2023 Term 2 - Week 3
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
ANZAC Day Service
Our ANZAC Day Service was a reverent occasion, as was the Springwood Commemorative March and Service. Our students were excellent ambassadors for the College, let alone for their families and the wider community. We also had students representing cadets or scouts/guides at various services around Brisbane. It is an example of what I believe our students to be capable of – each and every day. Congratulations.
Student-Led Conferences
This afternoon and into this evening, the Student-Led Conferences are being held. I’d like to share the data around attendance at the interviews. Students were very good at listening to feedback and giving their perspectives on how they are progressing and what needs to improve. The feedback provided informs individual student learning progress and growth –
- There were 641 bookings made to discuss the progress of 184 students out of 970. It would be great to see more parents and students at future student-led conferences.
Data is one of the aspects that staff look at to review activities and impacts, and I hope this shows the effort teachers make in providing opportunities on these occasions to meet with parents and students. Of course, I ask that you do not wait until these times to talk through progress with teachers, we can talk about things any time with you.
Our Partnership
I am at pains to highlight that for students to be successful with their learning, we need to actively support a partnership between home and school. Student-Led Conferences are one such example whereby we want parents/carers to be involved in your child’s education. I respect the challenges that can exist – acknowledging that parents/carers do have a busy life.
Communication via the Newsletter, email and use of social media is another way we actively seek to keep parents/carers informed. This is to assist as much as possible with understanding all that happens at school. Again, I respect that there may be information overload – inboxes may be filling at rates that can sometimes mean items from the College ‘get lost in the weeds’. Ironically, I’m commenting here knowing that I may not reach every parent/carer.
Another suggestion is to attend the Parents and Community Association (PCA) Meetings. The next Meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 9th May, commencing at 6pm.
Understanding Vaping
Vapes/e-cigarettes are being widely discussed within the media at the moment. Federal and State Governments are considering options to negate the presence and ease with which vapes are made available to our youth. Recent comments indicate that a strong response will soon be made on what is truly a challenge for all schools, not just Chisholm Catholic College.
Towards the end of last term, we initiated a number of strategies to respond to vaping at the College. At the time of emailing all parents/carers, I indicated that these strategies would not offer a fail-safe solution. As we anticipated, we have had a mixed response from both students and from parents/carers. Focusing on the positive, we have held important discussions on the matter and the support from parents has been fantastic. However, it is clear that there is great deal of misunderstanding on the topic of vaping.
Our association with Catholic School Parents Queensland is aimed at supporting parent engagement. They recently arranged a seminar with Tony Parsons, Director of National Drug Awareness, to speak on the topic of vaping. We advertised the online seminar in the lead up, but provide now the link to the recording. His knowledge on the topic and presentation is highly informative. I would encourage families to sit together and watch the presentation.
CSPQ Vaping Webinar with Tony Parsons March2023 - YouTube
CHISHOLM DAY – Friday, 26th May
It’s that time of year again! Chisholm Day is our annual celebration of our namesake, Caroline Chisholm – her birthday is the following week. We begin the day with a Liturgy and then we move onto the oval for a day of fun with house activities, amusement rides, food vans, performances and Staff v Student Volleyball. We finish off the day with the Chisholm Challenge and the announcement of the House Spirit Cup Winner.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks. However, ride passes are now available for purchase via the Parent Portal - $15 / pass. This provides unlimited access to the rides.
2022 Destination Survey
Do you know a 2022 graduate? If so, we would appreciate if you could pass on our message!
We are calling on 2022 graduates to complete a Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Destination Survey. The Destination Survey is a chance for graduates to reflect on their schooling experiences and provide some feedback about what was helpful in their educational journeys to set them up for the future. Participation in this survey will have an impact on future students of BCE and allow us to improve programs and support services.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. For more information about privacy, you can read BCE’s Privacy Statement here.
To complete the survey, click this link: https://forms.office.com/r/35K2pzDNhk
The survey will be open until the end of May. We hope to hear from you and thank you for using your voice to make a positive impact!
Assistant Principal Religious Education's News
Ms. Kristie Mackle
Welcome back to Term 2!
This term, students in Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 will be treated to a formation day run by a variety of different providers that challenge our students to further their connections with each other, themselves and their own sense of faith.
Year 8 Formation
Last week, the Year 8s kicked off our formation sessions with their Formation Day. Run by the Passionists Youth Retreat group, students questioned the masks they wear in their day to day lives and why they wear them. In considering our own masks, we analyse what we outwardly communicate about ourselves to others and what might be underneath.
Year 10 Formation
On Wednesday, 3rd May, Year 10s will engage with their formation day in the Chisholm Centre hosted by Michael Fitzgerald. Mr Fitzgerald has many years’ experience working with the youth through retreats and formation days, and always manages to capture our hearts, minds and spirits. We look forward to his visit and working with him in Week 3.
Anzac Day Liturgy and March
On Monday, 24th April, we held our ANZAC Day Liturgy and Assembly. Joined by Mr Craig Donohue, retired serviceman and president of our PCA, the students listened, reflected and offered prayers for those affected by war and for peace. I’d like to thank Mr Donohue for joining us and offering his inspiring words about the ANZAC legend and spirit, and how the Youth are called to keep that spirit alive. I would also like to thank all of the students who helped deliver the liturgy and assembly, our amazing Catafalque party (made up of cadets and drummer) and One A Chord, our College choir led by the amazing Ms Picart, Mr De Jong, Ms O’Leary, Ms Avery and Ms Murrie.
The following day students and staff represented the College at the Springwood ANZAC Day march and ceremony. A special thank you to all the students and their families who came out to support us on this day. It was a lovely service and an great to connect with our local community on such an important day. Lest We Forget.
Mother’s Day Liturgy
On Friday, 12th May, the College will hold a Mother’s Day liturgy and breakfast to recognize and celebrate an important part of our College – the Mums! An invite has been posted on social media and will be sent via email to all families. Students are encouraged to bring their mothers or grandmothers along from 8am in the Chisholm Centre. RSVPs are essential for catering purposes. We looking forward to spending the morning with you.
Staff Spotlight
How long have you been teaching for?
- Around 8 years.
What are your hobbies/interests?
- I’m very active and love sport.
Tell us a fun fact about you:
- I represented Papua New Guinea on the National Rugby League team under coach Mal Meninga.
Staff Spotlight
How long have you been teaching for?
- 20 years.
What are your hobbies/interests?
- Swimming, running, playing tennis and visiting with my family.
Tell us a fun fact about you:
- I’ve completed two marathons – one on the Gold Coast in 2016 and one in Honolulu in 2017.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs. Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Recently, a number of our students have been given opportunities to connect the curriculum they are learning inside our classrooms at Chisholm with the outside world. School excursions are structured learning experiences that provide students educational value in the curriculum they are studying. At Chisholm, students often feel these days enhance their understanding of the content they have been learning and engage in these wholeheartedly.
Students in our FisherOne Japanese class had an opportunity to network with other Japanese students in BCE schools by attending a curriculum day at Cathedral House. Students in the FisherOne classes learn online with an expert teacher by distance learning.
Ancient History students visited the Abbey Museum and examined artefacts from around the globe in order to gain some hands on experience of the archaeological method. Students in both 11 & 12 are currently studying techniques of dating the past.
A selection of our Year 8 students participated in a ‘service’ learning event, where they planted trees at a local council area to regenerate the landscape. This was connected with the content they were learning in Humanities classes on how we can sustainably manage our environments and help to mitigate any impacts we humans might have.
This is just a snapshot of how we as a school seek to connect the classroom with the real world. Curriculum related excursions offer students a valuable experience and allow them to see how the learning in the classroom has real world context.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students' News
Mr. Krijn van Gils
BullyProof Australia
In Week 1, the College welcomed Jeff Horn, former world boxing champion and Frank Melchert from BullyProof Australia during our first Parent Engagement Evening of the term. Both Jeff and Frank are very inspirational speakers and passionate about the issue of bullying in schools. Chisholm Catholic College is proud to be one of only 40 schools in Queensland to work with BullyProof as part of a Queensland State Government initiative. Frank reiterated that bullying is a societal issue that we can address in schools but that it’s not an issue that is more prevalent or specific to Chisholm Catholic College. BullyProof Australia encourages parents and schools to work together to address the issue to gain the best results. After Jeff’s inspirational story, a journey from being severely bullied at school as a teenager to beating Manny Pacquiao one of the all-time boxing greats in front of 52000 spectators in Suncorp Stadium, there was a photo opportunity with Jeff as well as time to talk to Frank and Jeff about the program.
The College is looking forward to the journey with BullyProof as we have started the implementation in Year 7 during Term 2. The enthusiasm of the students and teachers towards the program will reap its results sooner rather than later.
SPECIAL REPORT: The Wellbeing Barometer 2023
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting. Parenting is a learning journey and it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when faced with raising happy, well and resilient young people today.
Every family has experienced some sort of difficulty or adversity in recent times, some more than others. As mental health concerns continue to rise, there have been some alarming statistics reported in relation to the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Unfortunately, the blueprint for parenting is often based on our own experiences, but this is no longer fit for purpose in raising children as citizens of tomorrow. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in providing the guidance needed to support children and adolescents as they reframe their worries and focus more on the things they can control in their life.
In this Special Report, we are seeking parent participation through a short survey. The survey is designed to provide a barometer to help gauge the state of student wellbeing within our community. We encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey as this will help our school know the nature and extent of your concerns and determine how best we can support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.
By working together we can continue to build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers as we navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for all students. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-wellbeing-barometer-2023-au
Enrolment Update – Year 7: 2024 and 2025
Enrolment interviews for Year 7, 2024 are just about completed. However, due to approval for an increase in streams, there are still some spaces available. Applications should be submitted within the next few weeks.
Already, we have had very strong interest in enrolments for Year 7, 2025. Interviews have commenced and will continue through to the end of Term 4.
If you have a son/daughter in Year 5 – enrol them now. We do not wish to see any siblings miss out on a place.
If you have a family friend or work colleague who is looking at enrolling their child at Chisholm Catholic College for Year 7, 2024 or 2025, please ask them to make contact now.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Ms. Elisabeth Lord
Our Middle Schooling Philosophy
At Chisholm Catholic College we understand EDUCATION. We acknowledge that Middle School (Years 7 – 9) is the most dynamic and vital time in the development of students. We know that our adolescents are currently going through a time of change, not only in their lives but also in an increasingly complex world.
Our Middle School will not only support student growth and development but ensure organisation and implementation of a high-level curriculum. Our Middle School curriculum has been developed to ensure the learner's engagement by looking at real-world issues that directly impact their lives. Adolescence is where attitudes, values, and habits are formed and can impact greatly future schooling, career choices, and life in general.
Chisholm Catholic College is especially focused on active engagement in our classrooms by increasing hands-on learning; collaborating with one another and placing greater emphasis on higher order thinking skills. Our team of teachers is committed to ensuring this is one of our main priorities whilst working with our young adolescent learners.
WE BELIEVE that every student can learn, we believe that an engaging curriculum is the best pastoral care. WE BELIEVE that each student learns differently and at a unique rate of attainment of knowledge skills and concepts. WE BELIEVE teachers are best informed about their learning through feedback. We encourage students to improve their potential, through feedback, and that improvement in outcomes is best facilitated through engagement, connections, and acting on feedback. This means that we will reflect on the ultimate purpose of each unit of work, and whether this has directly influenced or contributed to student growth, development, and achievement. Teachers will plan collaboratively for LEARNING, taking each student where he/she needs to go NEXT, rather than planning for TEACHING.
Middle School Subjects
Curriculum Year 7:
Year 7 students will experience one Elective subject per term to provide them with a broach education. Students may undertake subjects they did not do in primary school.
In choosing subjects, we encourage students to either pursue their interests or strengths. A prominent message in later year levels is - Choose subjects that you are interested in, choose subjects that you are good at, and choose subjects that may be required for future study; therefore, students are now asked to Specialise in their choice of elective subjects.
Curriculum Year 8 and 9:
Specialisations are courses for students to focus on specific skills, interests, and abilities within ‘Key Learning Areas’ and are designed to deepen student learning within a subject area and across the curriculum. Specialisations may assist with future pathways and subject pre-requisites.
Library News
Ms. Yasmin Relja
Some parents may wonder what they can do at home to improve their child’s reading. Have you heard of the FREE website readtheory.org? This site will test your child’s skills before they begin the program to ensure the comprehension they are given is suitable to their reading level and it can be done completely independently. Each time they succeed, the levels increase in difficulty to match their learning needs. Afterward, you can look at their progress to see how they are progressing and reward them accordingly.
On another note, check out who got caught reading recently at CCC.
Pathways News
Mrs. Shannon Scott
Year 10 – Senior Subject Selection and Career Pathways
At Chisholm, we believe in a curriculum that places the learner at the centre and best prepares them for a successful future where they can manage their career throughout their life. As part of our career development program, across Terms 1 and 2, our Year 10 students have been discovering their values, task preferences and work personalities, and learning how to apply these to career decisions about their future.
In Term 3 (Week commencing 24 July, 2023), all Year 10 students will engage in the Senior Education and Training (SET P) process, whereby they will map out their senior pathway and select Senior subjects for Years 11 and 12. This process includes a rigorous conversation around subject selections so students are supported as they consider desired pathways, realistic capabilities and what learning best sparks their interest to maximise success.
How can I assist my learner during this process?
As a parent or carer, there are many ways you can join this conversation to ensure during the SET P process, you and your learner are well equipped to navigate these important decisions and discussions.
- Discuss recent progress reports on Chisholm Plus to determine strengths of your learner
- Engage with our Pathways team and the online career platform to access up-to-date information, calendar items and short activities that will assist your learner in considering their future path - Chisholm Catholic College Careers
- Attend university events, open days and tertiary expo’s that will link Queensland’s Certificate of Education (QCE) learning to tertiary study options. QUT is hosting a subject selection event this week on Wednesday 3 May at the Kelvin Grove campus - Register here!
- Engage in conversations with your learner to determine their strengths, passions and skills and encourage them to discover what career and pathway options might allow them to thrive with these things in mind
Year 12 - QTAC Date Claimers
Admission Applications open on Tuesday 1 August 2023 for 2024 applications (no university applications can be lodged before this date).
ATAR Portal Registration opens for current Year 12 students on Tuesday 1 August (all QLD students who are ATAR eligible must register to be notified of their ATAR).
QTAC’s Release of 2023 ATAR results will be on 15 December 2023 (only registered students will be notified).
Pathways Career Expo
On Wednesday 31 May Chisholm will host a Careers and Employment Expo at the College from 4pm-6.30pm. Exhibitors include a range of universities, TAFE, and trade and industry experts.
We encourage all Year 10 and Senior School Students to attend, and we look forward to welcoming members from our local community to the College.
Tertiary Open Days 2023
Institution | Information |
ACU | Saturday 26 August, 10am-2pm, Banyo |
Griffith University | Sunday 13 August, 9am-2pm, Gold Coast and Nathan Campuses |
QUT | Sunday 30th July, 9am-3pm, Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove Campuses |
UQ | 6 August, 9am-3pm, St Lucia |
UniSQ | 13 August, 10am-2pm, Ipswich and Springfield Campuses 20 August, 10am-2pm, Toowoomba Campus |
CHISHOLM DAY - Friday, 26th May
Community News