2023 Term 1 Week 3
Principal's News
Parents and Community Association (PCA)
Deputy Principal's News
Immunisation Program for Year 7 and Year 10 Students
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
BCE Connect App
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Pathways News
Community News
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Getting on With Learning
We are now in Week 3 and although we have some significant events scheduled for this week, the emphasis for us all is to get on with learning. A new year presents an amazing opportunity for all students, and that is the ability to establish themselves as they want to be seen this year. It is an opportunity to truly focus on doing their best, noting that we want to see all students experience success and joy with their learning.
Parents/Carers, you play a most crucial role in this. Be conscious of your child’s ‘self-talk’ and re-direct comments that they make which will only serve to impede their progress. Talk with your child about their learning each day – a short conversation about what they learnt in their various classes provides you with an opportunity to encourage their efforts. This will affirm that you care about their efforts and the importance of learning.
College Events – Open Invitation
We want to see parents involved in the life of your child’s schooling. Pre-covid, we saw parents attending such events as the Opening Mass and Swimming Carnival in positive numbers. There is nothing impeding your involvement, so I extend an open invitation for you to be a visible part of College life. When we have events we will sustain this invitation as we know how crucial it is to sustaining the partnership that exists between teachers, students and parents/carers.
There will be times when we invite parents to assist with various events. Again, this serves to build a community that wants to see our values of FAMILY visible in all that we do. Your presence and time are seen as important.
One such avenue is to be involved in the Parents and Community Association. Later in the Newsletter you will see some information about the role and function of the PCA. For those who are fearful of signing-up for fundraising, that is only a very small part. It is an opportunity to keep abreast of what is happening within the College, and is a frequent point of consultation.
Staffing – Leadership Changes and Welcome to New Staff
During the holidays there have been some changes to leadership. As outlined last year, Mr Brendan Luxton has taken on the Acting Deputy Principal role at Sophia College, Plainlands, for 2023. Mrs Sarah Van Der Westhuizen will be our Acting Assistant Principal – Curriculum. Mr Gregory Mill steps into the Acting Academic Leader – Humanities position and Ms Vanessa Maguire the Acting Academic Leader – Religion role.
Mrs Eleni Greenaway was appointed to an Acting Education Officer – Religious Education for Term 1. Mrs Kristie Mackle has been appointed Acting Assistant Principal – Religious Education. The Acting Program Leader – Student Engagement will be taken on by Mr James O’Sullivan and the Acting Pastoral Leader – MacKillop is Mr Conor Glennon. We look forward to Mrs Greenaway’s return in Term 2, but have great confidence in the Acting appointments.
Ms Petronella Klincke was appointed to a senior Middle Leadership role within another Brisbane Catholic Education College at the end of last year. We welcome Mrs Jo-Anne Goodall to the College, and look forward to observing her leadership in the role of Academic Leader – English and Languages.
Ms Bronwyn Masterman has taken on another role within a Brisbane Catholic Education College. Subsequently, Mrs Alana Hurst has been appointed Program Leader – Learning Enrichment. Mrs Hurst is well known for her work within Learning Enrichment and will provide valuable leadership in this most important area.
We welcome the following staff to our teaching team. We look forward to sharing their story and journey in education through upcoming Newsletters. They each offer amazing capabilities, knowledge and experience.
- Kate Bowden
- Lance Coassin
- Damien Coombs – Support Teacher: Inclusive Education
- Antonia Conomos
- Joshua Damen
- Kiralee Dempster
- Chloe Elliot
- Teresa Grimm
- Alexander Kay
- James Pink
- Patrick Stormon
Joining our Guidance Counselling team is Mrs Alice Dowden. Mrs Dowden is a very experienced teacher within Brisbane Catholic Education. Her move into Guidance Counselling comes with a genuine appreciation for supporting our students.
Our very important School Officer Team has also seen some welcome additions. Each has abilities that will enrich the role that they have in our College.
- Janet Allen – Main Reception
- Noel Brown – Library Technician
- Goran Gagic – Maintenance
- Michael Griffin – Maintenance
- Samantha Mitchell – Learning Enrichment Officer
- Samuel Round – Learning Enrichment Officer
Parents and Community Association (PCA)
All parents/carers are invited to join the Parents and Community Association (PCA). The PCA actively supports the College with many endeavours. It is open to all parents and we invite you to be a part of this group that typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The purpose of the PCA is much more than fundraising; we value the ability to consult with parents and members of our community about what is happening at Chisholm Catholic College, and the strategic planning direction that we are taking.
It is also a fantastic way to make links with other parents and to form new friendships. The first PCA Meeting for 2023 is Tuesday, 14th February, commencing at 6:00pm and will be held in the Chisholm Centre.
Please see the attached letter from our PCA President, Craig Donohue.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Sun Safety
Students are required to wear their hats to and from school, between classes and at both breaks. This is designed for their sun safety. Students are also encouraged to wear sunscreen, particularly if they like to play on the oval at breaktimes. Sunscreen should also be applied during PE lessons and outdoor sporting activities. Sunscreen is available for these times.
Lining Up for Buses
Just a reminder that students who are waiting for buses or to be picked up at the front of the school need to wait behind the fence. Students are only to move to the kerb once the bus/car has arrived at the front of the school.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not to be used during school hours. They are required to be placed in student lockers between 8.30am and 2.55pm. If you need to contact your child during the day, please contact the office and any messages will be passed on.
Students should not be on their phones when using the pedestrian crossings or when in the car park. This is a very dangerous practice as the students are unaware of their surroundings when they are on the phone.
Immunisation Program for Year 7 and Year 10 Students
Our school is participating in Queensland Health’s Annual School Immunisation Program. All Year 7 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program schedule to protect against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough). Year 10 students will be offered Meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccine.
Vaccines offered in the Queensland School Immunisation Program | ||
School Year | Vaccine | Dose and administration |
Year 7 | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) | Two doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be offered. The recommended interval for the two doses is 6 months. |
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (dTpa) | One booster dose of adult/adolescent formulation dTpa vaccine will be offered. Most students would have received vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis when they were pre-school age. | |
Year 10 | Meningococcal ACWY | One dose of adult/adolescent formulation of Meningococcal ACWY vaccine will be offered. Some students received vaccination against the Meningococcal C strain when they were an infant. This vaccine is for the meningococcal A,C,W, and Y strains. |
It is important that you read the information booklet contained in the consent pack which was sent home with your child in the first week of school.
Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated. If you would like your child to be vaccinated, please fill in the consent card and return it to the school within one week.
If you do not wish your child to be vaccinated, or your child has already been vaccinated with the offered vaccines, please complete the ‘No to Vaccination’ section on the consent card and return the consent card to the school within one week.
New laws require the school principal to disclose student and parent information for eligible Year 7 and year 10 students to the school immunisation provider if requested. This information will enable the school immunisation provider to determine those who have and have not consented, and directly follow-up with parents of students who have not returned a consent card. This direct follow-up ensures all parents are offered the opportunity for their child to participate in this important school health program. It may also assist you in making decisions about your child’s immunisation needs.
Parents who have indicated ‘No to Vaccination’ will not be followed up by the provider.
School immunisation providers will be bound to comply with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). This Act stipulates the requirements for the secure collection, use, storage and disposal of personal information to be followed by school health program providers.
The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised registered nurses and/or a medical practitioner. Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have an adequate breakfast on the morning of vaccination.
The vaccination team will be visiting the school to give the free vaccinations on the following date/s:
Clinic 1 (Year 7) | Clinic 2 (Year 10) | Clinic 3 (Year 7) |
Wednesday, 22nd February | Wednesday, 22nd February | Wednesday, 23rd August |
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit www.health.qld.gov.au/immunisation
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Kristie Mackle
Welcome to 2023
It is with great excitement that I step into the role of Assistant Principal – Religious Education for Term 1. As a member of the College community since 2021, I have had the privilege of working as both a classroom English, History and Religion teacher, as well as working with students, teachers, and the community as Student Engagement Leader. This term is shaping up to be a busy but fulfilling term guided by faith, hope and connection and I look forward to sharing in the journey as we nurture our young people to be the best they can be.
Opening Mass
This Thursday 9th February, we celebrate the start of the school year with our Opening Mass and investiture of student leaders. Parents of Year 12 students and Year 9 and 12 student leaders are asked to check their inbox for an invitation to join us on the day. Light refreshments will be provided after the service, as well as an opportunity to receive a photo and write a message of goodwill or blessing for our students as they embark on their leadership journey or final year of formal schooling.
Parents of Year 9 and 12 student leaders have received a separate email from the College inviting them to be a part of the ceremony.
Joined by Fr. Richard from St Matthews Parish, we look forward to coming together to celebrate Mass and the start of our school year.
Rosies Student Outreach Program
Students in Year 11 and 12 have been invited to participate in the Rosies Student Outreach Program. This is a wonderful opportunity for our senior students to experience an outreach and offer friendship and kindness to each attending friend. Interested students are reminded to express their interest to Mrs Ibell, Campus Minister, via email. Thank you to the fabulous Mrs Ibell for her organisation of this opportunity.
Year 7 Welcome Liturgy
Last week, we formally welcomed our Year 7 students to the College with a liturgy of the word and house badge ceremony. Offering words of encouragement and support for new beginnings, our Year 7 students received a house badge from their House Captain and Vice House Captain. We warmly welcome all new students to our College family.
Staff Spotlight
Each newsletter, it is my pleasure to introduce to the College community two of Chisholm’s wonderful college staff. This week I’d like to introduce two new members to the family.
Teresa Grimm - Teacher
How long have you been teaching for?
Approx 8 years
What are your hobbies/interests?
Reading and catching up with friends
Tell us a fun fact about you:
Last year my Cavoodle and I, Charlie, walked 5km every morning.
Alexander Kay - Teacher
How long have you been teaching for?
This is my first year
What are your hobbies/interests?
Reading, sport, painting and socializing.
Tell us a fun fact about you:
This year, I have a challenge to read a book each week.
As Pope Francis said, “true education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life”. I look forward to this exciting new chapter and continuing to serve the community in 2023.
God bless.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs. Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Curriculum Letters - Term One
The importance of good organisation can never be overrated. At the start of a new school year, students are encouraged to plan their study schedules so that they can manage the many competing demands on their time. A good plan, can and does help to mitigate the stresses of assessment, homework and learning new content. This year, we hope to help our students plan their time effectively with our Curriculum Letters. These can be found on the Parent Portal and detail the content of each learning area, the type of assessment students are completing as well as the due dates.
A link to these curriculum letters can be found here: Parent Portal - School Documents - All Documents (bne.catholic.edu.au)
Exam Block Year 12
Year 12 students will be entering the end phase of their Unit 3, topic 1 course work this term. This journey begins in Week 4 with exams occurring for Business, Legal Studies, Modern History, Essential English, Essential Maths, Study of Religion, Literature, Chemistry and Spanish. Students will be expected to be at school every day, as normal lessons will continue for the majority of classes. Students will also have assessment and project work that will be due in the coming weeks. See the above curriculum letters for all these dates.
Students can be exam ready and study fit by revising content every night, giving themselves brain breaks to retain content and having an exam kit ready to go (pencil, black or blue pen, eraser, ruler, clear plastic pencil case or bag, clear water bottle). I encourage you to download the Year 12 curriculum letters to help support your child through this exciting and nerve-wracking time.
Illness and Misadventure
If your child is sick or absent on the day of an exam, they will need to apply for an Access Arrangement for Reasonable Adjustment (AARA). This is a mandated process that is approved through the QCAA. Students will need to submit a student statement, a medical report in the case of an illness, or other supporting documentation including official notices, police reports or government reports.
In the case of an illness on the day of a scheduled exam your child will also need to provide a medical certificate which outlines the following information:
- the illness, condition or event (including details of a diagnosis, where applicable)
- date of diagnosis, onset or occurrence
- symptoms, treatment or course of action related to the condition or event
- explanation of the probable effect of the illness, condition or event on the student’s participation in the assessment
As this process is approved by QCAA, there is no guarantee that the student will be able to sit a comparable exam. For more information around these requirements please use this link to the QCAA handbook. For more information around our school assessment policy, the assessment flowchart can be found on the parent portal.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Mr. Krijn van Gils
BullyProof Australia
Bullying No Way states that 29% of Year 8s reported frequent school bullying and according to the 2015 Australian Government, one-third (34.3%) of 11-17 year-olds had been bullied in the previous 12 months. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation commissioned Price Waterhouse Coopers to compile a report, the economic cost of bullying in Australian schools (March 2018). They concluded that each year, 543,000 bully perpetrators instigate more than 45 million bullying incidents at school and that almost 25 per cent of school students in Australia, or an estimated 910,000 children, experience bullying at some stage during their time in school and that the consequences of bullying last for many years after schooling is complete. This report has identified that the costs associated with bullying total an estimated $2.3 billion, incurred while the children are in school and for 20 years after school completion, for each individual school year group.
In an effort to address the societal issue of bullying, many of our students are struggling with, the College is proud to announce that we will work with BullyProof Australia to continue to teach the students in our community about bullying. BullyProof Australia’s mission is to change the culture towards bullying and mental health at every school in Australia. Their belief is that an ideal learning environment is one where students and teachers feel safe, appreciated, respected, liked and happy.
On Monday 6th February, the first group of teachers will attend the necessary training course to be able to teach the lessons developed by BullyProof Australia and endorsed by Jeff Horn (former World Boxing Champion). This is the first step towards incorporating the program in the school.
Whilst we are rolling out the BullyProof program, the College continues educate the community about bullying and the implications through our STRETCH program.
Year 7 Camp
In Week 4 the Year 7 students will go to their annual camp at Noose North-Shore. We are pleased to see that the number of students attending the camp are at an all-time high. The camp is integral to the Year 7 program and a great opportunity for students to get to know the other students in their grade and the teachers teaching them.
There will be two groups of students at the camp and they are divided by House:
- Group 1 (Flynn, Mitchell & Namatjira) Mon 13th – Wed 15th February 2023. Will depart the College at 7.30am on Monday and will return to the College by 4pm on Wednesday.
- Group 2 (Oodgeroo, MacKillop & Parer) from Wed 15th – Fri 17th February 2023. Will depart the College at 7.30am on Wednesday and return to the College by 4pm on Friday.
We hope students will use this time to build relationships with others in our community and to experience our College’s ethos, values and charism.
Activities at camp will include, but not be limited to, high ropes, canoeing, team development, mountain biking, indoor rock climbing, night laser tag and Chisholm induction activities. Please be aware that, while there will be no swimming at the beach, there will be supervised opportunities for the students to swim in the pool located at the campgrounds.
Attendance Matters
This year, one of the strategic goals of the College is to improve the attendance rates of students. Our goals align with the BCE Strategic priority of 90% of students attending 90% of the time.
The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent.
Attendance is closely related to student connection to the school. This year we are increasing the number of opportunities for students to get involved in activities before, during and after school. These include Art Club, Anime Club and lunchtime inter-house competitions.
Please encourage your son/daughter to attend school as often as possible. We understand that sometimes this is difficult, but it is all worth it in the long run.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Elisabeth Lord
Middle Years Certificate of Education
This week we celebrated the Middle Years Certificate of Education.
In 2021, the inaugural Middle Years Certificate of Education was born to reward the summative achievement of two years of learning across Year 8 plus Year 9. We have reviewed the process, to now calculate the summative achievement of academic results for core class learning in one full year of studies.
The Middle Year Certificate of Learning is awarded at the end of Years 7, 8, and 9. The updated version of MYCE aims to provide our students, with an incentive to be aspirational in their learning. Importantly, given the setbacks we have had with our learning in recent years, due to COVID, floods, or illnesses, the reviewed process provides a fair and equitable system.
To help understand the calculation, in its simple terms the following standards awarded – are: Gold – A+ to A- average, Silver – B+ to B- average, Bronze – C+ to C average. This week we awarded the following Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates across the 2022 Year 7, 2022 Year 8, 2022 Year 9 cohorts.
For the current Year 8 and Year 9 students, this year provides another opportunity to achieve more in their studies, aspiring to achieve a silver or gold, for example, if last year results afforded a bronze certificate.
For our Year 7 students who watched the ceremony this week, it is an aspirational goal to work towards achieving three gold pins over your Middle Years journey.
To all award winners, please note that although you received your certificate this week, your bronze, silver, or gold pin have yet to be delivered by our supplier, and when they arrive, we will distribute them to you.
In addition, this week during the Middle Years Certificate of Education ceremony, students with attendance levels at school, and school excursions, of 95% and over received an attendance certificate. Promising to note were the many attendance certificates awarded, demonstrating a strong link between positive attendance at school and strong academic performance.
Learning and Teaching in Middle Years Term 1:
What’s happening in our Middle Years schooling over the next few weeks?
- Students in Years 7-10 will be participating in PAT R and PAT M moderation assessment in Week 4.
- Students in Year 7 will participate in NAPLAN preparation during Week 4.
- Students in Year 9 will participate in NAPLAN preparation during Week 5.
- Students in Years 7 and 9 will participate in NAPLAN during Week 8-10 of term.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Lord, A/ Middle Years Learning Leader via email elord@bne.catholic.edu.au
BCE Connect App
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Representative School Sport
We have finished our two week sign on period for all Representative School Sport. The sign on link emailed to all families and students has now closed. The Pacific District Sport Calendar can be found under Sport in the Parent Portal, with a subsequent link to the South Coast Regional School Sport Website and Calendar. If you have missed this nomination period, please contact Mr Ellis at the College to see if you can be included.
Thank you to all students/parents who have signed on, we have over 190 responses wishing to trial.
SECA Sport
Preparations for the Term 2 season of SECA Sport are well under way with nominations for 2023 occurring very shortly. Expressions of Interest have been emailed to all students and placed in Daily Notices about SECA Cricket in Term 1. Interested students need to email Mr Ellis so we can nominate teams to this SECA Gala Day event. Teams are combined Year levels 7 & 8, 9 & 10, and then Seniors for boys and girls.
Congratulations to...
- Leo and Kennan Gallagher for representing Queensland at the recent Australian Youth Water Polo Championships.
- Lily Mae Shannon for her selection into the Queensland Indoor Hockey, Under 13 Girls Fire team. Lily’s team won the National Indoor Hockey title for their division over the summer period, well done Lily!
- Ty Iddon competed for Queensland Under 18 mens Baseball team over the Christmas break. His team were incredibly successful and won the National Championship, the first Queensland Under 18 mens team to do so in over ten years. Well done Ty!
FairPlay Vouchers
Participation in team and individual sport and active recreation can be a challenge due to increased costs.
The Queensland Government offers families some relief to eligible families through the FairPlay scheme, providing a $150 voucher.
Please refer to the following website for more information and the process for applying.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
Welcome Back to the Library for 2023!
The school year started off well with many new and returning students visiting to read, borrow, play chess or just hang out.
Ms Relja.
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms. Mala Nair
The new school year always begins with a great sense of excitement and anticipation for our senior students as they start engaging in identifying and finding a career path, that they are passionate about. We are here to help our young people gain confidence and step up to take the opportunities available them. This year we have approximately 65 students participating in various school-based programs off-campus. We wish them all the best in their pursuit to additional pathway options whilst still completing their senior schooling.
Employment Outcomes Improve for VET Graduates
The latest VET student outcomes report from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) shows the employment outcomes for students who complete vocational education and training (VET) qualifications have improved. Results from the survey, which was run in mid-2022, show 65.0% of students who completed a VET qualification had an improved employment outcome after training, up by 4.4 percentage points compared with 2021. Read more detail here.
Networking - Time to Start
“Networking, now?” I hear you say. Networking is a valuable tool in your personal, educational and professional world. Networking is about getting to know people, not becoming best friends, but developing social and professional relationships with them. With a high percentage of jobs not advertised through traditional job marketing channels, talking with people you know, ‘networking’, can often provide you with job opportunities that you never dreamed of. How to network when still at school? Smart thinkers and planners start networking early no matter what pathway you are planning on after school. Build a positive and professional relationship with your parents' friends, friends' parents, coaches, teachers, co-workers at work etc. Become comfortable talking with them about your career goals, study options and career aspirations. Start researching, especially establishing a LinkedIn account. You just never know who knows who knows who!
What are Job Clusters?
The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) researched 1,000 occupations and identified seven large job clusters based on similar skills wanted by employers. These clusters are:
- The Artisans (builders and maintainers)
- The Generators (sellers and servers)
- The Coordinators (balance the books and do repetitive tasks)
- The Informers (teach and provide information)
- The Designers (use expertise to construct or engineer things)
- The Carers (improve the wellbeing of others)
- The Technologists (understand and manipulate digital technology).
How is it relevant for job identification?
- The skills you get from working in one job could be transferred to 13 other jobs. It is important to recognise the skills you have and understand their transferability.
- With seven new job clusters, you could choose a cluster based on your strengths and interests rather than on one dream job.
- You could get a ‘foot-in-the-door’ job in a job cluster as an entry level job and progress from there to other jobs in clusters that you find rewarding.
- Some job clusters have stronger prospects than others. It would be wise to consider clusters with strong job prospects and jobs that are most likely to grow.
- You could develop a portfolio of skills that will give you a broad range of options within the type of work you want to do in the future. This could future proof your employment.
Read the Australian Careers Service's article explaining the Job clusters approach to career decision making.
What are Australian Apprenticeships?
Completion of an apprenticeship is required for skilled trade areas such as electrical, plumbing, carpentry, cabinetmaking, automotive, hairdressing, etc. Traineeships are undertaken in vocational areas such as office administration, information technology, tourism, hospitality, beauty therapy, etc. Traineeships can take from one to three years to complete, while apprenticeships can take up to four years to complete.
There are over 500 jobs that offer Australian apprenticeships in over 30 different industries and you can find a list of current apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications on the Queensland Training Information Service website . When you finish your apprenticeship or traineeship, you will have a nationally recognised qualification that can take you anywhere in Australia and is held in high regard in many overseas countries as well.
Career Decision Making is Challenging
Career decision making is always challenging. People asking you questions like “what do you want to do for the rest of your life” to “It's a REALLY important decision!”. In reality, you are not making a decision ‘for the rest of your life’''. You are making a job/study/training choice to get you started in the world of employment and money earning. A 2022 Canadian poll of young people reported that only 20% of people are still working in the field of study they chose after leaving school. Click here to read the full Canadian article.
So, that's all well and good, but how to move forward with your career decision making while still at school:
- Start doing your research about what's out there. For starters:
- Talk to people and find out what they do and where they work
- Your parents
- Your friends' parents
- Your parents' friends
- Your coach
- Neighbours
- Take up opportunities while at school:
- Work experience
- Work shadowing
- Lunchtime career meetings and presentations
- Listen and engage during career lessons
- See your Guidance Officer/Career Counsellor/VET coordinator for information on opportunities
- Be in a good space:
- Eat well, sleep well and enjoy life
- Manage your time well
- Make a study plan
- Make time for family and friends and especially YOURSELF
- Make sure you have some fun
- Keep things in perspective as there are many ways to get to where you want to go
- Be resilient and stay positive even when things don't quite ‘go right’
Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC)
The AAFC is an inclusive youth development organisation that focuses on developing youth to fulfill their potential by providing training and experiences that enables them to be better off because of their experiences with the AAFC. From this, the following specific aims have been developed:
- To give cadets a foundation of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) knowledge and discipline
- To develop qualities of leadership, self-reliance, and initiative
- To develop character and good citizenship in the widest sense
- To develop an interest in the RAAF and aviation generally
- To instill a knowledge of aviation history
- To encourage cadets to continue an active interest in aviation into their adult life.
Looking at a Job in Policing or Security?
If you are interested in a job in security or policing, there are several employing organisations you can investigate. These include:
- Queensland Police Recruiting
- Australian Federal Police
- Australian Defence Force
- Australian Secret Intelligence Service
- Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
- Australian Border Force
- Queensland Corrective Services
- Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol
A Good Attitude Will Always Pay Dividends
As the new year starts, it is a good time to put in place some positive measures so that you start well. Below are four things to think about that may assist you to start with a winning attitude:
- Empathy will take you a long way - understand where other people (especially your teachers) are coming from and meet them half-way. It has been a challenging two years and start of the new year for everyone.
- In today's world, your attitude is as important as your aptitude - although grades are important, your attitude will make a great deal of difference to your success and happiness.
- You must trade being fragile for being agile - being adaptable and pliable will see you managing whatever comes your way at school, at home, in the world. Resilience is the key.
- You are strong enough to flourish, not flounder - don't believe the messages, particularly from social media channels, which tells you that life is awful, because it isn't. It just needs you to have a ‘can do’ attitude, a bit of positive thinking and to back yourself to do the hard yards.
- Effectively managing all the things in your life - school, study, family, work, sport and social life will take a lot of stress off your shoulders and you will achieve much better personal and educational outcomes.
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities - Year 10 and Year 11 Students Only
- Cosmetics Plus Certificate III in Business (Australian Retail College)
- Reece Plumbing Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations Underwood (Maxima)
- Logan Hyperdome Soul Origin Certificate III in Business (Prestige)
School Based Traineeship Current Opportunities - Year 12 Students Only
- Diploma in Business accelerated program available for Year 12 students only cost is $2800.
Good luck for a great 2023!!
God Bless
Mala Nair
"The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln)
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
We are very happy to welcome the opportunities and experiences 2023 will bring to the Career Development Program across our Senior Years. This will include expos, visits from tertiary and trade organisations and many other experiences. Over the Christmas break, several students transitioning into Year 12 participated in tertiary programs at universities across Brisbane aimed at inspiring students to discover, learn, and engage with academic communities and like-minded students. Jessica attended the University of Queensland’s Young ChangeMakers Program and has returned to her final year of secondary education motivated and feeling connected to a broad network of Year 12 students who share her values and ambitions. Below she reflects on her experience:
“From the 27th to the 30th of November I attended the UQ Young ChangeMakers Program hosted at the St Lucia campus. During these 4 days we heard from great advocates of mental health, leadership and self-promotion from Catherine Clarke, Luke Kennedy, and Dr Dino Wilox. We engaged in many workshops including UQ Ventures which was about creating brand new ideas for global problems all around the world, no matter the complexity, and attending sessions from a range of topics including medicine, cybercrime, law, health, and engineering. It was such an amazing experience where I was able to meet so many other Year 11 students from all over Australia. We were able to share ideas and thoughts on different topics, including school and global events. Doing these activities and being a part of this experience has enabled me to broaden my horizons and give more clarity about what I want to do and the different pathways I can take to reach my goals.”
Community News
QPS Learner Driver Day
The Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Norwell Motorplex have partnered together to give learner drivers a safe place to practice driving without the hassles of other road users, intersections and those dreaded hill starts. The program is called Learner Drive Day and will be run on 29 January 2023 at Norwell Motorplex – 75 Norwell Road Norwell. The aim of the program is to teach new drivers how to safely interact with police and emergency vehicles; something they may not get to experience while under instruction as a learner. Participants will take part in a short theory session before being given the opportunity to drive around the racetrack at designated speeds and be exposed to being intercepted by police, giving way to an emergency vehicle and a roadside breath testing site. More information can be found at https://dride.bookingboss.com/booknow.cfm?e=DRIDE11740