2025 Term 1 Week 2
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Deputy Principal's News
Assistant Principal - Religious Education (Mission and Community)'s News
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
New Changes to Medication Procedure
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Sport's News
Library News
Chis Culture News
Community News
Upcoming Events
Principal's News
Welcome Back to the 2025 School Year!
As we embark on the exciting journey of a new school year, I am thrilled to welcome each and every one of you back to our vibrant school community. The start of a new academic year is always filled with anticipation, hope, and the promise of new beginnings.
This year let's set our sights high and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Whether you are a returning student or new to our College, I encourage all students to set ambitious goals. Remember, every goal, no matter how big or small, is a step towards personal growth and achievement. Take this time to reflect on what you want to accomplish and how you can make the most of your time here.
Our dedicated teachers and staff are here to support you every step of the way. We are committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. Let's work together to foster a community of respect, kindness, and collaboration.
As we move forward, let's embrace the new start with enthusiasm and determination. Together, we can make this school year one of the best yet. Welcome back, and let's make 2025 a year to remember!
An Open Invitation to All Parents
At the time of enrolling students, we discuss the need to form a partnership – focused on providing opportunities for holistic growth made available at the College. This can be a challenge for secondary schools – teenagers may be resistant to parents being as involved in their learning. But, it is vital that there is ongoing involvement during these years of development; therefore, I extend an open invitation to all parents to be involved and visible. When we have events we will forward an invitation – please know that we want you to be actively involved.
This week we have our Opening College Mass (Thursday, 6th February). This event marks the official commencement to the 2025 academic year, as well as the commissioning of our Student Leaders, Year 12s and Year 7s. Later, I outline how parents could be involved in the Parents and Community Association (PCA).
Year 7 – A Great Start
We welcomed our newest cohort to the Chisholm FAMILY last week. Their enthusiasm was visible to many, and we encourage this as we move into learning this week. Their Formation was ably supported by many staff who want to see them experience early success, and to feel that they belong.
On Tuesday, 11th February, we have the Year 7 Parent BBQ and Information Evening. The focus is on further supporting the smooth transition into secondary education. Parents/caregivers will meet their child’s Pastoral Care Teacher, as well as other parents. It is also intended to provide further information and guidance on school procedures and how best to support learning.
Staffing – Leadership Changes and Welcome to New Staff
At the end of last year, we appointed the following staff to leadership positions. We are very confident that these current staff members will effectively support our students and staff:
- Mrs Janet Solomon – Pastoral Leader: Mitchell (Year 10)
- Mr Joshua Damen – Acting Pastoral Leader: Parer (Year 9)
- Mr Jake Rowles – Acting Pastoral Leader: Oodgeroo (Year 11)
We welcome the following staff to our teaching team. We look forward to sharing their story and journey in education through upcoming Newsletters. They each offer amazing capabilities, knowledge and experience.
- Mr Jason Collins
- Mr Liam Hughes
- Mrs Rachel Odgers
- Mr David Southwood
- Mrs Alison Williamson (Mrs Williamson has previously worked at the College)
Joining our Guidance Counselling team is Mrs Maree Stevens and Mr Andrew Foley. Both have a wealth of experience as teachers and in support roles within schools. We have great confidence in what they will bring to our students and community. We also welcome back from parental leave, Mrs Jacinta Murray!
Our very important School Officer Team has also seen the welcome addition of Mrs Emma Haerse – Library Technician (Part Time). Mrs Haerse has experience in school settings and will become a valued member of the Library team.
Parents and Community Association (PCA)
The PCA provides a valuable opportunity for parent voice and engagement. Last year we saw positive numbers attending each of the meetings, supporting our overall efforts. Unlike P&Cs, the focus is not on fundraising.
Our first meeting for 2025 will be held on Tuesday, 18th February.
The following meeting will be the Annual General Meeting – Tuesday, 4th March. Positions on the Executive will become available for interested parents or community members.
God bless!
Damian Bottaccio
Deputy Principal's News
Sun Safety
Students are required to wear their hats to and from school, between classes and at both breaks. This is designed for their sun safety. Students are also encouraged to wear sunscreen, particularly if they like to play on the oval at breaktimes. Sunscreen should also be applied during HPE lessons and outdoor sporting activities. Sunscreen is available for these times. With the very hot weather that we have been experiencing, this is more important than ever.
Lining Up for Buses
Just a reminder that students who are waiting for buses or to be picked up at the front of the school need to wait behind the fence. Students are only to move to the kerb once the bus/car has arrived at the front of the school.
Assistant Principal - Religious Education (Mission and Community)'s News
Welcome to the 2025 school year. We hope that all families enjoyed the summer break. This year is shaping up to be another fantastic year, and we look forward to walking shoulder to shoulder with the Chisholm Community. Here is what’s in store over the next few weeks:
Student Leadership Formation Breakfast and Service-Learning Excursion
This week, our Year 9 and 12 students are invited to attend the first of two formation experiences – the Student Leadership Formation Breakfast. Student Leaders and their parents have received their invitation via email, and the focus of this first session is two-fold; to get to know each other as a team, and to understand how we as a community are called to Live Christ’s Challenge through our servant leadership.
A second Parent Slip will be sent this week for the second formation experience, an excursion to Lighthouse Care Loganholme where we will put our servant-leadership skills into practice as we work for the betterment of our local community.
We look forward to working with our Student Leaders over the coming weeks as they forge their vision for the 2025 school year.
Opening Mass and Investiture Ceremony
This week will also see us celebrate our College Opening Mass and Investiture Ceremony. Parents of Year 7 and 12 students, along with parents of the Year 9 and 12 Leaders, will have received communication via email regarding this important event in our community, and we look forward to officially welcoming our Year 7s into the Chisholm community, as well as recognising this important milestone for Year 12 students and our student leaders. We also offer a heartfelt welcome to Fr. Joshua Nash, OMI, who will preside over the Mass.
Year 7 Liturgy
During the first two days of school, our Year 7 students celebrated their first Chisholm liturgy, learning about the symbols, responses and actions we use at Chisholm as a significant expression of the faith-life of the College. We are so impressed by the reverence and respect shown by our Year 7 students and thank the amazing Year 7s who volunteered on behalf of their house to fulfill speaking and non-speaking roles as part of this celebration.
To our beautiful Year 7s, we hope you feel very welcome!
Chisholm Staff Service-Learning – Eat Up Australia.
Last week, the teaching team of Chisholm Catholic College engaged with Eat Up Australia to prepare 1200 sandwiches for local school students who may attend school without sufficient breakfast or lunch over the next few weeks. This was done to live out our 2025 College Catholic Identity goal – Deepen our Lived Connection to the Catholic Tradition through communal prayer, faith formation and mission (service).
Mary MacKillop, one of our house patrons said “never see a need without doing something about it”. This year, we look to explore ways that we can put the Catholic values of our school into action. After all, that is the way that we indeed Live Christ’s Challenge.
2025 Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope
Pope Francis announced 2025 as a Jubilee year, themed Pilgrims of Hope. A Jubilee year, called every 25 years, is a time of dedicated prayer, pilgrimage and faith-renewal. As Pope Francis states “the forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire”. With suffering, war, climate change and the impacts of COVID lingering around the world, this Jubilee promises to offer many opportunities for the world to gather as one in solidarity, faith and hope.
I offer the community Pope Francis’ prayer for the Jubilee year. May it bring comfort, hope and strength to all as we embark on the journey of the 2025 school year.
God Bless.
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Assistant Principal - Curriculum's News
Curriculum Letters Term One
The importance of good organisation can never be overrated. At the start of a new school year, students are encouraged to plan their study schedules so that they can manage the many competing demands on their time. A good plan can and does help to mitigate the stresses of assessment, homework and learning new content. This year, we hope to help our students plan their time effectively with our Curriculum Letters and the new student diaries.
The Curriculum Letters will be published at the beginning of Week 3 each term and can be found on the Parent Portal and detail the content of each learning area, the type of assessment students are completing as well as the due dates. A copy of these letters will also be sent out at the beginning of Week 3 to all students and parents.
Exam Block Year 11 – Week 9
Year 11 students will be entering the senior phase of their course work this term. The assessment journey begins in Week 9 with exams occurring for most of their senior subjects. Students will not be expected to be at school every day, as normal lessons will not continue. Students will also have assessment and project work that will be due in the coming weeks. These privileges are part of the perks of being in Senior. Please note that they are privileges and not entitlements.
Students can be exam ready and study fit by revising content every night, giving themselves brain breaks to retain content and having an exam kit ready to go (pencil, black or blue pen, eraser, ruler, clear plastic pencil case or bag, clear water bottle). I encourage you to download the Year 11 curriculum letters to help support your child through this exciting and nerve-wracking time. The exam block timetable will sent out closer to the Block exam dates.
Illness and Misadventure
If your child is sick or absent on the day of an exam, they will need to apply for an Access Arrangement for Reasonable Adjustment (AARA). This is a mandated process that is approved through the QCAA. Students will need to submit a student statement, a medical report in the case of an illness, or other supporting documentation including official notices, police reports or government reports.
In the case of an illness on the day of a scheduled exam your child will also need to provide a medical certificate which outlines the following information:
- the illness, condition or event (including details of a diagnosis, where applicable)
- date of diagnosis, onset or occurrence
- symptoms, treatment or course of action related to the condition or event
- explanation of the probable effect of the illness, condition or event on the student’s participation in the assessment
As this process is approved by QCAA, there is no guarantee that the student will be able to sit a comparable exam. For more information around these requirements please use this link to the QCAA handbook.
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing's News
Welcome back!
Welcome to the start of the 2025 school year at Chisholm Catholic College. We are looking forward to a fantastic year. This year we welcome three new Pastoral Leaders to the Pastoral Leaders Team. We are looking forward to the energy and new ideas they will bring to the team.
Mitchell House - Mrs Janet Solomon
Parer House - Mr Joshua Damen
Oodgeroo House - Mr Jake Rowles
Year 7 Camp
A friendly reminder to complete the Parent Slip for the upcoming Year 7 Camp at QCCC Tamborine (17–19 February 2025) by Tuesday, 4 February 2025. This is essential for your child’s participation.
If your child requires medication while at camp, please ensure that Form A (Request to Administer Medication) and Form B (Medication Administration Instructions) are submitted before departure. All medication must be in its original pharmacy packaging and delivered to the College Front Reception by a parent/guardian.
Please take the time to carefully read all camp information to ensure your child is fully prepared. We look forward to an exciting and enriching experience for our Year 7 students!
For any questions, please contact Antonia Conomos at aconomos@bne.catholic.edu.au.
Get Ready for Learning! - College Uniform Reminders
A key part of setting up our students for success is ensuring they are ready for learning every day, which includes wearing the College uniform correctly and with pride.
The College Uniform Policy is designed to promote a sense of belonging, equality, and respect among students. By adhering to the policy, students demonstrate that they are prepared and focused on their education.
To ensure a smooth start to the year, we ask for your support in reinforcing the following key uniform expectations:
- Students must wear black, leather, lace-up school shoes.
- Lifestyle shoes such as Nike Air Force 1s, skate shoes, high-tops or other similar footwear are not permitted with the formal or the sports uniform. The sport uniform requires students to wear shoes such as runners.
Jewellery and Accessories:
- Students may wear a watch, a necklace with a religious cross and one pair of plain studs or sleepers in their ears.
- Other jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, or multiple piercings, is not permitted. Students will be asked to remove these and the items will be confiscated. Students with piercings are required to wear clears at all times. Skin Candy professionally removes piercings for free and they will replace them with clears for only $5. Please check SkinKandy for the nearest location.
Uniform Compliance:
Students must wear the full, correct uniform as outlined in the College Uniform Policy, which is available on the College website. If there is a valid reason your child cannot wear the correct uniform on a given day, please provide a signed note for them to bring to school.
To encourage consistent compliance with the policy:
- The College has spare uniforms available at the Uniform Support Room to assist students in meeting the uniform expectations.
- One warning per term will be issued to students who are out of uniform. They will be provided with a Uniform Pass for the day.
- If a student attends school out of uniform a second time in the same term, parents will be asked to bring the correct uniform to the College or if this is not possible, to collect their child from the College.
We are confident that with your support, all students will arrive at school each day feeling confident and prepared for learning. By working together, we can uphold the high standards that reflect our shared values and the pride we have in our College community.
To clarify the uniform processes, please take a moment to review the following flowchart:
2025 Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is a Global Day of Action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues and work towards a safer internet.
The eSafety Commissioner leads the day in Australia and we’re calling on all Australians to help make the internet a safer, and more positive place.
Why is Safer Internet Day important?
Whether you’re working, learning, playing or scrolling – the internet is a huge part of life. It opens a world of opportunities, but also comes with risks, especially for young people and other at-risk groups.
Let's look at the numbers that remind us why online safety is so important.
Please find the above flyer for download here: SID25_edu_flyer_secondary.pdf
New Changes to Medication Procedure
BCE has recently revised the procedure and practices relating to medications administered to students at school or during school-based activities
In 2025 ALL medication to be administered (given) to a student by school staff must now be medically authorised by a registered health practitioner.
The types of medication that must be prescribed by a medically authorised registered health practitioner include:
- Over-the-counter medicines – which can be purchased from supermarkets, health food stores or on-line retailers. Examples include paracetamol, ibuprofen, antihistamines, alternative medicines, supplements, vitamins, etc.
- Pharmacy medicines – which can only be purchased from a pharmacy. Examples include cough and cold medicines, heart burn medication.
- Pharmacist only medicines – which can only be purchased from a pharmacy after speaking with the pharmacist. Examples include asthma inhalers, EpiPens, mild steroid creams, glucagon (hypokit).
- Prescription only medicines – which can only be purchased from a pharmacy with a valid prescription from a treating health practitioner.
- Controlled drugs – such as Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Artige, Concerta), Dexamfetamine sulfate (Aspen, Sigma), Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), opioid pain medication, etc.
For example, if the student requires an antihistamine which may be purchased over-the-counter, prior to purchasing, it must be prescribed by a medically authorised registered health practitioner and have the indicators listed (signs and symptoms) of when the medication is to be administered for the student.
All medication must be received in its original or pharmacy packaging with the pharmacy label attached to the original/pharmacy packaging. Medication must be in the most recently dispensed, original/pharmacy packaging. Refilled, previously dispensed packaging, will not be accepted by the school.
If your child takes a medicine that requires cutting of a tablet, the tablet must be pre-cut and packaged by a pharmacist (in a Webster-Pak or similar) prior to providing the medicine to the school.
Attached are two documents that would need to be completed and supplied with the relevant information:
- Form A – Request to Administer Medication
- Form B – Medication Administration Instructions
More information will be supplied about the changing policy as it comes to hand and as supporting documentation is issued from BCE.
Enrolments 2025 and 2026
Sport's News
Representative School Sport
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. Representative school sport leaps out of the blocks in Term 1, find below the link to the 2025 Representative Sport Calendar found on the District Sport Facebook page. Keep in mind that this is Version 5 and could have further changes possibly through the year. This document is best located on this site as the District Secretary can update and communicate changes to the Calendar and Pacific District/South Coast Regional Trial changes to all who follow the page. https://www.facebook.com/pacificdistrictschoolsport
Below is the link to the Chisholm Catholic College Representative Sport Nomination form. Please read the link instructions carefully and be aware of the sport/s you would like to trial for. This link will close on Tuesday, 4th February. Ensure you fill in all sections with as much information as possible.
This nomination is for all remaining Representative Sport trials over the 2025 school year. We have streamlined this process as there are 70 trials in Term 1, and the remaining 32 trials are spread across Term 2/3/4. Successful trial Paperwork will be emailed directly to students/families in all cases. It will be the student's responsibility to get this paperwork signed by myself ( Mr Ellis, Principals Signatory Delegate -Sport) or a member of the College Leadership team in main admin. My desk can be found at Door 3 of the Admin Building or simply leave at Main Reception for collection.
SECA Sport
Preparations for the Term 2 season of SECA Sport are well under way with nominations for 2025 occurring very shortly.
Expressions of interest will be emailed to all students and placed in Daily Notices about SECA Cricket in Term 1. Interested students need to email Mr Ellis so we can nominate teams to this SECA Gala Day event. Teams are combined Year levels 7 & 8, 9 &10, and then seniors for boys and girls.
Congratulations to...
If there are any spectacular sporting results from over the holiday period, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Ellis so we can celebrate our students’ success with the College community.
Library News
Welcome Back to 2025 from the Touch Football Excellence Academy!
Welcome back to another exciting year at Chisholm! We hope you had a restful break and are ready to dive into 2025 with enthusiasm and determination. We are thrilled to share some news from the Touch Football Excellence Academy.
What's New for 2025?
- This year, we are proud to announce that we have been officially recognized as a Sport Excellence and Development Academy (SEDA) sport! This prestigious recognition opens up new opportunities for our students and enhances our program's quality and reach.
- Game Development Days: We will be hosting game development days to help our Touch athletes refine their skills and deepen their understanding of the game.
- Level 1 Referee Accreditation Courses: For those interested in officiating, we will be offering Level 1 referee accreditation courses. This is for students both in the program and those who are just interested in official accreditation.
How to Join the Program?
Keep an eye on the Chisholm daily notices and your emails for trial dates. Each age group (U13 girls & boys, U15 girls & boys, and U18 girls & boys) will have two trial afternoons each, scheduled between weeks 3-5. Further details regarding training schedules, uniforms, and carnival dates will be confirmed at the trials.
What Can You Do Now?
- Get Fit: Start working on your fitness to ensure you're in top shape for the trials.
- Follow the 3 CCC's of Chisholm: Remember to be Courteous, Conscientious, and Connected in all your endeavours both in and out of the classrooms.
Interested in trialling for the District Representative Teams?
- Keep your eye out for an email from Mr. Ellis (Head of Sport) regarding the nomination process for district sport. Make sure you fill this out and return ASAP. There is a hard deadline.
- Email Miss. Vergunst (Touch Football Excellence Coordinator) expressing your interest in these trials and wait for a meeting. Please note each school is only allowed to send a maximum of 5 students per age group so internal trials may have to be conducted to honour this requirement.
- If successful, wait for an approval email from Miss. Vergunst and Mr. Ellis providing you with further information around the trials.
District Trial Dates & Locations
Age Group | Trial Date | Location |
Beenleigh Zone District Trials 10-12yrs GIRLS
| Wednesday 7th May | TBC |
Beenleigh Zone District Trials 10-12yrs BOYS
| Wednesday 7th May | TBC |
Pacific District Trials 10-12yrs GIRLS
| Thursday 15th May | TBC |
Pacific District Trials 10-12yrs BOYS
| Thursday 15th May | TBC |
Pacific District 13-15yrs GIRLS
| Thursday 13 March | Bill Norris Oval, Beenleigh |
Pacific District 13-15yrs BOYS | Thursday 13 March | Bill Norris Oval, Beenleigh |
Pacific District 16-18yrs GIRLS | Thursday 13 March | Bill Norris Oval, Beenleigh |
Pacific District 16-18yrs BOYS | Thursday 13 March | Bill Norris Oval, Beenleigh |
We are excited about the year ahead and look forward to seeing you all excel both on and off the field. Let's make 2025 a year to remember!
Abigail Vergunst / Touch Football Excellence Coordinator
Chis Culture News
Welcome to Chis Culture, the heart of our Creative and Performing Arts at Chisholm Catholic College.
Vision and Mission
Chis Culture aims to recognise, develop, and maximize the God-given talents of our students in Music, Dance, Art, Drama, and Musical and Technical Productions. Rooted in the FAMILY values of Faith, Fun, Friendship, and Fellowship, we strive to "Live Christ’s Challenge."
Chis Culture Groups
Our co-curricular groups are essential to Chis Culture, with some requiring auditions. More information will be announced in the coming weeks to inform students how to join the groups.
- Art Club (Thursday afternoons): Project-based group with exhibitions and workshops.
- Vocal Ensemble - One AChord (Monday afternoons & Thursday and Friday Lunch 1): A diverse vocal group involved in Music Ministry and various events and competitions.
- Instrumental Ensembles (Rostered rehearsal dates): Passionate musicians participating in competitions and events, learning various music genres.
- Lunchbox Theatre and Theatre Sports: Drama groups participating in school plays and community competitions and drama activities.
- Information Session Details:
- When: Tuesday, Week 3
- Where: Drama Room
- Time: Second Break
- If you are interested in participating, please come along to our information session to learn more about what we do, and to meet the team. Please complete the Expression of Interest Form, to register your interest in participating. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of something amazing!
- Points of Contact: Mr. Patrick Lockyer; plockyer@bne.catholic.edu.au, and Ms. Kelsey Pigram; kpigram@bne.catholic.edu.au
- Information Session Details:
- Chisholm Dance Teams - Topaz, Zirconia, Garnet, and Emerald (Rehearsal schedule): Dancers performing and learning a variety of dance genres featured in eisteddfods and events.
Creative Ministries
This year, we are branching out our Chis Culture Groups to serve our community through Creative Ministries. Students will share their talents at liturgical events, supporting the spiritual life of our school.
- Art Club: Genesis Ministry
- Dance Teams: Grace Ministry
- Drama - Lunchbox Theatre: Acts Ministry
- Instrumental Ensembles: Song of Songs Music Ministry
- Vocal Ensemble - One AChord: Song of Songs Music Ministry
Instrumental Program
Chis Culture offers an Instrumental Program with private tutors for piano, drums, guitar, and bass guitar during school hours. Enrolment forms are available at the Student Reception or the Parent Portal.
Our Faith in Action
At Chis Culture, we believe every student has a unique gift. By participating in our groups, students can discover their talents, create lasting memories, and be a blessing to others. Our faith is in action as we encourage everyone to join events, enhance their skills, and contribute to our community.
Our Logo
Designed by a former student, J. Grocott, our logo beautifully captures the essence of our arts community, featuring a music manuscript shaped like a 'C' for our school song, drama masks, an art brush, and a dancer in a crucifix pose. These elements, along with the southern cross and Christian fish, symbolize our commitment to faith and creativity.
by: Pam Picart-Manalac – Program Leader Performing Arts
Community News
Copyright in some materials appearing in this newsletter are owned by third parties and should not be used or reproduced without the authority of the third party. The links to websites or webpages are for information purposes only. To the extent that such third party materials are not owned by BCE, we accept no responsibility for such content.