2023 Term 4 Week 1
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Enrolments 2024 and 2025
Chisholm Bus
Pathway News
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Chis Culture News
Sponsorship – QISSN and Confraternity
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr Damian Bottaccio
Welcome Back!
It has been wonderful to see our students return for what is the final term for 2023.
For our Year 12s, the final preparations for the External Exams takes focus and we certainly wish them every success over the coming weeks. Our Year 11s are nearing completion of Unit 2, with an Exam Block scheduled in Week 3; they then commence Unit 3 or essentially their final year of study. For all other students, it is important that they are aware of this information, if only from the point of view that everything counts. The efforts made in Year 7 are just as important for developing a strong mindset on doing their best with learning opportunities, and the habits that serve to give them every chance of experiencing success. Therefore, there is no such thing as a ‘bludge’ year – as the concepts and lessons taught over Years 7-10 are intentional for success in Senior.
A new term does offer the opportunity to establish improved routines and habits. With support from home and in the classroom, a commitment to gradual improvement will become more prevalent – it is why we encourage a partnership with parents. An important consideration is how our young people view themselves and the goals they establish. Parents, please discuss these goals with them and then provide feedback in terms of what you are seeing and hearing at home. Challenge them when avoidance is visible – “You said you were going to do … Is there anything I can help with?” Acknowledge the positive habits when you see them – “It was great to see you working on …. last night. You were very focused and am proud of your commitment.” As frustrating as it can be, avoid ‘ranting’ or negative comments when there aren’t efforts being made; this will only serve to increase avoidance.
I wish all students every success for this final term – finish strong!
At the end of last term we said farewell to a few staff.
- Mrs Megan McVeigh was unable to continue with us due to family situation.
- Mrs Alison Willis has now gone on maternity leave, awaiting the birth of her second child.
- Mr Alex Kay was offered a position at another school, providing an opportunity that was too good to not take.
- Mrs Jessica Walsh has been seconded to Brisbane Catholic Education, taking on the role of Education Officer - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education - Learning & Pedagogy. This is an exciting opportunity for Mrs Walsh and we have confidence that she will make a difference.
We welcome:
- Mr Patrick Lockyer. Mr Lockyer has been with us during Term 3, undertaking relief work. He is replacing Mrs McVeigh. Mr Lockyer’s enthusiasm and energy for teaching is most welcome!
- Mrs Brenda Brohman is replacing Mr Walsh, joining the Learning Enrichment team. Mrs Brohman is a very experienced and capable educator, with a genuine passion for supporting literacy development and learner growth. Mrs Brohman was previously an Education Officer with Brisbane Catholic Education.
- Mrs Kiri Crosby commences her teaching journey with us. She received wonderful feedback on her practicums and we are confident that she will be a positive presence within our community. Mrs Crosby is replacing Mr Kay.
- Ms Catherine Adams who has been with us throughout this year will take on many of Mrs Willis’ classes.
- We also welcome Ms Nicole Norton. Ms Norton will be supporting the Technologies team on a part-time basis as a School Officer. She joins us with a background of working in this environment, as well as in other areas of schools.
- Mrs Mercia Brock was recently appointed as our new crossing supervisor. An important role for the safety of our students.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr Reuben Chalmers
Fuel for Learning
As parents and carers, it can be hard to motivate teenagers to try their best at school. Sometimes we may resort to external rewards such as gifts and money, to encourage our students to do the best they can do, or to achieve as many A’s as possible.
Motivation based on only external rewards or performance goals can backfire. I suggest trying to help students find their internal motivation. Internal motivation is like having your own personal fuel for learning. When you're internally motivated, your drive to learn comes from within—you're not just doing it because someone else wants you to or because there's an external reward. This type of motivation is crucial. Internal motivation fosters a sense of autonomy and independence. It allows students to set their own goals and take ownership of their learning journey. This independence can lead to a deeper understanding and mastery of the material. Additionally, being internally motivated enhances resilience. When faced with challenges or setbacks, internal motivation acts as a powerful driving force to overcome obstacles and keep going.
In the long run, internal motivation contributes to lifelong learning. It forms a foundation for continuous personal and professional development, as you're not relying on external factors to push you forward. Ultimately, being internally motivated for learning transforms education from a chore into a fulfilling and empowering journey.
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Mrs Kristie Mackle
Welcome to Term 4. Time has flown by and all of a sudden we are faced with the end of the year, a time where we say goodbye to our 2023 Year 12 cohort, we say hello to our incoming Year 7 cohort of 2024 and we celebrate all that has been this year.
Last term ended with a bang, and it would be remiss of me not to recognize and give thanks for the last two weeks of term.
Spreading Joy
On Thursday, 14th September, 8 of our Year 9 and 10 students acted as peer mentors at Spreading Joy, a Year 5/6 formation day hosted by the BCE Catholic Identity team and Star of the Sea primary school at Cleveland. Our students did an outstanding job representing our school, demonstrating care, enthusiasm and kindness as they took a small group of primary school students under their wings for the day. Congratulations to all the students involved for a fabulous day!
Season of Creation
Last term, the Stewardship committee led our busy Season of Creation agenda, raising awareness and calling for reflection and action from those within our school community to care for our common home. This week the Season of Creation comes to a close on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the environment and animals. To celebrate, the team are selling lemonade using mint grown throughout the season as a symbol of what we can grow when we turn our hearts and mind to God and the care of His creation. We also remind all students who’ve made the pledge to continue to care for creation by putting their rubbish in the bin and reducing personal waste. Our school grounds are looking healthier thanks to our collective efforts, and I encourage all students to continue the good works.
BCE First Nations Graduation
On Wednesday 13th September Mr Bottaccio and Ms Walsh accompanied Olivia Brown, year 12, to the BCE First Nations graduation ceremony. There Olivia joined with First Nations students from across BCE to celebrate their completion of year 12. Congratulations to Olivia, a proud Noonuccal woman from Quandamooka country.
This term we continue with the journey with a number of exciting events:
Year 9 Formation
Tuesday October 10th (week 2) is year 9 formation day with guest presenters Real Talk. Hosted in the Chisholm Centre, students will be led through an exploration of self, including self-awareness, self-perception and spiritual wellbeing. Students will be required to wear sports uniform on the day and bring their lunch, as normal break times will be observed. We look forward to walking together with our year 9s as we take a step back to stop, reflect and grow.
Also on Tuesday October 10th, a number of interested year 10 and 11 students have been invited to attend Kaleidoscope, hosted by the BCE Catholic Identity team. This event, held at Lourdes Hill College, will include market stalls (with a focus on social justice), live bands, food and guest speakers. Students will have the opportunity to meet likeminded peers from other BCE schools and engage in discussions, actions and initiatives that respond to the social justice concerns held by our young people. We look forward to this exciting event and what it has in store for us and our school community.
Staff Spotlight
This week it is my pleasure to introduce two more integral members of our College Community.
How long have you worked for BCE …20 years
What are your hobbies/interests? Collecting and antiquing
Tell us a fun fact about you: My super-power is shopping!
How long have you worked for BCE? Since the beginning of this year.
What are your hobbies/interests? Running, food and photography.
Tell us a fun fact about you: I come from Amish territory, but I’m not Armish
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Assessment Calendar 7 to 12
Welcome Back! Term 4 is the most fast paced term of the year. Assessments and exams will be due slightly earlier in the term as this term is shorter for all students.
For Year 12 students, this means external exams and finalising Applied and VET subjects. Students which notice any errors in their MYQCE account, need to get in contact with myself and their subject teacher. QCAA allows me as the Principal’s Delegate to make changes to their overall results until the 23rd of November. Parents and students please check prior to this final deadline.
From Week 3, exam preparation ramps up. Year 11s will be having their final Year 11 exams in this week as well. This is a week where there are no formal classes for year 11 or year 12. This is to allow students to spend the week studying and preparing for exams and attending exams (for Year 11s). Year 12s will be offered some study sessions which are optional.
Year 10s and 11s will have an 8 week term. Most assessments will be due around Week 7 and Week 8 of term. Please consider this in your family calendar. If students are absent for exams at the end of the year, it becomes much more difficult to catch up students for exams as the final results for reporting has a very strict deadline. This is to comply with the state legislative requirements on reporting twice a year.
The same goes for the Middle School. Whilst 7,8 & 9 are still on campus in Week 9, the deadline for assessments is the same as the 10 & 11 cohort. Traditionally, Week 9 has been alternate activities for the Middle School.
To help students plan out their term, the curriculum letters for this term will be on the portal from the end of the week. These will also be emailed out to students and parents. I recommend printing these out and placing them in a easily visible location as a reminder for students.
Subject Selections
In the coming weeks, students will be emailed with their subject allocations for 2024 subjects. Students will be given an opportunity to review these before the end of the year to make final decisions around their preferred elective options. This is to limit the amount of subject changes next year. It is better for students to be settled into their classes in the first instance. Any students making changes to their electives will collect a subject change form. These need to be signed and approved by parents before any actions take place. For Year 11 students, the final changes to ATAR courses will be from Week 5 this term. Once students start Unit 3, they are not permitted to change subjects as this can have serious implications for their QCE.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Mr Krijn van Gils
Week of Wellness and R U OK? Day
During the last week of Term 3, the College recognised the Week of Wellness and R U OK? Day. The Students Support Leader, Zoe Harris and volunteers Ashleigh Beatty and Sophie Mead organised wellbeing activities students could get involved in during lunch times every day. Pastoral Care teachers were sent a Daily Wellbeing Wrap with a different wellbeing focus, every day. The Daily Wraps included a description of the daily focus, challenges, brainteasers and related videos for use in the classroom. This provided the students and the teachers with an excellent start to the day.
Save the date!
Year 9 Activity Days
Due to the cancellation of this year’s year 9 camp, students will participate in two activity days which aim to instil the values and skills they normally gain from the camp. During these two days, students will be allocated according to core classes, so all activities students are involved in are done in small, groups so students get to know each other and their teachers in a different context. For part of the day, students will go offsite to Area 51 one day and then rotate to Thunderbird Park the next.
More details, including the Parent Slip which needs to be completed for students to be able to attend will be send out this week by Mr Lalor (year 9 coordinator and Oodgeroo House Leader). The cost for attending these two days, including a small morning tea is $100 per student which will be added to the term 4 school fees.
Year 10 Social
The annual year 10 Social will be held at SunPAC on Friday, 10th November. The Year 10 students were informed about this event by Mrs McAllister during the last week of Term 3 and parents and carers were emailed the following particulars on Friday, 15th September:
Date: Week 6, Friday 10th November
Venue: SunPAC, Sunnybank
Cost: $100 (all inclusive). Tickets will be available for purchase through Chis+ from Week 1 next term.
Attire: Smart Casual / Cocktail / After Five Wear
- The Social is not the Formal.
- Students are expected to dress appropriately.
- Dress options include: After five wear (cocktail style dresses/long pants, dress shirt/blouse, jacket, dress shoes/heels). Ties or bow ties are optional.
- Eyelashes and fake nails/nail polish – if students are planning to wear these items, they will need to be removed before returning to school the following Monday. Only nude and French tip nails can be worn at school.
- Adherence to the dress code is essential. The College reserves the right to ask students to make amendments to their attire prior to the night and to ask them to alter their attire on the night of the Social, if required. These requests are not comfortable for anyone, and we ask that if a student is unsure about the appropriateness of their attire, that they seek clarification from their Pastoral Leader as soon as possible.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
Chisholm Catholic College as part of Brisbane Catholic Education, is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) school. PB4L is a support framework with a focus on building respectful relationships and environments for teachers to be able to teach and for students to excel in their learning.
At Chisholm Catholic College, we are committed to providing not only a top-notch education but also a nurturing, positive environment where every student can thrive. Together, as a community, we can empower our students to become lifelong learners who contribute positively to society.
For PB4L processes and procedures to be successful, all members of the community must play their part. Positive behaviour for learning is a joint effort involving not just our dedicated teachers and other staff members, but also parents and carers. Here are some ideas how you can support PB4L at home as the first educators of your children:
- Open Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with teachers to stay informed about your child's progress and any behavioural concerns.
- Encourage a Growth Mindset: Encourage your child to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Teach them that mistakes are an essential part of the learning process.
- Home Environment: Create a positive and nurturing home environment that complements the values we instil at school.
- Be a Role Model: Model the behaviour you wish to see in your child. Demonstrating respect, patience, and a love for learning at home sets a powerful example.
Enrolments 2024 and 2025
Chisholm Bus
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2024
As the end of year approaches, we are allocating seats for the Chisholm Bus Services 1 Springwood and Bus 2 Redlands for 2024.
Parents of students currently using the bus service are requested to please send an email to Chisholmbus@bne.catholic.edu.au to confirm the days the bus is required for 2024. Please indicate if the bus is needed daily, or list the mornings or afternoons transport is required.
Existing passengers and their siblings in Year 7 in 2024 will be given preference; however, we do require this information by Friday 20 October 2023. Should we not receive a response your students place on the bus may be given to another student. Confirmation of the booking will be sent out before the end of Term 4.
If you have a child that will be in Year 7 in 2024 and also requiring the bus please include this in your response.
Pathway News
Year 12 Students
A reminder to all ATAR eligible students you must register on the ATAR Portal to be able to receive your ATAR on the 15th December 2023. You require the following information to register:
- Full name (as shown on the QCAA Learning Account)
- Date of Birth (DD, MM, YYYY)
- LUI number
- Personal email address
A reminder to all students who have included Nursing, Midwifery and Teaching in their QTAC selections – you must complete the additional eligibility requirements relevant to the course. For Nursing and Midwifery this is the English declaration, and for teachers this is the statement and online questionnaire.
QTAC frequently communicate with many students here-on-in regarding required documentation, early offers and the like. It is essential you check the alerts tab of your QTAC application at least weekly to ensure you have no outstanding messages.
Early Offers
Early Offer schemes for Year 12 students are mostly made by QTAC, however, some are made directly from the institution. The options are to accept the offer outright, conditionally accept the offer or defer the offer (subject to the course and university as not all courses are eligible for deferment). Check with the university directly or contact QTAC.
When an offer is accepted outright, the QTAC application ends there. If a university permits conditional acceptance and it is accepted by the student (usually so a student will be considered for a higher preference in future offer rounds), the student must go back to their QTAC application and reorder course preferences.
If you do not receive an early offer, do not be disheartened. Many courses are not eligible for early offers, and some have prerequisites for eligibility. This does not mean you will not receive an offer in the main round in January.
QUT Future Students Summit
From Sophie - “The Future You Summit at QUT was one of the best experiences I had this year. It opened my eyes to all the different course options in university and the different pathways I can take in the Creative Arts Faculty. I had the opportunity to meet so many new people and make connections that will benefit me in the future. The summit helped me decide that QUT was the university I want to spend my time at for the coming years it takes me to complete my degree. Each day was filled with numerous activities that had me out of my comfort zone and trying so many different things and I had an amazing time. I highly recommend that anyone thinking about applying for the QUT Future You Summit should definitely go for it!”
Gap Year
Many Year 12 students have expressed an interest in a Gap Year before commencing tertiary education or full-time work. International travel is far more accessible than it has been in the last few years, meaning overseas Gap Year opportunities have reopened. Now is a good time for students in Year 11 or 12 to start researching GAP year options. Below is a list of organised programs:
Southern Cross Cultural Exchange
World Education Program Student Exchange
Youth for Understanding (YFU) Australia
Always thoroughly investigate any gap year programs – parents/carers should be involved in this process, and candidates are advised to talk to people who have participated in the program, and attend information sessions and webinars.
Year 11 Students – START QUT
High achieving students in Year 11 who are interested in studying a university subject in Summer (STEM Intensive) or Semester 1 2024 will receive a selection rank adjustment and gain potential credit towards a future degree at QUT. Applications for START QUT Summer 2024 (STEM Intensive) and Semester 1, 2024 are now open and close on 31 October 2023. Check eligibility requirements, browse available subjects, and apply on the START QUT webpage.
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms Mala Nair
Welcome to our final term of 2023. Term 4 is always rewarding when we witness all the achievements and accomplishments come to fruition. Well done on all your hard work.
Brisbane City Council trades and labour jobs
Brisbane City Council offers a range of trade and labour positions including electrical, mechanics, panel beating, plumbing, fitting and turning, carpentry, automotive and general labour related vacancies. Click here to read more including information on:
- Trades and labour jobs
- Benefits for trades people and labourers
- Safe and supportive work environment
- Flexibility and family friendly policies
- More information
Looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship in 2024?
Connected jobs and training have apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities through Group Training Organisations. A group training organisation (GTO) is a corporation established predominately to provide training and employment opportunities. They employ apprentices and trainees and are responsible for ensuring that those employees receive suitable training and experience. Click here to find apprenticeship opportunities in:
- Automotive
- Building/Trades
- Business
- Business and ICT
- Health
- Metal and Engineering
Click here to subscribe to receive notifications of current positions.
Women in the Australian Defence Force (ADF)
The Defence Jobs website has a section dedicated to Women in the ADF. It looks at equal career opportunities, lifestyle, flexible working conditions, family support and short commitment options for women.
Career exploration
myfuture is a great website that will assist you in doing some quality career research, especially now as key decisions need to be made for senior schooling or life after school. On the myfuture website you can find information about:
- My career profile - Complete activities to identify interests, values and skills and view suggested occupations to explore career pathways.
- Occupations - Explore over 350 occupations describing tasks, skill levels and current labour market information.
- Industries - Access important information (including employment prospects) for each industry.
- Career articles - Discover practical information to support your career exploration.
- Courses - Discover a course for you by viewing current higher education and vocational education and training (VET) courses.
- Career bullseyes - Find out what career pathways are related to school subjects that you like.
- Career stories - Learn tips and tricks by reading real-life career stories about personal experiences.
- Job Seeker resources - Discover resume and cover letter templates and other resources to help you find and gain a job.
- User guide videos - View short videos that demonstrate key sections of the website to learn how to get the most out of myfuture.
You have to sign up to the site, but it is free and they only ask for an email address and your postcode.
Is Following Your Work Passion Overrated?
Experts say the pandemic and resulting changes in the working world may be encouraging people to rethink how essential passion for your job really is. Follow your passion. It’s perhaps the most common advice given to job seekers. The implication: You can only be your best at work when you’re doing something you truly love. Yet according to a growing body of research, an overemphasis on passion for one’s work can be detrimental in a number of ways. Click here to read the full article by Alina Tugend for the New York Times.
Want to 'help people'? There are many different jobs options
Allied Health is the biggest and fastest growing industry area in Australia. According to Allied Health Professions Australia, allied health professionals are made up of Arts therapists, Audiologists, Diagnostic Radiographers/Medical Imaging Technologists, Chiropractors, Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Genetic Counsellors, Music Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Orthopedists, Orthotist/Prosthetists, Osteopaths, Perfusionists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Psychologists, Rehabilitation Counsellors, Social Workers, Sonographers and Speech Pathologists. Read more about allied health professions here and also do a search on the myfuture website (you can ‘Sign up’ for free).
Visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website for information about pay obligations, including minimum wages and the rules regarding unpaid work. You can also find information about:
- Pay and wages
- Leave
- Starting employment
- Employment conditions
- Workplace problems
- Ending employment
Teamwork skills: Definition and examples
Having strong teamwork skills are essential to succeeding at work, no matter your industry or job title. Working well with clients, colleagues, managers and other people in your workplace can help you complete tasks efficiently while creating an enjoyable environment both for yourself and others. An organisation that focuses on good teamwork skills is typically a healthy, high-functioning workplace. Click here to read an Indeed article, where they take a closer look at what teamwork skills are, how you can improve them and other soft skills that can help you be a good teammate including:
- .What are teamwork skills?
- Why are teamwork skills important?
- Examples of teamwork skills
- How to improve your teamwork skills
Tax File Number (TFN) and Unique Student identifier (USI)
To be eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP (Commonwealth assistance), students must provide a Tax File Number (TFN) (or a Certificate of Application for a TFN) and a Unique Student Identifier number (USI) on their Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). To obtain a TFN and create a USI, you should apply online now so that you are prepared.
Diploma of Business Graduation
Congratulations to the Diploma of Business class on your recent graduation.
Current Opportunities
Marine Jobs have a careers open day information session on Saturday 21st October 9am – 2pm.
Location: Multiple locations with live activations including:
- 27-35 Waterway Dr, Coomera | The central muster point for 45-55 businesses hosting six 30 minute Marine industry information sessions surrounding the following topics:
- Superyacht careers
- Defence pathways
- Local careers and Apprenticeships
- Marine science
- Advanced manufacturing / design
With guided tours running every 30 minutes of:
- Gold Coast City Marina
- The Boat Works
- Riviera Australia
- Maritimo
The event flyer below includes the QR code registration.
Apprenticeships Queensland
To view all vacancies for AQ please go to Apps QLD (jobreadygateway.com.au)
Stefan Hair Fashions
Stefan are excited to announce full time hairdressing apprenticeships for 2024 are now opened for interviews. They are currently taking registrations for interviews starting in August through to November this year. All successful applicants will be starting on a casual basis prior to Christmas as Salon Assistants and will begin full-time apprenticeships in January 2024. They would love for any interested graduating Year 12 students or potentially Year 11 students to register for one of the Interviews Sessions via their website https://www.stefan.com.au/pages/careers
School Based Trainees Early Childhood Education and Care
There are numerous opportunities for students who are looking to combine their studies with practical experience. If you are interested in learning more about school-based traineeship programs, please visit us in J01.
Reece Group Year 10 students only
Current opportunities are available for year 10 students to complete a Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations or Certificate II in Retail Services at Loganholme, Mansfield Irrigation, Underwood and Yatala. The program goes for 12 – 24 months, the ideal candidate needs to be outgoing, respectful, willing to work in a team environment and be willing to shine in customer service.
All our positions are advertised via our Reece Careers page and students are encouraged to apply online –
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Chis Culture News
Sponsorship – QISSN and Confraternity
Community News
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) advises that the Benfer Road Intersection will remain closed to allowed intersection upgrade works to safely occur. Construction works will be undertaken between 7am and 5pm (will affect both morning and afternoon school routes). The intersection will be temporarily closed until these intersection works are complete (there has not been a date provided for this).
The following list of stops are currently affected and as a result are closed:
- Redland Bay Rd at Magnolia Pde, Victoria Point (Stop ID 311166)
- Redland Bay Rd at Victoria Point High School, Victoria Point (Stop ID 311167)
- Redland Bay Rd at Victoria Point High School (Stop ID 311168)
- Redland Bay Rd at Rosevale Court (Stop ID 311163)
- Redland Bay Rd at Magnolia Pde, Victoria Point (Stop ID 311165)
- Benfer Rd near Prescoter Dr, Victoria Point (Stop ID 313496)
- Benfer Rd at Cleveland Redland Bay Road, Victoria Point (Stop ID 313497)
- Benfer Rd at Cleveland Redland Bay Road, Victoria Point (Stop ID 313498)
To avoid this intersection, until the works are completed we will be required to enter Benfer Road from the other direction, collect any students in this section and then utilise the High School to complete a U-Turn. Please note with this update we are unable to complete the whole section of Benfer Road and can only travel as far as Victoria Point High School.