2021 - Term 2, Week 4
Principal's News
Chisholm Day - Friday 28th May
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Finance News
From the Campus Minister
Parents and Community Association - PCA
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Ongoing Health and Hygiene Measures
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Enrolment Information
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
VET News
Pathways News
Principal's News
Sustaining Partnerships
Thank you to the many parents/carers who took the opportunity to meet with our teachers last week.
The Student-Led Conferences are intended to sustain the partnership that exists between students, parents and teachers. By having students lead the discussion they are able to observe the support provided by the adults who share a vested interest in their success. When the adults work together, the student is more likely to be active in their learning and effort; it also encourages greater ownership. Following these discussions, there is a greater understanding of how the student is progressing, and goals or strategies can be identified. This is a feedback opportunity that can reap significant gains, particularly when the actions are followed through.
We were committed to offering the Student-Led Conferences through both ‘face-to-face’ and ‘online’ modes. Nothing beats speaking with someone in-person, but from the successful implementation in 2020, we learnt that online meetings can be just as effective. Many families lead busy lives, so by providing ‘online’ interviews we wanted to acknowledge this and seek to have more parents involved.
I am conscious that the ‘Approaches to Learning’ email that is sent every three (3) weeks may provide a timely update on how each student is progressing. However, I would invite parents to seek feedback via opportunities such as the Student-Led Conferences. They are intended for all learners.
Mother’s Day Community Mass
It was wonderful to see so many Mothers attend the Community Mass last Thursday. Presided by Fr Clesio from St Matthew’s Catholic Parish, the Mass affirmed our Catholic tradition but also offered a chance to ‘bless’ these valuable people in our lives.
A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mothers!
Chisholm Day – Friday 28th May
Chisholm Day is fast approaching!
On this day we acknowledge our namesake and founder – Caroline Chisholm; her Birthday is on the following Sunday. Caroline modelled our values of FAMILY and so it is fitting that we celebrate all that we believe at Chisholm Catholic College.
The order of the day gives us a chance to celebrate the occasion through Catholic Tradition. We then have events planned so that we can truly celebrate as a family does.
We are speaking with students now about how they can best engage with the day – seeking to make it a fun and enjoyable day for all. Ride passes are now on offer – the $15 unlimited ride pass is great value.
One expectation that has been expressed to students is that their attendance on the day should be the same as any other. Arriving for the ‘fun’ stuff only does not align with our values. Therefore, any student who arrives after 9:15am – the start of our Liturgy – without suitable reason, such as a Medical Appointment, will be asked to return home. Another expectation is around not taking advantage of the structure of the day to arrange Uber Eats or similar. We have arranged for a variety of food with affordable options included. These delivery services pose a ‘Student Protection’ problem. In both cases, we ask for parent support with ensuring that these little things don’t get in the way of what should be a special occasion.
As you read this Newsletter, our Year 7 and 9 students will be halfway through completing the four NAPLAN Tests. So far, they have completed the Writing and Reading tests, and will conclude on Monday with the Numeracy test.
It has been great to see how the students have committed to the testing, seeking to do their individual best.
The following infographic developed by ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority) provides an outline of what is involved and the relevance of the data gathered. For our teachers, it provides valuable insight into how each student is progressing, as well as our overall impact with learning. This informs how we review and modify learning and teaching.
I would also add that we do not seek to use this data as a marketing tool. That was never the intention of NAPLAN. Beyond what has been provided already, the testing also serves to prepare students for the rigours they will likely experience in later years. The media is quick to raise fears about the testing, such as increased stress for students – this is not how we deliver them. It is a ‘point in time test’ that was primarily designed to provide parents with further information on their child’s progress compared to peers across the country.
Australian Curriculum Consultation
At Chisholm Catholic College, we are committed to providing learning experiences that align with the Australian Curriculum. In the last week, you may have seen newspaper and media sources discussing the varied opinions on the proposed changes to the Australian Curriculum, due to be finalised by the end of this year. It is fair to state that what we do in the classroom has become heavily politicised with opinions and views differing on what is and isn’t important. Unfortunately, the emphasis on decluttering and improving access to learning can be become easily misplaced.
Following the release of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration in December 2019, a review of the Australian Curriculum commenced. Until Thursday, 8th July, ACARA is seeking feedback from the general public. I encourage parents to take the time to respond, just as we will provide opportunities for our staff to do same.
The Australian Curriculum | Consultation
Damian Bottaccio
Chisholm Day - Friday 28th May
Our annual Chisholm Day is right around the corner and we want all students to get excited and get involved! A fun day for all, with something for everyone! There are rides, games, activities and an obstacle course. There's cake, chips, dagwood dogs and ice creams. There are even musical and dance performances to watch and a chance to win the Chisholm Day House Spirit Cup!
Unlimited Ride Passes are on sale now, via the Parent Portal, for a discounted $15 until Tuesday, 25th May. Ride Passes can be purchased on the day as well for $20 or Single Tickets for $5. Pre-purchased ride passes also receive points towards the Chisholm Day House Spirit Cup!
Food trucks and our very own PCA will be serving up carnival fare for our students with a range of pricing and dietary requirements catered for.
The countdown is on!
Deputy Principal's News
Student Led Conferences
I would like to thank all of the parents and students who participated in the online Student Led Conferences on Tuesday last week. Many families were able to engage with the conferences over the course of the afternoon and evening and it was wonderful to see the way that parents and students were able engage in quality conversations with the staff. It was also exciting that we were able to welcome parents and families into the College for the conferences this year and to be able to offer the choice of face to face or online meetings. The Student Led Conferences provide an excellent opportunity for consultation and collaboration between the staff, families and students and it was pleasing to see the number of families who were able to take up the opportunity to engage with the teaching staff, both online and in person.
School Photos
Please see the information below for the purchase of the School Photos that were taken at the College last week.
Alexander Hodgson
Volunteers and Other Personnel
All volunteers in BCE schools must complete student protection and code of conduct training for volunteers and other personnel. They must provide the school the completed Volunteer and Other Personnel Registration Form (contained within the training). Schools must retain these registration forms.
What activities does this include?
Activities include assisting in the classroom, library, office and any area of the school including sports carnivals and working bees.
Do Volunteers need to sign off that they have completed the Volunteer Code of Conduct and Student Protection Training?
Yes. On the last page of the training, the Volunteer and Other Personnel Register Form must be downloaded and printed. All details must be filled out and given to the Principal. All volunteers other than parents must hold a blue card or a blue card exemption card and these details must be included in the form provided to the Principal. These documents are held by the Principal as evidence that the training requirements have been completed. The Volunteer and Other Personnel Register Form is accessible to the volunteer on completion of their training.
If Volunteers have completed student protection training with another organisation, are they still required to complete BCE Volunteer Student Protection Training?
Yes, it is a Brisbane Catholic Education requirement that all volunteers engaged in activities within BCE schools, must complete the BCE Volunteers and Other Personnel Student Protection and Code of Conduct Training.
If a volunteer is under the age of 18, they are not eligible for a Blue Card. What are their training requirements?
All volunteers who engage in activities at the school are required to complete the BCE Volunteers and Other Personnel Student Protection Training, noting on the registration form that they are not yet 18. Once this volunteer turns 18, they must make application for a Blue Card and fill out the Registration Form accordingly.
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Mother’s Day Morning Mass and Morning Tea
Thank you to all who attended our Mother’s Day Mass on Thursday, 6th May. It was wonderful to celebrate the gift of Motherhood with our community.
Project Compassion Thank You
A special thank you to everyone for your support of Project Compassion this year. Our College raised $2,300 for Caritas which will contribute to changing people’s lives. Flynn House won the Project Compassion Challenge and it was my great pleasure to announce this at College Assembly last week.
Recycling Challenge
At last week’s College Assembly, the Recycling Challenge was awarded to Parer House for their commitment to collecting bottles, cans and cartons at the Cross Country Carnival. Well done Parer.
Year 11 Retreat Day
On Monday, 24th May, the Year 11 students will participate in their Leadership Retreat for 2021. This Retreat will begin the leadership process for 2022 and will be led by Mr Bottaccio, Mrs Ibell, the Lutheran Youth Team and myself. Students may wear their Sport Uniform on this day.
This Retreat will feature input from staff, whole-group and small group discussion, games, practical exercises as well as prayer. It is essential formation for the students entering their Senior Year and for this reason, attendance on the day is very important.
Support Essey
Essey Nelson in Year 10 has taken on the challenge of raising money for “Wigs 4 Kids”. Essey states that:
“When I was a child, my hair meant everything to me and gave me most of my confidence at that age. I couldn’t imagine anything worse than losing all my hair due to cancer and chemotherapy. So being able to give those kids a second chance and more confidence would mean the absolute world to me. Donating my hair to make a wig is one of the best choices that I will ever make, and I hope that it brings some sense of relief and happiness to a child in their time of need”.
Essey’s goal is to raise $1,000 for Childhood Cancer and she is very close to achieving her goal. When she achieves her goal, Essey has decided to cut her hair in solidarity with children who are battling cancer.
If you would like to support Essey, you can do so at https://fundraise.kidswithcancer.org.au/fundraisers/esseynelson/wigs-4-kids
Essey is to be congratulated for her selflessness and generosity of spirit. Her initiative is inspiring.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
Finance News
Please note that school fees for Term 2 were due on Wednesday, 12th May 2021.
From the Campus Minister
(Rite of Christian Initiation for Young People)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth (RCIY) is a process which prepares young people to explore and develop their faith and to receive the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist). For many and varied reasons we know not all students have received the full range of the Sacraments of Initiation of the Catholic Church by the time they have reached or indeed finished High school. It is our desire to accompany any students who seek to do so.
Most of the preparation will be held on College Grounds with our Campus Minister Mrs. Jo-Anne Ibell along with other staff members. We also work collaboratively with local Catholic Parishes to connect our students and their families to these faith communities.
We are calling for an Expression of Interest for students to take part in this RCIY process commencing later in Term 2 and continuing into Term 4. We welcome students who have not yet received some or even any of the following Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We look forward to journeying with you.
For more information or any questions please email me, Mrs Jo-Anne Ibell: jibell@bne.catholic.edu.au
Jo-Anne Ibell
Campus Minister
Parents and Community Association - PCA
Chisholm Catholic College actively seeks to engage with parents as partners in the education of all students. The Parents and Community Association (PCA) is one way in which parents and members of the College community can join with us to provide valuable input on the direction of the College.
The PCA is committed to being a voice for all parents. We welcome the opportunity to discuss big and small items that relate to life at the College, let alone to keep parents well informed of what is happening at the College. No experience is necessary, only a willingness to support the College community.
The next PCA Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 18th May; and will commence at 6:00pm.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Student Led Conferences occurred last week, I hope students are clear on strategies to improve their results after conversations. Melaleuca had a nice feel and it was great to say hello to the many parents during the evening. For Year 11 students, this is the ideal time to speak to me about subjects and possible changes as we are completing Unit 1. I would like to remind you that in the new QCE system, if a student is not successful in a unit, they will not be awarded a points credit towards their QCE.
Maintaining motivation for the Year 12s as they lead up to their final exams and future pathways is very important. The Year 12s do not have a long time left at school and the External Exams will be upon us before we know it, keep pushing to the finish line! Both Mrs Scott and Ms Nair have some great information available for University and TAFE pathways. The process of applying for University and TAFE will begin next term and I encourage all students in Year 12 to apply to QTAC, it is much easier to reject an offer of further study than to start the process in January as courses may be full.
The process of SET-Planning (Student Education and Training) for Year 10 will be underway by the time you read this newsletter. This is a very important process requiring engagement in regular meetings and processes over the next four months. It is a great time to have conversations around hopes and dreams beyond school and to explore University websites. I have mentioned pre-requisites a number of times this year and the role they play in this process, this is so students have every success in their future studies and pathways.
Brendan Luxton
Ongoing Health and Hygiene Measures
We are heading into the cooler months and the presence of influenza (the ‘flu’) will accompany the ongoing concerns of COVID-19.
We must continue to maintain appropriate health and hygiene measures, including:
- not attending school if sick – this is for staff and students. It is advisable to arrange for a COVID test if your child has any of the indicated symptoms;
- regular handwashing and hand sanitising, particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet;
- maintaining physical distancing of adults (1.5m apart). Parents who attend the College are asked to go to Main Reception and ‘sign-in’ if required. For functions, specific advice will be provided.
COVID19 Update - Qld Restrictions in Response to NSW Cases
Following detection of a further case of community transmission in New South Wales (NSW), the Queensland Government has announced today that all visitors arriving from potential NSW COVID-19 exposure sites must undergo 14 days of hotel quarantine from 1am on Friday.
The current list of NSW exposure sites can be found on the NSW Health site at this link. The exposure sites are mostly at venues in and around Sydney. It will also be published (and progressively updated) by Queensland Health at this link when available.
Please note these developments and the ongoing nature of the situation in NSW in the context of staff or students who may have plans to travel to impacted parts of NSW or who may be returning from impacted parts of NSW shortly.
In relation to Western Australia, from 12pm AEST Tuesday, 27 April 2021, the exposure sites from the Perth and Peel regions of WA were no longer declared COVID-19 hotspots.
Updated information about current restrictions will be published on the Queensland Government site here.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Raising Girls and Raising Boys
Raising teenagers in today’s modern world can be a difficult path for parents and carers to navigate. These days, girls are transitioning to puberty a lot earlier than they used to and the physical, psychological and emotional changes they experience are challenging. As a result, by mid-adolescence, girls are twice as likely to develop mood disorders than boys. Many parents will attest to the fact that most boys are active, loud, rambunctious and prone to rough play, but this should not affect how a parent acts towards their son. Be careful not to pigeon-hole your son into sex-specific behaviours or gender roles. The male brain is distinctly different in its development. A boy’s physical maturity is often at odds with his mental and brain development.
Some parents and carers may feel uncertain about how best to support their teenager; societal beliefs about how to raise young people can no doubt influence their adult carers. With the rise of social media and technology and additional external pressures that our young people face, it is important for parents/carers to gain a better understanding into some of the more complex issues relating to raising teenagers. I recommend to you some excellent School TV resources. It is well worth finding time with your partner and child to watch the advice clips from the experts and start a conversation with your son/daughter.
Here is the link to the Raising Girls edition of SchoolTV
Here is the link to the Raising Boys edition of SchoolTV
Attendance Matters
Chisholm Catholic College is committed to improving educational outcomes for our students and we recognize the importance of students coming to school on time, every day. One of the strategies that we are utilizing this term is to recognize students who achieve 100% attendance. In Weeks, 3, 5, 7 and 9, we will draw the names of two students per year level. These students will receive a $5 Tuckshop Voucher as well as a VIP Skip the Tuckshop Queue pass!
Week 3 Winners were:
Year 12
Jarrett Edwards
Sailaja Kotagiri
Year 11
Georgia McKenzie
Harry Williams
Year 10
Caitlin Edwards
Nate Carlson
Year 9
Olivia Fitzgerald
Hannah Moore
Year 8
Matilda Williams
Rohan Barraclough
Year 7
Charli Irvine
Ethan Le Page
Students now have access to their attendance percentage on their Chisholm Plus dashboard and parents are also updated on their child’s attendance with the Chisholm Plus updates that are sent every three weeks. If your child’s attendance is below 90% and without legitimate reasons, please seek assistance from their Pastoral Leader.
Tracey Williamson
Enrolment Information
Enrolment Update - Year 7: 2022 and 2023
Enrolments for Year 7, 2022 are now finalised. We are unable to accept any more enrolments, so a ‘Wait List’ has been applied.
Already, we have had very strong interest in enrolments for Year 7, 2023. Interviews have commenced and will continue through until the end of Term 3.
If you have a son/daughter in Year 5 – enrol them now. We do not wish to see any siblings miss out on a place.
If you have a family friend or work colleague who is looking at enrolling their child for Year 7, 2023 at Chisholm Catholic College, please ask them to make contact now.
Chis Culture News
Musical update by Emma Kemp - Cultural Leader
The first SECA day of season 1 was off to a great start for the musical cast of the school's production of Footloose! The cast spent the day blocking and rehearsing "Somebody's Eyes," along with the dancers rehearsing "Holding out for a Hero," while the band rehearsed a number of songs including "Footloose". Staff and students also received their new musical shirts which feature the new Creative and Performing Arts logo on the back.
We are still seeking a number of 80s style prom dresses for the production so if you have a dress or two to donate or loan us, please drop into student reception.
Musical dates are Friday, 23rd and Saturday, 24th of July 2021. Tickets for the musical will go on sale Friday, 28th of May via the Sunpac website.
Sierrah Lee – Musical Rehearsals
Footloose rehearsals are off. It’s been such an amazing experience to have already, me being new at the school. Hi, my name is Sierriah Lee and I’m playing Vi Moore in the musical, which is the mum of Ariel, played by Mia Shadbolt. Ms Griffey and Ms Picart have had to redo some of the script as my character has had to incorporate both the parents of Ariel, which includes Reverend Moore. In the story, Rev Moore made the rules of no dancing, and partying because of a trauma he and his wife, Vi Moore, had experienced. Playing both characters into one, I show these struggles throughout the musical, depicting characters that are indecisive of what they want and what the people of the town need.
Rehearsals have been amazing, getting to learn my songs with Ms Picart and my scenes with Ms Griffey. Also, getting to meet everyone in the musical and to form bonds with them, has been great. I’m super excited for future rehearsals with the cast, and our performances as well, which is getting closer and closer. But I can’t wait, and I hope to see you all there to watch this amazing cast perform what they love doing!
Sport News
SECA Season One – Round One
In Week 2 of Term 2, Chisholm re-entered the fray with our return to the SECA Winter Sports Competition. Students travelled to various locations within the greater Brisbane region to test their skills against teams from other southside BCE schools, competing in a range of sports including Football (soccer), Netball, Rugby League and Volleyball, and activities such as Chess and Theatre Sports. While we experienced many more wins than losses, what was most important was to see and hear the enjoyment of our students involved in competitive sports. Although Round Two was washed out by some unexpected rain, this round will be played on our contingency day in Week 7. For reference, the next two rounds will be on:
- Thursday, 20th May (Week 5)
- Thursday, 3rd June (Week 7)
Pacific District Cross Country Trials
With a clear sunny day on the cards, eleven of Chisholm’s finest runners travelled to Rivermount College last Thursday to tread the track for the Pacific District Cross Country trial. Although the rain had cleared, the remnants left an authentic cross-country course for runners to enjoy, with plenty of water and mud pits to add to the challenge. We experienced some solid results, with the majority of our runners qualifying for the South Coast Regional trial in June. With fields of up to 60 per event, we are extremely proud of what our athletes achieved. A special congratulations to Hayden Bates (Year 10) coming fourth in his event, and Hannah Rooney (Year 7) for taking out the bronze medal in her race.
QISSN Netball News:
As the 2021 Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Netball (QISSN) competition draws near we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce our Chisholm Catholic College team. The team has been training hard this year, competing in a Wednesday evening competition at Nissan Arena in the lead up to QISSN and have been developing and growing as individuals and as a team. We have complete faith that these girls will represent our College embodying our FAMILY values of Faith, Ambition, Commitment, Integrity, Love and Mercy. It is our pleasure to introduce the team for 2021:
Sienna Wilson in Year 10 plays GK, GD and WD and has been playing netball for 5 years. Her experience includes playing for primary and secondary school for 5 years, playing at club level for 5 years as well as playing representative netball in 2020 and QISSN in 2021. Sienna enjoys a ‘good win’ with her team and is looking forward to improving her skills during QISSN 2021. “Playing for QISSN means that I am capable of playing with some of the best players in our school, and I am able to push myself as far as I can.”
Hayley Olsen in Year 9 plays WD and GD and has been playing for 5 years. Her experience includes playing club for 5 years, rep for 3 years and playing for school for 4 years. What she enjoys most is playing a sport she enjoys and having fun, as well as learning new skills. During QISSN 2021 Hayley is looking forward to “building and learning netball skills, having a good time with the coaches, managers, and team and also seeing how much I will learn/grow as a player and a person. It will be such an amazing experience and I can’t wait to play and get to know the team the and the managers/coaches.”
Caitlin Edwards in Year 10 plays GA, WA and GS and has been playing netball for 9 years. Her experience includes Daisy Hill Netball Club for 7 years, Shailer Park for 2 years, Rep Black First team from U12’s to GBNL. Caitlin enjoys playing with friends and is looking forward to QISSN as it is her first time, experiencing the competition and playing against other schools. Caitlin is looking forward to proving Chisholm are the best and says representing her school at QISSN, “gives our entire team a sense of pride that we were selected and now we get to represent Chisholm at the best netball competition.”
Georgia Robbie in Year 11 plays GS and has been playing for 7 years. She is currently playing at Underwood Park for Daisy Hill in Cadet 1. She has been playing at Underwood for 4 years, and for her starting years she learnt netball at Cornubia Park. She has also been in SEDA since Year 7.
Georgia enjoys being in a team environment and using it as a social activity as well progressing in her skills to play her best in games. “I am really looking forward to bonding with the girls and becoming a closer team. I feel really privileged to be able to play for Chisholm and I think it will be a great experience.”
Elila Carter in Year 9 plays GS, GA and GK and has been playing netball for 8 years. Her experience includes playing representative for U12 Black team (top team and winner at state age), U13 Black and State Age U14 White team. She enjoys being able to play netball with friends and is looking forward to growing and developing while playing with the Chisholm team. “I feel proud that I got selected to represent Chisholm.”
Indea Stein in Year 10 plays GA and WA and has been playing netball for 9 years. Her experience includes 9 years playing for club netball and 4 years playing representative. Indea enjoys playing with the Chisholm girls and spending time with some amazing netball players. For Indea playing at QISSN means “playing at a high level, while spending time with the girls I enjoy playing with and gaining lots of experience.”
Scarlett de Bruyn in Year 11 plays WA and WD and has been playing netball for over 8 years. Currently, Scarlett is playing club for Calvary at Underwood Park in the Cadet 1. She loves playing the sport and being a part of a team culture and environment. Scarlett has said that while competing at QISSN this year she is “excited to learn new skills as a part of the QISSN team and cannot wait to represent Chisholm.”
Laura McGreevy in Year 10 plays GK and GD and she has been playing netball for around 10 years. Laura’s experience includes playing for Cornubia Park representative teams, South Stars and Chisholm.
She enjoys ‘WINNING’ and playing with her friends and is looking forward to getting closer with the team, having lots of fun and hopefully in the future being able to go away to QISSN with the team. Laura says, “I’ve always wanted to play QISSN ever since I knew what it was and now that I can finally play, I’m super excited!”
Naje Ormsby-Qualtrough in Year 10 plays GD and GK and has been playing netball for 10 years. Her experience includes playing for school and playing for representative teams for over 2 years. What she enjoys most about the sport is playing with the Chisholm girls and during QISSN she is looking forward to hanging out with the team and seeing how well they play together as a unit. Naje is “Thankful to have the opportunity to represent Chisholm at a Queensland competition!!”
Renee Plant in Year 10 plays C and WA. She has been playing netball for over 8 years including 8 years for club teams and 4 years playing in representative teams. One of the perks of playing netball for Renee is playing with the Chisholm team and she is looking forward to spending time away with the team at QISSN and getting the know all the girls better. While playing for Chisholm at QISSN Renee hopes to “play my absolute best and feel pride in representing the College.”
Riley Smith in Year 10 plays C and WA and has been playing netball for around 10 years. Her experience over the years includes playing for Chisholm and her primary school, as well as playing for club and various representative teams. What Riley enjoys most about netball is being in a team sport and bonding with the girls and while playing for QISSN this year she has enjoyed spending more time getting to know the team.
We wish the girls all the best of luck with the remainder of their Wednesday night competition and of course in the upcoming QISSN Competition. Go Chisholm!
Miss Charlotte Goldsworthy
QISSN Manager
Rugby League News:
Chisholm vs Keebra Park SHS
Last Wednesday night our Chisholm rugby league teams competed in the second round of the Titan's Cup competition. An untimely downpour created slippery conditions for our Year 9/10 team, resulting in a first half that included a number of handling errors. Despite Keebra Park being handed several attacking opportunities, our boys dug deep and defended unbelievably well, keeping the opposition out and establishing their reputation as being one of the best defensive units in the competition.
The second half saw our players really kick-in to gear after going into the sheds 8-6 down at halftime. It was very pleasing to see the leaders of the team stand up and compose the players around them and we really found our groove. The team showed great resilience to start the half renewed and scored four excellent tries to run out eventual winners 26-8. Despite the attacking flair and some long-range tries being scored in the second half, it was the incredible defensive resolve that was most impressive to the coaches. Notable mentions go out to Danny Kavanagh for scoring one of the best solo tries you will ever see and Leo Gallagher and Andre Kelly for controlling the attack very well. Sam Kidman, Jackson Brown and Albert Jamroz were the defensive pillars in the middle and in conjunction with Kurtis Dunn and Luke Joblin are forming a fearsome forward pack.
The second game of the night saw our Open boys take on a well-oiled Keebra Park Blue machine. The Chisholm boys started the game well, pleasing coach Andy Poynter, by following through and completing their first three sets in attack. On the other side of the ball our players muscled up and defended well for the first quarter of the game against a much bigger opposition. However, after losing our skipper Joe Mazza to bad hand injury and suffering a few other injuries throughout the first half, Keebra began to find the ascendency.
Unfortunately, once they got on a roll Keebra were too good on the night and ran away comfortable winners 36-0. Despite the unflattering score line, our boy’s effort is to be commended as they continued to play hard to final whistle. A special mention must go out to Ryan Sparkes who was enormous all night and Dalton McGrath who defended as well as anyone during the game. We wish Captain Joe a speedy recovery from his injury and are looking forward to taking on St Francis next week.
Check out the link below for weekly updates from the entire competition as well as the draw for upcoming matches:
Association: South East QLD School Competitions - Play Rugby League
Mr. Tom Philpot
Head of Rugby League
Basketball News:
Congratulations to our very own Hannah Dalton (Year 10) who has just signed with Logan Basketball NBL1 Woman's team. This is the first step for Hannah in what we are sure will be a long and rewarding career.
Mr Zac Dunfee-Scott
Head of Basketball
Library News
On Thursday, 29th April, the Library staff took a Year 7 and Year 8 team to compete against 20 other schools in the Brisbane Heats of the Kids Lit Quiz Competition. This is an international competition involving literary trivia. Our students were competitive throughout the 10 rounds. Our Year 8 Team were the top scorers for round 6 winning a prize, then our Year 7 Team took out the overall win for the 8th round. Both teams did exceptionally well, finishing in the top 8 with our Year 8 Team placing equal 3rd overall. Congratulations to the Kids Lit Quiz Teams of 2021.
Sarah Martyn
Teacher Librarian
VET News
TAFE Mid-year intake
Courses are available for the following programs commencing Monday, 12th July 2021:
Students can apply online now (https://tafeapply.com) using code TQB2102
Defence Force Work Experience Program
Army Aviation Familiarisation Program dates: 29 Jun-1 Jul Applications close: 23 May
Army Aviation Familiarisation Program dates: 14-16 Sep Applications close: 01 Aug
Army Aviation Familiarisation Program dates: 19-21 Oct Applications close: 5 Sep
ADF Research and Science Program* Program dates: 5-7 Jul Applications close: 23 May
ADF Research and Science Program* Program dates: 2-4 Aug Applications close: 20 Jun
ADF Research and Science Program* Program dates: 11-13 Oct Applications close: 29 Aug
Army Familiarisation Program Program dates: 23-25 Aug Applications close: 27 Jun
Army Familiarisation Program Program dates: 27-29 Sep Applications close: 15 Aug
Applications may close before the advertised date if large volumes of applications are received. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. All DWEP placements will be conducted in accordance with our COVIDSafe plan and are subject to relevant State/Territory COVID-19 Guidelines and Defence Restrictions. Please be aware that this may result in a placement being changed, postponed and/or cancelled at short notice.
Please monitor the DWEP website http://www.defence.gov.au/workexperience for updates on the program. Any questions regarding the work experience programs within South QLD can be forwarded to the South QLD Work Experience Program email address sqld.workexperience@defence.gov.au.
Current Vacancies
- Childcare school-based traineeships are on offer for students in Year 10 or Year 11 at various locations.
- Certificate III in Business (with Hospitality units) with Zarraffa’s Bethania (Monday, Wednesday, or Friday)
- AMC Training & Consulting have 15 School Based traineeships available in the Bayside area in Aged Care Facilities and are seeking Year 10 or Year 11 students (Cert II Health Support Services preferred but not compulsory). Applications will close on Wednesday, 2nd June 2021.
- Lions@Springwood Certificate III in Hospitality or Certificate II in Kitchen Operations for Year 10 or 11 students
If you have an interest in any of the above information, please visit us in the Vocational Education Office in J01.
Mala Nair
VET Cordinator
Pathways News
Next week is National Careers Week, an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) that aims to celebrate career development programs and services across the nation. This is important because it promotes the economic, social and personal benefits of career development for all Australians.
At Chisholm, our Career Development Program aims to teach students processes of managing their learning, work, and leisure throughout their lifespan. It develops skills and knowledge needed to plan and make informed decisions about education, training, and work.
To engage students across all year levels in career awareness and development, we will run a 2nd lunch activity daily in the Library next week to celebrate National Careers Week. This will include displays and notice boards with a range of career information, as well as interactive and fun activities that include staff from all domains of the College.