2024 Term 2 Week 2
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
BCE Connect App
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Program Leader of Learning & Pedagogy
College Sponsors
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Chisholm Day - Friday 24th May
2024 School Immunisation Program
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Sports News
Library News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr Damian Bottaccio
Right to Disconnect – Working in Partnership
Across Australia, all employers will be required to implement a ‘Right to Disconnect’ Policy. This is in reference to the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2024 – The Right to Disconnect that was passed earlier this year and comes into effect mid-year. Ref: Fair Work Amendment Bill 2024 – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)
For schools, such as Chisholm Catholic College, we are seeking to work with all members of our community to acknowledge that our staff have this ‘right to disconnect’. Our Policy is being refined (available from the College Website under the Policies section), understanding that much of what we seek to accomplish is through sustained communication. However, we also need to protect our staff and support their wellbeing, just as much as we don’t want to see parents or students communicating well after school hours.
A few points from the Right to Disconnect Policy:
- Communication can occur between 7:00am – 6:30pm. This means that staff who choose to work outside of normal school hours are able to communicate during these times. However, it is not an expectation that staff are responding during these times.
- Responses are within two (2) working days. Teachers are generally in class for much of their day making it nearly impossible for them to be able to respond the same day that they receive communication from a parent, student or peer. As an example, it is unreasonable to expect that an email sent in the evening is responded to prior to school commencing the following morning – it will likely not be read until later that day or the next.
- There is no communication on weekends or school/public holidays unless there is an emergency or matter related to student protection. Staff will respond within two (2) working days.
Tell Them From Me Survey
Once again it is time to hear from students, teachers and parents about your thoughts on the different aspects of College life. The Tell Them From Me Surveys provide valuable data and information that assists us with improving student wellbeing and engagement, and prioritising professional learning to help staff respond more effectively to student needs.
Parents will be sent a link next week; students and staff will complete the online surveys over the next few weeks. Results of the survey are shared with the PCA and in the Newsletter.
Student Voice Representatives
We have 3 students who have successfully applied to be a part of Brisbane Catholic Education’s 2024 Student Voice Network. The Student Voice Network sits within the Student Voice program and is an accessible and inclusive online platform created to connect and empower students to take an active role in shaping their education. Various consulting, training and external to BCE opportunities will be provided to students throughout the year to participate in as they wish.
Congratulations to: Levi Shea (Year 11), Mason Lee (Year 10) and Taylah Baker (Year 8). I am confident that these students will participate meaningfully and use their voice to support the many initiatives available to our students.
ANZAC Day Service and Commemorative March
This Thursday is ANZAC Day. This is a solemn day of remembrance – recognising current and past people who have served, some making the ultimate sacrifice. ANZAC Day is marked annually on the anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign of the First World War.
We are inviting students, parents and staff to participate with Chisholm Catholic College at the Springwood and District RSL Commemorative March for ANZAC Day on Thursday, 25th April. A Parent Slip has been sent to all families. We would like to see many students representing their families and the College.
On Wednesday, 24th April, we will be holding our ANZAC Day Service at the College. Parents, you are welcome to attend – it will commence at 9:00am.
BCE Connect App
The BCE Connect App is recommended to all parents and carers.
As an example, the App allows parents/carers to report student absences – in the last week we have had numerous examples of a parent/carer arriving at school to collect their student; delays in collecting their student could be avoided if the App was used to notify of the early collection.
The app can be downloaded via the following links:
- Apple Store – Click Here
- Google Play – Click Here
If you’re using an Android device, please follow these steps to ensure your BCE Connect app is up to date:
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Tap the profile icon at the top right.
- Select Manage apps and device.
- Tap Manage.
- Locate the BCE Connect app (look for the “Update available” label).
- Tap Update.
If no update option appears, your app is already running the latest version.
For troubleshooting advice for both the BCE Connect App and Parent Portal – Click Here.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr Alexander Hodgson
Student Led Conferences
The Term 1 Progress Report and interview requests will be uploaded to the Parent Portal on Wednesday, 24th April. Instructions for booking a Student Led Conference will be sent out at this time. Bookings for the conferences will open on Friday, 26th April and will close on Monday, 6th May.
Structure of Day - Tuesday, 7th May (Week B)
- 8:35am - PC
- 8:50am - LB1
- 9:50am - LB2
- 10:50am - PC
- 11:00-Students Depart (Departure times will be staggered for different Houses).
- 12:00pm - Student Led Conferences begin.
Students are to bring all the equipment that they need for LB1 and LB2. They will be able to leave the College at 11.00am. Students in Years 7 – 9 will need to be picked up if they are departing at 11.00. There will be no alteration to bus services. The College will provide supervision until 2.55pm for students who are unable to be picked up from the College at 11:00am. The parent slip will be sent out this week and will include more information.
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Mrs Kristie Mackle
This Thursday is ANZAC day, and we as a College will again stop to pay our respects to the service men and women who have given their lives in service to their Country. Our College community is invited to join us on Wednesday, 24th April at 9am for our Liturgy in Melaleuca.
All students have been invited to join us on Thursday, 25th April at the Springwood RSL Tri-Services Ceremony and March. We will meet at 7am at the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre. Students are asked to wear their full formal winter uniforms at both Wednesday and Thursday’s ceremonies as a mark of respect. LEST WE FORGET.
Year 10 Formation Day
Get excited Year 10 students! Your formation day is coming up on Wednesday, 1st May. We will be joined at the College by the very popular Michael Fitzpatrick who will work with students on their Leadership skills and connectedness. No classes for Year 10s will run on this day. Students are permitted to wear full and correct sports uniform on this day.
Mothers' Day - Date Claimer
We invite all the mothers, Grandmothers and those who act in the role to our Mother’s Day Liturgy and Breakfast on Friday, 10th May at 8am in the Chisholm Centre. Please look for your official invite to be emailed home in the coming days!
"Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future. Her mouth is full of wisdom; kindly teaching is on her tongue”. Proverbs 31
Staff Spotlight
This fortnight, in honour of ANZAC day, it is my pleasure to feature one of our amazing teachers and ex-serviceman Mr Patrick Lockyer! Thank you for your service, Sir.
What made you want to serve?
When I was in High School I wanted to be a Teacher. However, I couldn't afford to go straight to university after school. At the time, the ADF was offering opportunities for students to complete a 12-month gap-year, so I decided to apply. Having grown up in regional VIC, I was also hungry for adventure and the opportunity to see more of the world.
Why did you choose the Army out all the services?
To be honest, I didn't know very much about the Australian Defence Forces when I initially started looking into gap-year opportunities in Year 12, I didn't even know that Australia had an Air Force. When I first attended the recruitment office in Albury, NSW, the officers who worked there were all in the Army. As I didn't have a clear idea on which service I wanted to join, they were able to easily persuade me into pursuing a role in the Army. I knew that I wanted opportunities to test and challenge myself, and the Army was offering a huge range of diverse roles. So I decided to join the Army.
How old were you when you joined?
I was 18 when I joined. Once everything was approved and my application was accepted, I was given a recruitment date for 2-weeks after the completion of my final Year 12 exam. I didn't get to go to my High School graduation, and I received my year VCE results when I was in basic training at Wagga Wagga, NSW.
How did you tell your family and friends that you were joining the army?
My Dad told this story the best at my 21st Birthday party. He said that I came into the living room one day and exclaimed, "Mum and Dad, i've decided to join the Army. I've just sent off my application". I'm pretty sure they laughed, rolled their eyes and said "year right Pat". In their defence, I was a skinny, flighty, choir boy and the only job I had previously held was working in my Aunt and Uncle's show shop. Joining the ADF was probably the most unlikely thing I could have done. I think that might have been part of the reason why I joined. I was keen to prove to my family, my town and to myself.
Was there a specialty field you were looking to focus on specifically?
I initially joined as an Operator Supply in the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC), which is essentially a storeman or logistician. My job was to manage Defence equipment, including weapons, ammunition, rations, field equipment and spare parts. After six years I applied to go to the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) and become an Officer. I was accepted and I completed a Bachelor of Arts (English and History) at UNSW Canberra. Following this, I completed my officer training at the Royal Military College-Duntroon (RMC-D) and was appointed as an Ordnance Officer. In total, I served in the Army for 13 years.
Where did you travel to?
Within Australia, I was posted to several locations along the East Coast of Australia, including Wagga Wagga, Albury/Wodonga, Amberley, Canberra and Brisbane. I also had the opportunity to deploy overseas on two occasions to Afghanistan and the UAE.
Did you see any conflict?
My role as a logistician meant that I was not required to deploy in a combat role. Rather, I was responsible for managing supplies and equipment from my base. This does not mean that there was no threat or potential for conflict. At various times we were subjected to indirect fire from outside of the compound. Furthermore, a member of my unit named Andrew Jones was tragically killed by a rogue soldier within the Afghanistan National Army. He was a cook who was not supposed to die. I think about Jonesy every ANZAC Day.
Would you recommend joining to any young people and why?
There is no way I would be where I am, or for that matter who I am, were it not for my time in the ADF. There is so much that a career in the ADF can offer, and the opportunities for growth are limitless. I don't know if I can go as far as recommending the ADF to every young person. If there is anything that becoming a teacher has taught me, it is that our youth should not be generalised, as they are all remarkable in their own individual way. All I can say is that if there any young people who are feeling nervous about what life might look like once school is finished, if you are hungry for adventure, determined to prove yourself, and love working with people everyday, then the ADF is waiting for you. Soldier on.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
Academic Calendar
The Year 11 and 12 calendar for Term 2 has quite a busy schedule for assessment. For students undertaking General units, most assessment for Unit 1 or Unit 3 will be finalised by Week 6. For parents of senior students the change from assessment being due at the end of the term to mid term can be quite a challenge. To help alleviate this term stress, students have the option of choosing study as a SECA sport. These are dedicated study halls that promote good independent study habits which are staffed with our senior teachers. If your child would like to choose study they need to do so before the SECA season commences.
Our curriculum letters for Term 2 will be published during Week 2. These will be emailed to students and parents. These can also be accessed on the Parent Portal. Most of our junior assessment will be finalised by the end of Week 9. Please take the time to view these schedules to help support your student to set a study schedule and organisation.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Mr Krijn van Gils
Uniform Clarification
School uniforms serve as a unifying force within educational institutions, fostering a sense of equality and belonging among students. By adhering to the school uniform policy, students contribute to a conducive learning environment where focus is directed towards academics rather than attire. Uniforms mitigate social pressures related to clothing choices, promoting inclusivity and reducing instances of bullying based on appearance or socioeconomic status. Additionally, uniforms instil discipline and a sense of responsibility, preparing students for future professional environments where dress codes are common. Overall, embracing the school uniform policy cultivates a culture of respect, unity, and academic excellence.
This term marks the start of winter, and students are required to wear the College Winter Uniform. The College has implemented the Uniform Support Room to support students and families with the uniform where needed. Students who are not wearing (parts of) the College Uniform, are asked to bring in a note from home and come to the Uniform Support Room to collect a uniform pass for the day. Where needed, students can borrow the required uniform item for the day.
Students who are not abiding by the Uniform Policy will be referred to the Uniform Support Room where they will be issued with a breach and provided with a uniform pass indicating that their uniform issue has been dealt with. Students who continually fail to abide by the Uniform Policy are deemed unsuited for the learning environment and they will remain in the Uniform Support Room until the uniform is rectified. Uniform breaches reset at the end of each term.
The College is aware of the supply issues School Locker is experiencing and the fact that School Locker at the Hyperdome is currently closed for renovations. Currently, we are awaiting the arrival of the new College Jackets which are allowed to be worn with both the formal and the sports uniform. Please follow the following link to the School Locker website for online ordering and availability of uniform items:
Please find a summary of the Uniform Policy below. Please note:
- Students in Years 10-12 are required to wear the College blazer to and from school every day.
- Year 12 are only allowed to wear their Senior Jersey on Thursdays and special days such as the College Cross Country and Athletics carnivals.
- Students in all year levels are allowed to purchase and wear the new College uniform items.
- Students who purchase the new, green soft-shell jacket are allowed to wear this with both the formal and the sports uniform.
- Male students are required to keep their shirts tucked-in during Terms 2 and 3.
Girls – Year 7
Year 7 | Summer | Winter | Sport |
School blouse Green tie Green skirt, pants or shorts White Chisholm socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes New College formal hat College Bag | Summer uniform and New Green College soft-shell jacket Jumper (optional) | New College polo New College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat White Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes New Green College soft-shell jacket |
Boys – Year 7
Year 7 | Summer | Winter | Sport |
White collared shirt green trim
Grey shorts or pants New Grey Chisholm socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes Black belt New College formal hat College bag | Summer uniform and Green Tie
New Green College soft-shell jacket Jumper (optional) | New College polo New College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat New Grey Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes New Green College soft-shell jacket |
GIRLS – Years 8-12
Junior | Summer | Winter | Sport |
School blouse Green tie Green skirt, pants or shorts White Chisholm socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes College formal hat College backpack. | Summer Uniform and College Jumper or Maroon soft-shell jacket | College polo College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat White Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes College sports jacket
Senior | Summer | Winter | Sport |
School blouse Maroon tie Green skirt, pants or shorts White Chisholm socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes College formal hat College bag | Summer uniform and College Blazer (Years 10-12) College Jumper (optional)
| College polo College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat White Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes College sports jacket
- NOTE: New College uniform items may be purchased when replacement is needed.
BOYS – Years 8-12
Junior | Summer | Winter | Sport |
White collared shirt, green trim
Grey shorts or pants Grey socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes Black belt College formal hat College bag | Summer uniform and Green tie
College Jumper or Maroon soft-shell jacket
| College polo College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat White Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes College sports jacket |
Senior | Summer | Winter | Sport |
White collared shirt, maroon trim
Grey shorts or pants Grey socks Black leather lace-up dress shoes Black belt College formal hat College bag | Summer uniform and Maroon tie
College Blazer (Years 10 – 12) College Jumper (optional)
| College polo College sports shorts College cap or bucket hat White Chisholm socks Lace-up sports training shoes College sports jacket
We appreciate your support as we continue to improve the uniform standards at our College.
Parent Engagement Evening – How to communicate with your teen?
On Tuesday evening, we welcomed 40 parents/carers to the Chisholm Centre as part of our Parent Engagement evening. The topic of the evening presented by the College Counsellors, Melissa Reardon and Lynette Chan was ‘How to communicate with your teen’.
The presentation gave the attendees an insight into the development of the child’s brain to gain an understanding of why it is sometimes difficult to communicate with teenagers as they are trying to establish themselves as individuals. Some of the most interesting facts about the typical teenage development include:
- Adolescents tend to struggle to distinguish between their perception of what others think about them and what people actually think in reality.
- The adolescent brain is developed enough to conceive the thoughts of others, however, there is a tendency to focus on one’s own perceptions of a situation (struggle to see or understand another perspective; difficult to think beyond themselves)
- Their adolescent brain is unable to relate to future and perspective at this developmental stage.
- They feel others pay significant attention to their appearance and behaviour.
- The way they seek connection and comfort with parents may change, but still need their parents to welcome them in as a safe refuge to return to when adolescent life gets stormy.
We encourage parents and carers to continue to establish connection with their children, even though this is sometimes challenging, it is important to set aside time to spend together as they deal with the challenges they face during the teenage years.
I would like to thank Melissa and Lynette for their engaging presentation about this important topic and all the parents/carers who attended this evening. For those of you who were unable to attend, Melissa and Lynette have kindly shared the presentation slides for your perusal here: 2024 Communicating with your teen presentation.pdf
Student Transportation – Go-Card
Please remind your son/daughter to bring their Go-Card and use it to pay for their transportation to and from the College. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students were told that they didn’t need to tap on/off whilst using the bus services, however, this is no longer the case, and students are now required to pay for the service provided. Thank you for your support.
Program Leader of Learning & Pedagogy
Mrs Danielle Jorgensen
At Chisholm Catholic College, we are constantly striving to provide our students with innovative and enriching educational experiences that prepare them for success in an ever-evolving world. One such approach that has been gaining momentum in our classrooms is Project-Based Learning (PBL). This dynamic teaching method empowers students to delve into real-world problems, collaborate with peers, think critically, and creatively solve challenges while mastering essential academic content.
What is Project-Based Learning?
Project-Based Learning is more than just a teaching strategy; it is a philosophy that puts students at the centre of their learning journey. Instead of passively absorbing information, students actively engage in hands-on projects that require them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve authentic problems or address meaningful questions.
What does Project-Based Learning add to the student experience?
- Real-World Relevance: Project-Based Learning connects classroom learning to the real world, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts and their practical applications. By tackling authentic problems, students develop a sense of purpose and relevance in their studies.
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Through Project-Based Learning, students become critical thinkers and problem-solvers. Students learn to analyse information, evaluate multiple perspectives, and generate creative solutions—a skill set that is invaluable in any academic or professional setting.
- Collaboration and Communication: Project-Based Learning promotes collaboration and communication skills as students work together in teams to accomplish shared goals. Students learn to effectively communicate ideas, delegate tasks, and resolve conflicts, mirroring the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.
- Student Engagement and Ownership: By giving students autonomy over their learning, Project-Based Learning fosters a sense of ownership and agency. Students are more engaged and motivated when they have a say in the direction of their projects, leading to deeper learning and increased retention of knowledge.
- Interdisciplinary Learning: Project-Based Learning naturally lends itself to interdisciplinary learning, allowing students to explore connections between different subjects and see the holistic nature of knowledge. By integrating various disciplines, students gain a broader perspective and develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues.
As we continue to embrace Project-Based Learning at Chisholm Catholic College, we invite parents, students, and community members to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we can inspire a new generation of learners equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to thrive in an ever-changing world. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Project-Based Learning at our school, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
College Sponsors
Thank you to Bailey Ladders, a proud Platinum Sponsor of the 2024 QISSRL Confraternity Team.
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Chisholm Day - Friday 24th May
It’s that time of year again! Chisholm Day is our annual celebration of our namesake, Caroline Chisholm – her birthday is the following week. We begin the day with a Liturgy and then we move onto the oval for a day of fun with house activities, amusement rides, food vans, performances and Staff v Student Volleyball. We finish off the day with the Chisholm Challenge and the announcement of the House Spirit Cup Winner.
More information will be provided in the coming weeks. However, ride passes are now available for purchase via the Parent Portal - $15 / pass. This provides unlimited access to the rides.
2024 School Immunisation Program
All Year 7 and 10 Parents and Carers,
Please be aware the College no longer manages the Immunisation Program, as such all enquires must now be directed to the Logan City Council Immunisation team on 07 3412 4039 or email immunisation@logan.qld.gov.au All forms are to be submitted online. Should you miss the deadline for vaccinations at Chisholm Catholic College, please contact the Logan City Council who will be able to arrange an alternative time and venue for you.
Link to book: https://logan.book.vaxapp.com.au/school/ChisholmCatholicCollege-MLnSXh)
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms Mala Nair
Looking for information about apprenticeships and traineeships?
Apprenticeship Central is a job search site where apprentices and employers can connect. Its aim is to provide a space for users to search for opportunities and also connects job seekers with employers. If you are looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship you can register and be notified of current vacancies. The website has a Resources section where you can find information on creating a resume, videos and blogs, what's the best career fit and frequently asked questions.
Literacy and Numeracy Quizzes for Apprentices and Trainees
Australian Apprenticeships Pathways website has literacy and numeracy quizzes for a range of careers. These general industry-based quizzes indicate the literacy and numeracy levels required when undertaking Australian Apprenticeships qualifications. The quizzes give you an idea about your literacy and numeracy skills/ability that you need for the jobs in the industries listed. They are a guide but will help you find out what areas you need to work on at school. Find sample quizzes for the following industry areas here:
- Agriculture, Animals and Conservation
- Automotive, Transport and Maritime
- Business and Financial Services
- Construction and Electrical
- Creative and Beauty
- Digital, Technology and Telecommunications
- Energy and Utilities
- Food and Wine Processing
- General or Non-industry Based
- Health and Community Services
- Manufacturing and Production
- Resources, Mining and Processing
- Retail, Hospitality and Recreation
Videos about Apprenticeships and Traineeships
SkillsOne TV has a collection of videos showcasing skills, trades and industries. If you click on ‘Skills Bites’ (scroll down the left-hand menu) you can get a taste of skills and trades in 15 seconds.
Employment Projections
National Skills Commission produces employment projections to provide a much-needed guide to the likely future direction of the jobs market over the next 5 years. Each year these projections are updated to reflect emerging trends and developments. The latest data available are for the five years to November 2026.
Over the five years to November 2026:
- Employment is projected to increase across all 19 broad industries.
- Employment is projected to increase across all 8 broad occupational groups.
- 9 in 10 new jobs are projected to require post-school education.
Industries Projected to Grow
Four services industries are projected to provide more than three-fifths of the total projected employment growth:
- Health care and social assistance
- Accommodation and food services
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Education and training
This follows the long-term structural shift in employment towards services industries. Click here for more information.
The best way to explore a job you are interested in is to try it. This sounds obvious, doesn’t it? However, it is often the last thing people think of when exploring jobs and making career decisions. The following are ways you can try a job.
- Work observation/shadowing - spend one or two days with someone already in the job.
- Work experience – spend up to a week working in the job.
- Volunteering – volunteer your services to an organisation that has jobs you are interested in
- Part-time paid work – explore the possibility of part-time or casual work in your preferred career area
- Join an activity group where you can try out some of the skills you will need in the job you like e.g. join the Air Force Cadets or the St John Ambulance Cadets
- Participating in various programs associated with specific career areas for example, Engineering Link projects
The benefits of trying a job are:
- Learning about what the job involves.
- Having a structured, supervised, hands-on experience.
- Experiencing a work environment – the world of work isn’t like school!
- Gaining a new referee to add to your resume.
- Developing contacts that may help you gain employment in the future.
Your school Guidance Officer/Counsellor or VET Coordinator can help you organise work experience. Read ‘Tips for finding work experience’ on the myfuture website for other ways of finding work experience.
Some Ideas on How to Break into the Film Industry
Few other industries hold the allure of Hollywood, with its powerful and influential A-list. But while big-name actors will always steal the spotlight (pun intended), entertainment jobs range from the creative, to the practical, to the commercial.
Where there’s an actor, there’s an agent. Where there’s a set, there’s a director. And a PA. And a location scout. And on and on. Saying you work in Hollywood can mean you work in any number of fields, from production to management to publicity.
Click here to read about how ten insiders broke into the film industry with some of the tips being:
- Create your own work and don’t be afraid to cast yourself.
- Being a production assistant is a great entry-level job.
- Stay focused, no matter what
Above all, build a network
VET Student Loan (VSL) Eligibility
The short VET Student Loan (VSL) eligibility assessment will help you check your eligibility for a VET Student Loan (VSL) but should be used as a guide only. Click here to check your eligibility.
Thinking about TAFE?
TAFE Queensland offered 240 courses across the State during the 2023/2024 offer rounds. Courses ranged from Certificate III, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Associate Degrees and Bachelor Degrees. TAFE offers a huge range of tertiary course opportunities and you can check them out here. The most popular courses in Semester 1 2024 were:
- Diploma of Nursing
- Diploma of Justice Studies
- Diploma of Sport
- Bachelor of Creative Industries (University of Canberra)
- Bachelor of Digital Design (University of Canberra)
- Associate Degree in Civil Engineering (Uni credit)
- Diploma of Laboratory Technology
- Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics
- Diploma of Information Technology
AQIA Swim Teacher Program
The AQIA School to Work Transitions – Swim Teacher program has been extended until 30 June 2024. AQIA have scheduled more course dates over the next few months. These courses may be the final chance for students to undertake this free training program in 2024. Continuation of the program is dependent on a successful application in the next School to Work Transitions funding round. The consent form, and the promotional flyer are below.
Please see below the confirmed dates and venues for the upcoming course:
- 1 & 2 June 2024: Logan North Aquatic & Fitness Centre
The program strictly targets enrolled school students aged 15 years and older from the Moreton Bay region. Interested students are required to have a reasonable level of fitness and swimming ability to perform the required aquatic skills. Students should send their completed consent form directly to admin@aqia.org.au
TAFE Queensland
Applications are now open for Semester 2. To apply go to www.tafeapply.com and use application code TQB2403. Attached is the flyer on what opportunities are available.
Taster Programs
Taster programs are now full for Term 2 but you can apply for Term 3: www.tafeapply.com and use application code TQB2403Taster. If you applied for the Term 2 programs and have not heard back, you were placed on a waiting list and should be offered a spot in your chosen course in Term 3. See flyer attached.
National Institute of Construction Skills – Year 12 Only
National Institute of Construction Skills (NCIS) will be running a week of 1 day “Try A Wet Trade” sessions for current Year 12 students. This is a fun interactive way for students to discover the world of wet trade. It will run in Term 3 week 3 from 22 – 26 July 2024 and will be held at their training campus in Salisbury:
Master Painters & NICS
Gate 3, Building 7
The Construction Training Centre
460-492 Beaudesert Rd Salisbury QLD 4107
Time is 9am – 2.30pm
There are only 20 spaces available each day and a total of 100 all up. Applications will close on 14th June 2024.
Available Apprenticeship Opportunities:
CPC30620- Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
CPC31020- Certificate III in Solid Plastering
CPC31220- Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
CPC31320- Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
CPC31420- Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
Selected students then could register for the CSQ Funded Get Ready Program, which involves them gaining 3 units of competency towards their apprenticeship, and a week of work experience in the wet trade of their choice.
Defence Force Work Experience Opportunity – Australian Army Band Program
There is an upcoming exciting opportunity with the Defence Work Experience with the Australian Army Band at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera. The program will run for 5 days, Wednesday 3 July to Tuesday 9 July (excluding Saturday and Sunday). This work experience activity provides students with an interest in instrumental music an introduction to the Australian Army Band Brisbane, located at Gallipoli Barracks. Music students are encouraged to apply via our DWEP website . Job Ref - WEP/02018/24 Australian Army Band Brisbane: Gallipoli Barracks - 03–05 July and 08–09 July
This Work Experience opportunity is for high school (secondary) students only.
Students must be enrolled in Years 11 or 12 at an educational institution where they are actively studying music performance and/or music education on their own instrument.
This placement is only suitable to advanced level music students playing big band instruments; trumpet, trombone, saxophone, and rhythm section instruments, including electric bass/double bass or voice (minimum AMEB Level 6/7). This program is not open to orchestral wind or string instruments. For more information see the information pack attachment.
Reece Beenleigh
School-based position available for a current Year 11 student to complete the Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations. Information brochure attached.
Key points to note:
- Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations (TLI20421)
- 18–24-month program
- Working one day per week along with the Saturday Morning
- Combination of Warehousing and Retail skills
- The ideal candidate needs to be outgoing, respectful, willing to work in a team environment.
- The student must be willing to shine in customer service.
- Commitment to complete year 12 is a must.
Students are encouraged to apply for this traineeship via the link below:
Australian Retail College (FIR)
Please see below current school-based vacancies from Australian Retail College. You can scan the QR code to apply. Vacancies exist at Boost Juice Hyperdome, Red Rooster Springwood, Pizza Hut Stretton, Domino’s Browns Plains, Raine & Horne Springwood, and Red Rocket Real Estate Springwood.
Torrens University Australia – Flight Centre
Flight Centre Travel Academy have an exciting opportunity for year 12 students who want to jumpstart your Travel and tourism career whilst still in school with their new Entry Assessment – no ATAR needed. Unlock a travel career that allows you to live and work in the Whitsundays or travel the world as a flight attendant. Students can register here for the Year 12 Accelerator Program here ✨Exciting news! Our new Year 12 Accelerator Program is here! 🚀 (fctravelacademy.com)
Open Day - 30 April 2024 (fctravelacademy.com). To find our more information please visit Jumpstart your travel career with our new Year 12 Accelerator Program! (fctravelacademy.com)
Australian Trade Training College
ATTC Meadowbrook Campus are having a hands-on trade experience day where you can explore different trades. The day will be Tuesday 30 April from 10am. Please come and see us if you are interested.
Sports News
Mr Mathew Ellis
Interhouse Cross Country
Congratulations to all students who participated in the 2024 Interhouse Cross Country event this week. It was an excellent day with great conditions which made it an enjoyable day for all. Our House colours out and proud for out second Interhouse event for the year.
Students nominated for Districts will be receiving notification of attending this event over the coming week.
The College will also be inviting students to attend the SECA Cross Country event later this term also.
Well done to our Age Champions and Overall House winners for 2024 featured below.
Cross Country Carnival Results 2024
Place | House | Points |
1st | Mackillop | 256 |
2nd | Flynn | 229 |
3rd | Parer | 224 |
4th | Mitchell | 210 |
5th | Namatjira | 171 |
6th | Oodgeroo | 135 |
Age Champions | ||
Age | Girls | Boys |
12 Years | ||
3 | Ayla Pomana | Jakub Myska |
2 | Elena O'Connell | Max Aikens |
1 | Isla Walshe/Daisy Gemzik | Josh Jacobs |
13 Years | ||
3 | Eloise Wessling | Carter Murray |
2 | Ella Brushe | Archer Miller |
1 | Pyper Shannon | Jesse Foster |
14 Years | ||
3 | Tara Howarth | Mitchell Packenas |
2 | Indi Rackley | Oliver Steuart |
1 | Ruby Richter | Jarvis Cox |
15 Years | ||
3 | Felicity Lawler | Isaac Scott |
2 | Toyea Low | Nathan Brischetto |
1 | Gabrielle Foster | John Moloney |
16 Years | ||
3 | Ava Ryan | Jack Kennedy |
2 | Sienna Walshe | Logan Cagney |
1 | Hannah Rooney | Hamish Fox |
Open | ||
3 | Haylee Wolter | Archer Cruickshank |
2 | Kasey Brown | Rory Lloyd |
1 | Emily Clough | Kaleb Simms |
SECA Sport
Students and staff have begun preparations for the upcoming SECA days for Season One in Term 2. There is some scope for students to make a selection if they did not complete this in the allotted selection period in Term 1 – however it will only be for certain teams/year levels that still have spots available. We are unable to add teams to the competition at this late stage. Students did have 21 days and email/daily notice reminders about completing their own online nomination in Term 1.
Students are reminded that if they have nominated to play a Sport in Season 1 that they have the correct playing equipment eg. Boots, mouthguards (Rugby League), long socks, shinpads (Futsal) etc. The College does not supply this personal safety equipment. If students in Rugby League and Futsal cannot produce their own personal mouthguard and shin pads they will not be allowed to take the field. Mobile phone usage will also come under scrutiny as there has been incidents around student usage at SECA events. Students may ask permission to remove their phone from their bag and communicate with family briefly if needed, before returning their phone to their bag. Any usage further from this will result in phone confiscation and handing back at the conclusion of the school day. Continual phone breaches will result in mobile phone privileges being removed as per the College policy surrounding such devices. Some sports may use College playing strips that will be handed out to those teams. All other sports/activities will be played in full HPE uniform.
We look forward to our new start of the SECA sport and activities in Week 3, Thursday 2 May.
SECA Swimming
Our SECA Swim Team has finished in 8th place out of 13 schools who competed at the 2024 SECA Swimming Carnival. Our Team Training session the week before brought the team together and gave Chisholm students an opportunity to swim and practice race tactics. Special mention must go to our 15 Years girls team who finished third in their team Age Championship. Well done to all swimmers who represented our College proudly.
SECA Cricket
Well done to our Senior Boys Cricket team who have won the Senior Boys Champion School for the 2nd year in a row. It was a great team knock with all students contributing with the bat and ball. Special mention must go to Ryan Beatty whose work with bat ensured a Chisholm Victory. Well done to all players on another successful day, overcoming the obstacles faced and showing College spirit when it was needed.
Congratulations to...
Eloise Krieger who competed in the State Championships for Jumping Equitation and Showjumping. Eloise placed 3rd overall in Jumping Equitation and 9th overall in Showjumping
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 3209 0700
Mr Brendan Taylor
Congratultions to Emily Clough and Gabby Foster from our Chisholm SEDA football program who will be competing in the upcoming representative QLD School Championships. The tournament will be held at Wynnum Wolves Football Club from May 16-19th. Emily and Gabby will be playing in the U19 and U15 age groups respectively. We wish the girls all best.
Library News
Mrs Yasmin Relja
At the end of Term 2, Mia Sense, Maddisen Barnes, Kaiser Van Stom, Elijah O’Connell, Joshua Searle, Bailey Andersen and Riley Macgregor travelled by bus with Mrs Brown and I to Moreton Bay Girls’ College to compete with 24 other schools in this year’s Kids’ Lit Quiz.
Kids’ Lit Quiz is a not-for-profit organisation which holds an annual literature competition, for teams of four students, aged 10 to 13, working together to answer wide-ranging literary questions. The quiz is worldwide with the winning team from each heat competing in a national final and then a world final.
My New Gallery
Community News