2022 Term 4 Week 2
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
30th Anniversary - Joseph Needham-Alumni
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2023
Chis Culture News
Library News
Vocational Education & Training News
Pathways News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
House Farewell – Graduation
This week marked the last week of formal classes for our Year 12s. On Friday morning they celebrated the House Farewell; a heart-warming and special occasion that included students in younger year levels speaking about their experiences and relationship with Year 12 Students from their PC.
We would advocate that our Pastoral Care structures enables relationships to be established with students across the College. This takes time and patience, as well as the willingness from students to give of themselves. We talk about our FAMILY values often, and this is very much about creating ‘family’ and belonging.
I wish the Year 12s every success in the coming weeks, undertaking their relevant External Exams and concluding their Senior School Studies. We look forward then to the Graduation on Friday, 18th November, where we will celebrate their time at the College.
2023 Student Leaders
I am very proud to announce the Student Leadership Team for next year.
College Captains
- Ava Mathews and Ashaya McHenry
House Captains
- Flynn – Naje Ormsby-Qualtrough
- MacKillop – Kyra Farao
- Mitchell – Liam Gough
- Namatjira – Ysabella Doherty
- Oodgeroo – Laura McGreevy
- Parer – Christopher Bell
Committee Leaders
- Approaches to Learning – Ash Blaxland
- Cultural – Sophie Mead
- Mission – Ashleigh Beatty
- Sport – Caitlin Edwards
- Stewardship – Shania Clegg
- Student Support – Zoe Harris
There is great potential amongst this group of young people and we look forward to what they will offer our community next year. We have since turned our attention to the Year 8s, commencing the process for determining the Middle School Leaders for 2023.
We welcome the following staff to the College:
- Ms Catherine Adams (completed final Practical Placement with us)
- Ms Louise Brown
- Ms Elsie Humphrey (completed final Practical Placement with us)
- Mrs Kaitlyn Sanders
- Ms Alison Willis
- Mrs Louise Lewis – Administration Officer
- Mrs Jennifer Ashen – Administration Officer
- Ms Christina Lobo – Learning Enrichment Officer
We look forward to seeing their abilities and gifts, supporting learning and teaching at the College.
Before you receive the next Newsletter, we will be farewelling Mrs Jade Matijevic. Mrs Matijevic will soon welcome a new member to her family and we wish her all the best as she takes on the significant role of motherhood. Mrs Elisabeth Lord will assume the role of Acting Middle Years Learning Leader.
Date Claimer – College Awards Evening
Along with the Opening Mass, the College Awards Evening is a notable event on our calendar, demonstrating all that we value.
Whilst we will ‘live stream’ the event, there is an open invitation extended to every member of our community to attend.
The College Awards Evening is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, 16th November. Please note on your calendars. We’d love to see you there!
School Zone – Speed Cameras
In a world-first road safety initiative, new speed camera technology will soon target speeding drivers at selected school zones across Queensland.
Everyone has a role in keeping our roads safe. It is imperative drivers reduce their speed to the signed 40 km/h speed limit and be aware of activity by students on or near the road.
Speed cameras will only operate during school zone times at the selected schools.
Parents, and carers dropping off or picking up students are urged to comply with school zone speed limits. Those who slow down will not be penalised.
Covid Update
From Friday, 14th October mandatory COVID-19 isolation periods will no longer be required in Queensland. More details can be viewed here.
Whilst the mandate has been lifted, the risk of infection from COVID and other contagious illnesses is still present. We continue to ask that members of our community maintain high levels of personal hygiene and not to attend school if sick.
Queensland Health strongly recommends that you should stay home to isolate while you have any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection. You should not return to work or school until:
- your acute respiratory symptoms have substantially reduced AND
- you have gone for at least 24 hours without a fever without using fever-reducing medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Before returning to school or work, you may be required to notify your employer or education provider that you have been diagnosed with, or had symptoms of, COVID-19 and you should follow any additional requirements put in place by your employer or education provider to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
In addition, if returning to work or school within 7 days after receiving a positive COVID-19 test result, you should:
- wear a face mask covering your nose and mouth whenever you are in an indoor setting outside the home
Close Contacts are still required to wear a Face Mask for 5 days.
Deputy Principal's News
Term 3 Progress Reports
Term 3 Progress Reports for students in Years 7-11 have been uploaded to the Parent Portal. You should also have received an email if a teacher has indicated that they would like to see you about the progress of your student.
Student Led Conferences
The Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday, 18th October from 3.30-6.00pm. They will be available face to face and online. The booking window is open until Monday, 17th October. Face to face interviews will be held in Melaleuca.
Sun Safety
As we are now into spring and warmer weather, it is important to remember our sun safety. Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and skin cancer, unlike many other cancers, is largely preventable — by appropriate protection from UV radiation.
Hats are required to be always worn when students are outside the classroom. Students are reminded to apply sunscreen before they attend school as well as using the sunscreen that is available for all PE related classes.
Bike Safety
Bike safety is very important for all students who ride to school. It is very important that students wear helmets for their safety and it is a legal requirement. Students also need to take care when crossing the road at the front gate as there is a lot of traffic coming in and out during the afternoon.
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Year 9 Retreat Day
On Monday, our Year 9 students had a wonderful day as they participated in their retreat that was facilitated by Real Talk. Students participated in several sessions including games and seminars that were based on Catholic values around the topics of relationships, sex and identity. The day empowered students to make healthy choices that show respect for themselves and others. Read below what one of our students had to say about the day:
Yesterday we looked at consent, body image and positive relationships. We learnt about our rights regarding consent and what the law tells us. We also looked at our self-worth and respect and focused on what we love about ourselves. We ended the session writing a letter to another peer about what we admired about them and what made them a loving, genuine person.
On Wednesday, students were invited to wear crazy socks for Socktober and donate to Catholic Mission for children in Ethiopia suffering malnutrition. The donation link is open until the end of next week, please consider donating to those in need at the following link: https://www.socktober.org.au/fundraisers/chisholmcatholiccollege
We also welcomed Sue Williams from Catholic Mission who helped our students make Sock balls at lunch and within some of our lessons. This was an act of solidarity with young children all over the world who do not have such ready access to sporting equipment.
Your life can change in a moment. Moments can impact us, change us, shape us and define us. Our whole lives are made up of moments. The moment we were born, the moment we started school, or that moment we encountered Jesus in that friend, event or sitting alone in our room.
Our Catholic faith is made up of moments that altered history forever – the moment Jesus breathed his last, the moment the Spirit entered his lifeless body, the moment he spoke hope to the woman at the well and shot dazzling sight into the body of a blind man. Fast forward 2000 years to THIS MOMENT now.
During the school holidays, Mrs Ibell and I accompanied four of our students to The Ignite Conference launch at St Laurence’s College. This is one of the country’s most powerful Catholic youth conferences and the theme for the conference was “The Moment.” This was a wonderful experience of praise and worship for all.
Read some of our student’s comments on the conference below:
The Ignite Conference held at St Laurie’s College was an enlightening event where Catholics from all over the region were welcomed to praise and worship Jesus. Surrounded by an abundance of people full of life - and nonstop dancing - the night was incredibly fun and momentous.
Captivating decorations, harmonious music, and delicious food; the INGITE Catholic conference was truly a night to be remembered. Accompanied by Mrs Ibell, Mrs Greenaway, and members of the mission committee, we started the night filling our brains with captivating games and information put on the very lovely stalls and staff. Following the tour of the different kiosks we headed down to the grand hall to spend the rest of the night watching and listening to entertaining music, fantastic stories all of which allowed for an eye-opening experience. Overall, the night was a blast and if given the opportunity I highly recommend the experience to anyone next year.
Student Leadership- 2023
I congratulate the 2023 Senior Student Leadership team and all who applied for a role. It was wonderful to be involved in the Senior Leadership process, the caliber of applicants was inspiring. We have now begun the process for our 2023 Year 9 Leaders, and I am excited to begin reading these applications with Mr Bottaccio.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
12 External Assessment
The Year 12 External Assessment (EA) period is fast approaching, and it is important for students to be aware of when and where their exams are taking place. A schedule was sent home to students, parents and guardians with the QCAA published External Assessment timetable, the school tutorial schedule and the QCAA approved equipment list. Please take the time to look over these very important documents.
I strongly encourage students to get themselves exam ready by using the following tips for study success:
- Access the intensive school tutorials in Week 3. Teachers are available to support student learning and will be the best guide on how to meet with success in the EA.
- Print/highlight/write in a calendar or diary of when and what exams are taking place. Use these dates to plan a study schedule and stick to it.
- Be super organised. Have a designated study space free from distractions. This could be making the decision to come into school to utilise the general study sessions.
- Peer study. Compare notes, help each other and push each other to be better and do better.
- Use the experiences gained from the Mock Exams. What were the areas of strength? What were the areas that needed improvement? Fill the gaps in the learning.
- Avoid learning fatigue by having scheduled brain breaks. Go for a walk, do something different. Avoid staring at a screen.
The College wishes students every success in the preparation and completion of their exams.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
College Uniform Processes and Procedures
Welcome to Term 4! As we are heading into the summer months and after we have farewelled the Year 12 students, the College is conducting an overhaul of our College Uniform policy. The College uniform is an important part of our identity as a College, provides the students with connection to the College and promotes a culture of safety and cohesion. This review is part of our ongoing review of policies and after consultation with members of the community such as staff, student leaders and the College PCA, new procedures with regards to the College uniform will be trialled from Week 5. The review focussed on two aspects of our current Uniform Policy, the uniform itself and the processes and procedures as part of the College Uniform Policy.
This week, Mrs Mackle and I have presented the changes to the four remaining year levels. From Week 5, the expectation is that everyone wears the College uniform with pride and respect, every day. This means that students are required to be in the correct uniform for every lesson. If they attend their class in the incorrect uniform, they are not considered ready for learning, and they will be asked to go to the Uniform Room where they will be provided with a uniform pass which allows them to return to class and they will be offered a spare uniform for the day. At this stage this spare uniform is optional for the students to accept. This will be mandatory in 2023. The students will keep the uniform pass with them for the remainder of the day in case other teachers will question their attire during their other classes. If students continuously wear the incorrect uniform to the College and receive three breaches, they will be provided with an alternate learning environment and will thus be out of class until they are wearing the uniform appropriately.
We encourage all parents/caregivers to reiterate the importance of the College uniform. We thank you for your support during the implementation of these changes.
STS Young Endeavour Voyage – Congratulations to Olivia Humphries
At the end of last Term, Olivia Humphries (Year 11) participated in an amazing opportunity. After successfully being awarded a Scholarship to participate through her connection with the Australian Navy Cadets, Olivia boarded the STS Young Endeavour for a week long sailing experience on the replica Endeavour.
Please find below Olivia’s reflection of the experience. Well done, Olivia!
The STS Young Endeavour was the most amazing experience of my life. I met wonderful friends who made the experience so much better. I learnt some amazing new skills and further developed skills I already had. The voyage was highly entertaining and was never boring. The staff made the whole experience a lot better with their singing and wonderful wake up songs. Being woken up to ACDC, with the staff singing along, had to be a definite high light to the whole trip. The hardest task of all was being forced to walk three laps of the boat after just being woken up at 6am every day and trying to not fall over from the waves, even beating climbing the mast in a swell of 3-4 meters. All of us had minimal sleep with some of us just running on coffee, me being one of them. We counted that the entire ship altogether had 234 cups of coffee over 10 days. Some of us had 2 soup spoons of coffee in every cup, also me being one of them. Hanging off the side of the ship in horrible wind and rain to set sails was both terrifying and exhilarating. Whilst anchoring at many beautiful beaches and islands around the sunny coast we got to go snorkelling at Lady Elliot Island, jumping off the boat and whale watching at Noosa, touch football on the beach of 1770 Bay and dolphin watching at night in Moreton Bay. There were so many other fun experiences that weren't on land. For example, building a hammock to hold the entire crew up, watching movies on deck under the stars, rope races and dealing with 15 people being seasick for 3 days, luckily, I managed to not get seasick. Command day, the day where we took over the ship, was one of the best days as we had 26 tasks to complete, such as a party on deck, solving riddles to get out navigation plans, sailing the boat to out next destination and choosing the wake-up song, we chose 'I want it that way' by the Backstreet Boys. Overall, this was a wonderful experience of which I will cherish forever. I highly recommend the STS Young Endeavour to anyone.
30th Anniversary - Joseph Needham-Alumni
Joseph has successfully completed a Bachelor of Exercise Science and is about to graduate in June this year with a Master of Secondary Teaching majoring in Junior and Senior HPE and Junior Science and Biology. Joe has continued to be an active member of the Burleigh Mowbray Park SLSC and is one of the Patrol Captains. He is one of the coaches at the Bayside Wake Park where he has worked for the past 7 years. Joe is hoping to secure a full-time teaching position in the coming months. Joe is an avid sportsman and tries his hand at many things including surf sports, archery, rock climbing, mountain biking, wakeboarding and volleyball in his spare time.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
NAP-ICTL Testing
During Term 4 approximately 13 000 Year 6 and 10 students across Australia will participate in the Information Communication Technology Literacy (ICTL) Test, a test that forms part of the National Assessment Program. ICTL skills are highly valuable across all areas of the curriculum. Due to the inclusion of digital tools that are ever evolving, it is vital that students are able to develop ICTL skills that will ensure that they are equipped to be lifelong learners, who are able to access and find success in the undefined and varied opportunities of the future. The data collected from the sample test will be used shape and develop educational programs that enhance the teaching and learning of ICTL.
Fortunate to be included in the sample, 20 of our students from Year 10 will form part of the sample. The selected students will take part in the testing on Thursday the 20th of October during Learning Block 1 and 2. If your son or daughter has been randomly selected to participate you will receive more information about this shortly.
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the end of year approaches, we are allocating seats for the Chisholm Bus Services 1 Springwood and Bus 2 Redlands for 2023.
Parents whose students currently use the buses are requested to send an email to Chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au to confirm the days when the bus is required for 2023 and whether it is mornings or afternoons.
Existing passengers and their siblings will be given preference; however, we require this information by Friday, 21st October 2022. If we do not receive a response, your students place on the bus may be given to another student. Confirmation of the booking will be sent out before the end of Term 4.
If you have a child that will be in Year 7 in 2023 and also requiring the bus please include this in your response.
Jenny Mehlert / Staff Secretary
Chisholm Catholic College
P O Box 3078, Loganholme 4129
07 3209 0700 / Email: jmmehlert@bne.catholic.edu.au
Chis Culture News
Creative Arts Night!
Creative Arts Night celebrations are on next week!
The Visual Art Exhibition in Melaleuca will be open from 3pm-5pm next Wednesday afternoon for parents, staff and students as well as during Lunch 1 and 2 Thursday and Friday for students. Don’t forget to vote for Junior and Senior People’s Choice Awards!
On Friday afternoon, the Visual Art Exhibition will open for a final time between 4-6pm and feature live music as well as food from the PCA. Performances start at 6:30pm in Melaleuca with an awards presentation to end the evening.
We cannot wait to share what our students have been up to with the College community in all things Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art.
Tickets are on sale now for $5 each via the Parent Portal until sold out.
On the 7th and 8th of October, Annika, Charlotte and I participated in the Shakefest dance masterclass and finals. Annika and I auditioned for Shakefest last year with a lyrical routine inspired by A Midsummer's Night Dream and although we were invited to attended the masterclass, we weren't finalists.
This year I choreographed another routine that was inspired by the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. I took the inevitable entity of death and made it a living thing by creating a routine that showed Death interacting with both Romeo and Juliet.
We were all so excited finding out we were finalists and put in long hours of working hard to polish the routine. I was really happy with the way it all turned out and how we portrayed our characters through choreography, costuming and facial expressions.
The masterclass was really enjoyable. We got to work with all the other dancers and spent the majority of the class learning a hip hop routine.
The following day was the finals and I know I can speak for all three of us when I say that we were all extremely nervous. We were the first ones to perform in the dance category.
Altogether, it was a great experience and it was wonderful to meet so many others who all share the same love of dance.
I'm proud of all three of us!
By Sophie Mead
Library News
At the end of last term, the staff were asked to share one of their favourite books currently in the library. They responded with texts including novels, picture books and magazines. Not long after the display went up the student started to congregate to borrow and read what was on offer; revealing a novel approach for the staff and the students to connect.
Vocational Education & Training News
Welcome to Term 4 – it is very exciting as we begin preparation for 2023 VET enrolments. Some students are finalizing their course requirements for this year and our Year 10s are consumed with trying out three trades in their trade taster program figuring out best fit for their career pathways. Congratulations and good luck.
Year 12 Diploma of Business students celebrated their achievements last week – we are super proud of you all.
Key Apprenticeship and Traineeship resources to help you find that great opportunity
The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website has free resources to help parents, students and employers navigate apprenticeships and traineeships pathways. This includes:
- Job and Training Descriptions – sample descriptions for over 2500 job descriptions filtered by state, choice of industry or keyword
- Job Pathways Charts – potential career pathways that can begin with an Apprenticeship
- Pre-apprenticeship Finder – find a pre-apprenticeship in the industry of your choice by location
- Practice Aptitude Quizzes – general industry-based literacy and numeracy quizzes illustrating the levels required when undertaking Australian Apprenticeship qualifications
- Literacy and Numeracy Quizzes – Interactive quizzes to gauge if you are apprenticeship ready
- Career Interest Explorer – A quiz to understand which type of career or work you are best suited for.
- Co-branded resources – Resources such as fast fact sheets, steps to an Australian apprenticeship flowchart etc. which can be easily downloaded and customised for free.
AusAppPathways Mobile App
AusAppPathways is an App that can help you explore apprenticeship and traineeship pathway options. It is available for both Apple and Android devices. You can search over 3000 examples of apprenticeship and traineeship occupations. You can find information:
- by filtering by State and Territory
- about tips on how to find a job
- jobs available
- on exploring information and resources that can help you find career ideas that interest you
For more information about the App and to download it, visit the AusAppPathways website.
Practice Literacy and Numeracy Aptitude Quizzes for Future Apprenticeship Applications
When you are applying for an apprenticeship or traineeship you often are required to undertake a literacy and numeracy aptitude quiz. It is a good idea to have a practice before you need to do 'the real thing'. They are nothing like assignments at school and you will be far more successful if you practice before hand. Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website has a bank of quizzes for 17 industry areas so click here and select the industry area you are looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship in.
Queensland Government's Incentives, Costs and Financial Support for Apprenticeships and Traineeships
The Queensland Government has several funding programs to assist employers, apprentices and trainees to build their skills in Queensland. These include:
- User Choice: This program provides a public funded contribution towards the cost of training and assessment services for eligible Queensland apprentices and trainees with funding aligned to the skills needs of industry.
- Wages and conditions: Learn more about your wages, conditions of employment and your employer's workplace requirements, including safety at work and supervision in the workplace.
- Free apprenticeships Funding to cover the full cost of training with a training provider when you choose a high priority apprenticeship or traineeship. Just choose the qualification you want, land an apprenticeship or traineeship with an employer and they will cover the cost of you training. Your employer will pay your wages but you might have to meet costs related to any uniform or other training resources.
- Eligible qualifications under Free apprenticeships for under 25s Here you will find a list of the eligible qualifications under the Free apprenticeships for under 25s program.
- Skilling Queenslanders for Work Under Skilling Queenslanders for Work, you may be able to commence an apprenticeship or traineeship at a reduced or no cost.
- Cost of training Training costs can include travel, accommodation, uniforms, equipment, text books, materials, tuition costs, parking or transport costs.
- Financial support including Travel and accommodation subsidy, Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY, Financial support and loans,living away from home allowance, disability support.
Training is a Key Part of an Apprenticeship and Traineeship
Apprenticeships and traineeships are competency based which is a combination of formal learning and workplace training which gives you the ability to apply skills and knowledge, even in new situations and environments. They gain experience and training on-the-job with their employer and complete formal training towards a nationally recognised qualification with a Registered Training Organisation. Click here to find more information.
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Information Sessions
For details about these events and for information on Army Reserve Information Sessions, visit the Defence Jobs Australia Facebook site or click on the links below for our local area sessions.
17/10/2022 Brisbane: Gap Year Careers Information Session
20/10/2022 Loganholme: Defence Careers Information Session
Thinking about a trade in the ADF?
Some ADF trade jobs are similar to those found in the civilian world while others are unique to the military and will see you working with some of the most technically advanced equipment and systems in the world. All come with a great salary from the day you start, comprehensive training, travel and amazing experiences. Click here for more information about Trade opportunities in the Australian Defence Force.
Choosing a Job that Suits You
The Australian Government's jobactive site has information that will assist you in researching and planning your next career/job. You will find information on:
- Your Future Career - Uses your interests, experience and qualifications to find jobs that could suit you.
- Career Quiz - Suggests jobs based on the tasks that you enjoy most.
- Job Jumpstart - Job Jumpstart can help you work out what jobs might suit you. It offers tailored advice based on your situation.
- Starting a business - You can do some research and planning online.
Jobs Hub Website
The Australian Government is supporting job seekers and employers to connect in a rapidly changing jobs market. Job Hub allows you to explore available job opportunities and can also help you identify similar jobs matching your skills for a broader range of options. Click here to find out more information on:
- Care and support work
- Construction and traffic control
- Logistics, Warehousing and Transport
- Retail
- Hospitality and tourism
- Contact and call centres
- Jobs in demand by location
A Career in Youth Work
If you are interested in offering help and support to others and empowering young people to find their way in the world, a career in youth work could be for you. Youth workers build trust and understanding between young people and their families and young people and their community. They empower young people to make informed choices. These could be choices to do with education, work, health or relationships. They encourage them to build their skills and improve their wellbeing. If you feel that this could be a great job for you, click here to read more about:
- What do youth workers do
- Why become a youth worker
- Education pathways
- Tools and Resources
Aviation Australia Flight Attendant Training
Aviation Australia delivers courses across the aviation industry. Find out about course options including:
Free TAFE for Year 12 Graduates
To support Queensland's Year 12 graduates to successfully transition to employment, the Government is offering fee-free training in high priority qualifications. The training is available through a range of Certificate III level vocational education and training (VET) courses as well as apprenticeships and traineeships. View the courses offered by TAFE Queensland and the full list of high priority qualifications is available on the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website.
Defence Force Recruiting
Below are the upcoming Defence Force Recruiting information session for October and November
See below upcoming October information sessions.
Monday, 17th Oct Gap Year Careers 6:00pm DFRC Brisbane
Thursday, 20th Oct Defence Careers 6:00pm Fitzy's Loganholme
Monday, 24th Oct Women in Defence 6:00pm via Google Meets
Monday, 24th Oct Indigenous Pathways 6:00pm Hotel Richlands
Tuesday, 25th Oct Army Reserve 6:00pm DFRC Brisbane
Thursday, 27th Oct Engineering Careers 6:00pm DFRC Brisbane
Addresses for the above information session locations are below: -
- DFRC Brisbane - Level 13, 295 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
- Fitzy's Loganholme - cnr Bryants Road & Pacific Highway, Loganholme QLD 4129
- Hotel Richlands - 132 Government Road, Richlands QLD 4077
See below upcoming November information sessions.
Tuesday, 1st Nov Gap Year Careers 6:00pm DFRC Brisbane
Monday, 7th Nov Defence Careers 6:00pm Souths Leagues Club
Thursday, 10th Nov Trade Careers 6:00pm Eatons Hill Hotel
Thursday, 17th Nov Health Careers 6:00pm via Google Meets
Tuesday, 22nd Nov A Night in the Army Reserve 6:00pm Greenbank Reserves
Tuesday, 29th Nov Navy Careers 6:00pm DFRC Brisbane
Addresses for the above information session locations are below: -
- DFRC Brisbane - Level 13, 295 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
- Souths Leagues Club - 120 Jane Street, West End QLD 4101
- Eatons Hill Hotel & Function Centre - 646 South Pine Road, Eatons Hill QLD 4037
- Greenbank Reserves - 1-129 Goodna Road, Greenbank QLD 4124
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities Year 10 and Year 11 Students Only
The Retail Food Group (DESBT)
- Certificate II in Retail at Gloria Jean’s Coffee Logan Hyperdome
Opportunities for Year 12 Leavers
Osmac Apprenticeships
OSMAC are seeking keen Year 12 students that want to secure an apprenticeship in the following trades:
Air/Con & Electrical, Engineering Trades, Plumber, Carpentry, Plastering, Painting, Cabinet Making, Shopfitting, Tiling, Light & Heavy Vehicle and Panel Beaters/Spray Painters.
You must have a car and license (or plan to by Nov 2022), Have a white card, not be scared of heights, and a Certificate I in Construction (preferred but not essential). Students must meet the criteria for each trade. All enquiries must be directed to Kirsten Twyford M: 0413 431 420 or E: kirsten@ogt.com.au
Apprenticeships Queensland
Please see below the list of current full-time vacancies. More information can be found on their website www.apprenticeshipsqld.com.au/vacancies where you can register.
Please go to MEGT’s website to view current vacancies where you can apply. Apprentice and trainee job vacancies | MEGT (Australia) Ltd
SEQ Interiors – Logan
South East Queensland Interiors Pty Ltd are looking for motivated and hard working individual to join their crew. It would ideal if you had your licence and transport to get to work everyday as you will be working in multiple locations across Brisbane and Logan. The best part about this job – the end result! Once you learn all the aspects of drywall plastering it is an accomplishment to see the end result of what you have worked for - the completed walls inside a house, townhouse, unit or shop/office fitout! When everything is ready for painting and it looks like a real house - then you see what your work creates and it feels amazing! It is important to take pride in your work, have attention to detail and be even a little bit fit because this job is physically demanding but worth it!
East Coast Apprenticeships
Please see the below links for our current apprenticeship/traineeship vacancies.
Carpentry Apprentice (Junior 1st Year) Job in Brisbane QLD - SEEK
Business Admin Traineeship Job in Brisbane QLD - SEEK
If any of the students are interested in undertaking an apprenticeship/traineeship, please contact Fushia Tongpao 07 3219 3244 or fushiat@ectraining.com.au
Tutoring positions are available for Year 12s graduating this year for next year 2023 job opportunities. Tutoring jobs work well with university schedules and we find that our Year 12 graduates have become our best tutors as they are up to date with the current curriculum. Please see flyer below.
Apply now for a start in January.
Become a chef sooner with an intensive apprenticeship pathway program. Delivered within 2 years, this program provides the skills and knowledge to move into employment as a stage 2 apprentice, reducing the total time needed to complete the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30816). And the best part? This program is fully subsidised by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) (eligibility criteria applies). Based at the South Bank campus, students will learn how to work effectively in the kitchen and refine their skills in the fundamentals of cookery, all while maintaining the quality and safety of the food they are preparing. If you wish to apply please do so here. TAFE Queensland (tafeqld.edu.au)
Further information on any of the above can be obtained from the VET office in J1.
God Bless
Pathways News
Year 12 Students
2022 Queensland Year 12 ATARs will be released on 16 December 2022. A reminder to ATAR eligible students - you must register with QTAC to receive your ATAR – students who do not register will not be notified of their rank. Vist QTAC's ATAR registration page with your LUI number, full name (as per your QCAA Learner Account) DOB and the personal email use for your application (not your school email).
Financial Assistance and Scholarships
Griffith Business School Scholarship
Year 12 students interested in studying Business are encouraged to apply for a Griffith Business School scholarship. As Griffith recruits the next generation of responsible business leaders, these scholarships are designed to reward both those achieving academic excellence and those with potential. Apply now for the following scholarships:
- BusinessPLUS Next Step Scholarship
- BusinessPLUS Academic Excellence Scholarship
- BusinessPLUS First Peoples Scholarship
QUT Women in Science, Mathematics or IT
QUT is launching a new scholarship for students who identify as female and start their science, mathematics or IT studies in 2023. There is no application form for this scholarship as all eligible students who complete a QTAC application in line with QTAC key dates will be considered. Find out more about this scholarship here.
QUT Equity Scholarships
Applications for QUT Equity Scholarships open soon. The scholarship is open to students experiencing financial hardship and includes bursaries and computers. Personal hardships such as medical conditions will also be considered. Click the above link to read more about:
- Specific financial amounts available (Semester 1)
- Applications
- Eligibility criteria
- Compatibility with existing programs
- Frequently Asked Questions
UQ Engineering Scholarship
The following scholarships are available for students studying Engineering in 2023. Click on the links for more scholarship information and application closing dates which vary from scholarship to scholarship:
- Liveris Academy Undergraduate Scholarship - closing date 20 November 2022
- Dalio Philanthropies Scholarship - closing date 20 November 2022
- Ravago Group Scholarship - closing date 19 March 2023
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation Scholarship - closing date 20 November2022
- Santos Engineering Scholarship - closing date 19 March 2023
- Sir William Tyree Engineering Scholarship - closing date 19 March 2023
- Kathy Hirschfeld AM Scholarship - closing date 19 March 2023
- Sir William Tyree Engineering Scholarship - closing date 19 March 2023
UQ First Nations People’s Economics and Business Scholarships
Scholarship applications for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who wish to study economics and/or business at UQ are now open. Options include financial support funding and study fee-waivers. Find out more about these opportunities and apply today.
UQ Law LEAD Scholarship
Aspiring UQ Law students who need financial assistance are encouraged to apply for the UQ Law Leadership, Excellence and Diversity (LEAD) Scholarship. Applications close on 6 November 2022 – please see me if you require any assistance.
Year 13
Year13 is an online resource for post school options. It provides information on Culture, travel life, student life, money, growing up and wellbeing. Under each of these areas you will find articles with comprehensive information to assist with job and life planning after school.
Queensland School of Film and Television Workshops
QSFT will hold the following workshops at their Annerley campus, 22 Warwick Street, Annerley:
22 October 2022 9am - 1.00pm – Direct IT – Introduction to Directing Workshops
11 November 2022 9am - 4pm - Videography for Business - Product & Services Videos for Website & Social Media (for business & organisation participants)
19 November 2022 9am - 1pm - Film It! Introduction to Video Production Workshop
3 December 2022 9am - 1pm - Edit It! Introduction to Editing Workshop
Register an expression of interest in attending a workshop here.
Community News
Sustainable School Shop - Second hand Textbooks, Uniforms etc