2021 - Term 2, Week 8
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Finance News
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Study Fit #2 – Study: How Much Time?
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Parents and Community Association – PCA
Middle Years Learning Leader
Chis Culture News
Sport News
VET News
Pathways News
Parish News
Changes to Clarks Logan City Bus Service School Routes 4406-4410-4411
Principal's News
A Parent’s Role in Their Child’s Education
Parental encouragement and support for learning activities at home combined with parental involvement in schooling is critical to children’s education. A growing body of research shows that building effective partnerships between parents, families and schools to support children’s learning leads to improved learning outcomes. Parents are the first and continuing educators of their children. Research also shows that teacher quality, including standards and training in parental engagement, is important for facilitating effective parental engagement.
Considered broadly, parental engagement consists of partnerships between families, schools and communities, raising parental awareness of the benefits of engaging in their children’s education, and providing them with the skills to do so.
As Muller (2009) states: ‘Family-school and community partnerships are re-defining the boundaries and functions of education. They enlarge parental and community capacity; they create conditions in which children learn more effectively. In these ways they take education beyond the school gates’.
Research has shown that parental engagement (of various kinds) has a positive impact on many indicators of student achievement, including:
- Higher grades and test scores
- Enrolment in higher level programs and advanced classes
- Lower drop-out rates
- Higher graduation rates
- A greater likelihood of commencing tertiary education.
Beyond educational achievement, parental engagement is associated with various indicators of student development. These include:
- Better social skills
- Improved behaviour
- Better adaptation to school
- Increased social capital
- A greater sense of personal competence and efficacy for learning
- Greater engagement in school work
- A stronger belief in the importance of education.
From Parental engagement in learning and schooling: Lessons from research. A report by the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth for the Family-School and Community Partnerships Bureau.
At Chisholm Catholic College, we speak often about sustaining partnerships and of the great importance of having all the adults working in support of the young person. This also sustains our FAMILY values, seeking to build a community with a collective purpose.
This week we provided a presentation facilitated by Tom Strong, who spoke about the role of a parent with a teenage child. It was very comforting to see the numbers in attendance and know that each parent was able to take away something that they could include in their home. It is these opportunities that exemplifies the many ways in which we seek to work with parents. Add to this, the Newsletter, the communication through Chisholm Plus+, the willingness to respond to parent emails and requests to meet – they are all examples of parent engagement and I encourage all parents to seek ways to continue to be the first educators of their children.
BCE Listens Survey
What our staff, parents and students think about our school matters. In Term 3, our school is taking part in the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Listens Survey. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our community of staff, parents and students think about learning and working at our school. Survey findings will be used to inform our school’s future work and improvement journey.
What you need to know?
The 2021 survey will be held between Monday, 12th July to Tuesday, 27th July. To ensure privacy and confidentiality are maintained, an independent survey provider — Australian Survey Research — will conduct the survey on behalf of our school and Brisbane Catholic Education.
Parents and students who complete the survey will not be identified when the results are later provided to the school. The school will only receive information based on the collective answers of those who participated in the survey. Where fewer than five people respond to a question, the results will be suppressed.
The parent survey takes 10 minutes or less to complete. The student survey takes between 5 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on age and/or reading ability of the student, and will be administered by the school during normal school hours.
Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. Your child will not take part if either you or your child do not wish. If, during the survey, your child is uncomfortable, he/she can choose to stop the survey at any time.
If you do not wish your child to complete the survey please fill in this short form before midnight Thursday, 24th June 2021. There is nothing you need to do if you are happy for your child to participate in the survey.
If you have any questions, please contact me via scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au. Further information can also be found in the Frequently Asked Questions document attached.
As partners in your child’s education, what you think of our school matters. Thank you for supporting our school community with the BCE Listens Survey.
Deputy Principal's News
Reporting Timelines
Years 7 -12 will receive Statement of Results reports for the work that they have completed in Semester 1 this year. Years 7-9 and 11-12 will receive their report in the first week of the holidays. Year 10 will receive their report in Week 2 of Term 3, this is to allow for the Year 10 Exams to be held in the last week of this term. The Year 12 report will be the student’s result for IA1, which has now been confirmed by the QCAA for general subjects. The Year 11 report will be the student’s Unit 1 result. They will be accompanied by an updated Chisholm Plus+ report that includes the Approaches to Learning and Skills and Concepts statements for all subjects studied.
Timetables for Semester Two
Students will receive updated timetables for Semester Two at the start of next term. Year 9 timetables will include their new electives for Semester Two and their change between History and PE/SEDA. Year 7 and 8 timetables will show their new electives for Term Three. Year 10 timetables will include student’s elective choices for Semester Two and their change between History and PE.
Next week, students in Years 9 and 10 will receive an email listing their specialisation choices for Semester 2. There is an allocated session on Thursday, 24th June in LB6 for students who wish to discuss changing their specialisation choices for Semester 2. Details for this session will be included in the email.
Alexander Hodgson
Finance News
School Fee Accounts Now Overdue
A reminder that school fees were due on the 12th May 2021. Thank you to all parents/carers who have made their payments.
Unless you have a payment plan in place, all unpaid accounts are now overdue, and your immediate payment is appreciated. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Year 12 Retreat
We have been fortunate to reschedule the Year 12 Retreat at Luther Heights Recreation Camp, Coolum Beach from Monday, 21 June to Wednesday, 23 June. The Year 12 Retreat is integral to the Year 12 educational program offered by the College and the feedback from students each year, is that the Retreat has been one of the highlights of their Senior Year – educationally, spiritually, socially, as well as focusing upon their wellbeing. The Retreat Program includes:
- Large group input from College staff focussing upon their story, our story and the story.
- Small group discussion.
- Warm up games.
- Opportunities for prayer and ritual.
- Affirmations from other students.
- Art activities including painting and textiles.
- Creation of a rice mandala.
- Outdoor Education activities such as high / low ropes, flying fox, challenge activities.
- Social activities such as an Alternative Formal and Trivia Night.
- A “Family Dinner”, bonfire experience and candlelight prayer.
The Retreat challenges students to acknowledge that they have a deep connection with family, friends, all humanity and a loving God. The overall aim of the Retreat is for students to have time to reflect on the direction their lives are taking and to consider the place that spirituality might have in their lives. The retreat will be a dynamic opportunity for the students to engage in a guided reflection process and to share some of their own insights with their peers.
World Environment Day
Last Friday, many of our students entered into the spirit of World Environment Day, inspired by the theme of “Endangered Animals”. At lunch time, a scavenger hunt around the College, increased awareness of environmental issues and it was wonderful to see students from Years 7 through to 12 join in the fun of the day.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth
Jo-Anne Ibell, our Campus Minister, is currently working with five of our students in their journey towards receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation. This journey involves education about the Sacrament but also time for reflection and prayer to support the young men and women with their decision to strength their relationship with God.
We value the support of our local parishes and priests in working together with this Sacramental Journey.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands
If you require a booking for your student, there are limited seats available on both runs.
Please email ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au for further information.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
As the end of term nears and students are finalising drafts, assignments and studying for exams, thoughts may be turning to next term and indeed next year and what subjects they will be doing. For students in Years 7-10, changes may not be possible as the timetable has been created based on previous choices however, the first two weeks of Term 3 are the best time to do this. Please come down to Door 2 in the Admin building and see Mrs Cook or Mr Luxton to arrange this after your name is marked off in PC.
With assessment looming, it is also timely to remind parents and students of Chisholm’s Assessment Policy which can be located on the parent portal and following the link to documents and the relevant year levels. We have designed our policies on the requirements for NAPLAN and the QCAA senior assessment requirements as a sliding scale. You will note that the requirements for senior are strict and a medical certificate stating a student is ‘unfit for work’ is not enough detail and will need to cover the length of time the learning has been impacted and how. Further information about QCAA (The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, our governing body) AARA (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments) can be found here.
In Term 3 we will be undertaking subject selections for Years 7-10, 2022. Please note the Year 10’s Careers Expo will be run slightly differently this year on the 20th of July. The last part of the day will be an Expo where the Year 11 and 12s are welcome to attend from 3-5pm and you are also welcome to attend with your Year 10 student. There will be a range of presenters from employment agencies to universities in attendance.
Brendan Luxton
Study Fit #2 – Study: How Much Time?
Time dedicated to study each week will vary according to the students’ year level. As a general guide, the commitment suggested on a weekly basis for each year level is:
- Year 7 = 4-6 hours
- Years 8 and 9 = 6-8 hours
- Year 10 = 8-10 hours; and
- Years 11 and 12 = 10-12 hours
These are quantum times and does not mean that large time ‘chunks’ should be attempted at one particular time. The key to successful study is to ‘chunk’. Depending on the age of the student, a chunk may be 15, 20 or 30 minutes in length. The key is that these are focused times, without distraction or interruption. Some students can commit to longer times, but balance between subjects needs to be considered.
After each ‘chunk’, we do recommend taking a 5 minute break, or perhaps longer depending on the activity. For example, it may be possible to do a ‘chunk’ of study before going to training for a sport. After returning from training, 2 or 3 more ‘chunks’ could be planned.
The ‘chunk’ could be devoted to:
- Revising Maths concepts – looking back at past sections of learning.
- Completing a paragraph or two for an assignment.
- Reading ahead from a text
- Researching and gathering notes on a topic
Again, the key is to have focused, uninterrupted time. You’d be amazed at what can be completed in 15, 20 or 30 minutes.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
The Role of the Pastoral Care Teacher
Here at Chisholm, we have the fortune to have wonderfully supportive Pastoral Care Teachers. The role of the PC Teacher is to monitor the wellbeing of students and ensure that they are on track in their learning and have what they need at the start of each day to be successful. Throughout a student’s schooling at Chisholm, their PC Teacher will spend more than 550 hours with them (more than any other teacher). During this time, positive relationships are formed.
We ask our parents to please connect with PC Teachers; they are the conduit between school and home. Please reach out if you need support for your child and they will assist if they can… if they can’t, they will direct you where to go next.
Vaping amongst our young people is making many news headlines. Please click on the link here
to access short news story (Today Show) outlining the harmful effects of vaping as well as the ease of access to vapes online. This is a very serious, significant and prominent issue for our young people, and I encourage our community to fill their knowledge bucket regarding this.
Week of Wellness 14th – 19th June
Wellness and Wellbeing is so very important, and our current global context reminds us to take care of ourselves (physically, mentally, spiritually, socially). We are very excited for the week that our Student Leaders have planned next week to engage in Wellbeing activities. Please see the flyer below for the outline. More information will be made available to students through student notices.
Navigating Teenage Years – Tom Strong Parent Presentation
Thank you to Tom Strong for presenting to our parents “How to Navigate Teenage Years”. The presentation was very engaging, insightful and interactive. Thank you to our parents who participated.
Tracey Williamson
Parents and Community Association – PCA
Chisholm Catholic College actively seeks to engage with parents as partners in the education of all students. The Parents and Community Association (PCA) is one way in which parents and members of the College community can join with us to provide valuable input on the direction of the College.
The PCA is committed to being a voice for all parents. We welcome the opportunity to discuss big and small items that relate to life at the College, let alone to keep parents well informed of what is happening at the College. No experience is necessary, only a willingness to support the College community.
The next PCA Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 15th June; and will commence at 6:00pm.
Middle Years Learning Leader
With the end of term and semester fast approaching, students are starting to focus upon the points they will receive towards their Middle Years Certificate of Education. This certificate is awarded at the end of Year 9. To be awarded MYCE the students need to accumulate a certain number of points through academic achievement. At this ceremony, the students can also receive a service award. I have included the requirements for each award below. This information was presented to students at the end of last year and beginning of this year. Please note that the requirements have been adjusted for Year 9 this year as they only have one year to qualify. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Elizabeth Chapman
Chis Culture News
Not long now until the opening night for this year’s musical, Footloose! Get keen, because our cast and crew sure are! We had our tech crew interview members of the cast and crew to hear about how they are going with rehearsals so far, and what they are enjoying the most.
Alex Bubalo playing the lead role of Ren McCormack, the Chicago city boy who moves to the sleepy town of Bomont, shared, “I pretty much enjoyed everything, blocking, singing, and also hanging out with new friends”.
Yasmine Nijjar from the Tech Crew gave us some insight into the work behind the scenes stating, “So far we have been painting and organising all the photos we have taken, and I think it has all been all really fun”.
Gerry Jaimes, who is the head guitarist of the band, has said that “Lately we’ve been practising playing with our instruments, reading charts, and working with the cast. I have really enjoyed learning new techniques, playing with the other members of the band, and learning history about the songs in the musical”.
Finally, from our dancers, Zoe Anemaat, from the dance team, has said that “we’ve been learning and rehearsing 3 songs, which are Footloose, Let’s Hear It for the Boy, and Holding Out for A Hero. I’ve enjoyed working in the production with my friends, and also meeting new people and making new friends”.
As you can see, all members of the musical team are working hard to pull together an amazing show.
The musical night is fast approaching, and tickets are selling fast so make sure to go and secure your seat by booking at https://sunpac.net.au/events/chisholm-catholic-college-presents-footloose/
See you there!
By Jack Marcon and Emma Kemp
Sport News
SECA Season One Wrap
Last week saw our final round of SECA Inter-school sport for this term. Students from all year levels have enjoyed the taste of success and been able to experience a range of new sports and activities. Please see below for a list of Season One Premiership Winners:
Sport | Gender | Age Group | Champion |
Netball | Girls | Open A | Chisholm |
Netball | Girls | Open B | Chisholm |
Netball | Girls | Yr9 A | Chisholm |
Netball | Girls | Yr7 A | Chisholm |
Netball | Girls | Yr7 B | Chisholm |
Soccer | Boys | Yr8 | Chisholm |
Soccer | Boys | Yr7 A | Chisholm |
Soccer | Boys | Yr7 B | Chisholm |
Volleyball | Girls | Yr9 B | Chisholm & Emmaus |
College Athletics Carnival
Students and Staff will come together on Friday 25th June (last day of Term Two) for our annual College Athletics Carnival. The theme for 2021 will be: Movie Stars! Pastoral Leaders will begin taking nominations for their Houses next week, and a timetable for pre-carnival events will be emailed to students. We will run a slightly different format this year, and parents will once again be very welcome to attend and spectate. Will Flynn House collect yet another pennant for Track & Field? Or is there another House ready to knock them from their long established perch…?
Netball News
On Thursday, 27th May, Chisholm took two SEDA Netball teams away to the Vicki Wilson Shield and Cup Competition. Our Cup team had a tough draw, and went down in both their pool games, which eliminated them from the finals. Our Shield team finished 2nd in their pool and proceeded on to the quarter final, beating AB Patterson. This meant our Shield team went on to play Helensvale SHS in the semi-final, but unfortunately didn’t walk away with the win.
The girls played extremely well and displayed excellent sportsmanship, teamwork, and skill. Well done!
Rugby League News
Our Year 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 SEDA Rugby League Teams have been competing in the Titans School League Competition for the last couple of months – see results below.
Year 7/8 Division 2 Results:
Round 1 | VS Marsden SHS Maroon | Win |
Round 2 | VS Beenleigh SHS Maroon | Win |
Round 3 | VS Beenleigh SHS White | Win |
Round 4 | VS Foxwell SSC | Loss |
Round 5 | VS Loganlea SHS | Win |
Round 6 | VS Marsden SHS Black | Not played yet |
The Year 7/8 team still have one round to play. They are currently sitting in third position on the ladder and are looking good to make finals. Let’s go boys!
Year 9/10 Division 2 Results:
Round 1 | VS Marsden SHS Maroon | Win |
Round 2 | VS Keebra Park SHS | Win |
Round 3 | VS Windaroo Valley SHS | Postponed – weather |
Round 4 | VS St Francis College | Postponed - weather |
Round 5 | VS Pimpama SSC | Loss |
Round 6 | VS Varsity College | Varsity forfeited |
Round 7 | VS Marsden SHS Black | Loss |
Overall, the Year 9/10 Boys placed equal 4th in their pool. Unfortunately, they missed out by one point to secure a position in the finals. Well done!
Year 11/12 Division 2 Results:
Round 1 | VS Marsden SHS Black | Loss |
Round 2 | VS Keebra Park SHS Blue | Loss |
Round 3 | VS Windaroo Valley SHS | Postponed – weather |
Round 4 | VS St Francis College | Postponed – weather |
Round 5 | VS Forest Lake SHS | Loss |
Round 6 | VS Beaudesert SHS | Loss |
Round 7 | VS Keebra Park SHS Yellow | Loss |
The Year 11/12 boys had a tough draw and placed in the bottom half of their pool which eliminates them from finals. Solid effort boys!
Football News
Early last week the U14 Boys Football Team took on Kimberley College in the ISSA Cup winning 9-0. This now means the team move onto the next knockout phase.
The Senior Boys Football Team competed in the ISC Cup last week at Redlands United Football Club. Due to it being a cluster day, they played two games back-to-back, the first one being an 8-goal thriller against Cleveland SHS. The boys then finished the day off convincingly beating MacGregor SHS 5-1.
Basketball News
The Open Boys Basketball Team have been preparing for their next big competition (Gold Coast Invitational) which will take place in the first weekend of the June/July school holidays. Last week the boys took part in a friendly scrimmage against Clairvaux MacKillop College and Marsden SHS and won both games convincingly.
Stacey Thompson
VET News
Federal Budget News: BAC Incentive Extended until March 2022
In the recently announced Federal budget, funding for Apprenticeships and Traineeships has been handed a huge win. Due to the success of the Boosting Apprentice Commencement (BAC) program, the government is spending an additional $2.7 Billion to extend the program to March 2022 with uncapped places for employers.
This incentive reimburses employers 50% of the gross wages they paid to new apprentice for the first year of their employment. This is capped at $7,000 a quarter resulting in a maximum benefit of $21,000. This supplements current incentives currently available to employers. It is expected that this demand-driven program expects to support more than 170,000 new apprentices and trainees into work.
Is VET for you?
Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications include certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas, offered across a large number of industries and study areas. They offer many advantages — from pathway options to skill development. If you fit into one of the categories below, find out more about VET courses that could be your next step:
- You’re looking for practical, hands-on training
- You’re looking to qualify for a specific job or trade
- You’re looking to ‘try out’ a study area before you commit to extensive study
- You’re looking for a pathway to university study
- You’re looking to add to your current skill set
Videos About Getting a Trade or Skill
It is hard to find information about jobs and skills. Skills1NEtv is a site where you will find hundreds of videos about getting a trade or skills. Some short videos that you can access now are:
- Food for thought - a look at cattle farm management
- A recipe to success
- Wild careers in tourism
- Meet the jockeys
- So you think you're a leader?
There is a list of industry areas on the right-hand side of the page that will take you to heaps more videos.
Diploma of Music Industry (Performance) and Diploma of Graphic Design Additional Entry Requirements
The following two TAFE Queensland courses have additional entry requirements that need to be submitted in order to be eligible to be competitive for entry into the diploma in 2022. You must read these requirements carefully and meet all application dates.
- CUA50815 Diploma of Music Industry (Performance)* Audition required, commencing from 27th September 2021
- CUA50715 Diploma of Graphic Design* Portfolio required, submit to GDPortfolio.GoldCoast@tafeqld.edu.au by 27th September 2021. Please refer to tafeqld.edu.au (see 'Important Information' tab) for portfolio requirements.
School Based Dental Assisting Certificate III, Holland Park, QLD 4121
Job Description
Sarina Russo has partnered with a Holland Park Employer to offer a Certificate III in Dental Assisting traineeship opportunity, aimed at a highly motivated Year 12 student interested in a career after high school in the Dental Industry. The successful applicant will gain training and experience in:
- Infection control procedures
- Use of medical devices and Equipment instruments, sterilisation of equipment
- Oral health care procedures
- Dental Radiology
- Administration
Certificate III in Barber - Apprenticeship (Apprenticeship), Loganholme, QLD 4129
Job Description
Sarina Russo Apprenticeships has a Client in Loganholme who is looking to take on a Barbering Apprentice. This qualification reflects the role of a barber, who use a range of well-developed sales, consultation and technical skills and knowledge to provide a broad range of hairdressing services to clients. They use discretion and judgement to provide client services and take responsibility for the outcomes of their own work.
Mala Nair
Pathways News
University Open Days
All students in Years 10 – 12 are encouraged to attend University Open Days to learn about study options, facilities and campus life. Note the following Open Day dates:
New Degrees at ACU
ACU courses are continually evolving, with some completely new, others have been revised to ensure they are the most effective degrees ACU can offer, while some are being introduced on a particular campus for the first time. The below degrees are new undergraduate degrees for 2022.
- Bachelor of Arts (Western Civilisation) - This course provides you with a rigorous and stimulating intellectual program in which you’ll engage with western philosophy, history, literature, politics, art and culture. Develop a deep understanding of the great works, ideas and movements within the western intellectual tradition.
- Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science / Bachelor of Nutrition Science - Physical activity and healthy eating are fundamental to good health and wellbeing. They reduce the risk of disease and improve or maintain overall quality of life by enhancing mental and social wellbeing. This four-year full-time degree equips you with the skills to pursue careers related to exercise and sport science and nutrition science.
- Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice - By studying this degree, you’ll understand the complex causes and impact of crime, and the legal and social policies that keep us safe.
Using VET for competitive entry to Griffith University
Griffith University accepts standalone VET qualifications for current Year 12 applicants and recognises the skills and knowledge gained through Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a highly effective pathway to University. Students with a VET qualification completed at high school will continue to be considered for admission whether or not they are ATAR-eligible. QTAC will process VET qualifications in conjunction with other senior subjects or as stand-alone qualifications for Griffith preferences. VET qualifications will not be accepted into all Griffith courses/programs so check Griffith course requirements before completing your application.
University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
Interested in Aviation?
USQ offer a three-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) course at the Springfield campus. The course has two majors – Aviation Management and Flight Operations. During the first year, all students complete core subjects on-campus. In the Aviation management major, students can complete their second and third years on-campus or online. See the USQ website for further information about this course including the opportunity of being considered for the QANTAS Group Future Pilot Program.
University of Queensland (UQ)
Early Closing Dates
Early application closing dates apply to the following courses:
- Medicine - 30 September
- Vet Science - 30 November 2021
- Music - audition applications 6 September
- QTAC applications close 30 November
- CASPer (Vet Science) - check the website for dates in August, October, and early December
Auditions for the 2022 B Music (Honours) Program
The UQ School of Music invites applications from everyone who is interested in auditioning for a place in the B Music (Honours) program commencing in Semester 1, 2022. The application to audition, with all other necessary documents and the link to your audition video, must be submitted to the School of Music by Thursday, 12th August 2021. The School will not accept your application to audition if it is incomplete or received after that date. Click here for the application to audition form and here for more details on the application requirements and profess.
UQ Career Pulse
Last week a group of highly motivated Year 12 students attended UQ’s Career Pulse, where they participated in a series of workshops to help them discover more about pathways of interest. The workshops were delivered by industry professionals, academic experts, and students from UQ. Study areas included Business, Law, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine and Science. I would like to commend our students on their growth mindsets, high levels of engagement and the impeccable way in which they represented the College. Thank you to Hayley for sharing this recount of the experience:
“Last week I attended UQ’s Career Pulse event at the St. Lucia UQ campus. I enjoyed the day greatly as I listened to industry professionals as well as current students and how courses they studied influenced their career path. The insights the seminars provided really expanded my options for tertiary study by highlighting possibilities I had never considered, as well as how a degree in science or maths opens many career pathways. I would highly recommend taking the opportunity to go to an event like this as it is very useful in broadening horizons around tertiary study.”
Shannon Scott
Parish News
Changes to Clarks Logan City Bus Service School Routes 4406-4410-4411
Please find attached school routes which will be impacted by changes from Monday 12th July 2021 Term 3
Translink have approved Clarks Logan City Bus Service's School RSP (Route Service Plan) changes to school routes 4406-4410-4411.
The following changes have been made to these routes:
- 4406 AM this route arrives at Chisholm College approximately 5 minutes earlier at 8:14 am
- 4410 AM this route will now drop outside Chisholm College at Bus Shelter school side at approximately 8:26 am to save time to travel to other schools on the end of this route.
- 4411 AM this route will now drop outside Chisholm College at Bus Shelter school side at approximately 8:22 am to save time to travel to other schools on the end of this route.
Attached is the routes with new times and left and rights.
Information Flyers will be going out on affected routes starting Monday 14th June to advise students of these changes – these are attached.
Translink Journey Planner will be updated from Monday 28th June with these new routes.
Any queries, please direct correspondence to the Clarks Logan City Bus Service office via email info@clarkslogancity.com.au where their customer service staff will assist you.
School Route Changes