2021 - Term 2, Week 10
Principal's News
BCE Listens Survey - Postponed
2023 Enrolments
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
First Nations Support Officer News
BCE Student Voice Festival of Ideas
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Study Fit #3 – Setting Goals
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Week of Wellness
Parent Engagement Day - Andrew Fuller
Chisholm Bus Run 1 and 2
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Chisholm Esports
Images from Last Newsletter
Library News
VET News
Principal's News
Creating Our Preferred Reality
At last week’s Assembly, I spoke to the students about a term used within Psychology – Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. To explain, there are two types of self-fulfilling prophecies: self and other-imposed. We are all confronted by situations in our lives that could see these prophecies interfere with who we really are and what could be our true capabilities.
With self-imposed, the way that we talk about ourselves can lead to the reality we create. If we talk negatively about our abilities, then we will likely reach a point where that is how it will be. For example, if a student were to say, “I am not good at Math,” then it is likely the student will struggle with being successful in this subject. Other behaviours may also appear to subconsciously or consciously get in the way of ever being successful, such as not completing study, avoiding the tasks set in class or, through procrastination, leaving the assignment until the very last minute. There are numerous other examples that could be offered and not all related to school.
An example of ‘other imposed’ could inadvertently be happening when we speak with our own children. Speaking in front of an audience is a challenge for many people. However, it is an important life-skill, one that could be developed when at school. As a parent, if your child hears you saying to them, “You’ve always struggled with speaking in front of the class,” this could indeed become their reality.
The language of Growth Mindset is a way in which we can be more aware of how we speak, altering ‘fixed’ or negative comments to become ways of thinking and acting that are open to possibility. Just as ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ can result in a negative reality; they can also result in very positive outcomes.
I believe that all of our students are capable, and that success is relative – we don’t all have to get ‘As’ to be considered a successful or hardworking student. Persistence and effort will allow these capabilities to become reality, if we let them. As teachers and parents, being mindful of our language and challenging that of our children is essential.
😁 Yes, I did it!
😊 I will do it
😊 I can do it
😏 I’ll try to do it
🤔 How do I do it?
😮 I want to do it
😖 I can’t do it
😬 I won’t do it
I love Chisholm Catholic College. I believe that we have an awesome school with many fantastic students and staff. The opportunities we provide in and outside of the classroom are extensive. When students fully engage in their learning, great things happen; when we support each other through words and actions, belonging is attained; and, when we wear the uniform with pride, we present as a strong community. It frustrates me when I hear students say that, “we suck,” or “school sucks.” This too could be an example of self and other-imposed ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. It doesn’t have to be the reality.
Term Holidays – Time to Take Stock
We have come to the end of Term 2. The upcoming break serves as an opportunity to catch our breath and prepare for the next stage of learning.
Semester 1 Reports will be available shortly, providing a formal statement on effort and performance. In Year 11, it will be based on Unit 1; for Year 12, their first Internal Assessment (IA1). In reading through the Report, I would ask that time be taken to consider my previous comments. This is particularly important when setting goals for next Term. It is fair to say that for students in Years 7 to 10, it is an opportunity to reset and commit to doing their best possible. Create the reality they want.
We have teams involved in multiple sporting events during the break. I wish our teams every success in the Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Netball (QISSN), Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Rugby League (QISSRL) and Gold Coast Invitational Basketball Carnivals. These are some of the strongest competitions in Queensland – with teams participating from across the State. Many months of training will be seen by all who get along to spectate; don’t forget to cheer them on!
I look forward to seeing everyone return in a couple of weeks, ready for Term 3.
God bless,
Mr Bottaccio
BCE Listens Survey - Postponed
In the last newsletter we communicated that our College would be taking part in the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Listens Survey during Term 3. Following significant consultation, BCE has decided to postpone the survey until early 2022 to provide our College and other schools adequate time to thoroughly respond to the findings from the 2020 survey and to align better with the planning cycle of our College.
Your feedback about our College remains important. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments and continue to connect with your child or children’s teachers to support their learning and wellbeing.
2023 Enrolments
Deputy Principal's News
Calendar Changes
There will be some calendar changes for next Term. To mitigate some of the lost lessons on Thursdays for SECA, Lockdown and Cross Country we are going to run our Thursday timetable on Wednesday in Weeks 3 and 4. That is; Wednesday, 28th July will run on a Thursday A Timetable and Wednesday, 4th August will run on a Thursday B timetable. The Scholars Assembly for Semester 1 will now be on Wednesday, 28th July. Students who are receiving awards will receive an invitation early next term.
A reminder that reports for Years 7-9 and 11-12 will be uploaded to the Parent Portal early next week. You will receive notification when the reports have been uploaded. A Chisholm Plus+ update will also be sent at this time. Year 10 reports will be uploaded in Week 2 of next term.
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Year 12 Retreat
Our Year 12 students have returned home after a fun-filled, spiritually-inspiring Retreat held at Coolum Beach earlier this week. They spent time reflecting upon their life journey and the significant people in their life, creating a journal, writing affirmations, creating works of art, producing an icon to give to someone in their life, and participating in outdoor activities.
A significant part of the Retreat was the liturgies that enabled the students to experience the sacred.
It has been very touching to experience the gratitude and energy of the Year 12 students for the opportunity to bond together as a cohort and reflect on their journey.
My thanks to Mrs Ibell, Miss Goldsworthy, Mrs Nielsen, Mr Glennon, Ms Scott, Mrs Klein, Mrs Pollock, Mr Stevens, Miss Newell and Mr Bottaccio who joined me on the Retreat, running sessions and activities. Their generosity was most appreciated, and I am sure that the Year 12 students valued their time, effort and wisdom.
I hope you enjoy the photos of the retreat.
Enjoy a restful holiday break.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
First Nations Support Officer News
Reconciliation Week
During Reconciliation week this year, held from 27th of May to 3rd of June, our school worked in the spirit of togetherness with the theme for 2021 ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action’.
This year in the Library we had a Reconciliation display. This included an activity in which we all created a tree made from hands where students were able to draw or write what reconciliation meant to them. The tree represents growing together.
We had a great turnout of students and teachers joining in to create the tree of Reconciliation, as we sat and reflected on Reconciliation in our country.
Ms Christine Campbell
First Nations Education Officer
Chisholm Catholic College will celebrate NAIDOC Week at a whole school assembly, Week 1 of Term 3.
BCE Student Voice Festival of Ideas
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Semester One, 2021 is nearly complete! It has been another jam-packed term with SECA, musical practices and many more sporting and academic events happening around the college. The senior school is certainly ticking along and we are all adjusting to how senior now works. I have been looking through various results across year levels and with reports coming out soon, think it is timely for students to evaluate performance, especially with subject selections for 2022 occurring in Term Three.
Questions that are appropriate;
• What worked?
• What has not worked so far?
• How will you change it for Semester Two?
Term 3 will continue to have a lot going on. Subject selection will happen for Years 7-10 with a career’s expo on Tuesday of Week 2 for Years 10-12. A reminder that the career’s expo will be on at 3-5pm with a chance for parents to speak to stall holders.
In the meantime, enjoy the break and the opportunity to have some family time and safe travels to anyone who going away.
Mr. Brendan Luxton
Study Fit #3 – Setting Goals
There are several key reasons to set goals:
- They make it easier to identify and reach important milestones.
- They help students to meet deadlines.
- They keep students accountable. When they set a goal, they’re making a commitment to themselves, checking their progress along the way.
Research supports the value of ISMART goals which are Inspiring, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-specific.
- Be inspired. Goals that are intrinsically motivating are more likely to encourage follow through. They have to mean something to the student, otherwise there may not be the visible commitment needed to reach the goal.
- Make the goals specific. The more specific a goal is, the easier it will be to focus on it and take the necessary action to accomplish it. For example, a goal such as “I will study more” is rather vague. “I will study every day between 4 and 5:00pm” is specific and provides an actionable plan.
- Set measurable goals. “I’ll do better in Math,” is not really measurable. If a goal is set to study a certain number of hours for Math or to achieve a C+ in Maths it is more concrete to aim for.
- Keep goals attainable and realistic. If goals are overly ambitious, the end result is that it may set students up for failure. For example, if two hours per week is currently allocated to studying, a goal of studying for 10 hours per week is probably not realistic. Increasing it to 3 or 4 hours now may result in greater success.
- Time-specific. Goals work best when they can be ‘checked off’ within a time frame. Having both long-term and short-term goals are ideal. A long-term goal might be to get into a course at University or attain a grade-level within a subject. Short-term goals may be 4-6 weeks in length. For example, “I will study every day between 4 and 5:00pm” may be a 5-week goal (halfway through the Term).
To get the best out of setting Goals, they need to be reviewed regularly and updated accordingly.
Finally, make them visible. Place them on the fridge or on the wall where study occurs – this serves as a reminder – maintaining focus and commitment.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
WOW - Week of Wellness
You will read below the wonderful engagement and activities offered to our community in our Week of Wellness. I would like to acknowledge the participation of our students and thank particularly, Ms Charlotte Goldsworthy (Teacher) and Talia Low (Student Support Committee Captain) for their leadership and organisation of the week. The Student Leaders’ contributions, energy and time were greatly appreciated also.
Unexplained Absences from school
Chisholm Catholic College is expected to account for all student absences and as such, we require our parents/legal guardians to ensure that all absences are entered via the Parent Portal or BCE Connect App. We understand that this may be forgotten from time to time and for this reason an SMS is sent on the morning of a student’s absence. We ask please that our parents/legal guardians’ action this by contacting the College to explain the absence or entering the reasons via the Parent Portal/BCE Connect App.
Next Term, our Teachers will be required to phone parents to follow up on unexplained absences. We ask please that our parents are proactive and ensure absence notifications are entered. This will save our Teachers valuable time for sometimes avoidable follow up.
As we enter the holiday period, many students (and their parents for that matter) will be hoping and planning to spend time with friends. I offer you this SchoolTV report about Friendship which can assist parents and carers in supporting their young person’s friendship, so they experience a sense of belonging.
Happy Holidays
I wish all of our families a restful two weeks and look forward to seeing our students return rested, recharged and reinvigorated for a big Term 3.
Mrs. Tracey Williamson
Week of Wellness
Last week, Chisholm Catholic College celebrated Week of Wellness 2021. Each day had a different focus and on Monday it was all about Mindfulness. Staff and students participated in mindfulness activities in their PC and in the chill space in the Library at first break as well as taking photography in nature with Ms. Ibell at Lunch 2.
On Tuesday, we celebrated Environmental Awareness and kick started the day with Toast Tuesday. Thanks to IGA Mount Cotton we were able to hand out delicious fruit at both breaks. We also had our Trashy Trolls out and about at Lunch 2 and the whole school turned off all printers for the day.
Wednesday’s focus was on Gratitude and we started our day writing gratitude cards in PC to create an installation in the library spelling out the word ‘RISE’ and throughout the day classes practiced mindfulness activities.
On Thursday, we celebrated Healthy Lifestyles; and what better way to do this than by coming dressed in our favourite sporting team’s jerseys. We had a variety of activities available throughout the day as well. Ms Catterall ran a Zumba class at Lunch 1 and a Handball tournament also took place. During Lunch 2, there was a Staff versus Student Volleyball that ended with the students being triumphant! We also held games and activities in the Library as well as Just Dance. Finally, after school, students were able to engage in Esports games. It was fantastic to see so many staff and students getting involved throughout the day!
Lastly, to finish off the week, Friday was all about FAMILY. We celebrated Liturgy in the Chapel to celebrate our Chisholm family and handed out care packs to parents at school drop off while students wrote positive messages on the pavement in the morning. Students shared picnic lunches at break time and have also been invited (via an email from Mrs Williamson) to guess the number of gratitude notes in the RISE installation to win a Wellness pack!
Thank you to all of the student leaders and committee members for putting this week together and to all the students and staff who got involved. We hope you all had a great Week of Wellness!
From Talia Low and Jake Knox (Student Support Committee Leaders)
Parent Engagement Day - Andrew Fuller
Chisholm Bus Run 1 and 2
Payment of fees for Term 3 is due by Friday, 9th July 2021. Payment can only be made via the Parent Portal by selecting Online School Payments, scrolling down to College Bus Payments and selecting the appropriate amount.
Students in Years 8 to 11 have been issued with a new Chisholm Bus Card which they will use while at Chisholm until they no longer need to use the Chisholm Bus. The tokens attached to the Chisholm ID card have been deactivated. Please remind your student to keep the card in their school bags and to tap on and off for each trip. Any lost cards will be replaced at a cost to the student.
Information on how to download the parent app can be found in an email parents would have received directly from RollCall. The app will enable you to monitor the location of the bus as well as when your student taps on the bus and where and when they tap off.
There are limited places available on Chisholm Bus 1 Springwood and Chisholm Bus 2 Redlands. If you require a seat for your student/s please send an email to ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au listing your students name, days required and whether morning or afternoon. The cost is $3 per trip and payable for the Term in advance. Preferences will go to students using the service every day. Students using the bus in Term 2 automatically retain their place for the school year.
Please send any queries to ChisholmBus@bne.catholic.edu.au
Chis Culture News
Sport News
Students have enjoyed a full schedule of sport in Term Two, with our return to the SECA Winter Competition this year, resulting in eight well deserved premierships; many of these teams will now progress to the Brisbane Metro Finals in Term Three. In addition, we enjoyed our College Cross Country Carnival (delayed due to the lockdown late last term), and finished up with our annual College Athletics Carnival this Friday, the last day of term. Many of our students have competed in District and Regional competitions, with quite a number being selected for representative honours at the next level.
To find out about all the wonderful sporting opportunities happening next term, see the schedule below:
What’s Coming Up in Sport in Term Three
Week Two: Thursday, 22nd July – SECA Winter Season Two: Round One
Week Three: Thursday, 29th July – SECA Winter Season Two: Round Two
Week Four: Tuesday, 3rd August – Pacific District Track & Field Trials
Thursday, 5th August – SECA Winter Season Two: Round Three
Week Five: Thursday, 12th August – SECA AFL 9’s Gala Day (Year 7-12)
Week Six: Wednesday, 18th August – SECA Inter-School Athletics Carnival
Thursday, 19th August – SECA Winter Season Contingency Day
Week Nine: Tuesday, 7th & Wednesday 8th September – School Sport South Coast Track & Field Championships
Week Ten: Tuesday, 14th September – SECA Rugby Union 7’s Gala Day
Hot off the Press!
On Wednesday afternoon of Week 10, as part of our Pre-Carnival Athletics Events, we were delighted to see Year 7 student Sienna Wise break the 13 years Girls High Jump record… which has stood for nearly a quarter of a century – since 1997! What a magnificent effort, well done Sienna, and all students who have competed in our pre-carnival events.
Mr. Andrew Ryan
For the third year in a row, MacKillop has taken out the Interhouse Athletics Carnival title. Look out for a full write-up of the day early next term.
Chisholm Esports
Chisholm Esports has been very busy in Term 1 and Term 2 this year with ‘Girls in Gaming’ launching with over 14 members attending each week and ‘Rocket League’ teams being entered into the XP Esports High School League. Our Minecraft teams have been working hard creating worlds and challenges for a trial Tournament in Term 4 (First of its kind in Queensland). The League of Legends team placed fourth in Queensland in the Queensland League of Legends Championships! With Term 3 about to be underway, the Chisholm Invitational will kick off in full force in 2021 with over 16 Schools in attendance, all battling for the title of the ‘Chisholm Invitational’ Champion in League of Legends.
Even though the Rocket League teams started a new season this term, they were able to secure FIRST PLACE in the XP Esports Rocket League high school championships! I am very proud of all teams who competed and especially proud of Chisholm Maroon. Well done.
All Chisholm Esports tournaments are not-for-profit and proceeds go to opportunities and resources for students attending.
Looking forward to seeing your child be a part of something bigger.
Mark Mendez-Cortes
Esports Coordinator.
Football News
A couple of weeks ago, Chisholm SEDA Football took four teams to the recent Elite 8 futsal competition, it was a very successful day with three of the teams coming away with medals.
Last Thursday, the SEDA Football Program entered six teams in the annual Calvary Invitational, having great success with Chisholm playing each other in the grand final in two of the age groups. The highlight was the junior girls team winning their Grand Final against Redeemer Lutheran College.
Basketball News
Gold Coast Invitational will kick off from Sunday, 27th June to Wednesday, 30th June at Coomera Indoor Sports Centre. The following students have been selected to represent the College at this tournament:
Playing Draw
Rugby League News
The Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Rugby League (Confro) kicks off from Monday, 28th June to Friday, 2nd July at Iona College – 85 North Road, Lindum. Eleven of our SEDA Rugby League students have been selected to play in a combined team with St James.
A special thank you to Andrew Poynter and Thomas Philpot for mentoring and coaching the team in the lead up to this competition and giving up a week of their school holidays to give the boys this wonderful opportunity. We wish you all the best and good luck!
Team List:
Jack Carnes
Jamie Holzheimer
Dylan Trauntner
Dalton McGrath
Joseph Willis
Isaac Kincaid
Isaac Madden
Ryan Sparkes
Yorshan Nair
Angus Wardlaw
Joseph Mazza
Playing Draw
Monday, 28th June | 10:20am – Field 1 Vs St Anthony’s College 2:30pm – Field 5 Vs Ryan Catholic College |
Tuesday, 29th June | 9:20am – Field 4 Vs Emmaus College Afternoon game time - TBC |
Thursday, 1st July | Semi-Finals - TBC |
Friday, 2nd July | Finals - TBC |
Netball News
The Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Netball (QISSN) Carnival also gets underway on Monday, 28th June until Friday, 2nd July at Nissan Arena – 590 Mains Road, Nathan.
A special mention to Charlotte Goldsworthy for doing a lot of the behind the scenes organising and managing, and for also giving up a week of her school holidays to manage the team – we really appreciate everything you do for the Netball program. Also, a big thanks to Danielle Edwards and Simone McNamara for sacrificing their time to help develop this young team into confident netballers.
Team List:
Naje Ormsby-Qualtrough (Captain)
Caitlin Edwards (Vice-Captain)
Georgia Robbie
Scarlett de Bruyn
Renee Plant
Sienna Wilson
Indea Stein
Laura McGreevy
Elila Carter
Hayley Olsen
Riley Smith (Shadow)
Playing Draw:
Monday, 28th June | 8:30am – Court 1 Vs Unity College 10:00am – Court 3 Vs Chanel College 11:30am – Court 1 Vs Holy Spirit College |
Tuesday, 29th June | 11:30am – Court 5 Vs Southern Cross Catholic College 2:00pm – Show Court Vs Carmel College |
Wednesday, 30th June | 9:00am – Court 7 Vs St Ursula’s College 10:00am – Court 7 Vs Ryan Catholic College |
Thursday, 1st July | Quarter and Semi-Finals |
Friday, 2nd July | Finals |
We invite all members of the school community to come along and support the various teams competing. Hope to see you there!
Stacey Thompson
SEDA Program Leader
Images from Last Newsletter
Apologies that last newsletter there were several photos left off, please see the images below from some great moments in Chisholm sport!
Library News
On Thursday 17th June, Chisholm hosted the Brisbane South Year 7/8 Readers’ Cup competition. Fourteen schools from across the region came to compete in a knowledge-based quiz of 5 selected books which students had been reading throughout the term. Author Tristan Banks was our guest author and quizmaster for the evening. Chisholm was represented by five amazing students: Erin Kelly, Bhavi Gupta, Cienna Plant, Jasmine Bentley and Sommer Siepen. The girls performed incredibly well against some tough competition. Overall, they finished in the Top 8 of the competition. Well done ladies!
Ms. Sarah Martyn
VET News
Vocational Education News
Cannot believe that we are at the half-way mark of the year. Due to our commitment to education and training, we are moving along as usual and not letting the pandemic get in our way. We are very grateful to the local employers that continue to be a blessing to our community. Thank you for supporting our students – together, we are enriching the lives of our future generation.
TAFE at School Programs 2022
Applications open on Monday, 12th July for 2022 TAFE courses commencing Semester 1, 2022. Applicants will require:
- USI Numbers Unique Student Identifier
- LUI Number; and
- Guardian Details
Here is the link to submit student applications:
- Go to tafeapply
- Enter the code: Skills Tech TQST2201 or TAFE Brisbane TQB2201 or TAFE South West TQSW2201
- Complete the details on the application form and press submit
Year 10 Trade Taster
The first intake of students has just completed their trade taster program at Acacia Ridge and Alexandra Hills TAFE campuses. Students received their construction white card and trialed various trades such as Plumbing, Carpentry, Furnishing, Light Auto, Engineering and Electrical. Feedback has been very positive. This gave students a great opportunity to figure out what trade they are interested in to pursue with a full course in 2022. The next intake of students commenced last week and will go through to next term. Good luck.
School Based Trainee and Apprentices
Congratulations to the following students who have commenced their traineeship/apprenticeship program in the first semester:
Damien - Certificate III in Carpentry - Red Rock Homes
Alex Bubalo - Certificate III in Business - Domino’s
Shania Clegg - Certificate III in Business - Domino’s
Jessica Dunne - Certificate III in Business - Ray White
Ella Hamlett- Certificate III in Business - Supa IGA
Danny Kavanagh - Certificate III in Carpentry - JAS Construction Qld Pty Ltd
Lexie Mitchell - Certificate III in Business - Boost Juice
Ashaya McHenry - Certificate III in Business - Domino’s
Wyatt Nipperess - Certificate III in Business - Domino’s
Aaron Scribbins - Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Trade) - Ozmac Cylinder Engineering Pty Ltd
Indea Stein - Certificate III in Business - Domino’s
Anna-Marie - Certificate III in Hairdressing - Organica Hair & Beauty Lounge
Madison Vainionpaa - Certificate III in Hospitality - KFC
Kyan Wilson - Certificate III in Carpentry - Bramel Constructions
MacKenzie Kessler - Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged) - Seaton Place
Keely Gillman - Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged) - Finncare
Benjamin – Certificate III Business - Domino’s
Congratulations to the following students who have successfully completed their school-based traineeships this semester:
Blake Moore - Certificate III in Hospitality - Michel’s Patisserie
Jed Currie - Certificate III in Retail - McDonald’s
Jessica Myers - Certificate III in Business - Movie World
Caroline - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
Jessica Dougherty - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
Charlotte Dunn - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
Taahi - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
Mikayla Lavelle - Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Vocational Education and Training Tips for Students
Prospective Vocational Education and Training students should view themselves as consumers of training services … in other words … customers. Like any other significant purchase, you should do your research. The Queensland Government has a website that offers tips for training consumers which include:
- Checking that the course you want to do meets your needs
- Ensure that the course is nationally recognised and leads to a formal qualification (recognised by the Australian Qualifications framework)
- Check your eligibility for government subsidised training
- Shop around for a training provider that best suits your needs
- Confirm your preferred training provider is a registered training provider
- Be cautious about paying large sums of money up-front
- Read the contract before signing
Visit their website to see more information about each of these tips.
2022 Australian Government Digital Apprenticeship Program
The Australian Government Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Apprenticeship Program targets students who are currently completing their Year 12 studies. As an apprentice, you will complete an ICT qualification as well as work within an Australian Government agency in ICT related areas such as:
- Applications Development
- Cyber Security
- Programming
- Interactive Media
- Software Engineering
- Infrastructure Support
- Big Data
- Data Analytics
- Networking
- Programming
- Web Development
- Systems Testing
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Help Desk
Applications for the 2022 Program are now open and close Monday, 28th June 2021. Visit their website for more information.
Job Search Sites
It is sometimes challenging to work out where to start looking for an actual apprenticeship or traineeship. The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website has a job search site that can be useful. Click here to find out more.
Use the School Holidays Wisely
An important strategy in career exploration is experiencing the job you are interested in. This can be undertaken in many ways:
- Work observation - spending a day or more with someone already in the job at their workplace.
- Career interview - developing a list of questions and interviewing someone already in a job you are investigating.
- Work experience - spending some time (a week if possible) in the job.
- Investigating courses by visiting institutions and talking to providers about their courses.
- Getting a part-time job or volunteering in your job of interest.
- Doing a course or workshop that relates to the type of work you want to do.
Current Opportunities
Energy Queensland
Great opportunity for Year 12 students wanting to join Ergon/Energex.
Entry requirements:
To apply for an apprenticeship, you must have completed at least one of the following:
- Year 12, and passed Maths A or General Maths, English and a Science subject.
- Equivalent pre-vocational studies including a Certificate II in Electrotechnology or relevant work experience.
- Certificate II in Engineering Pathway/s or relevant work experience, Mechanical Trade - Diesel Fitting (apprenticeship only).
To apply for the apprenticeship program or learn more please go to:
- com.au/careers or
- com.au/careers
BESIX Watpac
School Based Trainee Brisbane and a School Based Apprenticeship - Brisbane Grammar School Project
BESIX Watpac has a great opportunity for an Indigenous school-based trainee to complete a Certificate III in Business at one of our Brisbane projects or a Certificate III in Carpentry. This is a school-based role where you will go out one day per week whilst still in school.
The successful candidate for both opportunities will be able to demonstrate:
- Ability to communicate clearly and confidently.
- Strong drive and determination.
- Willingness to learn and apply yourself to the job.
- Be reliable and have a positive attitude.
FAME Program – Aviation Australia
FAME is a unique industry first initiative, developed by Aviation Australia to support and nurture future female aircraft maintenance engineers. This program is dedicated to increasing the female participation in the aircraft maintenance engineering workforce across Australia, by providing students with support from key networks and industry throughout their studies. Program Launch is held on Wednesday, 23rd June from 10am – 11am, followed by a tour. Morning tea and snacks will be provided. For more information and registration, click here
Ms. Mala Nair