2023 Term 4 Week 7
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Important Dates and Details
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
2024 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
School Fees
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Chisholm Bus
Libray News
Sponsorship – QISSN and Confraternity
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr Damian Bottaccio
This week we celebrate some important events in our community. On Wednesday night, our Awards Evening provides us with the opportunity to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of many students. I am confident that we will have a large representation from parents and family. Your presence, along with that of our committed staff will certainly bring a sense of occasion and joy that acknowledges the efforts of many. I look forward to seeing you there.
On Friday, we celebrate the Year 12 Graduation. This event celebrates the end of a notable journey for our Year 12 students. 13 years of formal schooling comes to an end and making time to bring parents and family, as well as the students across Years 7-11, together acknowledges that this is very much an important occasion. Our Year 12s have now completed their External Exams and in a few weeks time many will receive communication regarding their ATAR. They will also receive from the QCAA a certificate recognising the attainment of their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). Some will have received by then notification of entry into University or TAFE, with others to be informed of a placement for further study in the coming months. Some will have committed to an Apprenticeship or employment. All of these pathways are equally important and mark the commencement of their next journey. We wish them every success. And, we look forward to celebrating with them on Friday!
Last Friday, our Year 10s celebrated the Year 10 Social. They had a great night, sharing in each others’ company a meal, time to talk and laugh, and showing their best moves on the dance floor. The Social marks a transition into their Senior Studies or the commencement of ‘post-compulsory’ education. A great indicator of the quality of this group of young men and women is how they demonstrated respect towards each other and the formalities, let alone their willingness to show gratitude to the organisers. We are very proud of them.
Generally, this week for our students in Years 7-10 sees the focus on completing assessments and hopefully reaping the rewards of what has been sown. For some students it is a difficult few weeks. Parents can assist by talking positively about school at home. Not needing all the details all of the time, is a hallmark of teenagers and their relationship with parents.
Remembrance Day – Saturday, 11th November
On Saturday, we commemorated Remembrance Day in Australia and other countries.
At 11.00 am on the 11th November, 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. At this time, a minutes silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation in World War One.
After World War Two, the Australian Government agreed to the United Kingdom’s proposal that Armistice Day be renamed Remembrance Day to commemorate those who were killed in both World Wars. Today the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts is commemorated on Remembrance Day.
With conflict occurring in many parts of the world, we can also use this important date to call for peace. By honouring those who served and fought for peace, we also reflect on the need to live our values of Love and Mercy. Our prayers are with those who are serving or have served, those who have fallen, all of their families, and those whose lives are impacted by war and conflict.
Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy
Over the last few weeks, we have sought to update our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy and by later this week it will be up on the College’s website. Th Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy outlines the way in which we safeguard our students.
Improvements have been made to the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Code of Conduct and Student Protection Processes and we are sharing these improvements with you because each of us plays a part in ensuring safe and successful schools.
These improvements do not represent a change to existing expectations of staff. As we strive for excellence, we encourage you to let us know of any behaviour that may not meet our expectations. The Code of Conduct and Student Protection Processes are available on BCE’s website.
God bless,
Damian Bottaccio
Deputy Principal's News
Mr Reuben Chalmers
Awards Evening
Anticipation fills the air as we eagerly await Chisholm’s 27th Annual Awards Evening: A night poised to illuminate the brilliance and dedication within our student community. It's a celebration where achievements, both big and small, take center stage, honouring the relentless pursuit of knowledge, talent, and growth. As we prepare to applaud the stars among us, there's a palpable excitement, a collective pride that unites us. The Awards Evening isn't just an event; it's a testament to the spirit of excellence that defines our school. Get ready for a night of inspiration, applause, and a shared commitment to reaching our full potential. For those who cannot attend, the evening will be live streamed and a link emailed on the day.
For those who are attending the night, below are some final reminders.
- The Awards Evening will take place in Melaleuca and will begin at 7:00pm. Parking will be in the Car Park or on the College oval, if weather permits.
- Award winners are expected to be at the Evening, in their full winter formal uniform (shirts tucked in, ties and long socks for boys), Blazer for Years 10 and 11, neat and clean, no later than 6:15pm to allow for marshalling and organisation.
- We respectfully ask that you are in attendance for the full ceremony, i.e. not leave after your child receives their award. We aim to finish by 9:15pm.
God Bless
Important Dates and Details
Timetable Day Changes – This Week
We will be swapping timetable days for the Graduation Liturgy and Ceremony.
- Thursday, 16th November will be a Friday A
- Friday, 17th November will be a Thursday A
Sports uniform would be worn on Thursday as usual.
Year 7, 2023 Orientation Day
On Monday, 27th November, we will welcome our 2024 Year 7 cohort for their Orientation Day. No doubt, they will be excited and so will the Student Leaders who will greet them and walk with them as they begin their journey at Chisholm Catholic College.
It is a Pupil Free Day; however, if your student requires supervision, please contact us to make arrangements – scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
End of Term Details
For Year 12:
- Friday, 17th November – Graduation Liturgy and Ceremony
- Invitations have been emailed already. Bookings for seats was included in this information – due to close today.
For Years 10 and 11:
- Friday, 24th November – Final Day
- Students are expected to attend up to and including this day.
- An Advent Liturgy will be held in the morning.
For Years 7, 8 and 9:
- Monday, 27th November – Pupil Free Day.
- On this day we welcome our Year 7 cohort for 2024.
- However, if there is need for supervision on this day, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
- Tuesday, 28th November – Normal School Day (Formal Uniform)
- Wednesday, 29th November – Normal School Day (Formal Uniform)
- Thursday, 30th November – Movie World Excursion (Sports Uniform)
- A Parent Slip has been sent seeking permissions and payments
- Students must attend Tuesday and Wednesday to be able to attend.
- Friday, 1st December – Pupil Free Day.
- However, if there is need for supervision on this day, please email scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Mrs Kristie Mackle
St. Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Next week, our College will begin our annual St Vincent De Paul Christmas appeal. As we move towards the festive season, we as a College begin to take stock of the gift of family, friendships and the many blessings we as a community enjoy each day. We also pause to think of those who may experience loneliness, isolation or hardship, especially during the Christmas period. Over the course of the next two weeks, each PC will be asked to donate certain items to make Christmas hampers. These will be passed onto our local Vinnies conference, Loganholme, and will go directly to those in need in our community. We thank all families for their generosity and kindness.
Ezekiel’s Mission
Please see below a message from Year 10 Student, Ezekiel. He and his family are embarking on an important mission and would love our support.
Hi Chisholm Chargers, my name is Ezekiel Stuart. Next year I am heading over to Uganda to support and volunteer for an organistaion called Operation Uganda.
Operation Uganda, an Australian charitable organization, rescues and supports orphaned children and initiates sustainable community projects in Uganda, one of the world's poorest nations. Their mission is driven by the conviction that every child should experience love, acceptance, and access to education for a brighter future, overcoming obstacles on their path to success. My group and I led by my pastor will be helping in a wide range of projects, including building a community hall. We would love to take across $10,000 to support Operation Uganda so they can help many families in need. In order to support us in this work, your generoisty would be greatly appreciated and any donations will positivly impact the lives of every person we'll meet. A gofundme page will be linked down the bottom where you can donate and see more information. Thankyou for your support and generoity.
Staff Spotlight
It gives me great pleasure to feature two more fabulous staff members for our Staff Spotlight
How long have you been working for BCE? I believe it’s been 8 years.
What are your hobbies/interests? Reading, video games and sewing.
Tell us a fun fact about you: I listen to heavy metal music but I cry in every single Disney movie ever released.
How long have you been teaching for? 24 years
What are your hobbies/interests? Being active, playing social sport and cooking.
Tell us a fun fact about you: I’ve represented Victoria in badminton.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Goodbye Year 12
The end is nigh. This week we say goodbye to our Year 12 cohort. I have watched these students grow and thrive over the last 6 years of their learning here at Chisholm and I am truly proud of all of their accomplishments over this time. We have had many students already who have been offered university places, have enrolled in tertiary studies at TAFE, offered apprenticeships and continuing into work. Some of our students are even taking gap years and travelling before making final decisions around their next step. Our role as educators is to ensure that the students in our care not only receive a well-rounded education but are ready for whatever the ‘real’ world can throw their way. I have every faith that our 2023 graduates will be able to faithfully step outside the gates of Chisholm and be absolutely ready for this.
Hello Year 12
Whilst is certainly with mixed emotions I farewell the 2023 Year 12s, we also have our Year 11s stepping up into their giant shoes after this week. They will be the eldest on campus. This transition time is the perfect opportunity for students to shine for lower year levels. Most people would advise take every opportunity that is thrown your way in Year 12. I urge the 11s to go one step further, my advice for the next Year 12s is to create opportunities. Not just be a passive participant in your final year of school. There are many opportunities that are offered over the next year, don’t wait for these to pass you by and if you see an opportunity to be a part of something more – do it. Don’t wait to be asked, don’t expect that Year 12 will be different than any other year unless you actively and creatively embrace every moment.
We also mustn’t take our foot of the pedal with our studies once the holidays begins. Students will come back to 2024 with many academic milestones very early on in Term 1. The holidays are an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, but a key to a good student is a student who sets a revision schedule in the lead up to school starting again. My recommendation would be for students on an ATAR pathway to reconnect with their studies at least 2 weeks before the start of the 2024 school year. Many of our Units will begin in Term 4, 2023 but will only be finalised Week 5 or 6 of next year. 6 weeks of holidays can be a long time away from your studies. Reconnect.
Subject Selection Changes
This week, students will be sent their elective options in Year 8 – 11 for 2024. Students who have indicated that they would like to change their options for next year will be given an opportunity in Week 8 of this term. Students will need to collect a subject change form from Door 2 of the Admin block and return this signed during Week 8. No changes to electives can be made without parent approval and changes are not guaranteed. If your child brings home a subject change form, please question them as to why they might like a change. If the answer is to be in the same class as another student, then this is not in the best interests of your student. Elective options are an opportunity for students to thrive in subjects that they are passionate about and achieve in. Subject changes based on friendships is not a valid reason and I urge parents to challenge this.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Mr Krijn van Gils
Caroline Chisholm Cup 2024 – Trivia
The Caroline Chisholm Cup was introduced in 2023 to increase the connectiveness and to provide students and teachers with an opportunity to show their House pride. The winning House for 2023 was announced during the final day of the Year 12 students. We congratulated MacKillop House as a clear winner of the 2023 cup.
In Week 6, the House Trivia competition saw the start of the 2024 Caroline Chisholm Cup competition. During three lunch breaks, 12 teams of six students competed for the inaugural trivia competition run by teachers Matthew Strain and Jasmine Knox. Students were challenged by answering questions in 5 different categories: General Knowledge, Chisholm Catholic College, Music, Sport and Entertainment.
The students were very competitive and keen to start the 2024 Caroline Chisholm Cup with a win. After and intense 5 rounds, and careful marking of the student responses, the winning House of the Trivia Competition was Parer House! Congratulations to the winning House and all the best for 2024
SPECIAL REPORT: Discussing War & Conflict
Children are frequently exposed to distressing news through the 24-hour news cycle and social media. These experiences can provoke anxiety, especially in young minds still forming their worldviews. Parents and caregivers should be mindful of overexposure to such content as it can lead to symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Children’s responses to trauma can vary, from being strong emotional reactions to being indifferent. It can leave an emotional imprint that can affect a child's behaviour and perception of danger.
Children need reassurance about their safety as they navigate uncertain times. Tailor conversations to your child's age and emotional maturity. Younger children benefit from simplified explanations focusing on peace, empathy, and cooperation, while older children can delve into historical events, root causes of conflict, and the complexities of international relations.
Before discussing these topics with your child, it is also important to assess your own emotions and comfort level. By staying calm and providing physical comfort will help your child regulate their own emotions. In challenging times, compassionate adults play a crucial role in helping children cope with anxiety and providing hope and understanding in our complex world.
This Special Report provides guidance on how to tackle this difficult topic and helping children understand there is still hope in our complex world. Please take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://chisholm.qld.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-discussing-war-conflict
2024 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey
A reminder that our Year 12 students will be invited to participate in the Next Step Year 12 Completers survey starting in March 2024. The short confidential survey will ask questions about graduates’ activities since finishing school, like study and work.
Graduates can expect to be invited to the survey via a letter from the Minister for Education or an email or phone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office on behalf of the department. Please check your contact details are correct with our College and your learning account by logging into the student portal at https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/
We appreciate your participation in this important survey as it helps our school improve our senior services for future students. For more info visit www.qld.gov.au/nextstep.
Middle Years Learning Leader's News
Mrs Jade Matijevic
Being back in action for two weeks, it is very clear that 2023 has been a very busy and productive year. I would like to express great appreciation for the work that Mrs Elisabeth Lord has done in our middle school over the past twelve months. During this time, Mrs Lord worked tirelessly offering support across the middle school, ranging from, but not limited to working with many students individually and coordinating the administration of a range of monitoring tools, tracking academic progress. 2023 also saw a number of changes to our typical middle school calendar, including that of NAPLAN, that I know presented a number of new challenges, that to the many were seemingly non-existent. Thank you Mrs Lord!
Speaking of NAPLAN…
As it was this year, NAPLAN will again be sat by Year 7 and 9 students in Term 1, 2024. The link below is to the parent brochure providing information about the NAPLAN Test. Specifically:
- Why the test is valuable and what is tested,
- Who will sit the test,
- What happens if your child is absent for a test,
- How the results are reported,
- When the testing window is.
There will be more information coming to current Year 8 parents and carers in preparation for this test, so please keep an eye out in your emails.
Week 7 of Term 4 has arrived and with it, so too does the busiest part of the term. Many students are currently preparing for assessment submissions or to sit their final exams for 2023. It seems that the end is near, yet still so far. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all students that despite the end being so close, the assessment they will complete in the coming weeks is equally as important as the assessment they completed in Term 1. Continue to push and work hard to the end and enter the summer holidays knowing that you gave 2023 your all. Good Luck!
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
School Fees
Reminder fees are now overdue
Payment can be made via the Parent Poral, BPay or at the College finance office. Your prompt payment is appreciated.
Please contact the finance offiice with any questions.
2024 School Fee Changes
During Term 3, a focus for Chisholm Catholic College was the preparation of the 2024 school budget. This work aimed to ensure we can continue to provide the best education for your child and protect the financial sustainability of the school.
The main factor influencing Chisholm Catholic College is the government funding model that determines our fees are based on student needs and calculated on a Direct Measure of Income (DMI) score.
This has resulted in an overall 3% increase in the school fees and levies for 2024.
I appreciate that an increase in fees can be difficult for some families in our community. If you have any concerns about the 2024 school fees, please contact the school to discuss your family’s circumstances
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms Mala Nair
The Parents and Guardian’ Guide to education, training and work opportunities for young people
The Parents and Guardians' Guide to education, training and work opportunities for young people summarises the resources and information available to help you explore all the education, training and work options available to your young person. Parents and Guardian’s Guide has also been translated into additional languages. The School Leavers Information Kit contains more detail and is designed for your young person to help them navigate their post school options.
Benefits of an apprenticeship pathway
In today’s changing world of work, Australia needs a capable, skilled and adaptive workforce. According to The Good Universities Guide there are five advantages of apprenticeships and traineeships such as:
- You earn while you learn
- You can choose from a wide variety of interests
- Training is flexible
- You will receive a nationally recognised qualification
- You can start them at school
Frequently asked questions about Apprenticeships and Traineeships
You may have questions about starting an apprenticeship or traineeship. Australian Apprenticeships Pathways has answers to most of your questions. Click here to find out:
- At what age can I start an apprenticeship or traineeship?
- Should I do a pre-apprenticeship before starting an apprenticeship?
- Can I do an apprenticeship or traineeship while I am at school?
- What is the difference between an apprenticeship and a traineeship?
- Where can I find information about Australian Apprenticeships in my state?
- How can I find an apprenticeship or traineeship in a specific industry?
Post school options - Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships offer nationally recognised qualifications and pathways to over 500 occupations across Australia, from traditional trades to new and emerging occupations. You can explore the many options available by clicking on the links below:
- Australian Apprenticeships offer a world of possibilities
- Start an apprenticeship at school
- Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
- VET. It’s Right Now - industry perspective video
- Australian Apprenticeships offer a world of opportunities
- Find an apprenticeship that suits you
- Improve your chances
- Job opportunities and job search websites
Some apprenticeship opportunities
Check out the apprenticeship opportunities through Connected Jobs and Training. Click here to find apprenticeships in the following areas:
- Automotive
- Building/Trades
- Business and ICT
- Electrotechnology and Utilities
- Metal and Engineering
- Painting and Decorating
- Plumbing
No real plan for next year yet?
It is a hectic time of the year for Year 12, but it is best to finish school with a plan for 2024 - you can always change it. To get some ideas as to where to start your research, you can complete the activities in My career profile on the myfuture website to help identify your interests, skills and more, then explore your results, including suggested occupations, employment prospects and training pathways. Log in to My career profile. Registering is free and means that you can log back in and keep working on your profile, at a later date.
Values can help career decision making
Our ‘values’ shape the career choices we make, but what exactly are values and how can you identify the values that are important to you and that will positively impact your career? Psychologist, Sabina Read, has written an article outlining what values are, how they can influence your career choices and a list of some common values to help you start to think about what’s important to you. Ask yourself, which of the following values are important to you and are there any you want to add:
- Adventurous: To be adventurous; to actively seek, create, or explore novel or stimulating experiences
- Assertiveness: To respectfully stand up for my rights and request what I want
- Authenticity: To be authentic, genuine, real; to be true to myself
- Caring: To be caring towards myself, others, the environment
- Challenging: To keep challenging myself to grow, learn, improve
- Cooperation: To be cooperative and collaborative with others
- Creativity: To be creative or innovative
- Curiosity: To be curious, open-minded and interested; to explore and discover
- Fairness: To be fair to myself and others
- Humourous: To see and appreciate the humorous side of life
- Independence: To be self-supportive, and choose my own way of doing things
- Open-mindedness: To see things through/from other’s points of view, and weigh evidence fairly
- Power: To strongly influence or wield authority over others, e.g. taking charge, leading, organising
- Respectful: To be respectful towards myself or others; to be polite and show positive regard
- Self-development: To keep growing, advancing or improving in knowledge, skills, character, or life experience
- Supportiveness: To be supportive, helpful, encouraging and available to myself or others
- Trustful: To be trustworthy; to be loyal, faithful, sincere and reliable
Looking for a job in 2024?
If you are looking for work during secondary school or beyond and/or considering an apprenticeship, then you can learn how to find opportunities, produce quality applications, prepare for job interviews and more from the myfuture's job seeker resources, tips and templates.
Who's hiring now for Christmas and after school?
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's Connected Jobs and Training has information about who's hiring staff now! Click here to find out more about employers who are looking for staff and what jobs are available for the holiday season as well as full time work after leaving school.
Work Trials - Insights from employers
Employers use work trials to decide whether someone has the skills to do the job and whether they will fit in with the team. Click here for some insights from employers on what they look for during a work trial, including tips on preparing for one:
- What should I expect during a work trial?
- What do employers look for during work trials?
- How can I use this information?
- Tips for preparing for a work trial
- More resources to help you
Short courses from Australian File TV and Radio school (AFTRS)
The following short courses are being offered in November through AFTRS. Check them out here (scroll down the page) to see if they fit into your calendar.
- Budgeting Fundamentals | 6 November (online)
- Mobile Content Creation | 7 & 30 November (online or on-campus)
- Intro to VFX & 3D Animation | 13 November (online)
- Videomaking Intensive: Shoot, Edit, Publish | 13 November (on-campus)
- Presentation Skills | 14 November (on-campus)
- Screen Business Essentials: Navigating Growth | 16 November (online)
- TV Shooter Producer Intensive | 20 November (on-campus)
- Podcasting for your Brand | 21 November (online)
- Camera Assisting Intensive | 27 November (on-campus)
Free TAFE for Year 12 graduates
To support Queensland's Year 12 graduates to successfully transition to employment, the Government is offering fee-free TAFE in high priority qualifications. The training is available through a range of Certificate III level vocational education and training (VET) courses as well as apprenticeships and traineeships. View the courses offered by TAFE Queensland and the full list of high priority qualifications is available on the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website.
Current Opportunities
Apprenticeships Queensland
To view all vacancies for AQ please go to Apps QLD (jobreadygateway.com.au)
Launch into Health and Community Care Jobs Expo
Wednesday 29th November 10am – 1pm
Twin Rivers Centre 104 River Hills Road Eagleby
Please see flyer below.
Logan Jobs
Apprentice Mechanic – Underwood is available at JJ’s Waste & Recycling. This is a full-time position and would suit a current year 12 student wishing to enter the workforce. To view the position and to apply please click on this link Apprentice Mechanic - Underwood (brisbane), Underwood - Logan Jobs
To view all available jobs in Logan please click on this link. Logan Jobs
TAFE Queensland
Due to the overwhelming interest in Certificate III in Beauty Services TAFE will be offering a new campus location for 2024 at Loganlea. If you would like to apply for this course and can get to their Loganlea Campus please complete a application below:
TAFE Application - Pathways (tafeapply.com)
Please enter the code, TQB2401, and fill out the details. You will also need to have your USI and LUI numbers for the application, if you don’t remember them, please contact the VET office.
For further information about the curse can be found following the links below.
TAFE at School Course Guide 2024: https://issuu.com/tafebrisbane/docs/1461_tas_guide_2024_v7_issuu?fr=sNTRhYjQ4MTQzMzY
TAFE at School Pricelist 2024: https://issuu.com/tafebrisbane/docs/tq_tas_pricelist_tri_fold_2up_2024_v6_web-144ppi
MIGAS Apprentices & Trainees
Migas have a range of traineeship and apprenticeships available now. Please click on the link to view the current vacancies in Queensland. Apprenticeships Queensland | MIGAS Apprentices & Trainees
Chisholm Bus
Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood / Bus 2 Redlands in 2024
Please note that there are limited seats available for 2024 on the Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands. Parents of Chisholm students who have NOT been using the bus in 2023 and would like to arrange a seat for 2024 are required to complete an Expression of Interest as soon as possible.
Please do this by clicking on the link below.
Years 8-12, 2024 - Chisholm Bus Service - Expression of Interest Form (office.com)
There is a waiting list for the Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood.
Confirmation of the booking will be sent out before the end of Term 4. Any requests for seats on the Chisholm Bus received after seats have been allocated may be on a waiting list.
A reminder to parents of students currently using the bus service to prompt their students to keep the Chisholm Bus Card in a safe place for 2024. A suggestion would be the front section of their school bag.
Libray News
Mrs Yasmin Relja
Last week we had an amazing assortment of new novels arrive in the Library. They are already receiving a lot of attention so come on in and grab yourself some holiday reading. All novels borrowed this term can be extended to January next year. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.
Sponsorship – QISSN and Confraternity
In 2024, the QISSN Netball and Confraternity Rugby League Teams will be competing in Townsville. We are seeking support from individuals or businesses from within our College or local community, to support the College and students with the costs involved. Please contact scornubia@bne.catholic.edu.au for information on the sponsorship packages.
Community News