2023 Term 1 Week 5
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Library News
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Pathways News
BCE Connect App
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Celebrating Learning Success
This Thursday, we welcome back to the College some of our 2022 graduands. Amidst the many great accomplishments of our students, we are taking time to acknowledge the students who achieved a notable ATAR.
We will also announce Andrey Lyubaev as our 2022 College Dux. Andrey, along with other students, was recognised at last year’s Awards Evening for his efforts. The announcement of College Dux comes after the release of final results during December, where Andrey attained an ATAR of 98.6.
We are proud of all of our students. Many have commenced University this week, with most entering their first preference for study. This is important!
There are also many students who have commenced study at TAFE or have continued to pursue a Traineeship or Apprenticeship. This is important!
Finally, some students have entered the world of work – be it with a business, retail or commercial outlet, or within the hospitality industry. This too is important!
Year 7 – A Great Start
Last week, our Year 7 students attended camp at Total Adventures – Noosa North Shore. The feedback on how the Year 7s have entered the College has been very positive. They demonstrated this with how they enthusiastically participated in the various activities and their respectful interactions with staff whilst at the camp. Check out our Facebook/Instagram to see some of the joy that was on display.
Back at school, our students were ably led by Mrs Lord who developed a program that aims at preparing our students for the upcoming NAPLAN testing, let alone success with their learning. The data we receive from this week is very useful to our continued support of their learning.
Tomorrow night, we have the third Parent Engagement Evening for 2023. The focus for tomorrow’s presentation is on supporting parents with such things as Homework and Study. Whilst we have targeted Year 7 parents, there are many points that would assist any parent who wants to support their child with their learning at home. Parents, you are welcome and invited to attend.
2023 Annual Goals
Our 2023 Annual Goals were presented at the PCA Meeting held last week. Our goals are intentional and focused, seeking to enhance all that we do at the College. Looking back over the last 4-5 weeks we have already seen a number of notable achievements.
Over the course of this year, the Goals will be explained, noting the progress that is being made. One such example was the Opening Mass and Commissioning Ceremony – a wonderful celebration that emphasised our values; our preferred culture. To see so many parents and family able to join us is worthy of recognition alone.
Parents and Community Association (PCA) and Pastoral Board
The PCA provides a valuable opportunity for parent voice and engagement. At last week’s meeting, we spoke about the College’s Annual Goals, proposed changes to the Uniform and the funding process that exists for the discernment of P&F Funds.
The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting – Tuesday, 14th March. A major agenda item will be the direction of the PCA. A key question then is the continued existence of the PCA – as this has bearing on the finance model that applies with regards to how P&F levies are utilised – aligned with Brisbane Catholic Education processes. Attached below is an explanation of the funding arrangement that will be discussed at this meeting. Also, should the decision be that the PCA continues to function, it is at this meeting that positions on the Executive are appointed.
Year Level Parent Coordinators – Call for Interested Parents
To further build the connection between parents and the College and to promote opportunities for parents to connect with each other, we are seeking the support of interested parents who could act as Year Level Parent Coordinators.
Linked to the work of the PCA, we are establishing Year Level Parent Groups via Facebook and will invite all parents to join.
The intent of these groups is to provide a further conduit for providing ‘year level’-specific communication, opportunities for parents to connect with the College around events, but also provide opportunities for parents to connect with each other – walking the journey with other parents through your time at the College.
What is involved?
- Working alongside a Parent Coordinator and staff at the College to bring life to the use of social media to connect and engage parents.
- Communicate information about what is happening within the relevant year level. In doing so, we can further support parents with timely dialogue, which would include points of clarification.
- Communicate parent engagement opportunities relevant to the year level.
If you would like to be considered for one of the six (6) Year Level Parent Coordinator positions, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au by Monday, 27th February.
College Pastoral Board – Membership Expressions of Interest (EOI)
The College’s Pastoral Board acts to support the strategic direction and planning of the College. They are involved in key aspects of our work, such as Learning and Teaching, Finances, Master Planning and Growth. As a Pastoral Board, not a Governance Board, they seek to support the College’s Leadership Team and staff with their insight and open dialogue.
Membership on the Pastoral Board requires that individuals are committed to supporting the overall growth of Chisholm Catholic College. It is from this broad and holistic lens that purposeful dialogue is achieved.
If you would like to be considered for membership, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au noting any relevant experience that may be of benefit to the functions of the Pastoral Board. EOI’s are to be submitted by Friday, 3rd March.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Kristie Mackle
Its been a busy fortnight at Chisholm Catholic College.
Opening Mass
Thank you to all families, friends and community who joined us to celebrate our Opening mass and student investiture for 2023. It was wonderful to come together in prayer and lift our hearts to the Lord, and to watch on as our Student Leaders and Year 12s received their leadership badges.
We extend our thanks to all who made the morning possible, including Fr Clesio who presided over the celebration.
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
On Tuesday, 21st February, we as a College community will commemorate Shrove Tuesday, or pancake day, the traditional feast day before Lent. Pancakes will be available for sale during first break at a cost of $3 for 1, or $5 for 2. There will also be a pancake flipping competition.
On Wednesday, 22nd, we will mark the start of the period of Lent, a key time in the liturgical calendar, with an Ash Wednesday liturgy. All students will be invited down to Melaleuca during their morning classes to participate in a liturgy of the word and receive the ashes placed in the shape of a cross on their forehead. This acts as a solemn reminder of morality and the need for reconciliation with God. Lent is a 40 day period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Caritas Project Compassion Launch
Next week, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal.
The theme of Project Compassion 2023 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generations to come.
By donating to Project Compassion, Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, can work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
Each PC will receive a donation box and the school will run various activities to raise awareness in the lead up to Easter. Donations can also be made electronically, and these details will be made available to families after the launch.
Staff Spotlight
Each newsletter, it is my pleasure to introduce to the College community two of Chisholm’s wonderful College staff. This week I’d like to introduce two new members to the family.
How long have you been teaching for?
6 years.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Health and Fitness, live music and reading.
Tell us a fun fact about you:
I competed in a women’s body building competition last year.
How long have you been teaching for?
24 years.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Spending time outdoors, playing squash and spending time with family and friends.
Tell us a fun fact about you:
I have been to 4 different continents of the world.
This month, Pope Francis has offered his prayer intention for Parishes - We pray that parishes, placing communion at the center, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.
Wishing you all the best for the upcoming week.
God bless.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs. Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Year 11 Exam Block
Students in Year 11 are approaching their first exams for their Senior Studies. Dates for these exams can be accessed on the Parent Portal here. Exams for Year 11s are blocked to support students in their studies. It means that students only attend school when they have an exam scheduled. This can be a significant learning curve for students, as they are expected to plan and organize their time effectively around their individual schedules.
Students are expected on campus, when they have an exam, 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam and in full and correct school uniform. This includes ensuring the sports uniform is only worn on a Thursday. Students are also expected to bring all required equipment including: black or blue pen, approved calculator and any other materials specific to their subject.
If an exam is scheduled on a TAFE day, students are expected to reschedule the TAFE day and contact the Assistant Principal – Curriculum if this unable to be accommodated.
The earlier students can get into forming good study habits and revision routines, the better their academic outcomes. Students have three weeks until this very important academic event and they can begin preparing for these exams now.
For parents to understand the rigour and requirements of senior studies, a good place to start is to look at the QCAA syllabus pages here. These outline the content studied in Unit 1, the objectives the students must meet in each subject and can be a good point of reference and discussion.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Mr. Krijn van Gils
Year 7 Camp
In Week 4, the annual Year 7 camp took place at Noosa North Shore retreat. Students were divided in two groups with the Flynn, Mitchell & Namatjira students going from Monday – Wednesday and the Oodgeroo, MacKillop & Parer students from Wednesday – Friday. The 2023 Year 12 Senior Student Leaders attended the camp allowing them to get to know our Year 7s by assisting in the supervision of the students at fun activities; enabling them to enact their leadership and to share their stories with the newest members of the Chisholm Catholic College community.
Despite the early departures, students were rearing to go on their first day. After a 3-hour bus ride, the groups arrived at the venue for a scrumptious lunch before entering the accommodation and starting the first rotation of the activities. During their stay, students rotated through four activities: Mountain biking, Canoeing, Paddle Boarding and Bouldering.
During each activity, two very well-trained staff members from Total Adventures introduced the activity, gave students time to get comfortable and allowed each student to reach success at their own level. Many students, through determination, mateship and support, managed to gain the confidence they needed to successfully climb the bouldering wall, race down the mountain bike track, work together to canoe to the nearby island and back and completed their first ever paddleboard session.
Because of the high temperatures, canoeing and paddle boarding quickly became the most popular activities with students and staff members. It was great to see that our fantastic staff was not only encouraging and supporting our students, but they were also getting involved in the activities themselves too.
At the end of the day, students were able to connect with the other groups, relax around the pool and play games on the oval before getting ready for dinner. Due to the shorter stay of the Student Leaders, the evening program was mirrored for each group. Group one participated in laser tag on their first evening and a reflective liturgy on their second evening. The second group reversed the order. After dinner, the laser tag activity was a great opportunity to get competitive and the students went to bed tired from an action-packed day of activities.
After Chisholm Catholic College Trivia, students participated in one of the many memorable prayer experiences at the College. During this liturgy, led by our Campus Minister, Jo-Anne Ibell, students are taught about the ‘storms of life’ by bringing to life via a student led dramatization of ‘Jesus calms the Storm” set around our virtual Sea of Galilee (see photos). Students were asked to reflect on their journey from primary school to high school and most acknowledged that they have been in rough waters for a few weeks, getting to know the College and their new friends. They then identified some of the challenges they had already overcome or were in process of overcoming and who in their lives were like Jesus, helping them find peace and calmer seas. The Senior Student Leaders and several staff members shared some of their stories about when they first arrived at the College and how they managed the challenge, built strong friendships and how they became successful, thriving members of the Chisholm Catholic College community. Students were then given a symbolic fish on which they were invited to write statements about what is worrying them at this moment in time and these fish were ‘released’ in the sea and their worries taken away. This was a beautiful gesture and a special way to conclude the evening and retreat to bed after a jam-packed day of action and thrills.
After three days and two nights, students returned to the College
This experience wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated College staff giving up time with their family over the three days of camp. It was great to see the positive interaction between staff and students and these relationships will further grow in the years to come. Behind the scenes, a plethora of staff has worked to make the camp as successful as it was, whilst also providing an alternative program for the Year 7 students at the College.
Finally, a huge thank you to all the students at the camp for bring their energy and positivity.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Elisabeth Lord
PAT R and PAT M (Year 7)
Last week, during the non-camp program, Year 7 students sat during LB1 the PAT test, both PAT R and PAT M. PAT (Progressive Achievement Tests) R (Reading) and M (Mathematics) tests are performed regularly each year to monitor the reading and numeracy levels of our students. This is one of our primary sources for monitoring student learning progress.
Term One – Year 7 – 10 (all students)
• Year 7 testing involved (PAT M – PAT Maths 6), and (PAT R – PAT Reading 6)
· PAT - R Year 7 Week 4 (Monday LB1 and Thursday LB1- during non-camp program)
· PAT- M Year 7 Week 4 (Tuesday LB1 and Friday LB1 – during non-camp program)
For students in Years 8, 9, and 10
· PAT M and PAT – R will be conducted Week 10 Term 1
NAPLAN 2023 - Practice Tests
In addition to an earlier start to PAT R and PAT M this year, NAPLAN is also being held in Term 1.
In previous years, The National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) was held in May of each year for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. QCAA notified schools that this year the Education Ministers agreed to move the test window for NAPLAN to Term 1.
NAPLAN will be held this year Wednesday 15th to Monday 27th March (Weeks 8 to 10).
Moving the tests to Term 1, 2023 will have two benefits:
1. For our parents and carers, this point-in-time assessment provides parents and carers information about how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared to their peers throughout Australia, earlier in the year.
2. At the classroom level, moving the tests forward means this data will be available earlier in the year to inform teaching and learning programs.
Practice Test
In 2023, practice tests are available, though no formal practice week will be conducted. As a school, last week we conducted practice tests and set up to check the technical and student readiness, of Year 7 students during the non-camp alternative program. Year 9 students will have access to the same opportunity over the coming weeks (during Week 5 and 6 of term).
From 2022, all Queensland schools transitioned well to the online platform delivery of NAPLAN. This means that all students across Queensland sit their NAPLAN test online, using a computer.
As you prepare for NAPLAN, if you were unable to include plug-in-headphones when shopping for school supplies, please organise to have these ready ASAP, as these will be required for both the practice tests and NAPLAN tests.
Please note: Bluetooth headphones cannot be used in NAPLAN.
NAP Resources
The NAP resources page www.nap.edu.au/resources also has many documents including:
• NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers
Finding Out More
The latest information on the National Assessment Program (NAP) is available from the:
• NAP website www.nap.edu.au
• NAPLAN Online webpage www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment
• QCAA 2023 NAPLAN webpage www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/p-10/naplan/naplan-2023.
Further information regarding NAPLAN will be sent home in Term 1, 2023. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Year 7 Non-Camp Program Rotation
Over the last week, our Year 7 students enjoyed a non-camp incursion. In addition to PAT R, PAT M, and NAPLAN readiness check, students were involved in Compassion activities, Stem projects, Cultural art works, Mindfulness creations, Sport, and Computer Literacy upskilling. Students were also introduced to our SECA sport offering, in preparation for SECA selections this week.
Program Overview:
Chis Culture News
Leading up to Opening Mass, we gathered a group of talented musicians of all ages to form our Music Ministry, One AChord and the Rock Band.
"Music Ministry is a fun and enjoyable group that consists of One AChord Vocal ensemble, Rock Band, and Instrumental Soloists coming together to celebrate and share the love of God. Our most recent event was the Opening Mass on February 9th. The experience leading up to the Mass was tremendously fun, I made many friends outside of my cohort and many of which I hope will last for the rest of my time at the college. The practices were fun, and everyone was either having a good time singing or laughing.
Music Ministry is a fantastic group of like-minded people who all want to convey the same message, they make you feel welcome and a part of something more than just a choir. Being a part of this made my start to Year 8 amazing." by Tayla Gordon, Year 8
"One AChord gave us an opportunity to spread love doing what we love, and to honour our God through music. We were able to perform upbeat and catchy songs that truly preach the word of the Lord. ‘God is here’ was an incredibly heartwarming song to perform, and I remember the chatter between us as we complimented the songs unique approach to preaching. With the help of our amazing pianist’s, bassist, drummer and teachers we were able to share the joy of the song with our College. It was lovely to see so many young members of our community so eager to support our college's values of Love and commitment. We would love to see even more students get involved and simply have fun, learn more about themselves and their skills or just enjoy being able to contribute to our College's religious life. We can't wait for more opportunities to perform, and we hope to see more talented students attend our rehearsals!" by Leilani Dobbins, Year 10
"On February 9, I had the pleasure of partaking in the Opening Mass alongside the Music Ministry. The Music Ministry consists of so much amazing musical talent such as the vocal ensemble, the rock band and instrumental soloists. To honour the start of a new year with the presence of God, the music ministry performed the songs “God is Here”, “Bless the Lord”, The Chisholm song and instrumental music. I was so excited to be able to be a part of the music community within my Chisholm family. Everyone was so welcoming, and I felt right at home with everyone sharing their talents. The Music Ministry encourages all students to share their passion for music while helping them improve and grow individually while working as a team. I am really looking forward to becoming involved with the Music Ministry in the upcoming year!" by Courtney Tuson, Year 11
Sport News
Mr. Mathew Ellis
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Chisholm descended on the recently refurbished Logan North aquatic facility at the Springwood for the first Interhouse Carnival for 2023.
It was a great day, with awesome weather that encouraged huge levels of participation. Over 200 swimmers taking part in competitive 50m races and more than 400 students taking part in the participation side of the pool with Lane Tallies, Keepy Uppy and the Pool Noodle Raft race amongst other events used to entice everyone into the pool.
A massive congratulations to all students for their behaviour on the day and to all staff for their assistance in ensuring the Carnival ran smoothly.
Congratulations to MacKillop House for taking our overall line honours on the day. All other results and Age Champions will be placed into the Newsletter once they have been announced and recognised at a College Assembly.
Running Club / Cross Country
Mr Stormon will start a Running Club / Cross Country training group on Wednesday mornings. This is aimed at anyone wanting to increase their fitness, be it general, specific for SEDA Sport or Cross Country representation preparation. This training will not involve long runs on campus, rather will focus more shorter/faster distances in interval training style. If any students are interested, they are to meet at the College Basketball Courts behind the Fr Gary Russell building on Wednesday mornings at 7.15am in HPE gear and running shoes, plus water bottle. The sessions will finish at approximately 8.00am so students can shower in Melaleuca, cool down before class, have something to eat and re-hydrate. All are welcome.
SECA Sport
Students will begin to sign on SECA Sport in Term 2 over Week 5 at the College. Students will be emailed and further details around activities given to PC classes so students can make the best SECA choice for themselves.
Congratulations to...
• Seth Lutton for his selection into the South Coast 12-14 Years Boys Baseball team. All the best for the State Championships Seth!
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Greetings SEDA students, Parents and Guardians. Hoping you all have settled into the new year well. Training sessions have seen excellent numbers; watching all the students get stuck in has been a privilege to witness. Over the past week we’ve had our training kits arrive and distributed to our students. If you haven’t received your uniform yet, please organise a time to come down to Melaleuca to collect.
This year we are implementing a non-compulsory Strength and Conditioning Fitness session on Friday mornings. This will be open to all ages and all SEDA sports. We have had excellent numbers of up to 50 the last couple of weeks and hope to maintain if not improve attendance.
I would really like to express my gratitude towards all the SEDA coaches on taking on this new initiative and providing our students with this opportunity. A special mention to Miss Abigail Vergunst for being the driving force.
Please also see the below table to find training times.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Before School | All Basketball | QISSN Netball (as of Week 5) | SEDA Fitness | ||
Lunch 1 | Football 7/8 | All Girls Football | |||
Lunch 2 | Football 9-10 | 9/10 RL (B wk) All Boys Football | |||
After school | 7/8 RL Confro RL | Yr 7/8 Football 7/8 RL Netball Yr 7 Confro RL | Football Yr 9/10s Basketball 9 -12 Basketball 7s (A wk) Basketball 8s (B wk) |
The following are the emails for our coaches should you require.
Joshua Damen | SEDA - Rugby League | jdamen@bne.catholic.edu.au
Jake Rowles | SEDA - Rugby League | jake.rowles@bne.catholic.edu.au
Scott Russell | SEDA - Football | scott.russell@bne.catholic.edu.au
Cameron Conlon | SEDA – Basketball | Cameron.Conlon@bne.catholic.edu.au
Abigail Vergunst| SEDA - Netball | avergunst@bne.catholic.edu.au
Rugby League
The Rugby League students have begun their trainings and their first competition is the Titan’s 9s challenge gala day down at Southport Tigers on the 28th of this Month. We will be taking 14 students from each age division to represent Chisholm. Please be sure to attend training. We also begin the Titan’s Cup, a 6-week Wednesday afternoon competition on the 1st of March. Unfortunately, we have drawn a bye on the first round. Logistically, this suits us, as this is a pupil free day.
The SEDA Football students will kick off their QFSL campaign next week. We are excited to be part of a competition with a regular games program for students of all ages.
The netballers have their first competition on the 6th of March. This is the Southside Super 7s. Students have been working hard during their SEDA classes and during their SEDA training sessions. It should be an awesome day out. Teams will be announced late next week. A reminder that there are one of these tournaments each term so if you don’t make this term's team, then there will be opportunities later in the year.
We have a very exciting addition to the Coaching team this year. Greg and Jordan Day will be our professional coaches for this year. Greg will progress with our Year 10 – 12 squad and Jordan will begin with our 7 – 9s. It is also very exciting to see some quality girls in 7 and 8 coming to training.
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
Happening in the Library in Term 1
Monday – Minecraft Education. Join Chisholm World and meet new students online from our College in first and second break.
Tuesday – Tunes. Visit the Library and listen to music requested by students in both breaks.
Wednesday – Bingo anyone? 20 spots available each week in I01 in the Library at first break.
Thursday – Origami with resident specialist Gabriel. 5 spots available each week in I01 at second break.
Friday – Chess champions. Available in both breaks. New sets arriving soon!
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms. Mala Nair
Week 4 is here and the term is quickly slipping by. So much is happening in the VET Department. We wish the following students all the best as they commence VET studies off campus:
TAFE and SkillsTech Qld
- Certificate II in Plumbing Services - James Britton, Luke Dougherty, Dylan Gilby, Jhye Grunert, Andre Kelly, Tayte Pessan, and Jacob Speer
- Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology (Light Vehicle) - Ricky Brothers, Noah Eady, Luke Holford, Ashton Jenkins, Flynn Levey, Cohen Mason, and Jake Moore
- Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (Heavy or Light Vehicle) - Tyler Elms, Brock Raisch, Jaxson Thompson, and Sam Hooker
- Certificate II in Automotive Cylinder Head Reconditioning (Light Vehicle) – Simar Cheema
- Certificate I in Construction - Jacob Bryant, Liam, Charlie Hutchison, and Kaleb Simms
- Certificate II in Engineering Pathways - Keitherson Keane, and Jaylin Sudiro
- Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) - Lincoln, Finn Easterby, Max Elliott, Luke Joblin, Rielly King, Koen Lions, Jack Marcon, and Hamish Webster
- Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways – Claire Meacham
- Certificate I in Animal Care – Ruby Giess
- Certificate III in Horse Care – Tirra Ewers
- Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching – Olivia Fitzgerald
- Certificate III in Health Services Assistance - Annabel Proctor and Isabella Varga
- Certificate III in Information Technology – Cooper Robinson
- Certificate III in Beauty Services – Ella Martin
- Certificate II in Tourism – Kasey Brown
- TAFE Heath Taster Term 1 – Sienna Hughes and Nadya Williams
School-Based Trainees/Apprentices
- Certificate III Business – Ashton Jenkins and Emily Ryan
- Certificate III in Dental Assisting – Tiffany Routledge
- Certificate III in Plumbing – Lachlan Lam and Jayden Purcell
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care – Emily Mills, Layla-Rose Ludwig-Muir and Sienna Smith
- Certificate III in Health Services Assistance – Laura McGreevy
- Certificate III in Hospitality – Braeden Muras, Ciara Farrell, Riley Sheehan
- Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician – Hayden Bates
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information
Queensland Government's Department of Employment, Small Business and Training has up to date information on:
- About apprenticeships and traineeships - Learn the basics and key details on getting started, roles, responsibilities, wages, entitlements and costs
- School-based apprenticeships and traineeships - Everything you need to know - how they work, getting started, requirements, roles, wages, financial help and completing
- For apprentices and trainees - Find support services and advice, financial help, how to make changes to your training contract, forms and replacement records
- Support services - Support and advice during all stages of training, including financial, disability, learning and cancelled apprentices and trainees
- Information sheets, forms, policies and procedures - Links to forms, policies, procedures and content previously held in information sheets for the Queensland apprenticeship/traineeship system
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
The term ‘Australian Apprenticeships’ covers both apprenticeships and traineeships, which start when an employer creates a job and decides to use this pathway for employing and training staff.
- They are available to anyone of working age with eligibility to work in Australia.
- There are no specific school levels, certificates or other qualifications needed to start one.
- They offer opportunities for you to train, study and earn an income at a variety of Vocational Education and Training qualification levels in many occupations and can be full-time, part-time or school based.
A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allows you to start your training while you are still at school and will contribute credit towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). You can find out about school-based apprenticeships and traineeships on the Apprenticeships Info website.
White Card for Work Experience on a Construction Site
Construction sites are dangerous places. All workers on a construction site must have knowledge of the hazards they may encounter and how to manage them. The Workplace Health and Safety Act requires all employees and work experience students on a building site to hold a White Card or General Construction Induction card. You must successfully complete a Building and Construction General Safety Induction course to gain this card. Most courses are delivered online. Some training organisations have a discount price for school students. The following are some of the organisations that offer the course.
- Blue Dog Training (online course)
- Tafe Queensland (various locations and study options)
You can do an Internet search to find other registered training organisations that offer the General Construction Induction training, (Unit of competency - CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry). For more information regarding the General Construction Induction and Applying for a General Construction Induction card, visit the Queensland Work Safe website. Queensland White Cards are accepted throughout Australia.
Why Do an Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
Apprenticeships and traineeships provide an important employment pathway for young people making a great steppingstone into a career. Youth Central has outlined some of the benefits of becoming an apprentice or trainee. Click here to find out more about the advantages such as:
- You get paid to study
- It's flexible
- You'll get great training
- You've got the same rights as all workers
- You can enter competitions and win awards
- Links
TAFE Health Taster
If you are in Year 10 and have an interest in Health, TAFE are offering a Health Taster program commencing in Term 2. You will go out 1 day per week for the term to try their Health course.
Applications are open and there are limited vacancies. Visit the VET office if you are interested.
School Based Opportunities (Year 10 and 11 students only)
Certificate III in Business – Soul Origin Hyperdome (Prestige)
Work Experience Opportunities
Brisbane City Council
Pre-Trade Work Experience Program, which facilitates pre-vocational work experience in a range of trades.
Council offers unpaid work experience across a variety of trades, including but not limited.
- Auto Electrical
- Auto Manufacturing
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Engineering (Fabrication)
- Heavy Vehicle Mechanics
- Painting and Decorating
- Parks and Gardens
- Plumbing
- Signage and Graphics
- Sports Turf Management
We have an employer wanting to employ the right candidate for a school-based apprenticeship, please see information below. If you are interested please drop in to J01
Employer is based in: Cornubia
Offering a pathway to: Certificate III in Floor & Wall Tiling
Experience required: no but preferably. also, happy to have 1st and 2-year apprentice looking into completing their current apprenticeship.
Employment type: Part-Time / Full-Time; also considering with School Base Apprentice
Other Notes:
-Driver Licence preferably.
-The owner has a small professional team.
- Jobs are within a 25-40km ratio servicing Logan & North Gold Coast
- Transportation for School age apprentice without Car Licence can be provided
Volunteer Opportunities for 2024
New Ventures Worldwide are running two online Info Sessions for students to learn about what they do, how placements work, and for you to ask any question.
1) Info Session – Tuesday 21st February 2023, 7pm AEST
2) Info Session – Thursday 23rd February 2023, 7pm AEST
Defence Force Navy Open Day
Ever wonder what it’s like on a Navy ship!
HMAS Moreton Open Day – Sunday 26th February 2023 132A Taylor Street Bulimba Registrations encouraged but not essential. Register Now
'The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude' -Oprah Winfrey
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
University News
Griffith University
Griffith University is hosting a series of information sessions to help students learn more about various pathways into the University’s Doctor of Medicine. Attendees will find out about everything they need to know about Griffith’s admission criteria and selection process, as well as application deadlines, the Griffith University Multiple Stations Admissions Assessment (GUMSA) and the Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions system (GEMSAS). They will also learn about Griffith’s accelerated program for high-achieving school leavers, which offers guaranteed entry to eligible candidates.
Register here to book your place!
Queensland University of Technology
QUT Advice Night
Year 11 and 12 students and parents are invited to join QUT online on Tuesday 21 March to learn more about course and career planning, how to apply, resources to support students through their studies, and life as a uni student.
Year 9 and 10 Students and Parents: a quick guide to QUT
Students and their parents are invited to a dedicated Year 9 and 10 information session on Tuesday 18th April. QUT will cover career planning tips, differences between school and uni, course information, and admission pathways. You will also hear from current QUT students about their university experience and ask them questions.
Changes to QUT entry requirements for 2024 and beyond:
Students who complete Year 12 can now meet minimum entry requirements with a seventh grade Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) (or higher) or equivalent qualification. As a guide, completed AMEB seventh and eight grade study will receive a selection rank of 84.00. Higher selection ranks are possible with higher AMEB (or equivalent) studies.
Students with an ATAR, an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) or a vocational education and training (VET) qualification completed at school (Cert IV or above) also meet minimum entry requirements for bachelor degree programs.
The University of Queensland
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