing 7th from 8 teams.
The Year 9/10 AFL Boys were dominant in their pool and semi-final, however, only lost by two goals a piece to eventual grand finalists Emmaus and Clairvaux. Chisholm romped home in the 3rd place play off game to finish 3rd from the 8 teams.
The Chisholm Year 7/8 Boys AFL entered the competition knowing they had the potential to do well, and they lived up to that expectation and standard they set for themselves. Dominating all games, and playing to the conditions of the Grand Final, denying the opposition of the football, the Year 7/8 Boys took out the Championship in a convincing win.
A big thank you to Mr Mark Miekle for his extreme patience and encouragement of the 7/8 girls, Mr Matt Ellis with the 9/10 Boys team and to Miss Ash Condon for her masterful coaching of the 7/8 Boys team on the day.
Congratulations to..
- Well done to the following students who have qualified to compete at next weeks South Coast Regional Athletics Championships.
Connor Kavanagh | 200 & 100 Hurdles, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump, Javelin |
Keanu Tokataake | 200, 100, Long Jump |
Jack Leafe | 200, 100, 400 |
Locklan Ball | 800, 1500 |
Hannah Dalton | 200, 100 |
Jorja Rhode | 200, 400 |
Gabby Foster | 1500 |
Wishing all athletes the best of luck at the upcoming Championships!
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Mr Brendan Taylor
Greetings SEDA students, Parents and Guardians. Chisholm has had the opportunity to compete in all four of our SEDA sports area over the last fortnight. We’ve had the Marsden Invitational (Basketball), Metro’s Netball Gala Day, Finals Round for the Titan’s Cup (Rugby League), Trinity Vs Chisholm Friendly Afternoon (Rugby League) and the Metro's Football Finals. All students have given their absolute best during these competitions, and I couldn’t be more proud.
On Wednesday the 24th of August, both the Year 8 Girls and Boys progressed through to the quarterfinals of the Metro's. The girls, whilst playing their best football of the year, went down to a tough St Peter Claver, 1-0. After the full hour of play the boys drew 2-2 against a very quality, Redbank Plains side. The boys held their nerve in front of a very rowdy lunchtime crowd to win during a penalty shootout 5 – 6. The Year 7 Boys were put straight through to the semi-finals.
On Wednesday the 31st of August, the Yr 7 and 8 Boys teams played Cleveland SHS in the semi-finals of the All School’s Metro Competition. To make it this far in the competition is quite the achievement. Unfortunately, both Cleveland teams won. After 60 minutes of excellent football the scores were level at 1-1, then the 8s were beaten in a penalty shootout (4-5). In the Year 7's match, Cleveland scored in the last 30 seconds to win 4 – 3.
A Special Mention (Football):
Congratulations to Chase and Isaac, Year 9 SEDA Football students for their selection in the QLD squad for the upcoming FFA Youth Championships.
Taking place over 11 days in September, this year’s national football tournament for Under 14 and 15 Boys (26 – 30 September) will be hosted by Northern NSW Football in Coffs Harbour, where matches will be played at C.ex Coffs International Stadium.
Teams from Football Australia’s nine State and Territory Member Federations will compete over five days to impress the National team and technical staff from Football Australia. We are very excited and wish both Chase and Isaac the very best in competing for QLD and progressing through to the national side.
Last week the SEDA 9/10s basketball team competed in the Marsden Invitational. Unfortunately, the boys did not come home the victors but gained invaluable experience. These gents have trained all year under Mr Greg Day, and have improved so much in such a short time. We look forward to more game time and the upcoming CBSQ competition.
Rugby League:
Last Monday, our Year 7/8 Rugby League team competed in their last match of the Titans Cup. The students saved their best performance till last with a very convincing win over a strong Beaudesert side.
On Wednesday, Chisholm hosted Trinity College in its first Rugby League games since 2018. The vibe of the afternoon was something special. It was truly a wonderful afternoon with so many families, current and graduated Chisholm students returning to cheer on our Chisholm teams. A true sense of FAMILY.
The 7/8s backed-up from Monday’s game and put in another dominant performance defeating the Trinity 7/8s 28 – 6. The 9/10 also played a great game winning 28 – 12. Our final game of the afternoon saw Trinity take the win 16-0 in the Open competition. All teams left it all out on the field and gave it their absolute best.
The Year 8 girls made it to the semi’s and lost by 1 point. The QISSN, Year 7 and 9s were in very tough pools and although they won games they didn’t progress through to the finals. The teaching staff and coaches that went on the day commented on how all these girls demonstrated excellent sportspersonship and effort throughout the day.
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
Book Week
Book Week was a huge success with many entries being handed in last minute on Friday afternoon.
On Monday, our graphic novelist specialist spent two sessions working with interested students on the history of Manga and the creation process. Zombster visited and students chose 50+ new Manga and graphics novel to add to our current collection. The remainder of the week involved students competing against one another in a variety of competitions. All winners will receive a voucher.
The results are...
Colouring Competition
1st prize – Ashleigh Beatty
2nd prize – Aisha Hamed Shaker
3rd prize – Emily Withall
Pets Caught Reading
1st prize – Grace Hickey (owner of Cuddly)
2nd prize – Teegan Robinson (owner of Maxx)
3rd prize – Kadee Thomson (owner of Ariya and Gilbert)
Reading in Unusual Places
1st prize – Eloise Krieger (owner of Ted)
Vocational Education & Training News
Ms. Mala Nair
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways Mobile App
The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways Mobile App provides apprenticeship and traineeship career resources for smartphones and tablets. The App can be downloaded for free from Google Play and App store and you can search through over 3000 examples of apprenticeship and traineeship occupations. Click here for information including:
- Opportunities filtering by State and Territory
- Tips on how to find a job
- How to explore information and resources that can help you find career ideas that interest you
- How to begin career discussions with family, friends and career support people at school
Australian Apprenticeship and Traineeships Information Services Resources
The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website contains a variety of free resources to help navigate apprenticeships and traineeships pathways. They include:
- Job and Training Descriptions – These descriptions can help you explore potential apprenticeship and traineeship pathways and occupations
- Job Pathways Charts – Examples of potential career pathways that can begin with an Australian apprenticeship
- Pre-apprenticeship Finder – Find a pre-apprenticeship in the industry of your choice by location
- Practice Aptitude Quizzes – General industry based literacy and numeracy quizzes illustrating the levels required when undertaking Australian Apprenticeships qualifications
- Literacy and Numeracy Quizzes – Interactive quizzes to gauge if you are apprenticeship ready
- Career Interest Explorer – A quiz to understand which type of career or work might suit you
- Downloadable resources – Find resources such as industry fast fact sheets, job pathway charts by filtering down to the category of your choice.
Looking for an Apprenticeship
Gaining and/or having the skills that companies require are changing at all time. This makes the need to re-skill or upskill more vital than ever. This short video provides an industry perspective on the changing world of work. For more information, the following links from myfuture will take you to government supported websites.
- I want to be an apprentice
- Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
- School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
- Australian Apprenticeship Support Network
- Fair Work Ombudsman
Want to be an Electrician?
Electro Group Training and Apprenticeships is a group training company that specialises in training people for the electrical industry. It employs and monitors the training of electrical apprentices. For more information, visit the Electro Group website (click on ‘Apprenticeships’). While you are on the site, read about the attributes and skills required of an electrical apprentice. Also, do the self-assessment to see if you have the maths and science skills needed for the job.
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Information Sessions
The Australian Defence Force holds career information sessions across Queensland, highlighting a number of different ADF career pathways. For details about the following events and for information on Army Reserve Information Sessions, visit the Defence Jobs Australia Facebook site. Click on the link below to find out more:
- ADF Careers Information session video
- RMC Information Session video
- Army Reserve information session video
- Army General Entry Information Session video
- Navy Officer Information Session video
- Navy Technical Trades Information Session video
Australian Apprenticeships Offer a World of Opportunities
Did you know that more than 500 occupations across Australia offer apprenticeships? You can learn a traditional trade or an emerging occupation. Most sectors of business and industry offer apprenticeships at various certificate levels. With an Australian Apprenticeship, you can earn a wage while completing a nationally recognised qualification. It's a great way to get a head start in your chosen occupation. myfuture has put together an article explaining the benefits of apprenticeships including information on:
- Find an apprenticeship that suits you (with links)
- Improve your chances
- Career stories
Career quiz to give you some ideas
Career quizzes are not designed to give you a definite answer about what you should do but they can give you some fresh ideas to research. Explore Careers free quiz will help you discover the Australian industries and careers that you can research. The quiz results will tell you about companies that you could work for. Click here to start the quiz.
Interested in being a police officer?
Visit the Queensland Police Recruiting website to begin your exploration. Click on Join QPS for information about the entry requirements and determining suitability. To be eligible to apply to become a Queensland Police Service Recruit, you must first successfully complete the QPS Entrance Assessments (QPSea). They state that while advice from family, friends and serving police may be well intended, you must rely on the current and specific information available from Police Recruiting for the Application Requirements and recruiting assessments.
Interior designers are in demand
When thinking about interior design you may think of furniture, floorplans or fabrics but there is much more to the job. Being an interior designer is about making spaces livable, practical, safe and inviting. Interior designers plan, design and supervise the construction of buildings. They must consider a variety of regulations including, work, health and safety (WH&S) regulations and building regulations.
Interior decorators and interior designers often work on the same tasks. Interior designers work to design new builds while interior decorators work with existing buildings. Your Career has put together an article where you can read more about being an interior designer and:
- Changes in the industry
- What does an interior designer do?
- Education pathways
- Tool and resources
TAFE at School On-Campus Programs for 2022
Applications are open for TAFE Queensland School Programs for 2023. Through these programs, Year 11 and 12 students can choose to study from over 50 certificate level courses while still at high school. Completion of a course counts towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). It can also be a pathway to a job or to further study after Year 12. Most of the courses available require you to attend TAFE one day a week. The available courses are listed on the TAFE at School website, and press ‘View courses’. You can also download the 2023 Course Guide here.
To apply for a course, you will need a Unique Student Identifier (USI). You can apply for the TAFE at School program on the Schools Program Application site. You need to enter the application code for the TAFE you wish to attend. Once you have applied, an email will be sent to your school for approval. It is recommended that you apply this term as courses fill quickly.
Find out what you will study in a particular TAFE Qualification.
Knowing what you will actually be studying is very important for success and wellbeing during the course. The following steps will guide you to the core and elective units you will study in each course.
- Go to the TAFE Queensland website, scroll down and enter into the Search Courses box the certificate, diploma or degree you are interested in
- Choose the location your want to study in
- Click on the course you are looking for and scroll down to What you will study
- Make sure you read the Elective units that are offered at the TAFE you want to attend
- Click on the unit links to find out more about the unit
Government Funded Courses
Government funded courses are available across Queensland. With plenty of free online courses and State Government funding schemes and loans, you can take your first step towards a new career. Fee-free training options include security, beauty, IT and more areas. Find a range of Government-funded courses for more information here.
School Based Traineeship Opportunities (Year 10 and Year 11 students only)
Training Evolution School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
- Certificate III in Business – Boost Juice Logan Hyperdome, Juice Bar & Premium Ice Cream Springwood, Soul Origin Loganholme, Pizza Hut Springwood, Baker's Delight Loganholme.
Aurora Training School Based Traineeship Positions Vacant
- Certificate III in Hospitality – Zarraffa’s Cornubia
- Certificate III in Business – Subway Various Locations
Novaskill - Logan
- Certificate III Business/Hospitality - Subway Holmview, Wembley’s Great Burgers Logan Central, Hit Café Beenleigh, Degani Café Beenleigh, Getta Burger Holmview, Zaraffas Eagleby, Pizza Hut Woodridge, Eagle Tavern Eagleby, Hungry Jacks Logan Central or Beenleigh, Café 63 Beenleigh
Village Roadshow Theme Parks
Applications are now open for our 2022/2023 School Based Traineeship program! Get in quick as applications close Thursday 8 September 2022 and there are limited spaces this year.
Successful students will have the chance to work at either Warner Bros. Movie World and Wet‘n’Wild, Sea World or Topgolf in roles such as Food & Beverage, Retail or Admissions while also completing a Certificate III in Business with our partners at Ignite.
Please use this link to apply or share the poster so everyone can QR code to apply through our website!
We will be inviting successful applicants to our first round of interviews in mid-September.
Opportunities for Year 12 Leavers
Apprenticeships Queensland
Please see below the list of current full-time vacancies. More information can be found on their website www.apprenticeshipsqld.com.au/vacancies where you can register.
Please go to MEGT’s website to view current vacancies where you can apply. Apprentice and trainee job vacancies | MEGT (Australia) Ltd
Osmac Apprenticeships
OSMAC are seeking keen Year 12 students that want to secure an apprenticeship in the following trades:
Air/Con & Electrical, Engineering Trades, Plumber, Carpentry, Plastering, Painting, Cabinet Making, Shopfitting, Tiling, Light & Heavy Vehicle and Panel Beaters/Spray Painters.
You must have a car and license (or plan to by Nov 2022), have a white card, not be scared of heights, and a Certificate I in Construction (preferred but not essential). Students must meet the criteria for each trade. All enquiries must be directed to Kirsten Twyford M: 0413 431 420 or E: kirsten@ogt.com.au
East Coast Apprenticeships
- Cabinetmaking
- Carpentry
- Landscaping
- Engineering
- Office Administration
They are encouraging work experience as it provides an excellent window for you to see what is involved in that particular trade. They have many Host employers who are always looking for junior apprentices with the right attitude so they can be trained. Their approach is to match the apprentice with the appropriate Host employer who will provide the best environment for that apprentice to feel comfortable. Link to all the apprenticeships and traineeships on offer:
Trade Descriptions - East Coast Apprenticeships and Traineeships (ectraining.com.au)
J&P Richardson Industries
Current Year 12 students who are interested in applying for a full-time electrical apprenticeship can apply online. JPR have electrical apprenticeships available mostly at Wacol, however some may be at Eagle Farm or the Gold Coast. Any enquiries please contact Annette Green on 07 3248 5752 or Annette.green@jpr.com.au.
To apply please click on the link here First Year Electrical Apprenticeships Job in Wacol, Brisbane QLD - SEEK
Training Direct Australia
Current Year 12 students who have an interest in Commercial Cookery, Training Direct have many positions available across multiple venues in Brisbane and surrounding areas. Please email your CV as an expression of interest to sarah@trainingdirectaust.com.au
QLD Sewing Machines Pty Ltd
Queensland Sewing Machines (located in Loganholme) is looking for a school leaver who will be interested in beginning an inhouse traineeship as a Sewing Machine Technician. They are looking for a mechanically minded trainee with a driver’s license, who will work well as part of a team, will show initiative and be willing to learn new skills. The trainee would be learning from and guided by a senior technician to diagnose, troubleshoot and repair industrial & domestic machines, as well as learning how to perform routine maintenance checks and servicing on manual and automatic, lockstitch sewing machines, overlockers, coverstitch machines, steamers and other related equipment as required. Any sewing skills & knowledge would be an advantage, but not essential for the right trainee. Please note, this would be a mechanical position only and not a sewing machinist position. The position would require a probational period, then for the right candidate move to full time position 8am – 4.30pm Monday – Thursday and 8am – 3.30pm Friday. If you are interested, please send your resume to Isla Chambers admin@qldsewingmachines.com.au
Students wanting to Try a Trade
Hutchies is having a Try a Trade day on either 18th or 19th October at their construction site in North Quay. If you are interested in attending this day, drop in to the VET office for registration.
Further information on any of the above can be obtained from the VET office in J1.
God Bless.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Much of our Year 12 cohort have now either lodged a QTAC application or have an appointment over the next couple of weeks to review preferencing and discuss EAS eligibility. The focus of many conversations is now about university scholarships and early entry! Below is an overview of some scholarships on offer:
Westpac Young Technologists Scholarships
Students interested in studying IT, Games Development or Data Science next year may be eligible for QUT’s $15,000 scholarship over three years, entry into the QUT College of Excellence and access to the Disruptive Leaders Program, internships, and mentoring. Learn more about the Westpac Young Technologists Scholarship.
Applying for QUT Scholarships
QUT's scholarships, including QUT Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship, the QUT Sport Scholarship (Elite Athlete) and the Women in Engineering Scholarship, require students to complete application forms. These scholarships, plus more, are now open for applications. Find out more here about QUT's scholarships.
Griffith Scholarships
Griffith University offers domestic student scholarships to assist students financially whilst they study. At Griffith University, students can be eligible for multiple scholarships with one free application. Explore Griffith Scholarships and determine eligibility and investigate Griffith’s scholarships application process.
University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) Scholarships
UniSQ offers multiple scholarship opportunities including:
- Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship - Awarded to high achieving academic achievers (ATAR 97+), who complete Year 12 in 2022 and will commence studies at UniSQ in a bachelor's degree program in 2023.
- Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship - Awarded to high academic achievers (ATAR 88+), who have completed Year 12 in 2022 and are commencing their studies at UniSQ in a bachelor's degree program in 2023.
- University of Southern Queensland Academic Scholarship - Awarded to high academic achievers (ATAR 84+), who have completed Year 12 in 2022 and are commencing their studies at UniSQ in a bachelor's degree program in 2023.
To view the full range of scholarship opportunities, visit UniSQ Scholarships and discover responses to FAQs.
Financial Support after Grade 12
The Australian Government Services Australia provides tools to help students explore payments and get the latest information about changes for students. You can:
- explore payments based on your situation using Payment and Service Finder
- estimate and compare payments and services using their online estimators
- subscribe to News for Higher Education to get important information and updates about student payments
Contact them with your questions on Student Update Facebook and Twitter.
Non-academic requirements for Teacher Entry (NARTE)
Students applying for teacher courses are reminded of the non-academic entry requirements. These require applicants to demonstrate key competencies outlined by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) which are personal attributes and motivations common to effective teachers.
To demonstrate this, applicants must complete an online questionnaire and provide two written statements addressing below categories.
- Category 1: Motivation and suitability to become a teacher
- Category 2: Involvement in personal learning and leadership activities
Instructions on how to complete the online questionnaire and submit the personal statements will be emailed once a QTAC application is complete.
Community News