2021 - Term 3, Week 2
Principal's News
COVID-19 Restrictions
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
College Photo Update
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
From the Pastoral Leader Office
Road Safety: Drop-off and Pick-Up
Sport News
Library News
Community News
Principal's News
Mr. Damian Bottaccio
Term 3 is well underway. It has been very pleasing to see the manner with which students have gotten into their studies, as well as the many opportunities that are made available at Chisholm Catholic College.
Musical – Footloose
As you read this, the students and staff in the Musical will be putting the final touches on performances to commence this evening. I look forward to seeing our students take to the stage of SunPAC!
I wish them every success and am very proud of their commitment over many months, and enthusiasm to offer their God-given talents for all to see.
Are you ready to cut Footloose? Kick off your Sunday shoes!
Year 12 Formal
Amid concerns over Covid-19 restrictions, our Year 12 students did not allow this to detract from what was an amazing night. The students looked both handsome and mature in their dresses and suits, some arriving in style for the Year 12 Formal, held last Friday. Even face masks were made to fit into the occasion, such is the manner with which our students engaged in the spirit of the event.
Victoria Park provided a wonderful venue, providing delicious food and quality service; and, with the Brisbane City skyline providing a beautiful backdrop, it could not get any better.
I would like to acknowledge the students for the way in which they did participate in the evening. They were excellent ambassadors for the College and represented their families with pride. My thanks also to the staff who were involved in the organisation of the evening; Mrs Angella Evans, Mr Dean Stevens and Mrs Tracey Williamson were instrumental in ensuring that the Formal was a success.
Sporting Carnivals – QISSN (Netball), Confraternity (Rugby League) and Gold Coast Invitational (Basketball)
The QISSN and Confraternity Carnivals were held in the first week of the holidays. Unfortunately, they both ended abruptly on Tuesday afternoon due to the Lockdown; the netball still had some pool games left to play. Our Confraternity side suffered some key losses of players due to injury and, such is the level of competition, we struggled with the physicality needed to be successful. Our QISSN team enjoyed a solid victory and pushed in all other games. We have a young side, and they were able to experience the speed and intensity that this carnival offers. We look forward to having our teams represent in 2022 when the Carnivals will be held in Mackay.
We entered three teams in the GCI Tournament, and it was very pleasing to see our boys teams win their respective divisions. The Open Boys competed against some of the strongest teams in Queensland Basketball, this bodes well for future competitions. Our Open Girls Team enjoyed periods of excellent play, mixed with challenges against very strong opposition.
Regardless of outcome, we can be very proud of all of our students!
Road Safety – Some Reminders
It is timely to remind all parents (and Year 11/12 drivers) of the need to be attentive to road safety. Provided later in the Newsletter is a brief outline of expectations for when vehicles access our car park, as well as navigating the surrounding streets.
I am very thankful to the many parents/carers who value these expectations and share our concern for the safety and wellbeing of our students. Unfortunately, we often see such behaviours as: speeding, not stopping or slowing at the pedestrian crossings, dropping-off and/or picking-up students in the driveway or unmarked areas of surrounding streets, and using mobile phones whilst driving. There can be no excuse when the emphasis is on the safety of our students.
Finally, I do ask that anyone navigating the car park as a pedestrian use the marked crossings. They have been located for convenience and access.
Staffing Update
Staffing changes for Term 3:
- Mrs Cassandra Cook (nee Eckert) returns from Maternity Leave. Ms Elizabeth Chapman was in the Acting Middle Years Learning Leader position in her absence and did an amazing job. I extend my thanks to Ms Chapman for her efforts, and we welcome back Mrs Cook.
- Ms Lora Lama and Mr James Everitt resigned at the end of last Term. Mr Gregory Woodrow has joined us and will provide great experience, enthusiasm, and knowledge in Design Technologies; a well credentialled and highly respected educator. Mrs Jasmine Knox replaces Ms Lama and will be a permanent addition to our teaching staff. An experienced teacher across a variety of subjects and has held leadership positions previously. We are very confident that Mrs Knox will offer a great deal to our College.
- Mr Matthew Lennon and Mr Benjamin Gustavson join us this semester. Both are early career teachers, but come to us with years of experience in other areas. We are confident that they will lead their classes with great effect.
- Mr Michael Stanley has taken leave to support new additions to his family – twins. We extend our congratulations to him! Mr Liam McParland will assume his timetable for Term 3.
- Mr Daniel Emmerson also resigned during last term due to health reasons. An appointment to replace him is yet to be finalized.
COVID-19 Restrictions
The current restrictions will remain in place until at least Friday, 30th July. The full list of restrictions for impacted areas and other areas of Queensland are available here. The health directive for impacted areas is here.
It is vital that anyone who is unwell remain home and get tested if displaying symptoms. Please advise the College of any absences through the normal processes.
The wearing of masks is a requirement for the great majority of our students, according to the health directive. Students are required to carry a mask with them; this becomes relevant before and after school.
Due to the extension of restrictions ALL students will be required to bring a face mask with them to school.
However, face masks ARE NOT required to be worn at school or when travelling on school transport.
School staff are also not required to wear masks when working with students.
Any adults who attend the College do need to wear a face mask and are required to register their presence at Main Reception and via the Check In QLD app details located at key venues. Where social distancing is possible, face masks may be able to be removed.
The complete list of exemptions is here.
If involved in a SECA competition, whether at the College or at another venue, face masks must be worn according to the following:
- Outdoor Venues: students/adults to wear a mask when accessing the canteen and toilets.
- Indoor Venue: students/adults to wear a mask at all times when not playing, warming up and umpiring.
Deputy Principal's News
Mr. Alexander Hodgson
Scholars’ Assembly
On Wednesday, 28th July, we will be holding the Scholars’ Assembly.
A Parent Slip has been sent to parents of students who are to receive an award. The Slip contained details on times and location, as well as current Covid-19 Restrictions. Unfortunately, due to the expected number of awardees, we are only able to permit one (1) attendee per invitation.
The Scholars’ Assembly will be ‘live streamed’. The details will be emailed to all parents prior to the event commencing.
Assistant Principal Religious Education News
Mr. Michael Boyle
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
Each year our College collects items for our local St Vincent De Paul Conference who make up Hampers so that locals in need can enjoy a hot meal during these cold winter months. And Chisholm has always responded generously.
This year, Covid is interrupting how we usually donate.
Beginning next Monday and finishing on the 5th August, we are collecting money to give to the SVDP conference so that they can provide Christmas Lunch or Dinner to those who need it.
Each House has the challenge to collect money to provide two Christmas lunches or dinners. If each House raised $300 – that is, $2 per student – then this goal will easily be achieved.
This will be the final House Challenge for the year and the House that collects the most money will win the challenge.
Thank you for supporting this Appeal.
Community Mass
You are invited to join us for Mass in the Caroline Chisholm Chapel at 8am on Thursday 29th July. Fr Rodrigo will be celebrating Mass with us.
Year 12 Retreat
Our Year 12 Retreat finally took place just before the June School Holidays at Luther Heights. The students were able to spend three days enjoying reflection time on their life journey, games, liturgy, outdoor activities and social events. Many thanks to the students and staff who entered into the fun and reflective spirit of the Retreat. I hope you enjoy the photos of the Retreat.
God Bless
Michael Boyle
College Photo Update
Due to the current situation with Covid-19 there is an international supply shortage of photographic paper.
Unfortunately, Studio Kirby are unable to provide printed orders in the ususal time frame. However we will endeavour to print and deliver orders to the College as soon as paper arrives in the country (within the next 4-8 weeks).
To compensate for the delay Studio Kirby would like to offer parents to download a digital copy of their order.
To download visit the website www.studiokirby.com.au
1. Click on "Download School Portrait" & enter the student ID number
(eg: s123456) for individual and class photos
(eg SIBs123456) for sibling photos
2. Click to "Download" once the ZIP files are available please save the image.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Studio Kirby for any assistance (ph 3208 4793)
We apologise for inconvenience and appreciate your understanding
Due to privacy concerns please DO NOT post class photos on social media
Assistant Principal - Curriculum News
Mr. Brendan Luxton
Subject Changes – Semester 2
As we are now at the end of Week 2, all subject changes are now finalised. There will be no further changes across Years 7-11, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
QTAC Information Evening
Thank you to all of the students and parents who attended the QTAC Information Evening on Thursday, 15th July. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mrs Shannon Scott for her work in preparing the presentation and delivering much of it alongside me.
Students who did not attend received their copy of the QTAC Guides on Friday, 16th July. The presentation was also live streamed and recorded; the recording has been uploaded to the Parent Portal so that students/parents who could not attend are able to view the presentation.
Year 10 Careers Expo, Subject Selection Presentation and SET Plan Interviews
On Tuesday, 20th July, our Year 10 students were able to attend a variety of employer, RTO and tertiary presentations as part of the Careers Day/Expo. My sincere thanks to Mrs Shannon Scott, Ms Mala Nair and Ms Jenny Bell for their work in organising this day. The Expo was also open to our Year 11 and 12 students.
In the afternoon, we presented to Year 10 students and parents, details about the Queensland Certificate of Education, Subject Selection process and SET Planning. This was conducted over three separate timeslots to accommodate Covid-19 Restrictions. It was great to see so many parents in attendance. The depth and detail provided is in readiness for the important SET Planning process where subject selections for Years 11 and 12 are made.
The presentation was recorded and uploaded to the Parent Portal.
SET Plan Interviews are scheduled for Week 5, the week beginning the 9th September. Details will be communicated to parents and students.
Assistant Principal - Staff and Students News
Mrs. Tracey Williamson
STRETCH is a unique program to our College that aims to educate and develop student agency to become successful, creative, confident, active and informed learners, empowered to shape and enrich our world. As we begin a new term, the focus for each year level changes. Please see below the list of topics that will be studied in STRETCH. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s STRETCH Teacher for more information on what they are learning.
Hat Health
As mentioned last term, there are many students who are wearing hats at school that are in need of significant repair or need replacing. Please check your child’s hat and arrange for repair or replacement as soon as possible. The School Locker recommend spraying the hat with a waterproof spray and we strongly recommend that they are not shoved into bags. Every classroom has a hat rack for students to hang their hat, so it remains in good condition. Thank you to our students and their families who ensure that the hat is looked after and cleaned regularly. Our students look very smart when they present with a ‘healthy hat’.
Toilet Vandalism and Damage
Unfortunately, the College has experienced vandalism in the Boys’ toilets throughout the year and this peaked in Term 2. As a result, the use of toilets has been restricted to J Block toilets only. Concerningly, vandalism has continued in Term 3, and we ask our students to Speak Up, Stand Up and Speak Out against this appalling behaviour. Please discuss this issue with your sons and reinforce the message that we need to be stewards of our resources that are afforded to us. Of course, students are encouraged to report acts of vandalism and they can do this in person or anonymously via the Chisholm Watchbox.
Year 12 Formal
On Friday, 16th July, our Year 12s celebrated their Formal at Victoria Park Function Centre. Our students looked stunning and enjoyed the night in style with a delicious three course meal, amazing city skyline views and fantastic company and conversation. Whilst COVID prevented dancing, our students had lots of fun engaging with the Trivia competition. Thank you to our wonderful Year 12 families who were so very understanding of the last-minute changes that we had to make for the event to go ahead.
Here are some photos of the night.
From the Pastoral Leader Office
We know that social media has its uses in our 21st Century world, however for young people it can be distracting and dangerous. Incidents recently have highlighted that many of our students, particularly in Years 7-9, are not yet mature enough for these platforms, which have a 13+ age restriction. We love the eSafety Commissioner’s website which lists several questions to ask before deciding if your child is mature enough to access social media:
Are they old enough | eSafety Commissioner
- Is your child able to withstand negative online experience?
- Does your child understand the importance of protecting their personal information?
- Does your child understand how privacy settings for social media work?
- Does your child understand what is safe to share online?
- Does your child know how to report cyberbullying and other kinds of abusive content?
- Is your child willing to let you establish clear rules and supervise their social media activity?
For many of our students, the answers to these questions are often ‘No’.
At Chisholm, we take a firm stance on cyberbullying and online harassment and will intervene when these are reported. Often our advice to students and parents will include reporting content to the platform directly, blocking other users, reporting to the eSafety commissioner and contacting police.
Year 7 students have been addressed this week about online conduct in addition to the digital licence program currently running in STRETCH lessons. We ask all parents to actively engage with your children about the way they conduct themselves online and to remove this access if they cannot meet the expectations above. As much as students might protest, they will not be the only ones without Snapchat or Instagram, nor will they be the only ones whose parents monitor their social media use. We also ask for your assistance in helping your child to remove themselves from mass group chats of dozens of students.
Our College IT team and Pastoral Leaders are keen to assist you with this should you have any questions.
Helpful resources:
The eSafety Guide contains information about a huge range of social media and online platforms, including how to block and report content and guides for parents.
Information about parental controls for all sorts of devices and software is available here: Taming the technology | eSafety Commissioner
For older students, Dr Justin Coulson has some great advice about how to speak to them about social media: How do I get my daughter to drop social media and study for exams - Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families
Road Safety: Drop-off and Pick-Up
To ensure the safety of our students, as well as that of parents, staff and the wider community, we provide the following reminders:
- Please be mindful and considerate of pedestrians and other drivers in our College Car Park and the surrounding streets. Patience is the key.
- The line markings and directions are to assist with traffic flow. Particular care should be shown with all pedestrian crossings and the supervised crossing outside of the College.
- Please observe the 10km/h speed limit when in the College grounds and follow the signage for drop-off/pick-up.
- At the start and end of the school day, no vehicles are to ‘turn right’. This is clearly labelled when exiting. It results in delays inside our car park and has proven to be unsafe due to the flow of traffic in both directions along California Creek Road.
- Streets around the school are marked as 40km/h at the start and end of the school day.
- It is illegal to use a mobile phone when driving. This does not change when inside the car park area – in fact it can be more dangerous.
- To ensure student safety, students can only be dropped-off and picked-up in the designated area – the bus parking area and any section of the driveway need to be avoided.
o Also, dropping-off or picking-up students along California Creek Road, Kilkenny Street and Braddon Street can be quite dangerous, especially where there are no markings or students are needing to cross roads.
Many schools experience challenges with drop-off and pick-up. Delaying pick-up in the afternoon may assist in easing the flow of traffic and providing easier access – our busiest times are 8:15-8:30am and 2:45-3:20pm. Students are welcome to remain in the Library until 4:00pm.
Sport News
Mr. Andrew Ryan
College Athletics Carnival
Despite some grim weather predictions, the students and staff of Chisholm Catholic College stood firm and went ahead as planned, with the annual College Athletics Carnival scheduled for the final day of Term 2. We experienced a 180-degree carnival this year, with the entire event being flipped the opposite direction to our traditional set-up, due to our hill being out-of-bounds… and it worked a treat.
Students and staff poured onto the oval in droves, ready to hit the ground running, with a full roster of track and field events programmed for the day. As usual, the Pastoral Leaders were as competitive as the students, with a full spectrum of colours fighting for the title of Athletics Champion. Despite an early push from Namatjira and Oodgeroo Houses, it was once again the powerhouses of Flynn and MacKillop going neck-and-neck, all the way to the finish line.
After the relays were run, with the Staff teams once again putting in a magnificent effort, it was the mighty MacKillop House that once again took the title, completing the hattrick and declaring victory for the third year running. Well done to all competitors for their excellent efforts and for displaying such wonderful House spirit by attending school on what could have been a very wet day.
Top finishers from our College Carnival will now be invited to represent the College at the SECA Inter-school Athletics Carnival, scheduled for Week 6 this term. Please keep an eye out for more information to come.
Congratulations to our Age Champions and Runners-up, as well as our 2021 Ironman and Ironwoman:
SECA Season 2 Day 1
The first day of SECA Season Two may have been the coldest of the year, but the students of Chisholm Catholic College were running hot, with a whole new round of sports and activities to enjoy. With all results still to come in, some of our early bird specials include teams that went undefeated all day, winning four out of four games, including: Open Boys Basketball Div A; Year 7 Girls Touch Football Div A; Year 8 Boys Indoor Soccer Teams 1 & 2 in Div A; Junior and Senior Girls AFL 9’s Div A. We look forward to another two magnificent rounds of sport over the coming two weeks, and many more victories to celebrate. Well done to all students on a brilliant first day.
Sporting Spotlight
Chisholm’s resident champion Pole Vaulter, Cameron MacDonald (Year 12), recently competed in the Australian National Track & Field Championships in Sydney. He finished in 4th place in the U18 Male Pole Vault competition, with a jump of 4.05m. Cameron has enjoyed a number of podium finishes in State and National events over the last few years and has some big things ahead of him. Congratulations on a spectacular effort Cameron!
What’s Coming up in Sport Term 3
Week Two: Thursday 22nd July – SECA Winter Season Two: Round One
Week Three: Thursday 29th July – SECA Winter Season Two: Round Two
Week Four: Tuesday 3rd August – Pacific District Track & Field Trials
Thursday 5th August – SECA Winter Season Two: Round Three
Week Five: Thursday 12th August – SECA AFL 9’s Gala Day (Year 7-12)
Week Six: Wednesday 18th August – SECA Inter-School Athletics Carnival
Thursday 19th August – SECA Winter Season Contingency Day
Week Nine: Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th September
– School Sport South Coast Track & Field Championships
Week Ten: Tuesday 14th September – SECA Rugby Union 7’s Gala Day
Ms. Stacey Thompson
During the first week of the June/July holidays, Chisholm had five SEDA teams compete in various competitions. We had our QISSN Netball Team and combined Chisholm/St James QISSRL Rugby League Team compete in the first 2 days of pool games before the tournament came to a halt due to the COVID snap lock down. Unfortunately, the teams didn’t get to see out the rest of competition. We thank all players, coaching staff, and spectators for showing their support throughout these 2 days and we are looking forward to next year’s tournament in Mackay.
We also had three teams compete in the Gold Coast Invitational Basketball Tournament and came away with 2 x gold medals. This is an outstanding achievement, well done teams!
There is still plenty more SEDA sport to come this term, so watch this space.
Have a great week and God bless!
Library News
Ms. Sarah Martyn
The Library and Learning Enrichment departments are thrilled to welcome our newest member of the team, Douggie.
Douggie will be working with Year 7 and 8 students in their LORAX wide reading program and the Learning Enrichment Centre. He will begin working at the College in Week 3, attending SECA Book Club. Douggie will then attend the College on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Parents in Years 7 and 8 will soon receive a parent slip to give their child permission to interact with Douggie during LORAX lessons.
We are confident Douggie’s presence in these programs will increase student engagement and enhance the reading culture within the College.