2024 Term 2 Week 8
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal News
Information Collection Notice (ICN)
BCE Connect App
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Chisholm Day 2024
College Sponsors
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Pathway News
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Sports News
Library News
Chis Culture News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Mr Damian Bottaccio
Reflecting on the last fortnight, our emphasis on creating a place where everyone belongs has been on display for many to see. We are committed to this and would want everyone to join with us in sharing this commitment.
The tragic passing on Ezekiel Stuart was felt by many within the community. The manner with which our students and staff came together at a Memorial Service last Thursday, acknowledging the wonderful young man Ezekiel was, and the welcome afforded to Ezekiel’s family, was the best of what I know our community to be capable of. At the Assembly, held that morning, I spoke to all about not letting Ezekiel’s example pass us by – we are all capable of emulating why he had such an impact on many. He expressed with confidence in word and action what he believed. Though he wasn’t the best, he sought to be his best possible self. All the while, he never negatively judged others or spoke ill of them. A true example of what we seek from all in our community – to ‘Live Christ’s Challenge’.
Chisholm Day was a success, though we understand that there were students impacted by the sad news of Ezekiel’s passing. The day was about us and I appreciated the way in which we were able to come together.
In the week prior, Mr Van Gils presented at a Parent Engagement Evening – Building a Bully-Free Community: A night of Awareness and Action. A notable and important topic, one that we would like to take on with great energy and purpose. We had a small contingent of parents attend; their presence was appreciated. However, I must note that we were disappointed – we did expect that the opportunity to connect with the College would have greater take-up from parents/guardians. Having stated that, I respect that there is much happening in the lives of our families. Mr Van Gil’s article highlights the key messages from the presentation.
Last Wednesday, our Year 10s participated in the Careers Day and Expo; the Expo opening in the afternoon and evening for students in other year levels attend. I am very appreciative of the many organisations who volunteered their time to showcase these careers/pathways to our students. The positive way in which presenters and stall convenors interacted with our students was a joy to witness. Further, we had a number of community business attend the ‘mock interviews’ during the day – an important opportunity for our Year 10 students to be challenged. Their involvement is greatly valued and I thank each one for their time and commitment. Special thanks to Ms Shannon Scott and Ms Mala Nair for the leadership of the day. For those Year 10 students who did not attend – you missed an amazing day – parents, why did they not attend?
We all play a part in forming our young people into productive and confident young adults. We want to exist as a FAMILY, supporting each other on their journey.
Creating a Safe Place for Our Students
I would like to highlight the Student Protection Contacts (SPCs) at our College. SPCs are trained to provide students, parents/guardians and staff, a person to talk to if there are concerns regarding student safety – referring to matters of harm and abuse.
Further, following the last Parent Engagement Evening, there was a question about who you would see if there are concerns over bullying. In the first instance – we would want students to raise with the teacher. This is in relation to matters that may arise in class or in the yard, and may be one-off incidents. They would then connect with the relevant Pastoral Leader for the student’s House. The Pastoral Leader’s will often take the lead in following-up bullying incidents with students. Please feel free to email or call and leave a message.
- Flynn – Ms Antonia Conomos
- MacKillop – Mr Conor Glennon
- Mitchell – Mr Dean Stevens
- Namatjira – Ms Tahyler Rackley
- Oodgeroo – Mr Bryce Lalor
- Parer – Mrs Cheryl Hyde
Parents and Community Association (PCA) – AGM and General Meeting
We have the PCA AGM and a General Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 11th June. This will be held in the Chisholm Centre, commencing at 6:00pm.
The PCA actively contributes to the life of the College. In recent weeks, members of the PCA have helped at Chisholm Day, running a low-cost food option for our students, and at the Careers Day and Expo, running a sausage sizzle in the evening. They offer strong voice and advocate for students and parents, acting as a point for consultation and feedback on many aspects of what we do at Chisholm Catholic College.
There have been changes to the funding arrangement proposed by Brisbane Catholic Education and Catholic School Parents Queensland (CSPQ), the parent organisation of equivalent parent/community groups across Queensland. The changes will be discussed and finalised at the upcoming meeting and has implications for how the PCA advises on the use of P&F Funds received from all families.
I have communicated recent activities and meetings, but need to draw attention to parent engagement and participation. We have a core and committed group of parents and community members who attend most meetings; this includes Miriam Stemp, Councillor (Ward 10) – Logan City Council. Attendance ranges to up to 20 people, but this has reduced over the course of this year. I want to see the PCA continue into the future, but am concerned that without greater participation, the ability for this important parent conduit and opportunity for voice to continue may be challenged. The commitment is to attend meetings that are scheduled 2-3 times a term and is open to all parents and the community associated with Chisholm Catholic College. I want to see the PCA continue, noting that other schools have disbanded their equivalent parent/community groups.
Come along and bring a friend!
God bless!
Deputy Principal News
Mr Alexander Hodgson
Year 12 IA1 Report
Whilst we are still waiting for confirmation for some subjects in Year 12, students should still be issued a report for their IA1 results on 11 June. This will be for all General and Applied subjects. If there is any delay, we will let Year 12 Parents/carers as soon as possible.
Semester 1 Reports
Semester 1 Reports for Years 7-10 and Unit 1 Reports for Year 11 will be uploaded to the Parent Portal on Wednesday 10th July. Following this all parents/carers will be invited to attend our second Student Led Conference evening on the 30 July which will run form 3.30 - 6:00pm.
Information Collection Notice (ICN)
Our Information Collection Notice (ICN) has recently been updated.
A copy of the Brisbane Catholic Education Information Collection Notice (ICN) is provided below. We ask that you please read this as it relates to you and how our school handles the personal information of students and parents or guardians. Families have already signed an Information Collection Notice on enrolment and the school will communicate the current notice to at least one parent/guardian with parental responsibility, as a reminder annually.
The Information Collection Notice may contain updates from the Notice signed on enrolment to reflect changes how our school handles personal information, so please ensure that you read the Notice.
BCE Connect App
The BCE Connect App is recommended to all parents and carers.
As an example, the App allows parents/carers to report student absences, including late arrivals and early departures – in the last week we have had numerous examples of a parent/carer arriving at school to collect their student; delays in collecting their student could be avoided if the App was used to notify of the early collection.
The app can be downloaded via the following links:
- Apple Store – Click Here
- Google Play – Click Here
Assistant Principal - Religious Education's News
Mrs Kristie Mackle
Chisholm Day Liturgy
On Chisholm Day, I had the pleasure of leading our annual Chisholm Day liturgy, this year titled The Spirit of Chisholm. Throughout the liturgy, we listened to the many ways in which Christians are called to Live Christ’s Challenge, and we, no matter who we are or what we believe, can live the values of FAMILY (Faith, Ambition, Commitment, Integrity, Love and Mercy) just as Caroline Chisholm and our House Patrons did.
We also unveiled our new installation, Charger, which is now taking pride of place on the side of the Chisholm Centre. Caroline stood for justice, committing herself to the service of others so that all who arrived in Australia, especially women and young families, had access to shelter, food and work. If you are interested in reading about the amazing and selfless work of our College patron, I encourage you to read the short biography of her here Biography - Caroline Chisholm - Australian Dictionary of Biography (anu.edu.au)
If you would like to read about our Charism, FAMILY, as inspired by Caroline Chisholm and embodied by Jesus, please visit our webpage here Mission and Values (chisholm.qld.edu.au).
Thank you to all the students and staff who assisted in the preparation and leading of our liturgy. A special thank you to Mr Geissler, Mr Taylor and Mr Miosge for their assistance in the creation and design of our Charger installation.
National Reconciliation Week
Last week the College recognised National Reconciliation Week. This year’s theme, Now More Than Ever, encourages all of us to stand for justice, understanding and inclusivity for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
At Chisholm, students were involved in the creation of a chalk mural outside the library, with the Chevrons from Reconciliation Australia’s official tiles. We also opened this week’s assembly with a prayer dedicated to peace, justice and hope. Now More Than Ever, we at Chisholm commit ourselves to reconciliation.
Kokoda Challenge
On Saturday June 1st, I had the pleasure of joining 10 amazing students from Years 10, 11 and 12 and 2 fabulous teachers in the 2024 Brisbane Kokoda 30km Challenge. Through rain and mud our 3 teams moved through the course to complete the challenge in just over 8 hours. Well done to Lily Mae, Aneska, Amelia, Sean, Brady, Simar, William, Alex, Lincoyn, Conor, Ms Jones and Mrs Scott. A special shout out to Amelia (Year 12), Ms Jones and Ms Scott – this is their 3rd year in a row of Kokoda 30km domination. Great job to all involved.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Mrs Sarah Van Der Westhuizen
What do you want to be when you grow up?
This week we held our annual careers and subject selection night. Inevitably the question of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” transforms into a weightier inquiry. No longer a whimsical daydream about being an astronaut, it now carries the gravity of practicality and consequences. This question can be so challenging for our young people for many reasons. This can often be the wrong question to ask of a young person. This is why the Set-P process for our Year 10s is a vital part of their high school experience.
Many students may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to map out their entire future at a young age. Well-meaning advice from parents, teachers, and peers can add to the confusion and that feeling of pressure. Many students often have no idea what career path they would like to go at this stage and that is perfectly normal. With the right information and support, students can make informed choices aligned with their interests and talents.
Senior subject choices extend beyond the next term or year. They are a commitment to a 2-year course. So, the advice for subject selection is to explore subjects that genuinely interest the student and they enjoy as well as a consideration of the subjects that align with a desired field of study. Subject selection is about paving a flexible path that adapts to a student’s evolving interests and helps to ensure that our students are ‘job ready’ and ‘competitive’ in whatever pathway they intend to travel.
The other consideration for their selection is “Who?”. Choosing a career path involves more than just considering job titles or industries—it’s about understanding who you are, what you value, and how you want to impact the world. Year 10 students have been embracing the “Who” by completing self assessment, reflecting on their strengths and interests, and by unpacking their values. What matters most to them?
In essence, the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” isn’t about choosing a singular path—it’s about embracing the journey of self-discovery. I think that is more important to consider not “What do you want to be?” but rather “Who do you want to be?”
What do we offer at Chisholm?
Who can I speak to?
We have a great deal of expertise in our school in regard to the nuances of subjects. For individual subject questions it is best to discuss with our Academic Leader team, for overall pathway questions your best port of call is myself, Shannon Scott or Mala Nair.
Academic Leaders:
- English – Jo-Ann Goodall
- Mathematics – Teresa Grimm
- Religious Education – Danielle Edwards
- Humanities and Business – Gregory Mill
- Science – Halina Centkowski
- Technologies – Angela Meaney
- Creative Arts – Anthea Jones
- FisherOne (Online Subjects) - Fisher One
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Mr Krijn van Gils
Building a Bully-Free Community: A Night of Awareness and Action
Dear Parents and Carers,
Two weeks ago, we had the pleasure of welcoming parents/ carers to our Parent Engagement Evening at Chisholm Catholic College. Themed "Building a Bully-Free Community: A Night of Awareness and Action," the evening was an important step in our ongoing commitment to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all our students.
During the evening, we delved into the complex issue of bullying, exploring its various forms, the impact it has on our children, and the strategies we can implement to combat it effectively. Below is a recap of the key points discussed:
Understanding Bullying
Bullying is a repeated, intentional act of aggression, aimed at causing distress or harm to another individual. It can take many forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying. Each type of bullying can have severe and long-lasting effects on a child's mental and emotional wellbeing.
Recognising the Signs
It is crucial for parents and educators to be able to recognise the signs of bullying. These can include unexplained injuries, changes in eating habits, declining grades, loss of interest in school or social activities, and sudden changes in behaviour, such as becoming withdrawn or anxious.
Building a Supportive Environment
At Chisholm Catholic College, we believe in a whole-community approach to tackling bullying. This involves creating a supportive environment where every student feels safe and valued. Some of the key strategies include:
- Education and Awareness: Regular workshops and information sessions for students, parents, and staff to raise awareness about bullying and its effects.
- Clear Policies and Procedures: Ensuring that there are clear, consistent policies in place for reporting and dealing with bullying incidents.
- Open Communication: Encouraging open lines of communication between students, parents, and staff to ensure that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
- Peer Support Programs: Implementing programs that promote peer support and positive relationships among students.
- Counselling and Support Services: Providing access to counselling and support services for those affected by bullying.
Taking Action
Parents play a vital role in preventing and addressing bullying. Here are some actions you can take:
- Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest information about bullying and its impact.
- Talk to Your Child: Have regular conversations with your child about their day-to-day experiences and feelings.
- Model Positive Behaviour: Demonstrate respectful and kind behaviour in your interactions with others.
- Report Concerns: If you suspect your child is being bullied or is bullying others, report your concerns to the school immediately.
For those who were unable to attend, we have made the PowerPoint slides from the evening available here. We encourage you to review these slides to understand better the steps we can all take to create a bully-free community.
Let us continue to work together to ensure that Chisholm Catholic College remains a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students.
Chisholm Day 2024
College Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor of the 2024 QISSRL Confraternity Team.
Silver Sponsor of the 2024 QISSRL Confraternity Team.
Gold Sponsor of the 2024 QISSN Team.
Silver Sponsor of the 2024 QISSN Team.
Bronze Sponsor of the 2024 QISSN Team.
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Pathway News
Mrs Shannon Scott
Year 12 UQ Career Pulse Excursion
Each year, the University of Queensland hosts an interactive event to help students better understand their how their interests and strengths can translate into future career opportunities. Yesterday a group of our high-achieving Year 12 students attended this event, and engaged with academics across a range of faculty areas including sustainability, technology, leadership and more, met with industry professionals and explore UQ’s facilities.
Tayla’s Career Pulse Experience
“Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Career Pulse program at the University of Queensland. This experience was extremely valuable regarding my future career planning and what potential pathways may be suitable for me. At this program we attended varying sessions targeted towards different study areas such as medicine and humanities to acquire an idea of what we can expect if we embark on that path. I personally partook in the biomedical session where we were given the chance to engage in hands on experience within the science labs as an introduction to biomedicine. The current UQ students that volunteered for the day were extremely helpful and enthusiastic about their study areas, acting as an inspiration to high school students thinking about university. Overall, the day was not only informational, but it was an engaging and fun experience that I would highly recommend to students considering a university pathway.”
Ethan’s Career Pulse Experience
“The career pulse opportunity offered me a valuable engagement with the UQ alumni as well as their current students and academic staff. The event helped us identify our own strengths, weaknesses and interests and helping us align these traits with future career opportunities. This experience allowed students to get a taste of university life as the sessions were designed to provide insights into various fields. Career Pulse is an invaluable resource for students to gain clarity on their future careers, make informed decisions, and connect with like-minded individuals.”
Year 10 Careers Day and Expo
Wednesday’s Year 10 Careers Day was a resounding success! The day featured career development workshops, mock job interviews and information sessions about various pathway opportunities for our students. Students engaged enthusiastically and displayed high levels of participation in all activities, building their capacity for the world of work.
In the evening, we facilitated a bustling careers expo attended by the wider community, with numerous tertiary and industry exhibitors, as well as our exceptional Academic Leaders who showcased the diverse subject offerings of our Senior School. Information sessions were also provided for Year 10 families regarding the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). To reference the slides from this presentation, please go to the Parent Portal and head to Senior School.
Year 10 Senior Education and Training Planning
A reminder Year 10 SET Plan meetings will take place in Week 1, Term 3, week commencing 8 July, 2024. Students will have access to the online booking system once their SET Plan data has been completed in the online platform. A link to access the platform will be sent out next week so please remember to check emails regularly.
School Holiday Filmmaker Bootcamp: Queensland School of Film and Television
Open to all students in Years 10 – 12, QSFT’s School Holiday Filmmakers Bootcamp is designed for high school students to learn basic photography, video and editing techniques. Within a fun and challenging environment, participants will gain on-set experience and collaboration within a small group on a short film production.
Trained by an industry professional, this two-day workshop is perfect for those who want to explore what it is like to be part of a film crew.
Please visit QSFT Workshops to explore workshop topics and the schedule.
Vocational Education and Traineeships News
Ms Mala Nair
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” –Walt Disney
Careers Expo and Year 10 Careers Day
Last Wednesday our Year 10 students were involved in Mock Interviews, and we applaud them for their professionalism. The students had to prepare for this interview and produce a cover letter and resume from one of the scenarios given to them. Students also listened to TAFE, Police and Defence Force who gave them information about their industries. Later in the afternoon we hosted industry representatives, universities, TAFE, ADF, and Local Councils where students could explore their career options. The evening also included QCE/ATAR and Subject Selection Information sessions and students could speak with our Academic Leaders who showcased subjects on offer at school. There was a yummy sausage sizzle and we thank our local Division 10 Councillor Miriam Stemp and our PCA parents Craig and Candice for your help in cooking up a storm.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
A USI is required if you are enrolling for study in 2025 and beyond. This includes both vocational education and training (VET) and university. Without a USI, you won’t be able to access Commonwealth financial assistance for your studies, enrol in a Commonwealth Supported Place or receive your qualification. You only need one USI and you may already have one. You can check USI's website to find your USI or create a USI. Don't leave it to the last minute, apply now so you can put a tick in the box!
500 apprenticeships over 50 different industries!
Did you know there are over 500 apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications in over 50 different industries? Whether you want to work in an office, construction site, design studio, hospital or a farm, following your dream career is within reach. Apprenticeship Central can help you find your career pathway through an apprenticeship or traineeship allowing you to learn while you earn. Click here to find out more including:
- What happens in an apprenticeship or traineeship?
- How long does an apprenticeship or traineeship take?
- Is an apprenticeship or traineeship right for me?
- Looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship?
Downloadable Career Quizzes
Click on the following downloadable quizzes to see what kind of problem-solving you'll do day-to-day as an Australian Apprentice. Each quiz was developed with the help of industry, TAFE and the secondary school sector. They are not a formal assessments or can't give you a definite answer as to what industry/job is best for you but the results will give you something to think about and more information for continuing your research. The quiz industry areas are as follows and under each industry there are job examples:
- Agriculture, Animals & Conservation
- Automotive, Transport & Maritime
- Business and Financial Services
- Construction & Electrical
- Creative & Beauty
- Digital Technology & Telecommunications
- Energy & Utilities
- Food & Wine Processing
- Health and Community Services
- Resources, Mining & Processing
- Retail, Hospitality & Recreation
- Manufacturing & Production
- General or non-industry based
Types of apprenticeships and traineeships
When Australian Apprenticeships is referring to ‘Australian Apprenticeships’, they include apprenticeships and traineeships. Both combine learning at a training organisation and learning on the job. The only difference is the level of financial support you might be eligible for. This varies based on what state or territory you live in and what qualification you’re completing. Click here to find out about:
- What's the difference between an apprenticeship and traineeship?
- Australian Apprenticeships
- Australian School-based Apprenticeships
- Pre-apprenticeships
Which apprenticeship will suit me?
It’s very important to choose a career pathway that matches your abilities, interests and ambitions. When you work in a job that matches your “natural style” you will be happier, more productive and more motivated to build an ongoing and rewarding career pathway! Apprenticeship Support Australia has a range of cool online tools to help you plan your career on their free career advice portal Skillsroad.com.au. You will be able to complete a career quiz, research over 350 careers, watch videos and take the Job Fit Test. See if you are a fit for the apprenticeship or traineeship that you are interested in. You can also build a resume and apply for jobs! Click here for more information.
Defence 2025 Gap Year opportunities are still available
A gap year with the Airforce, Army or Navy is a great way to trial a career in the ADF and you get paid to do it! Jobs have different closing dates so visit the website for information about available GAP year jobs, closing dates and:
- What is an ADF Gap Year?
- Gap Year benefits
- Gap Year stories
- What an ADF Gap Year is like
- Applying for a GAP Year
- Available Gap Year roles
Thinking about the Air Force?
There is more to the Air Force than just flying fast plains! An Air Traffic Controller is a key role in the air force as they ‘manage’ the flight. Click here to check out their Mission Control experience. Take the challenge and choose between 2 interactive stories that test your mettle as an Air Traffic Controller. Check it out, it could be for you!
Want to become an officer in the Australian Defence Force (ADF)?
There are many different pathways to becoming an officer in the ADF. Explore the following options:
- Australian Defence Force Academy
- Royal Military College, Duntroon
- Graduate entry
- Defence University Sponsorship
- Reserves
- Find Your Ideal Role
Build your skills, build your resume
Everyone has a metaphorical ‘skills bucket’ they carry with them throughout their life and career. Your bucket is full of skills you may have picked up at school, in different jobs, or even life situations. Ever wondered how many skills you have in your bucket? These could include:
- Time management – obtained at school when you were learning how to prioritise study with completing assignments, or in the workplace when you managed several tasks with competing deadlines.
- Self-motivation – gained through completing a VET qualification, university degree or traineeship.
- Enhanced communication – achieved by undertaking additional training courses or navigating relationships in your personal life.
Your Career has published an article where you can find out about:
- Taking stock of your skills
- Adding to your skills bucket list
- Skills for the Digital Age
Know your work preferences
Knowing a bit about yourself will help you in your job search. To help understand what roles and work environments suit you, you need to understand your work preferences. Start by thinking about the types of activities you enjoy and the environments you work best in. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I prefer being outdoors or inside?
- Do I prefer working alone or in a team?
- Am I more suited to analytical or creative activities?
- Am I more practical (e.g. I like working with my hands), or more theoretical (e.g. I prefer research)?
To find out more about your work preferences you can complete the following, easy workbooks:
Life as a ... career podcasts
Life as a … are dedicated to serving up career learnings, inspiration and exploration opportunities to young people. Since the airing of the first LIFE AS A.. podcast episode in 2021, careful attention has been paid to uncovering intimate details and career minded insights from a lineup of exceptional guests from around the world. These conversations are wide and varied based on the exploring of different professions and professional worlds. Click here to check out the many podcasts they now have available.
VET Pathways aren't limited to the Trades only!
Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications include certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas offered across a large number of industries and study areas. They offer many advantages from pathway options to skill development. If you fit into one of the categories below, find out more about VET courses that could be an excellent next step:
- You’re looking for practical, hands-on training
- You’re looking to qualify for a specific job or trade
- You’re looking to ‘try out’ a study area before you commit to extensive study
- You’re looking for a pathway to university study
- You’re looking to add to your current skill set
The article from the Good Universities Guide explains:
- What is a VET Course?
- What does VET offer?
- What does VET involve?
- Types of VET courses
- VET entry requirements
- Where are VET courses offered?
- VET study options
How to make a great first impression on employers
The Australian Government regularly surveys Australian employers. They asked them what young job seekers can do to make a good impression at an interview. Employers said that they are impressed by job seekers who:
- Are punctual
- Dress appropriately for the job (even if you are meeting an employer online)
- Smile and are friendly
- Are well presented
Some other ways to show an employer you really want to work with them:
- Be your best self online
- Show them you understand their business
- Ask questions
Click here for more information on the above points.
Networking - you can do it!
It's never too early to understand networking! Networking is about building and developing professional relationships that can help you achieve your employment goals. Networking can take many forms. You can:
- join professional associations
- attend formal networking or business events
- build relationships online or through your existing business or social channels.
Having a network of professional contacts can be useful for:
- getting a better understanding of your dream career or industry
- finding future employment opportunities and
- landing a job
Click here to read JobJumpstart's article that talks about:
- Figure out what information you want
- Develop a ‘pitch’
- Personal presentation
- Listen carefully
- Change up your networking events
School holiday IT programs
Junior Engineers are running school holiday IT programs for students in Years 7 to 12 in locations across Brisbane. They are also offering online courses for regional students. Click here for more information and registration details for the Brisbane sessions.
Current Opportunities
Women of Trades and Industry
There is a workshop coming up on Saturday 22nd June sponsored by Reece Plumbing. If you are interested you can register here CONTACT (wotindustry.au) or send them an email at hello@wotindustry.au
Komatsu 2025 Apprenticeship Program Opening 1st July 2024
The applications will open on 1st July 2024 with apprenticeships commencing January 2025. By registering your interest, they will be able to notify you of any Open Day Events at their facilities around the country, giving you a chance to learn more about what a Komatsu apprenticeship is all about. To register your interest please visit Register your interest | Apprenticeships - Komatsu Australia
Queensland Academy of Technology
Current school-based childcare apprenticeships exist in Daisy Hill. These opportunities provide students with valuable work experience and training while you study. If you are interested, please let us know and we can put you in touch with the company.
First Choice College
Please see below current school-based traineeships available.
Autosports Group
If you would like to be part of the Autosports Group they are taking expressions of interest via their website. Examples of roles that are often available include apprenticeships, trainee sales consultants and finance and insurance sales consultants. Register your interest here Careers | Autosports Group, then select the Register Your Interest Tab. Please ensure you have a resume to upload.
TAFE Queensland
Applications are now open for Semester 2.
To apply go to www.tafeapply.com and use application code TQB2403
Fashion Workshops
Over the school holidays TAFE Queensland Brisbane and The University of Canberra Fashion Department are hosting workshops. The workshop will be held on Monday 24th June for Year 11 and 12 Students only. The cost will be $20 payable on the day via bankcard. The workshop will be held at TAFE Queensland Mount Gravatt campus in G Block, Level 2 Fashions studio.
To view more information and grab a ticket please visit Fashion-Hacking and Up-cycling design workshop | Humanitix
Workshop Festival Mt Gravatt Campus
The TAFE Queensland Brisbane and The University of Canberra Digital Design Department are hosting school holiday workshops for students during the mid-year holidays. The student workshop, which will be held in late June, is a unique opportunity for high school students who are passionate about graphic design, digital media, and visual communication. This workshop delves into the fundamentals of visual storytelling, digital illustration, and video editing, offering a one-of-a-kind immersive learning experience.
To view more information and grab a ticket please visit Unlock the Power of Visual Communication | Humanitix
Acting Workshops
The TAFE Queensland Brisbane and The University of Canberra Acting Department are hosting some school holiday workshops for students during the mid-year holidays. The workshop, which will be held on Monday 24th June from 9am – 3pm, is a unique opportunity for high school students who are passionate about acting and writing for performance. This student workshop delves into developing characters through costuming and collaborative narrative building, offering a one-of-a-kind learning experience. To view more information and grab a ticket please visit Character Development Through Costume | Humanitix
TAFE School Holiday Program
Exciting school holiday workshops are available in the next school holidays. Please see flyer below.
Hire and Rental Industry Association HIRE24
HIRE24 will showcase the best that the industry has to offer at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. There is no better place to check out all the latest innovative equipment and technology. Visit HIREZone and speak to the HRIA staff to find out more about all the career options available in Hire - The career choice that has it all. Visit Careers in Hire to find out more.We would love to see you all at HIRE24. Pre-register online by clicking Register Now. All visitors must register before entering the conference or exhibition. The dates are 4 – 6 June.
There is no better place to see the latest innovative technology and network with others from across the country and the globe. We look forward to seeing you at HIRE24 in Brisbane.
SAE Create for a Day
If you want to explore life as an SAE student and dive into the world of creative media across Animation, Audio, Design, Film, Games, and Music. If you’re passionate about creative disciplines and are considering a career in creative media, don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to expand your skills under the guidance of industry experts in state-of-the-art facilities. SAE are having their open day on Saturday 6th July 2024 from 10am – 4pm. The cost is $25 and tickets are limited. Please register here SAE Create for a Day Workshops | Brisbane Tickets, Sat 06/07/2024 at 10:00 am | Eventbrite
Aviation High School
Aviation High School, who is an Aerospace Gateway to Industry School, is excited to offer Year 11 students the opportunity to study Aerospace Systems through online delivery in 2025.
Students can enrol if they:
demonstrate a keen interest in pursuing an aerospace career pathway
- are achieving a ‘C’ or higher in Year 10 English and Mathematics
- are organised and self-motivated to study independently through an online delivery model.
Please direct all enquires to enrolments@aviationhigh.eq.edu.au by 9th August 2024.
Torrens University School Holiday workshop
There will be four photography workshops in Brisbane for aspiring photographers in Years 11 and 12. Students can choose between fashion or wildlife themes and participate in a photoshoot. Registration is free with only 10 places available per workshop. Register your interest here.
International Horse College
For students in years 10 and 11 can undertake a Certificate II in Rural Operations whilst studying in high school. The entry level qualification for students for horse husbandry, first aid, nutrition, catching, floating, grooming, horse behaviour, environmental impact, safety etcetera. Students who complete this course can receive 4 QCE credits. The course goes for 40 weeks. Please see the brochure below. If you are interested, please come and get an enrolment form from us.
If you have an interest in Filmmaking Queensland School of Film and TV have workshops coming up. Please see the brochure below.
Sports News
Mr Mathew Ellis
SECA Cross Country
We are just waiting for SECA to confirm and release the final points and standings from the Carnival and we will have a full wrap up of our College Runners results.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Our Chisholm College Interhouse Athletics Carnival will be run on the final day of Term 2, Friday 21 June. An information booklet about this event will be sent out shortly to all students and College families, outlining the days procedures, expectations, pre-events held before the actual carnival, the nomination process for District/further representative school sport levels, and SECA Athletics team selection. Be aware that some events may be run before the actual carnival and a parent slip permission will need to completed for students to now take part in those events Eg. High Jump/Discus due to the risk involved in the event. These early event days will be communicated in the Student Booklet.
Chisholm Day – Staff Vs Student Volleyball Match
The Melaleuca gymnasium was buzzing with excitement as staff and students faced off in a thrilling volleyball match that had everyone on the edge of their seats. The much-anticipated showdown between the seasoned teachers and the spirited students turned out to be an exhilarating battle, filled with suspense, skill, and camaraderie.
The match kicked off with both teams displaying impressive athleticism and determination. The students, fueled by their youthful energy, showcased their agility and agility on the court, while the teachers, drawing upon their experience, demonstrated strategic plays and impeccable teamwork.
As the match approached its final point, tensions rose, and the intensity reached its peak. With the score tied and the final moments ticking away, it was evident that victory would come down to the wire. In a nail-biting finish, the teachers managed to clinch the win by a mere one-point margin, much to the jubilation of the staff supporters.
Although the students may have fallen short of victory, their valiant effort and sportsmanship were truly commendable. Their tenacity and resilience on the court served as an inspiration to all, showcasing the true spirit of athleticism and teamwork.
This Staff versus Student volleyball match was not just about competition; it was about bringing the Chisholm Catholic College community together, fostering bonds, and creating lasting memories of Chisholm Day 2024.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the victorious teachers and our sincere appreciation to all participants for their dedication and sportsmanship. Let us continue to embrace the spirit of friendly competition and unity that makes our College community truly special.
Until the next thrilling match in 2025.
Congratulations to......
Lana Coleman
Lana recently competed in the Australian Age National Championships in Melbourne, and did exceptionally well. She won first place in two events, and is now recognised as National Champion for the 10M Platform and Synchronised Springboard Event in the 16-18 age group. A huge accomplishment, acknowledging the many hours of training and her dedication to the sport.
Lana has been selected to represent Chisholm Catholic College at a National Schools Competition in August. We wish her every success!
Sophie Jackson
Sophie recently attended the National Gymnastics Championships and was recognised with Silver (2nd) on the Uneven Bars for Level 9 Under 15. This is a tremendous and well-deserved achievement! Sophie also performed well in the other apparatus, continuing to demonstrate great potential for the future. Her commitment to training has been justly recognised.
To top this result off, Sophie was also a part of the Gold winning Queensland Team in the Teams calculations! Well done, Sophie!
Emily Clough and Gabby Foster
Emily and Gabby on their recent results at the Queensland Secondary School Sport Girls Football Championships. Emily and Gabby were members of the Under 18 and Under 15 girls team respectively and both teams finished the State Carnival in 3rd Gabby was also presented with the Under 15 Girls South Coast “Players Player “ Award, and was also selected in the Queensland Schoolgirls Under 15 side that will contest the National Championships. Well done to both Gabby and Emily for their efforts and commitment to their chosen sport of Football!
Leo Gallagher
Leo's efforts in representing in the Australian Under 18 team v NZ Under 19 team in a two match series followed by competing in the New Zealand Under 21 Mens. Leo is on track for further National Representation at World Championship and Olympic level and we wish Leo the best of luck as he works hard to achieve these goals he has set himself. Well done Leo!
If our students have achieved exceptional things in the Sporting arena, please send them through so we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
Mr Mathew Ellis
Head of Sport
Tel: 07 3209 0700
Library News
Mrs Yasmin Relja
Have you heard of Common Sense Education? It is a website dedicated to creating a healthier, more equitable, and empowering future for all children in the digital age. They tackle issues comprising of media choice, digital equity, digital literacy and citizenship, technology accountability and a healthy childhood for all. Their tools and trends for the month of March focus upon apps including Fliff, Sephora Kids, and Wizz. Fliff, although virtual, encourages online gambling, while Wizz is a friend-finding app that has led to sextortion. There is a wealth of information available to assist with media recommendations and advice (Common Sense Education, 2024).
Chis Culture News
Senior Drama Excursion
On Monday, May 27th, some of our Senior Drama students embarked on an excursion to witness Queensland Theatre's riveting production of *Medea*. This modern adaptation of Euripides' classic tragedy captivated the students with its powerful performances, innovative staging, and contemporary relevance. The excursion provided a unique opportunity for the students to immerse themselves in a professional theatrical environment, offering fresh perspectives and inspiration for their upcoming IA3 assessments.
This experience will prove invaluable as students undertake their final Drama assessment piece, IA3. Tasked with reimagining, transforming, and adapting *Medea* to meet the needs of a 21st-century audience, our students are now equipped with a deeper understanding of how timeless stories can be reinterpreted through a modern lens. We eagerly anticipate the creative projects that will emerge from this experience and are confident that our students will rise to the challenge with originality and passion.
Year 10 Hip Hop Excursion
Last week, our Year 10 Dance class ventured into the heart of the city for an exhilarating excursion to Mad Dance House. Students had the opportunity to undertake a dynamic Hip Hop workshop led by professional artist LOÏC ROBILLOT. Known for his energetic style and engaging teaching methods, Loïc inspired students to explore and express their unique movements within the Hip Hop style.
The workshop was an incredible experience for all involved. Loïc's emphasis on having fun while honing technique resonated deeply with the students. They appreciated his supportive approach, which encouraged them to let loose and find their own groove. One student exclaimed, "It was amazing!" while another shared, "Loïc was really nice and very supportive. He let us groove how we wanted to."
This hands-on experience not only boosted the students' confidence but also enriched their understanding of Hip Hop dance. They will take these grooves and their new found style and apply it to their final Hip Hop performance task.
Community News
Sharks Camp July registrations are now open!
Join us and our team of talented coaches for a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes of all skill levels. The camp includes opportunities for new players to find a love for the sport and pathways for elite development for experienced players looking to get into club and state-level teams.
About the Camp
The Dates:
2nd July | 3rd July | 4th July | 5th July
South Brisbane - Mansfield, 4122
Gold Coast - Southport, 4215
Age Group:
Grade 4 - 12 students
9.00am to 4.30pm!
4 Days. 300+ athletes. Heaps to learn.
Check out our website for more information!
College Canteen Menu
(Daily specials, Sushi on Wednesdays)