2024 Term 2 Week 4
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
BCE Connect App
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Tell Them From Me Survey
College Fees
College Sponsors
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Chisholm Day - Friday 24th May
Pathway News
2024 Careers Expo - Chisholm Catholic College (10 -12)
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Library News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Our Partnership
I frequently communicate the need to support our students’ engagement with school and with their learning; best achieved by maintaining a partnership between home and school. If you are reading this now – thank you!
I firmly believe that for students to be truly successful with their learning, we need to work together – encouraging them to be their best possible selves. The Student-Led Conferences are one such example whereby we want parents/carers to be involved in your child’s education.
Communication via the Newsletter, email and use of social media is another way we actively seek to keep parents/carers informed. As much as possible, this is intended to assist with understanding all that happens at school. I respect and acknowledge that parents/carers do have a busy life and that there may be information overload.
The Parents and Community Association (PCA) is another way in which parents/carers can be involved. Our next Meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 14th May, commencing at 6pm. This will serve as both an Annual General Meeting and General Meeting. It is a point of discussion and consultation, providing updates to parents on what is happening at the College. All are welcome!
We offer Parent Engagement Evenings during each term. The last one - How to communicate with your teen? – facilitated by our Guidance Counsellors, was attended by around 40 parents/carers. These evenings are intended to support parents/carers, connecting with staff from the College on topics that are of importance learning and wellbeing. The next Parent Engagement Evening, to be held on Tuesday, 21st May, is outlined later in the Newsletter.
Formation Days – Years 10 and 11
Last week, our Year 10 students participated in their Formation Day, facilitated by Michael Fitzpatrick. Michael challenged our students to get to know others in their cohort, call out issues they face and reaffirm others by complimenting them on characteristics they admire. A fantastic day with students highly engaged and leaving inspired to become authentic leaders. I was very impressed and proud of their engagement – the best I have seen for many years.
Next week, our Year 11 students will attend their Formation Day. The focus will be on their preparations for assuming leadership responsibilities as Seniors in 2025.
Parents/Carers, please understand that these are not optional days – they are a part of our overall Formation Program and commitment to the spiritual and personal growth of our students. Damage is done when we support or permit absences on such days.
Tell Them From Me – Parent, Staff and Student Surveys
Currently, all Brisbane Catholic Education schools/colleges are participating in the TELL THEM FROM ME suite of surveys developed by The Learning Bar. The Learning Bar provides tools used extensively across Australia. The Student, Teacher, and Parent/Caregiver surveys will enable our College to measure and understand the factors that are known to have a direct and profound impact on well-being and student learning, including:
- Sense of self and purpose
- Catholic faith and culture
- Social, institutional, and intellectual student engagement
- Sense of belonging
- Safe and inclusive school
- Quality of instruction
- Advocacy at school and home
Details for the Parent/Carer survey were included in the Upcoming Dates and Details emailed last week; you can find the details later in the Newsletter. I ask all members of our community to please engage in this meaningfully to give us an indication of our strengths, opportunities and challenges, so we can be dynamic enough to understand quality feedback and respond to it. Our 2024 Annual Goals were directly informed by the 2023 Tell Them From Survey that was undertaken by students, parents and staff and thus do actually shape our direction.
All students will participate next Tuesday, 14th May – completing the survey during an extended PC.
Attendance Matters
Student Attendance will continue to be an important matter that encourages and reinforces the relationship that exists between home and school. Our commitment is to achieving 90% attendance for all students. The following data was as at the end of last week.
It identifies that 57.5% of our students have maintained 90% or better attendance since the start of the year. Yes, there are many students sitting just below the 90% benchmark and there could valid reasons that prevented them from being at school.
The following table identifies attendance for each year level. The dark green identifies students who attendance is 95% or better – light green 90-95%. You will clearly note the numbers of students whose attendance is not at 90% .
These results are comparable to other Brisbane Catholic Education Colleges. And it should be noted that attendance is a challenge for many schools post-Covid. Regardless of this reality, we want to see improvement; we want students at school!
We do identify those students whose attendance is exemplary and congratulate them on being at school. It is great to see 70% of Year 7 students have maintained positive attendance – with 44% at the even higher level of 95% or better.
Every three weeks, via the Approaches to Learning update that is emailed to parents/carers, and students, each student’s attendance percentage is recognised. This should be a point of discussion at home, along with results and effort in classes.
‘Late Arrivals’ and ‘Early Departures’ impact a student’s attendance level. School commences at 8:35am – arriving late to PC does add up.
90% attendance equates to:
- 5 days absence per term
- 10 days absence per semester
- 20 days absence per year
Expectations in a typical workplace is around 8-10 days per year of sick leave; therefore, the requirements for a typical student to achieve 90% are very achievable.
Acceptable reasons for student absences are:
- Illness;
- Family trauma or bereavement;
- Events of cultural significance;
- Participation in school organised activities, eg. work experience;
- Participation in representative sporting or cultural activities, eg. South Coast Sporting Trials.
Unacceptable reasons for student absences are:
- Unexplained;
- Appointments;
- Late;
- Personal / Family reasons;
- Holidays;
If there are reasons that require students to absent for an extended period, please read the attached – Process for Applying for Leave.
BCE Connect App
The BCE Connect App is recommended to all parents and carers.
As an example, the App allows parents/carers to report student absences – in the last week we have had numerous examples of a parent/carer arriving at school to collect their student; delays in collecting their student could be avoided if the App was used to notify of the early collection.
The app can be downloaded via the following links:
- Apple Store – Click Here
- Google Play – Click Here
If you’re using an Android device, please follow these steps to ensure your BCE Connect app is up to date:
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Tap the profile icon at the top right.
- Select Manage apps and device.
- Tap Manage.
- Locate the BCE Connect app (look for the “Update available” label).
- Tap Update.
If no update option appears, your app is already running the latest version.
For troubleshooting advice for both the BCE Connect App and Parent Portal – Click Here.
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Anzac Day Liturgy and March
Thank you to all students and parents who attended the ANZAC Day march and ceremony held in Springwood by the Springwood Tri-services RSL. It was wonderful to see so many students proudly representing themselves, their families and the College. Lest We Forget.
I would also like to thank all parents and special guests who joined us for our College ANZAC service on Wednesday 24th April. Our students were exceptional in the way that they presented themselves and engaged in the service. Thank you to everyone involved.
Year 10 Formation
Last week on Wednesday 1st May 2024 the Year 10s had the opportunity to engage in a Formation workshop with well-regarded presenter and facilitator Michael Fitzpatrick. Throughout the day, students were encouraged to challenge themselves and each other to step outside their comfort zones and grow in their own abilities to be a servant leader. Our Year 10s gave it their all and represented their College well. We are so proud of them! We look forward to continuing this work with our Year 10s as they move into their senior years at the College.
Year 11 Formation
Next week on Wednesday 15th May, Year 11s will participate in their formation day co-facilitated by Chisholm Catholic College and Character Builders. The focus on the day will be personal and group leadership, team building, and personal and social dignity. No classes will run for Year 11s on this day and students will be permitted to wear their sports uniform. We look forward to working with our Year 11s as they prepare to take over as the seniors of our College in Term 4.
God bless
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Year 7, 8, 9: Planning the Term Ahead
All students have been provided with curriculum letters and an outline of the academic calendar for the term. In the email sent, students were given some tips for how they can use this to their advantage in Term 2. Parents have also been emailed a copy and these can also be located on the parent portal.
Year 10: Why Term 2 Matters?
As we step into Term 2, Year 10 students embark on a transformative journey—one that significantly shapes their academic path. Why does this term hold particular importance?
Term 2 is content-rich. Students encounter new material while revising existing concepts. It’s a prime opportunity to evaluate progress and enhance marks. Historically we have seen that motivation can wane, especially if desired marks haven’t been achieved. However, consistency and increased motivation during Term 2 can lead to remarkable transformations in results. As part of the SET-Planning that will occur in Term 3, teachers will look at Semester One results as a pattern for learning. Strong results in this Semester are important in providing evidence for students desired pathways. Students at risk of failing in Year 10 limit their opportunities in Senior. Research shows that habits take around 66 days to become automatic. Term 2 provides the ideal window to cultivate effective study habits. Consistent efforts during this term lay the foundation for success in Year 11 and 12.
In Week 7 students will have a day of career exploration. In the evening the College will be hosting our Career Expo Evening. This is an opportunity for parents to ask questions of our staff, stall holders and attend a presentation explaining the Senior years. This leads into our SET-Planning. This is a formalised process where students and carers sit down with one of our trained pathways teachers. It is at this stage that we look at subject selection for senior studies.
Term 2 isn’t just a bridge—it’s a launchpad toward future success. Embrace the challenges, stay motivated, and make the most of this transformative term!
Year 11 & 12: Verifying Your myQCE Results
As we approach the middle of the academic year, our Year 11 and 12 students have been diligently working toward their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). During Term 2, it’s crucial for them to verify their results on the myQCE platform. By reviewing their results during Term 2, students can ensure accuracy and address any discrepancies before they reach the final deadlines in Term 4. It’s an opportunity to confirm that their hard work is accurately reflected.
Students should log in to their learning account on the myQCE website. This account provides access to subject and course enrolments, projected QCE eligibility, and, most importantly, their results.
The Student Education Profile (SEP) is an important part of the myQCE login. As this is where essential documents, including the Senior Statement and, if eligible, the QCE certificate can be found at the end of Year 12. When schooling is finalised students can download and save these documents as PDFs, making it convenient for sharing with employers or further education providers. The SEP features a unique document ID and a blue digital signature panel, ensuring their authenticity. If students need a print copy of their Senior Education Profile, they can submit a request via their learning account. The QCAA provides free print copies for end-of-year and mid-year certifications, with specific timeframes for each. These end of schooling certifications are provided through the myQCE portal pages. Chisholm Catholic College does not provide students or have access to these individual documents. It is therefore very important that students check that their accounts are accurate and all their learning credits are applied.
Learning Area Spotlight: Writer’s Toolbox Year 7 English
Students in Year 7 English classes are using Writer’s Toolbox which is a program developed by Dr Ian Hunter’s research into enhancing students writing skills. This research culminated in the online platform that students will be accessing to improve their writing this term. The original goal was to develop a tool that was interactive and could provide tailored guided instruction based on every students’ unique needs. As students' writing improves, the system adapts and provides students with new learning experiences. In this way, students can continually grow and are provided with instantaneous feedback. Below is a link to a parent’s perspective on the efficacy of the program.
A Parent's Perspective - Writer's Toolbox (writerstoolbox.com)
Our Year 7 students are all on board to use this program to help their writing in English. However, this should not be isolated to only English. Students can transfer their skill development from English across to their other learning areas to improve their writing.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Building a Bully-free Community – A Night of Awareness and Action
In the final weeks of Term 1, more than four hundred members of the Chisholm Catholic College community completed the Bullying survey. This survey has provided the College with the data we need to successfully engage with the community and address the issue.
We are excited to invite you to a special Parent Engagement Evening focused on the important topic of bullying prevention and awareness. As partners in nurturing a safe and supportive learning environment for our students, your involvement and insights are invaluable in our collective efforts to address this critical issue. Research suggests that attempts to address bullying cultures and experiences are unlikely to succeed when school and home are treated as separate and distinct settings without overlap.
Event Details:
- Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
- Time: 6-7pm
- Location: Chisholm Catholic College - Chisholm Centre
At this event, we will come together as a community to:
- Explore the prevalence and impact of bullying in society and our school.
- Gain insights into the different forms of bullying and their effects on children and adolescents.
- Discuss strategies and initiatives to prevent bullying and promote empathy, respect, and inclusivity.
- Learn about the support services and resources available to students and families.
- Engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration to create a safer and more inclusive school environment for all.
This evening will feature an informative interactive presentation, open discussions, and opportunities to connect with fellow parents, school staff, and community members dedicated to addressing bullying.
Your participation is vital in shaping our school's approach to bullying prevention and supporting the wellbeing of our students. Together, we can make a difference and foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and respect in our school community.
Please RSVP using the link below, by Monday 20 May 2024 to confirm your attendance https://forms.office.com/r/V2ZtNpBvFh
Tell Them From Me Survey
In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at Chisholm Catholic College.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
College Fees
College Sponsors
Thank you to Bailey Ladders, a proud Platinum Sponsor of the 2024 QISSRL Confraternity Team.
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Chisholm Day - Friday 24th May
Our annual Chisholm Day, the celebration of our namesake Caroline Chisholm, is once again approaching.
Our community begins the day with a Liturgy, to which parents and carers are invited. Our students then participate in the Chisholm Day ‘House Spirit Cup’, earning tokens for their respective House through their active participation and engagement. It truly is a highlight of the year!
We have arranged food vans for the day with gluten free and vegetarian options available, and there will be plenty of entertainment to make the occasion special.
Rides will also be in operation throughout the day. This year’s list of rides and attractions includes:
- Dodgem Cars
- Round Up
- Super Slide
- Rock-Climbing Wall
- Petting Zoo
Plus, a variety of activities run by each of our Houses.
Younger siblings in the care of their parents are welcome to attend. If you would like to purchase a Ride Pass or Single Ride Ticket for younger siblings, this can be done on the day.
Ride Passes
Ride passes for students are on sale now via the Parent Portal until Sunday, 19th May for a discounted $15.
Purchasing a Ride Pass will give unlimited access to all rides and the Petting Zoo from 10:15-2:15.
House points for the Chisholm Spirit Cup will be allocated to those students who pre-purchase their Ride Pass.
- Ride Passes can still be purchased on the day for $20.
- Single Ride Tickets can also be purchased on the day for $5.
*Ride Pass sales are final and non-refundable
Expectations for Chisholm Day
This is a special day for us all. Chisholm Day acknowledges our founder – Caroline Chisholm. We want you all present so that we can celebrate as a FAMILY.
- It is expected that all students attend the day. We commence the day with a recognition of our Catholic tradition.
- Unless there is a valid reason, if students arrive after 9:15am they will not be able to participate in Chisholm Day.
- Students are welcome to bring their own lunch to school with them; however, no outside food is allowed to be purchased and delivered to the College (eg. Uber Eats).
- Our PCA will be helping out with a canteen offering a limited menu.
- Students are asked to leave their mobile phone, ear pods and laptop in their locker.
- No payments via mobile phones – cash or card only.
- Bags too should be kept in their locker – students only need them down if they have food inside.
- Sports Uniform is to be worn during the day.
Pathway News
Ancient History students recently delved into the mysteries of ancient Greek and Roman civilisations at the University of Queensland. We were given a guided tour of the RD Milnes Antiquities Museum and participated in workshops where students handled real ancient artefacts, where they could apply their historical skills in a practical setting. There is a certain magic in walking the same paths and studying the same artifacts as those who lived centuries before us. Below is a firsthand account of Gee’s experience of the day:
“The recent ancient history excursion to UQ was an extremely positive experience for me. Learning about ancient Roman and Greek life was highly fascinating, and getting to handle 2000-year-old artefacts, such as coins and pottery, really put it into perspective for me how ancient people lived. Handling real artefacts made me realize just how advanced the ancient Greeks and Romans were, and it’s unbelievable how talented these civilisations were. The workshops provided by UQ assisted me greatly in developing my analysis skills on primary sources, and made me consider many different implicit meanings that I previously wouldn’t have thought of. It’s an excursion I highly recommend to all future ancient history students because it gives you a learning experience out of the ordinary, and goes to show how much information and skills you can receive and develop outside of a classroom setting.”
2024 Careers Expo - Chisholm Catholic College (10 -12)
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Apprenticeship Central
Did you know there are over 500 apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications in over 50 different industries? Whether you want to work in an office, construction site, design studio, hospital or a farm, you can follow your dreams through a traineeship or apprenticeship. Apprenticeship Central has information that can help you find your career pathway! An apprenticeship or traineeship can be a great career move allowing you to learn while you earn. They have a variety of resources here to help your career research including answers to the following questions:
- What happens in an apprenticeship or traineeship?
- How long does an apprenticeship or traineeship take?
- Is an apprenticeship or traineeship right for me?
- Looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship?
Apprenticeship Support Australia
Apprenticeship Support Australia provides support at every stage of the employment cycle. Job seekers, school students and apprentices can receive ongoing support including career advice, job matching and ongoing mentoring. Visit their website and click on ‘Apprentices’ where you will find information about apprenticeship wages, get free career advice, qualifications, apprenticeships that might suite you, school-based apprenticeships, how to get started, where you will study, advice and support and more. You can also schedule a free career consultation with a career adviser. The website also has specific information for parents regarding:
- My Child is Considering an Apprenticeship
- Qualifications
- Supporting My Child
- What will my Child Be Paid?
Want to be a pilot in the Australian Defence Force!
The Defence Jobs website has information about being a pilot in the Air Force. You can find out:
- An overview of the job
- Find out what it's like
- Salary
- Services and benefits
You will also be able to see Explore the Air Force in 360.
Work experience program
The Defence Work Experience Program provides young Australians interested in Defence as a future career, the opportunity to find out more about the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the Australian Public Service (APS). For queries about the Defence Work Experience Program, email Defence.WorkExperienceProgram@defence.gov.au Click here for more information on the Defence Work Experience Program including:
Healthcare is everywhere!
Healthcare is Everywhere is an interactive online ‘activity’ that will help increase your awareness and knowledge of the healthcare system. It highlights the variety of career opportunities within the health industry. You can zoom in, scroll around and explore a hypothetical city and rural community, discover the range of health services, career opportunities and what they do at work. It's easy to use because all you need to do is click on the red markers to find out what health care jobs are located in that workplace. Give it a go!
How knowing your values can positively impact your career
Values shape the career choices we make, but what exactly are values and how can you identify the values that are important to you - those that will positively impact your career? You should know which workplace values are important to you and how they can shape the decisions you make.
Sabina Read identifies some common values to help you start thinking about what’s important to you. They are listed below. Ask yourself which of these values are important to you and whether there are any you want to add.
- Adventure:To actively seek, create, or explore novel or stimulating experiences
- Assertiveness:To respectfully stand up for my rights and request what I want
- Authenticity: To be genuine, real - to be true to myself
- Caring: To be considerate towards myself, others, the environment
- Challenge: To keep encouraging myself to grow, learn, improve
- Cooperation:To be cooperative and collaborative with others
- Creativity:To be innovative
- Curiosity:To be open-minded and interested; to explore and discover
- Fairness: To be honest with myself and others
- Humour:To see and appreciate the funny side of life
- Independence:To be self-supportive, and choose my own way of doing things
- Open-mindedness:To see things through/from other’s points of view, and weigh evidence fairly
- Power: To strongly influence or wield authority over others, e.g. taking charge, leading, organising
- Respect:To be thoughtful towards myself or others; to be polite and show positive regard
- Self-development:To keep growing, advancing or improving in knowledge, skills, character, or life experience
- Supportiveness:To be helpful, encouraging and available to myself or others
- Trust: To be loyal, faithful, sincere and reliable
Are you a keen photographer?
If you are a keen photographer there are many competitions that you can enter. Amateur Photographer has a list of 2024 photography competitions. Click here to check them out including eligibility, entry details, prizes, timelines and many more.
The Key to Success: Why Soft Skills Matter
Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person's skill set and ability to perform specific tasks, soft skills are interpersonal and broadly applicable in all aspects of life. These include:
- Communication: The ability to express oneself clearly and listen well.
- Teamwork: Working effectively with others.
- Problem-solving: Finding solutions to challenges.
- Time management: Efficiently managing one's time.
- Adaptability: Being able to adjust to new conditions.
Click here to read the LinkedIn's article that goes into more detail about why Soft Skills matter and the importance of advocating for Soft Skills Development
What do employers want?
No matter what the job, employers want people who have certain qualities. When you’re applying for a job, showing that you have the following six qualities will help you stand out from the other job applicants. Youth Central outlines ways to show an employer that you have these qualities by using examples from your everyday life. Click here to read more about what employers want and how you can demonstrate that you:
- Have Experience
- Have Teamwork skills
- Are reliable
- Have initiative
- Have maturity
- Are willing to learn
The cost of a VET qualification
The Good Universities Guide reports that in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, tuition costs depend on a number of things. The main factors that determine the amount you will pay are the fee structure of the VET course you are studying and the type of place you receive. Domestic VET students studying at diploma level or above are eligible for the federal government's VET FEE-HELP scheme, which can be used to help cover part, or all, of the tuition fees for a course. Click here to read more about the cost of VET including:
Study & Play USA opportunities
Are you competitive in rowing, rugby, golf, tennis, cross country, soccer, volleyball, basketball, water polo, track and field, swimming, baseball, softball and want to study in USA? Study & Play USA can provide information on:
- Academic assessment
- The process
- Personalised advice & planning
- Scholarships
- Frequently asked questions
Click here to do a free assessment, book a meeting or for more information.
Gold Coast Career Expo
At the Gold Coast careers festival, 2 & 3 May, you will be able to meet and speak with educators, local employers, industry bodies and training providers. Click here to find out more including:
- Find out about studying at Griffith University, Bond University, Southern Cross University and TAFE Queensland
- Visit exhibitors from a wide range of institutions to learn more about possible study options
- Information on Courses / Training / Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Real Jobs on Offer: Speak to Gold Coast employers to hear about opportunities – both current and future
- And more
Fee-Free TAFE opportunities
Worried about paying for your tertiary training? Fee-Free TAFE courses have been specifically chosen based on local skills demand and advice from industry. Completing training in these high-priority areas will guarantee you graduate with in-demand skills and strong job prospects. Click here to find out more about Fee Free TAFE courses. Some of the courses on offer through this option are:
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care/Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (Pathway to Uni)
- Certificate IV Cyber Security
- Certificate IV Residential Drafting (prerequisite for Diploma of Building Design)
- Diploma of Information Technology
- Diploma of Nursing
Current Opportunities
TAFE Queensland
Applications are now open for Semester 2.
To apply go to www.tafeapply.com and use application code TQB2403
Please see below what is available.
Fashion Workshops
Over the school holidays TAFE Queensland Brisbane and The University of Canberra Fashion Department are hosting workshops. The workshop will be held on Monday 24th June for Year 11 and 12 Students only. The cost will be $20 payable on the day via bankcard. The workshop will be held at TAFE Queensland Mount Gravatt campus in G Block, Level 2 Fashions studio.
To view more information and grab a ticket please visit Fashion-Hacking and Up-cycling design workshop | Humanitix
Taster Programs
Taster programs are now full for term 2 but you can apply for term 3 please go to www.tafeapply.com and use application code TQB2403Taster. If you applied for the term 2 programs and have not heard back, you were placed on a waiting list and should be offered a spot in your chosen course in term 3. Available areas are listed below.
Torrens University Australia – Flight Centre
Flight Centre Travel Academy have an exciting opportunity for year 12 students who want to jumpstart your Travel and tourism career whilst still in school with their new Entry Assessment – no ATAR needed. Unlock a travel career that allows you to live and work in the Whitsundays or travel the world as a flight attendant. Students can register here for the Year 12 Accelerator Program here
If you wish to secure your spot for the Open Day please go here. Join us for our Open Day - 30 April 2024 (fctravelacademy.com) To find our more information visit Jumpstart your travel career with our new Year 12 Accelerator Program! (fctravelacademy.com)
Powerlink Apprenticeship Program Opening on 29th April and closing on 27th May 2024
This apprenticeship program is now open for students wishing to gain full time apprenticeships for 2025. Apprenticeships are available in Electrical or Communications and Control at either Brisbane, Gladstone or Townsville. Get your resume ready before applying and click on this link to put in your expression of interest. Expressions of Interest - Apprenticeships 2025 (powerlink.com.au)
Gold Coast Hospital School Based Traineeships
Please see below expressions of interest for school-based traineeships at the Gold Coast Hospital in Administration, Medical and Dental. Please be mindful that this is an interim intake with limited positions available.
Library News
Welcome to the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2024. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is an annual statewide initiative for Queensland state and non-state schools and home-educated students from Prep to Year 9, as well as children (aged up to 5 years) enrolled in an early childhood centre. The PRC aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read for pleasure and learning.
Congratulations to the 110,000 participants who read a total of 1.5 million books in 2023! The PRC is open! To register for this year’s challenge, visit the how to register page. Alternatively, visit Ms Relja, Mrs Brown or Miss Brimson in the library. All students in Years 7-9 were emailed the kit and individual reader record.
Community News
Scouts Queensland - Mother's Day Raffle
Please see the link for the Scouts Mother’s Day raffle. https://www.raffletix.com.au/?ref=ab9xk
Tickets can be purchased via the QR code.
All the proceeds made from this raffle will help send our Mt Cotton Scouts to Jamboree 2025 – held at Maryborough, in January. We have a gorgeous group of youth menbers (18 in fact) heading to the 10-day camp and we would love to help them out with the cost of the camp as much as possible. This truly is a once in a lifetime camp for our kids. Jamboree is only held every 4 years and is nationwide, it’s going to be a massive learning experience for the