2022 Term 4 Week 8
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
College Awards' Evening
Graduation - Class of 2022
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Sport News
Library News
2023 Important Dates
2023 Bus Information and Updates
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Welcome to the last Newsletter for 2022.
Awards Night
Last Wednesday was a magnificent celebration of our many students whose academic efforts and achievements were deserving of recognition. In my address to the community, I referred to a lines penned by Marianne Ferguson. I expressed that they were a beautiful articulation of what we want from all of our students – it is to empower them to display their God-given talents and abilities for all to see. The culture that this would create would be beyond amazing.
I also expressed my gratitude to our parents who have sought to positively support their child’s efforts throughout 2022. Working in partnership with our teachers, who want the best for all students, so much is possible.
Congratulations to all who walked the stage. Stand tall and be proud.
Year 12 Graduation
Last Friday, the Seniors left our gates for the final time as students of the College. It was a wonderful celebration and it was great that the community were present to acknowledge this important milestone. The students were reminded that we value their uniqueness and that we pray they go forward, using what they have learnt here, to make the world a better place. The Reading and the Gospel highlighted that God calls each of us, regardless of how imperfect we are, to Live Christ’s Challenge.
We wish all the best for our 2022 Graduants. They are now alumni of the College and we look forward to sharing their story.
Year 7, 2023 Orientation Day
On Monday, 28th November, we will welcome our 2023 Year 7 cohort for their Orientation Day. No doubt, they will be excited and so will the Student Leaders who will greet them and walk with them as they begin their journey at Chisholm Catholic College.
It is a Pupil Free Day; however, if your student requires supervision, please contact us to make arrangements – scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
COVID-19 traffic light system elevated to Amber status
As of Friday, 11th November, the Queensland Government announced that Queensland is entering a fourth wave and has moved Queensland’s traffic light system status from Green to Amber.
When the traffic light is Green, it is recommended that:
- stay home if you're sick
- keep up to date with your vaccinations
- maintain good hygiene
- take a rapid antigen test (RAT) if you get COVID-19 symptoms
- if required by a healthcare provider, venue, or household.
If you get COVID-19:
- register your RAT result
- stay home until you’re well again
- wear a mask for 7 days after you test positive
- avoid visiting hospitals, aged care, or disability care for 7 days after you test unless you are receiving care
- ask household members to closely monitor symptoms.
Amber (Tier 1) means there are moderate rates of community transmission. When the traffic light is amber, you should follow the advice for the green traffic light, and:
- wear a mask
- in healthcare settings
- indoors, if you can't socially distance
- on public transport
- if you are older or medically at risk
- if you're around people who are vulnerable to COVID-19
- take a rapid test (RAT) every 2 days if someone in your household has COVID-19.
People who are older or have medical conditions can be more vulnerable to serious illness if they get COVID-19.
The Chief Health Officer urged all Queenslanders to stay at home if they are sick, to undertake RAT testing and record positive results with Queensland Health and for close contact household members to monitor for symptoms and undertake RAT testing.
In the interests of the health and wellbeing of our community BCE expects staff to follow the Queensland Government recommendations for Amber.
More information from Queensland Health can be accessed here: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/health-advice/traffic-light-advice
College Awards' Evening
Graduation - Class of 2022
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Eleni Greenaway
Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal
Thank you to the Chisholm community for the many generous donations. These items have been packaged and sent to St Vincent De Paul for delivery to local families in need in our area. In donating to this appeal, we are truly working towards our College Mission to Live Christ’s Challenge.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25:40.
Queensland Indigenous Youth Strategy
On Monday, a group of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students participated in the Queensland Indigenous Youth Strategy online session. This was an amazing interactive opportunity for our young people to share their vision for a better future with the Queensland Government. We heard from Myiesha, a past QATSIF student and a member of the Queensland Government Youth Strategy Engagement Panel and all of our students contributed to the discussion. Read below Leilani’s comments on the consultation.
‘Being able to participate in this meeting was an amazing opportunity. It was incredible to feel seen and heard as an indigenous student, and incredibly comforting to know that other indigenous students across our nation share similar opinions, views and issues as us. It was very validating to be able to share our experiences as indigenous people, and to brainstorm solutions to the issues faced. To have people in position of power take note of our feelings, and take our solutions and ideas into account was something that made everyone happy. To be involved in conversations that are taken into account by our government is important, and demonstrates commitment to reconciliation from many.’
Graduating Class of 2022
Farewell to our Class of 2022! It was a joyous occasion to share your Graduation with you, your family members and the College on Friday. May God Bless our 2022 Graduands and their families now and into the future.
Blessing on Our Year 12 Graduates
We ask the blessings of our Lord be upon you
May you be strengthened with the Spirit
To act justly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with God
And to always be people of faith, ambition, commitment, integrity, love and mercy.
May you be blessed with the spirit of Caroline Chisholm
To question what seems unjust
To serve those who are in need
To befriend the alienated and lonely
To dedicate yourself to God’s purpose
May you be blessed with the spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
To value the poor and helpless
To include the marginalized
To treat all with dignity
May you Live Christ’s Challenge:
To serve,
To forgive,
To love.
The Season of Advent marks the beginning of a new year in the liturgical calendar. It is the time of expectant waiting and remembering the birth of Jesus at Christmas. It is a significant Catholic tradition and celebration of the year. The readings for Advent begin with a magnificent passage from the early chapters of Isaiah, the prophet whose writings will dominate the entire season. For the readings please follow the link First Sunday of Advent Year A (australiancatholics.com.au)
Blessing for this Christmas Season
Whenever we gaze into the crib this Christmas season
May new hope and joy flood our spirit
Whenever we watch babies and young children playing
May a new energy delight our hearts
Whenever we are tantalised by the aroma of a bbq
May we unwind, relax and enjoy time off
Whenever the crush of family and friends overwhelms us
May the hospitality of our hearts expand
Whenever we provide a meal or bed over the holidays
May we experience love and appreciation
Whenever we spy our reflection in the mirror or pool
May we find ourselves to be images of God
Whenever we put our feet up for leisure
May the humble presence of the Incarnate One companion us
Whenever we feel our distance from each other around the world.
May the Christ child draw us into unity.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs. Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Study Fit for the Holidays
With the holidays in sight, it is a special time of the year when our students can recharge their batteries, spend time with their nearest and dearest and prepare for the New Year.
Year 11 students transitioning into Year 12 especially, it is important that some of those preparations include some holiday study. When our students come back to school in 2023, we want them to come in confident in their ability to succeed in their studies. For our ATAR eligible students, this may be time spent on consolidating Unit 3, pre-reading their textbooks and summarising notes, it could also include creating ATAR study notebooks. For students completing TAFE, this is an excellent opportunity to get ahead of the game and complete modules, catch up on any missed competencies or get some hands-on experience by seeking opportunities in their chosen field.
Fear not Middle School, there is plenty that you can be doing as well to maintain optimum brain power coming into 2023. Suggestions include reading every day, completing challenging brain busters – sudoku, puzzles, crosswords etc. and spending time every day unplugged from digital devices. For reading inspiration, Readers Digest has published the Best 50 Books for Teens of all time: 50 Best YA Books for Teens of All Time — Must-Read Young Adult Books (rd.com). How many have you read?
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
Uniform reminders: what to purchase for next year (commentary around review in Term 1 for T2 onwards); Behaviour; Attendance; Last Week Expectations
Next week draws to a close the very successful trial of an alternative uniform. We have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of uniform infringements, and we thank all students and their families for their hard work to ensure the uniform guidelines are followed.
For next year, we ask families to ensure they are ready to return to the college with the full and correct summer uniform. This includes:
- Formal hats to be worn with the formal uniform.
- Formal dress shoes to be worn with the formal uniform. Please note, this does not include Nike air forces or any other skate-style shoe. Please see the infographic below.
- Runners to be worn with the sports uniform. Skate shoes or canvas shoes are not permitted.
Students are reminded that jewellery should be limited to one necklace of religious significance and one set of sleepers or studs in ears. Piercings are not permitted at the college.
Uniforms are available for purchase through the School Locker website.
We thank families for their ongoing support of our uniform and its process.
As we are coming to the end of the 2022 school year, the College would like to acknowledge the increased attendance of our students. Throughout the year, we have seen a clear improvement towards our goal of 90% of students attending at least 90% of the time. Due to the continued impact of COVID-19 and the lockdowns at the start of the year, the attendance rate was lower than anticipated. In 2023, the College focus will be on improving student engagement, College pride with a positive effect on the attendance rate.
In the last week of school, the year 7 to 9 students are expected to attend on Tuesday and Wednesday as a prerequisite to joining the end of year excursion on Thursday. Students are encouraged to start to bring their materials home and clear their lockers, starting on Tuesday.
Although the Chisholm Catholic College students have completed most of their assessment, the teachers will continue to provide the students with subject related activities in their classes. We encourage students to continue to build positive relationships with their teachers and peers during these final days of the year.
We wish all students and parents/caregivers a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Elizabeth Lord
In previous years, the National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) was held in May of each year. This year the Education Ministers agreed to move the test window, and NAPLAN will be held earlier next year, to the end of Term 1 in 2023.
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for the central management of NAPLAN tests. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) coordinates the administration, marking, and reporting of the tests in Queensland. The tests assess students in the areas of literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy.
Previously, NAPLAN has been held in the second week of May for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) notified schools that education ministers had agreed to move the test window for NAPLAN to Term 1. It will be held from Wednesday, 15th to Monday, 27th March (Weeks 8 to 10).
Moving the tests to Term 1, 2023 will have two benefits:
- For our parents and carers, this point-in-time assessment provides parents and carers information about how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared to their peers throughout Australia, earlier in the year.
- At the classroom level, moving the tests forward means this data will be available earlier in the year to inform teaching and learning programs.
Practice Test
In 2023, practice tests are available, though no formal practice week will be conducted. As a school, we have been encouraged to participate in practice tests to check technical and student readiness or complete staff training. Advice early next year will be provided to inform students in Years 7 and 9 when these will occur.
From 2022, all Queensland schools transitioned well to the online platform delivery of NAPLAN. This means that all students across Queensland sit their NAPLAN test online, using a computer. As you prepare for your student’s return to school next year, please ensure you include plug-in-headphones when shopping for school supplies, as these will be required for both the practice tests and NAPLAN tests. Please note: Bluetooth headphones cannot be used in NAPLAN.
NAP Resources
The NAP resources page www.nap.edu.au/resources also has many documents including:
- NAPLAN information for parents/carers NAP - For parents and carers
- NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers NAPLAN – information for parents and carers
Finding Out More
The latest information on the National Assessment Program (NAP) is available from the:
- NAP website nap.edu.au
- NAPLAN Online webpage www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment
- QCAA 2023 NAPLAN webpage www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/p-10/naplan/naplan-2023.
Further information regarding NAPLAN will be sent home in Term 1, 2023. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Mrs Elisabeth Lord
A – Middle Years Learning Leader
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Chisholm Sport 2023 SECA Sign On
Preparation is underway for the 2023 SECA Sports year. All students from Year 7 to Year 12 are able to sign on for a SECA Sport/Activity in early 2023. If students really enjoyed a certain sport or activity this year, please talk with your mates and so you can all participate together again in 2023. It is important that students have registered their interest to play via ChisholmPlus+ in the first few weeks of Term 1 so the relevant information can be received. Further information regarding this will be communicated once the College resumes in Term 1, 2023.
Pacific District School Sport 2023 SECA Sign On
The Representative Sporting Calendar for 2023 is set and will begin in earnest, with the following nominations/trials being called in the first week back at the College in 2023. If students are interested they are to email Mr Ellis via College email, mathew.ellis@bne.catholic.edu.au to express their interest to participate. Students must be active members in the sport they are choosing to attend, these are not come and try trials. This is the beginning step of the Queensland Secondary School Sport pathway through to Qld Schoolboy/Schoolgirl and National Schools selection. 2023 will follow what occurred in 2022 with students and parents being emailed in the beginning of the school year a complete electronic sign on sheet for school representative sport that will be open until Week 3 of Term 1. We will not take any nominations after this point. Students are required to nominate for all 2023 trials via this form over this time period to allow the timely passing on of trial information as it comes to hand from the District Secretary and District Sport Convenors.
District Nominations Due:
Tuesday 24th Jan 2023
- 16-19 Boys Cricket
- 13-19 Girls Softball
- 15-18 B&G Baseball
- 13-19 B&G Tennis
Wednesday 25th Jan 2023
- 16-19 Girls Cricket
- 10-12 Boys Cricket
- 10-12 Girls Cricket
- 17 years B&G Water polo (Paper nomination)
District Trials 2023:
Wednesday 25th Jan 2023
- 16-19 Boys Cricket
Friday 27th Jan 2023
- 13-19 Girls Softball
- 15-18 B&G Baseball
- 13-19 B&G Tennis
Tuesday 31st Jan 2023
- 16-19 G Cricket
- 10-12 B Cricket
- 10-12 G Cricket
Chisholm Sport 2022 Award Winners
The 2022 College Awards Night occurred last week and it was fantastic to be able to recognise all students who made valuable contributions to the College’s Sport programme. Well done to all students who received their Bronze, Silver, Gold level awards across the Interhouse Carnivals and Representative Sporting arenas. Please find below, the recipients of our major culminating awards:
Male Sportsman of Year – Locklan Ball
Female Sportswoman of Year (Alicia Coutts award) – Annika Vermeulen
Congratulations to…..
Thank you to all those parents and students who have notified the College Sport Department of your Sporting success in 2022. We are continually blown away by our student sporting achievements across a range of disciplines.
2022 Thankyou
Thank you to all students, parent, Chisholm staff and community members who have supported our College Sport Program this year. We wish everybody a safe and happy holiday time, recharge the batteries over this Christmas and New Year period as the 2023 sporting year is fast approaching!
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
There have been a lot of new titles added to our collection this term. Click on the linked image to find out more. These are just a few to whet your appetite!
The Upwelling (riverbendbooks.com.au)
The Insiders (riverbendbooks.com.au)
The Marvellers (The Marvellers, #1) (riverbendbooks.com.au)
Where You Left Us (riverbendbooks.com.au)
Indigo Moon (riverbendbooks.com.au)
Indigo Moon (riverbendbooks.com.au)
2023 Important Dates
2023 Bus Information and Updates
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2023
The Chisholm Bus Card needs to be retained for use in 2023. Please ensure your student keeps it in a safe place, suggest their school bag, ready for start of the school year.
If your student has lost their card, please email ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au to request a replacement card for 2023. The cost of replacement cards is $5.
All seats of the Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands have been allocated for 2023, confirmation emails have been issued.
There is a waiting list for both Springwood and Redlands bus.
Community News